APRIL TOURIST ARRIVALS FONG APPEALS INCREASE 8 PERCENT GOVERNMENT PENALTY LAS VEGAS Tourist arrivals totalled 2.96m Fong Soi Kun has submitted CASINO in April 2018, up by 8 percent an appeal to the Court of WORKERS year-on-year and 8.3 percent Second Instance against his OK STRIKE month-to-month dismissal from office P5 P7 P9 THU.24 May 2018 T. 26º/ 33º C H. 60/ 90% facebook.com/mdtimes + 11,000 MOP 8.00 3053 N.º HKD 10.00 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS AP PHOTO Gov’t proposes solution P2 KOREA The United States and South to P. Horizon buyers Korea are laboring to keep the U.S. summit with North Korea on track even after President Donald Trump abruptly said “there’s a very substantial chance” it won’t go off as planned. More on p13 PHILIPPINES The immigration bureau has turned down an Australian nun’s appeal for the reversal of an order revoking her missionary visa after the president complained about her joining opposition rallies and ordered her to leave the country. AP PHOTO THAILAND Police in the Thai capital blocked a march by pro-democracy activists protesting four years of military rule and detained several of the movement’s leaders. INDIA-PAKISTAN Tensions soared yesterday along the volatile frontier between India and Pakistan in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, as rival soldiers shelled dozens of villages and border posts for a sixth straight day. ISRAEL-PALESTINE AUDIT REPORT The Israeli military says it has struck Hamas infrastructure in Gaza after a group of militants entered Israel IC slammed for mismanaging over and torched a military post. P3 More on backpage 100,000 public library books 24.05.2018 thu 2 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO Gov’t to build on Pearl Horizon land, buyers allowed to acquire new units Renato Marques HE government will build Ton the land plot known as the “Pearl Horizon” in the Areia Preta district at its own expen- se, as stated yesterday after- noon at a press conference by the Secretary of Administration and Justice, Sonia Chan. The announcement comes after the Court of Final Appeal (TUI) is- sued the final sentence in the case between the former land concessionaire Polytex Corpo- ration Ltd and the government. The government claimed that, according to the new Land Law, the land plot should be returned due to its non-development for the entire concession period of 25 years. Yesterday the public heard the government’s proposal to si- multaneously resolve both the land plot issue and the issue of small buyers who have been re- peatedly calling on the govern- ment for help to “get their hou- Li Canfeng (left), Sonia Chan and Iong Kong Leong ses back.” In the proposal aired by Sonia to improve housing conditions. before.” However, she made it participating in a new public initially projected commercial Chan, the government intends She concluded by saying, “this clear that the units will not be tender [for the construction of spaces have not been sold to to build a different building solution is not… compensation.” the same as before and that the the building].” anyone [by Polytec] we need to with different characteristics. Chan explained the basic re- building itself will also undergo During the same press confe- reevaluate and see what are the This one would be used mainly quirements that the previous several changes to include seve- rence, the director of the Land, needs [for the area].” as reserve housing units for the “Pearl Horizon” buyers must ral social facilities and leisure Public Works and Transport Chan finally noted, “They temporary lodging of residents possess in order to access the areas. Bureau (DSSOPT) Li Canfeng [buyers] resorted to banking affected by the urban renova- opportunity to acquire one of Questioned on why the go- noted that DSSOPT will “execu- loans [to acquire their units, tion works taking place in the the units, starting with the fact vernment decided to opt for a te as soon as possible the sen- so] they must continue to pay old neighborhoods of the city. that they can only buy one unit “public housing” style and not tence [from TUI] and according for those mortgages [to the As Chan mentioned, “We will each. Companies or groups are for a new public tender, Chan to the Urban Planning Law start banks]” and try to be compen- [use this land plot] for the Tem- not allowed to make purchases, said that “due to the restric- to do the project according to sated via civil cases in the cour- porary Housing Plan to the af- with all units instead reserved tions on the [land]… we only the urban characteristic.” He ts. fected owners on the realization only for individuals. had two options: either redo a noted that the land plot will be According to the figures sta- of the projects of urban renewal. Chan remarked that prices public concession [by tender] developed for the purpose of ted, there were a total of 1,100 Part of those housing units will will be similar to those regis- or to do develop the land our- “housing units, commercial uni- housing units sold by Polytec be decommissioned from the tered at the notary when the selves [the government],” she ts and social facilities.” involving a total number of plan and sold to the ‘Pearl Hori- contracts were first signed, no- said. “We opted for the second As for the final project, Li no- approximately 1,800 people. zon’ buyers.” She noted that the ting also that the housing units one as it is the only option that ted DSSOPT hoped to be inclu- As for the companies participa- aim of the measure is to help “will have approximately the ensures the former buyers [of ded during the public consulta- ting in the acquisitions, the go- the buyers have their house and same size as the ones acquired Pearl Horizon] have their rights tion period. vernment noted a total of 134 protected.” This idea is not yet Questioned on which kind of companies involved in the ac- a final one, but it is now “a pro- social equipment would be in- quisition of a total of 139 other posal from the government that cluded, Li added, “Since the housing units at Pearl Horizon. BUYERS’ REPRESENTATIVE DISAGREES needs to pass through a legis- lative procedure and a regime IN RESPONSE to the govern- ment’s decision Kou noted his own that need to be approved by the STAMP DUTY REFUND TO REACH MOP602 MILLION ment’s announcement, the leader case to say, “I bought two, now it Legislative Assembly.” of the Pearl Horizon Condominium becomes one,” in reference to the The Secretary noted that the Owners United Association, Kou rules noted by the Secretary Sonia DURING THE government duty. According to Iong, there is a government would hold a public press conference held yesterday total of 3,480 cases of tax paid due Meng Pok reacted in a WeChat Chan that would grant the possibil- consultation to take place in the group chat that includes Pearl Ho- ity of acquisition of only one unit afternoon to present the executive to contracts related to the Pearl last quarter of 2018 to help es- proposal for the land plot of the Horizon development that totals rizon buyers, journalists and law- per buyer in the new development tablish the rules of acquisition. makers that Pearl Horizon buyers: to be built by the government, call- former “Pearl Horizon” develop- around MOP602 million. The Questioned on the decision “Must get back the property ac- ing for the resignation of the Secre- ment, the Director of the Financial refund will be done by the DSF and the previously announced cording to the contracts” they have tary of Administration and Justice, Services Bureau (DSF), Iong Kong since, “the contracts cannot be signed with the project developer who they claimed failed to fulfill “proposals” by the company, Leong, said that the government fulfilled anymore.” These refunds – Polytec,” he wrote. Expressing a the promise that the government Chan said, “In fact, we did con- will proceed with the refund to should be processed in the next 30 total disapproval for the govern- would protect buyers’ interests. tact Polytec but the company all buyers who have paid stamp to 60 days. did not show [any interest in] www.macaudailytimes.com.mo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LtD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Juliet Risdon, Lynzy Valles, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, Financial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +12,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO thu 24.05.2018 th Anniversary MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER 澳聞 MACAU 3 PUBLIC LIBRARIES XINHUA Audit report slams book acquisition management Paulo Barbosa to share the guidelines that were “formally approved.” N a report released yes- The CA report notes that there terday, the Commission of are eight staff members respon- Audit (CA) slammed the sible for selecting new books to Drunken Dragon Cultural Affairs Bureau be bought.
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