Now Has Come the Time for Action' On Oct, 30, 1963 -- some 22 "'l believe in an America that is credo then and that is my credo "Now has come the time for action; days before he vOas assassinated-- on the march, an America respected now... Clear away all thought of faction President John F. Kennedy said: "In the words which concluded Out from vacillating shame, by all nations, friends and foe alike, a historic address to our party by, every man no lie contain "May I repeat the words with an America that is moving, doing, the great American Claude Bowers, Let him answer to his name. which I summarized my view of working, trying, a strong America some 35 years ago, in the '28 Call the roll." America three years ago: in a world of peace.' That was campaign:" r 5. HALL, NAGELL, DEAN AUGUSTINOVICH. These- To Unlock JFK •sotrt: • Sen. Frank Church's Senate Intelligence Committee can now solve the John F. Kennedy murder mystery and put the nations's minds to rest by rounding up a half dozen former Central In- VI telligence Agency operatives and getting their testimony. An extensive, comprehensive investigation by TATTLER makes this possible. Their testimony will show that the CIA, in league 'with other • government intelligence agencies, was involved in the assassination of America's 35th President. v The information they can supply under oath will implicate a former U.S. Senator and a former very high ranking ArMy officer as being in the upper echelon of the Kennedy murder conspiracy. Irregardless, the Kennedy assassination has been solved "as to who did what On a lower level," as one prominent assassination investigator. puts it. Or, as a former CIA officer says, "we were involved as part of a periphial intelligence operation.". TATTLER suggests the committee . By JOHN MOULDER • headed by Sen. Church (D-Idaho), if it is Spatial to WO iietiond Tower interested in gdtting to the bottom of the matter, subpoena, as starters, the following persons: prosecution, to reveal under oath details of LORAN EUGENE HALL. Like E. what happened in Dealey Plaza on Nov. XI, Howard Hunt, Hall helped train the anti- 1963, when President Kennedy was shot to Castro Cubans who were annihilated in the death. Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961. Hall, an HARRY DEAN, also known as Dean adventurer, fled the country after TAT- Fallon, now a private detective in TLER identified him in the JFK con- Alhambra, Calif. A former Secretary of spiracy, in a special edition July 13. the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in RICHARD CASE NAGELL. A former Chicago, Dean says he was a CIA agent at Korean War hero and former CIA agent, the same time accused presidential Nagel now lives in a Northwestern city, assassin Lee Harvey °Mild was also a drawing a $2,000 monthly CIA "pension" CIA agent and was, in fact, Oswald's for his silence. Through an intermediary, partner. Dean feels Oswald was a "patsy" he's offered, in return for immunity from and has annually traveled to Fort Worth to 4 Popkin; professor of philosophy . at the Washington University at St. Louis, author place floweret; on Oswald's grave in Rose of "The Second Oswald" and, one of the Hill Cemetery on the anniversary of his nation's most respected of, the Warren death. Commission critics. RONALD LEE AUGUSTINOVICH, 37, Popkin notified TATTLER recently that now a private investigator in a South- •Nagell is ready to testify before the Church western-city. Augustinovich is a former Committee, which is investigating CIA operative. Augustinovich has claimed domestic and foreign wrongdoing by the that Oswald, as a CIA agent, was assigned CIA, in return for immunity. to him and operated under the cover name of "Torn Kane." NAGELL CAN, POPKIN told TAT- Informants who have been connected in TLER, lay bare the entire details of the various ways to government intelligence, assassination of President Kennedy from private or official investigation of the the way it happened "on a lower level." •Kennedy assassination, or to individuals Popkin also has available, If the com- involved have provided TATTLER with mittee is interested, the transcript of a 90- • data that could lead to a final public hour interview under hypnosis, some 3,000 resolvement of the most haunting issue of pages transcribed, with Luis Angel the second bail of the 211th Century — Who Castillo, a native of Puerto Rico who is killing off the Kennedys, and why? . claims to have been one of the "Hit men" Nagel], one of the more interesting of the in Dealey Plaza when President Ken- figures now making himself available for nedy's head was blown away. testimony, is working through Richard H. According to Popkin, Castillo made his statement under hypnosis in 1968 when he was arrested in Manila in the Philippines as a suspect in a su.spected CIA ti S.