*es.i.7<o.l3 I' lM.r v'rSold jnrrrn; l.y ■ GRAMMATICAL WORKS, By the Author of the French Translator. FRENCH GRAMMATOLOGY; A COURSE OF FRENCH. IN THREE VOLUMES, 12mo. FIRST VOLUME. The PRONOUNCING INSTRUCTOR ; containing an Exposition of French taryPronunciation, Phraseology a correspondingVocabulary with with the the Figurative Rules of Grammar:Pronunciation, and an Elemen- Modem Conversation exemplified byALSO, Sixty Dialogues, with Idiomatical Phrases alphabeticallyFrench Letters, arranged and the ; differentand an ModelsEpistolary of Style. Guide, showing the Ceremonial of SECOND VOLUME. The READING INSTRUCTOR; containing Easy and Gradual Lessons in aProse Figurative and in PronunciationVerse, composed and of a Fables,Vocabulary Anecdotes, : and virtuous Examples, with ALSO, ratives,Extracts, Descriptions, both in Prose Natural and History,in Verse, Moralfrom FrenchDefinitions; Literature; Moral, comprising Literary, Nar-and Poetry.Political Characters; Letters, Eloquence, Lyrics, Pastorals, Satires, and Dramatic THIRD VOLUME. NineThe Parts GRAMMATICAL of Speech, with numerousINSTRUCTOR and easy ; containingExercises; thearranged Etymology on a new of andthe itsmethodical single and Plan, compound in which, Tenses among on otherthe same improvements, page, with everynumerous species Exercises: of Verbs has ALSO, constantThe Syntax references of the to rulesNine byParts means of Speech, of figures. explained by copious Exercises, with _ The whole arranged by an original Method, facilitating the knowledge of the tainingFrench everyLanguage. Rule ofDesigned the Grammar. for the use of Schools, and illustrated by a Key, con- Testimonials in favour of the above Course of French. Dunbar, 1st April 1826. nion)The you arefollowing justly entitledacknowledgment from every is ateacher tribute of of youth. gratitude to which (in my opi- expectingI have introducedto find one morethat wouldthan seven suit myor eight purpose different as a proper French text-book grammars, for teaching always by ; but, after these repeated trials, I found that a French grammar, written in a conciseImmediately and perspicuous upon the method, publication was ofstill your a desideratum. Grammatology, 1 introduced the work ; andfound from that the my plain, pupils simple, make moreand yet proficiency concise manner in the inlanguage which it in is sixcomposed, months, I havethan theyIndeed, formerly upon were a careful accustomed and an to impartialdo in twelve, examination, and with farthe greater work easesufficiently to myself. re- intocommends the most itself; respectable and I ht}veschools no anddoubt, academies in a very in shortthe kingdom. time, it will find its way JAMRSTeacher MORTON,in Dunbar. 16th April 1826. It gives me great pleasure to state, that in my opinion, the work called Gram- matology,The first is volume, very valuable, devoted and to Pronunciation,peculiarly well fittedPhraseology, to be useful and inDialogues, Schools. con- Thetains Treatisemany particulars on Pronunciation of great isimportance, simple, perspicuous, and executed and ample.with greatIts efficacyjudgment. has beenSurenne’s fully pupilsproved at in many the accuracy public examinations, and propriety beforeof pronunciation judges of acknowledgedexemplified by com- Mr arepetency. to instruct It cannot, others. therefore, fail to be highly valued, particularly by those who rangedThe extractsas to introduce in the second the volumestudent areprogressively well selected, to an and acquaintance are so methodically with French ar- literature.The Grammar in the third volume is copious, yet simple in its rules ; and the methodwords to of be referring corrected, constantly is quite original,to the rules, and bymust means be of of very figures great placed advantage. below the myThe opinion, systematic too highly arrangement extolled. and perspicuity of the whole tfrork cannot be, in TeacherGEO. inKNIGHT, Edinburgh. 10th April 1826. consistingI am of of opinion a Pronouncing that the courseInstructor, of French a Reading studies, Instructor, composed andby Mra Grammatical Surenne, degree,Instructor, the fromacquisition its simple of a andpractical well-digested knowledge plan, of the tends French to facilitate, language; in and, no smallwhe- therwhich for I publicam acquainted. or private teaching, that it is preferable to any work of the kind with - ALEXANDERTeacher in Edinburgh. BROWN, 10th April 1826. vincedUpon of atheir minute decided and superioritycareful perusal in every of your respect three over volumes, all other I was books completely of the con-like descriptionthe work, but that it hadis wholly come unnecessary,under my notice. as I amMuch perfectly might eonvinced, be said on that the it merits requires of onlythe best to beof knownthe kind to extant.the candid and judicious teacher, to be