Vol. XII, No. 2, 2014 The Institute for Priestly Formation A Public Association of the Faithful in the Archdiocese of Omaha Veni, Vidi, Benedictus I came, I saw, I was blessed. Over 2000 seminarians from the past 20 confront the human minister. I return to years could use this slightly altered famous my seminary work, renewed with hope saying to explain their participation in the and purpose,” was the way Fr. Frederick Summer Program for Spiritual Formation Chung, from the Archdiocese of Toronto, for Diocesan Seminarians at Creighton Canada, expressed his appreciation for the University in Omaha. This year’s par- Seminar for Seminary Spiritual Directors. ticipants are no exception. The 168 men Not only have those who have partici- shown below from 66 dioceses and arch- pated in the programs the past 20 years dioceses, from Albany to Allentown, La been blessed, but the Church as a whole Crosse to Lafayette, St. Louis to St. Paul, Classroom Instruction: an integral part has as well. May the Lord continue to carried the blessings from their experience of the summer program. bless the work and mission of IPF and this summer into their next year of study at bring seminarians, priests, and seminary 31 different seminaries across the country. Spiritual Exercises, the Seminar for Semi- nary Spiritual Directors, and the Retreat for Seminary Faculty, programs offered concur- rently with the Seminarian Program, can say the same. These participants also left Oma- ha to return to their parishes and seminaries with a renewed, pastoral spirit and a deep appreciation of their experience with IPF. “Through theory and practice, I was able to get insights into the art of Spiritual Di- rection. The instructors have a deep love for Sacraments: remaining close to the Listening: to instruction and to the the church and the priesthood of Christ. sacraments is essential to the program. promptings of the Holy Spirit. They brought out the beauty of priestly ministry and spirituality without shying faculty more deeply in communion with Seminarian Anthony Astrab, from away from the wounds and challenges that Christ for another 20+ years. the Diocese of St. Petersburg, currently studying at St. Vincent dePaul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, defined his experience this way: “IPF has been an enormous blessing. I am willing to say it is the single greatest thing a seminarian can do during the course of his formation. It certainly has been for me. Thank you, IPF, for helping me grow in a deep relationship with the Trinity, one which I never real- ized was possible. The program has enliv- ened my faith and I am truly grateful.” 1 It is not only seminarians who can claim, Veni, Vici, Benedictus. More than 550 others over the past 20 years including 40 from this summer who participated in the 30-Day Participants of the 2014 Summer Seminarian Program. Bishops Advisory Council The fall months have found our staff His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo “on the road” for a variety of reasons, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, OMI including double sessions of our Spiritual Archbishop of Chicago Direction Training Program in Chicago. His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap Archbishop of Boston In addition to the “usual” travels, we Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila eagerly anticipate our 20th Anniversary Archbishop of Denver Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, Novem- Archbishop of New Orleans ber 9-18. If you are not among those Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of Saint Louis Rev. Richard Gabuzda able to join us on the pilgrimage, please Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, OFM, Cap accompany us with your prayers. All Archbishop of Philadelphia Executive Director Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley of our alumni, staff and friends will be Archbishop of Oklahoma City Dear Friends, remembered at all the holy places we’ll Most Reverend Andrew Cozzens Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Although we are surrounded these visit along the way. Most Reverend Felipe J. Estevez days by many Creighton freshmen who In all of our programs we provide Bishop of Saint Augustine Most Reverend José H. Gomez are beginning their college adventures, the time and place for seminarians and Archbishop of Los Angeles we still have treasured memories of priests to encounter the Lord in a deeper Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz Archbishop of Louisville many IPF seminarians, staff, and other Most Reverend George J. Lucas program participants walking along the Archbishop of Omaha Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades campus mall during this past summer. Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend Those memories include a variety of “I invite all Christians, Most Reverend David L. Ricken special summer events including Friends Bishop of Green Bay everywhere, at this very Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain Night, the Our Lady of Guadalupe Archbishop of Seattle Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron Award, Saint John Paul II Fund for Priest moment, to a renewed personal Archbishop of Detroit Memorial Mass as well as our “A Reason Mission Advancement Council for Your Hope” gathering with Cardi- encounter with Jesus Christ, Mr. Douglas J. and Mrs. Susan M. Barrett nal George. All of these have helped us Mr. Richard J. Bené • Mr. Chris D. Berens th Mr. Jay B. and Mrs. Luci B. Bolding continue the 20 Anniversary celebration or at least an openness to Mr. David J. Ciaccio of the Institute—look inside this issue for Deacon Michael J. and Mrs. Valerie H. Conzett Mr. Timothy O’Neill • Dr. Michael H. Sketch many images of those wonderful times. letting him encounter them.” Mr. James A. Taphorn This past July marked the arrival of a Mr. Patrick K. and Mrs. Sue M. Tucker – Pope Francis Mr. Thomas F. and Mrs. Jane F. Werner new staff member, Mr. Kevin Armshaw. Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Kathy Wheeler Kevin joins our Mission Advancement Finance Council team as the Director of Mission Ad- Mr. Michael F. Lawler • Mr. John L. Maginn Mr. Herman D. Weist vancement, serving alongside Tom Pogge way. The theme of “encounter” appears who remains the Executive Director frequently in the talks and writing of IPF Foundation Mr. P. Thomas Pogge, Executive Director of the IPF Foundation. Kevin worked Pope Francis, including his apostolic Mission Advisory Council with us as a consultant for a few months exhortation on evangelization, The Joy Board of Electors several years ago and we are delighted he of the Gospel. The opening words of that Co-Chairs Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila now joins us as a fulltime staff member. document were given to our seminarian Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson participants this summer. I share them Fr. George A. Aschenbrenner, S. J. here with you as well: “I invite all Chris- Msgr. John A. Esseff • Dr. Edward M. Hogan tians, everywhere, at this very moment, to Fr. John P. Horn, S. J. • Deacon James F. Keating Fr. Joseph J. Kelly • Mrs. Trudy McCaffrey a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Teresa Monaghen, A.O. • Dr. Margarett A. Schlientz Christ, or at least an openness to letting Fr. Scott S. Traynor him encounter them. No one should Ex-officio Members Fr. Richard J. Gabuzda • Fr. Richard J. Hauser, S. J. think that this invitation is not meant for Kathy A. Kanavy • Mr. Timothy O’Neill him or her, since no one is excluded from Fr. James A. Rafferty • Mr. Herman D. Weist the joy brought by the Lord.” Members Mr. Mark C. Conzemius Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens • Dr. Karen L. Dwyer Gratefully in the Lord, Lawrence A. Dwyer, J. D. • Mr. George J. Esseff Deacon George J. Jr. and Mrs. Sherrie Esseff Mr. Gerald E. and Mrs. Suzanne I. Ganse 2 Fr. Patrick J. O’Kane • Msgr. Robert J. Panke Mrs. Anne M. Pogge • Mr. James A. Taphorn Msgr. David L. Toups • Fr. Mark A. Toups Rev. Richard J. Gabuzda Msgr. Daniel J. Trapp • Fr. Brian Welter Welcome, Kevin Armshaw, to the IPF Staff! Executive Director The Gift You Have Been Given, Give as Gift By KRISTI COUGHLIN On July 16th and 17th the Institute host- Institute’s twenty year history by Kathy ed 70 new friends from around the coun- Kanavy, one of the founders of the In- try for an event entitled, “A Reason for Your stitute. Her theme was, “The Gift you Hope.” The gathering helped acquaint have been Given, Give as Gift.” Bishop people with the Institute and its mission Andrew Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop of St to assist Bishops in the spiritual formation Paul Minneapolis, shared the gifts and of diocesan seminarians and priests. It was graces he received after his IPF Ignatian my job to help plan this event. 30 Day Retreat experience. His mother, New to IPF, I had to decode the title Mrs. Judy Cozzens, passionately affirmed and meaning of the event which I was the changes she saw in her son’s priest- about to help coordinate. hood resulting from her son’s involve- I Peter 3:15: “…Sanctify Christ as Bishops Lucas and Kemme concelebrating ment with the Institute. Lord in your hearts. Always be ready Mass with Cardinal George. Thursday the group was given a for- to give an explanation to anyone who mal presentation including the “What is asks you for a reason for your hope.” Our guests arrived and learned about IPF?” video and heard testimonies from Hmmm… I would have to dig out my the programs the Institute offers for a current summer seminarian and a sum- bible commentary. I read the commen- priests and seminarians. They were in- mer staff member. Mass was celebrated tary, and then reread the scripture.
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