` $% • • I assassination plot against Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos. However, the Phillippine National Bureau of Investigation claims Castillo was under truth serum when he said he took part in an assassination plot against. President Kennedy. At the time, Castillo was 24 years old. According to Filipino authorities he was n Cuban-trained Communist agent sent to the Philippines to contact Communist guerillas. According to authorities in the Philip- pines, Castillo said under-truth serum and hypnotic grilling that he was in Dallas on Nov. 22,1963, "and had been giiren a rifle by an unidentified man and told to shoot a man in an open car during a motorcade." • • THE AUTHORITIES said Castillo said he actually didn't use the rifle beCause "he heard that somebody else had already shot the man in the open car." Castillo said the man who actually had fired the shot was known to him as only JIM BRADEN ... or Eugene Hale Brading - his name keeps cropping up in Kennedy con- spiracy investigations, but he has denied to TATTLER any role in the assassination. Joe, • • LORAN HALL ... when TAT- Castillo told authorities there were 15 • TLER identified him in the other men stationed along Remedy's route from Dallas" Love Field to the Trade Mart, JFK conspiracy in its July 13 ready to kill the president edition, Hall fled the country. • Popkin describes Castillo as "a Man- be Lee Harvey Oswald. churian candidate" who is still working "I would rather be arrested than commit somewhere in the world, "walking around murder and treason," Nagell reportedly like a robot" and waiting for his next declared. assignment. On Sept. 20, 1963, Nagell sent a The professor claims Nage11,. the former registered letter to FBI director J. Edgar CIA man, has insured. himself against Hoover ( now dead) and told him of the being murdered by the CIA through in- pending assassination plot. The plan then, tricate_ cloak-and-dagger means. „ according to Nagell, was to kill Kennedy Nagell, Popkin insists, was hoisted away on Sept. 26. and put into a federal mental institution Miami and Mexico City had been for three years to get him out of the way discussed as possible sites to assassinate and remove his credibility. President Kennedy before the murder Nagell, as a CIA agent, had operated actually occurred. under the names of "Joseph Kramer" and After mailing the letter to Hoover, "Robert Nolan," he has said. Be said he Nagell walked into an El Paso bank, pulled had investigated an anti-Castro out a pistol and fired a shot into the ceiling. assassination plot to kill President Ken- nedy. He then walked outside and waited to be arrested. NAGELL SAID HE verified that the plot was authentic and that his instructions AFTER HIS ARREST, he said he were to kill the "patsy," who turned out to wanted to be in custody, under federal protection, when the assassination took place. Under grilling by authorities in El worked as a private detective for Paso, Nagell conceded it was "a desperate Louisiana Mafia boss Carlos Marcella, alibi attempt." was the first person accused by Garrison The much-criticized Warren Com- in the Kennedy conspiracy. mission does note that Nagell had met After Garrison's investigation was Oswald in Mexico. publicized, Ferrie was found dead in his Continued on Page 3 apartment in New Orleans. After his death, ruled a suicide, Garrison called Ferrie "one of the most important in- (continued from page 2) dividuals of the 20th Century." Medical Oswald, whom the Warren Commission authorities said a karate chop to the back named as the lone assassin of President of Ferrie's neck could have caused his Kennedy, went to Mexico in September of death. 1963. While there he visited the Cuban and Hall in 1964 told the FBI he had been in Russian embassies presumably to Dallas in September 1963 in connection arrapge passage back' to Russia to where with his anti-Castro activities and had he had defected in 1959. visited Mrs Sylvia Odio. Mrs. Odio, a The Church Committee gave no initial Cuban refugee, testified before the Warren response to Poplin's telegram, similar to Commission that a "Leon Oswald" had the reaction from previous com- attended a meeting in her home. Later she munications. identified the "Leon Oswald" as Lee On June 10, Popkin and Dick Gregory, Harvey Oswald, the man the Warren comedian and civil rights activist, wired Commission eventually designated the the White House that they-were ready to lone assassin of President Kennedy. hand over to President Ford or Attorney Oswald was slain by Jack Ruby two days ' General Edward Levi "vital information after Kennedy was killed. documenting conspiracy in domestic On Nov.
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