acknowledged to be For ray own part, I can say, I have used no oilier class-book for French these severalmy most years sanguine past; expectations.and I juslly aver,And that 1 have the nosuccess hesitation attending whatever it hasin affirming,surpassed thatmethod, the Frenchand much language more accurately, may be attained than byin thoseont-fouriU methods of theordinarily usual timepursued. by your haveI mostrendered sincerely to the hope, British therefore, youth, that,in facilitating after the verytheir importantprogress in service so popular which youand whichelegant they a branch so eminently of their deserve. education, your productions will meet with that reward TeacherALEXANDER of French, Dalkeith.PARK, IT is with unfeigned pleasure, and strict justice,Bathgate, I bear September testimony 26,to the1825. superior talentstions are, of inMotfsiEuit my opinion, Suhenne, the best extant as a inGrammarian point of clearness, His grammatical method, and produc- prin- RectorJAMES of Bathgate TAYLOR, Academy. As I have been familiar with your native language,Montrose, almost 2ith Septembersince my 1825.infancy, andhope have I shall been be muchjustified, employed in offering in the this teaching my eager of testimonialFrench for theof mylast high six years,opinion I regardingnous and concentratedyour abilities manner as a Grammarian. in which you Idevelope am anxious the Frenchto point Syntax—a out the lumi-point indure which of other you differGrammarians—Your so greatly from themethod diffuse, of showingobscure, the and French unconnected sounds, proce.is at oncepronunciation. systematic, Itand gives eminently me pleasure favourable to state to thethe rapidingenious attainment and satisfactoryof an accurate ex- planationsFrench language. which you present, as to the more delicate and abstruse points of the ANDREWRector of Montrose JOHNSTONE, Academy. a desideratumWe have long among been books of opinion, of education; that a well-arranged but until we Frenchmet with Grammar the works was placed quite originalat the beginning or useful. of this article, we have seen nothing of the kind which was either ourAfter conviction, a deliberate that M.review Surenne of the has Grammatology, rendered an essential we feel service no hesitation to the incause stating of education,French tongue, by simplifyingand by rendering the mode the acquisitionof communicating of it both the more Rudiments easy and ofmore the interesting.With the assistance of such guides as we have now described, it must be the partfault or of acquire teachers the and knowledge scholars ofthemselves the French. if they To do teachers not, in in a particular,short time, who either are im-not natives,which places these itvolumes on a clear are andvery intelligiblevaluable, from footing the systemScots ofMagaxine, pronunciation October adopted, 1825. A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR FRENCH RHETORIC. IN ONE VOLUME 8v0 : CONTAINING The Laws of Pronunciation, Prosody, Orthography,ALSO, Accentuation, and Punctuation; The Nature of Etymology,of Rhetoric, the and different the several Grammatical Species ofConstructions, Style; the Figures The Rules and Species of Versification,WITH the Management of the Voice concerning Oratorical Pauses, Inflections,Oratorical and Emphasis—the Delivery. Gestures and Passions in dredThe Original whole arrangedExtracts fromon a TwoNew HundredPractical Authors;Plan, and offeringillustrated a Briefby Six View Hun. of tainingFrench everyLiterature, Exercise under of the the Grammar. form of Exercises, and illustrated by a Key, con- calculated“ This towork be very(the successful. Rhetorical Grammar)The author is is critical a complete and philosophical,master of his andsubject; well andwhile the to mostconsult elegant him.” scholar, Glasgow as well Freeas thePress, humblest December student, 24, 1825.may find it worth THE NEW FRENCH MANUAL, AND TRAVELLER’S COMPANION. IN ONE VOLUME, 12mO. CONTAINING liarA Words concise ; Introductionand a Selection to Frenchof Phrases Pronunciation on the most ; acommon copious andVocabulary useful subjects of Fami- : A Series of Conversations on a Tour to France, Descriptive of the Public Build- ings, Institutions, Curiosities, Manners,WITH and Amusements of the French Capital; TablesAn Introduction of French and to BritishEpistolary Monies Correspondence, : to which are Directions added the toStatistics Travellers, of Paris, and illustratedFrench and by British a Map Weights of France and and Measures. a Plan of Paris, and Comparative Tables of Fdinburgh, April 24. haveI CANcomposed have noto facilitatedifficulty thein giving acquisition my attestation of the French to the language. value of the works you SeniorA. MinisterALISON, of StLL. Paul's. B. THE FRENCH TRANSLATOR;
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