Preference Elicitation as an Optimization Problem Anna Sepliarskaia Julia Kiseleva University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] [email protected] Filip Radlinski Maarten de Rijke Google University of Amsterdam London, UK Amsterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION The new user coldstart problem arises when a recommender sys- Millions of online e-commerce websites are built around personal- tem does not yet have any information about a user. A common ized recommender systems (e.g., [5]). Together, they offer broad and solution to it is to generate a profile by asking the user to ratea varied items, ranging from books and accommodation to movies number of items. Which items are selected determines the quality and dates. The main goal of recommender systems is to predict of the recommendations made, and thus has been studied exten- unknown ratings or preferences based on historical user interac- sively. We propose a new elicitation method to generate a static tions and information about items, such as past user ratings and preference questionnaire (SPQ) that poses relative preference ques- item descriptions. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most tions to the user. Using a latent factor model, we show that SPQ effective techniques to build personalized recommender systems. improves personalized recommendations by choosing a minimal They collect user item ratings and derive preference patterns. The and diverse set of questions. We are the first to rigorously prove main advantage of approaches based on CF is that they do not which optimization task should be solved to select each question require domain knowledge and can easily be adapted to different in static questionnaires. Our theoretical results are confirmed by recommender settings. extensive experimentation. We test the performance of SPQ on two However, CF-based approaches only work well for users with real-world datasets, under two experimental conditions: simulated, substantial information about their preferences. When this infor- when users behave according to a latent factor model (LFM), and mation is not available, as for new users, the recommender system real, in which only real user judgments are revealed as the system runs into the new user cold-start problem: it cannot produce reliable asks questions. We show that SPQ reduces the necessary length personalized recommendations until the “cold” user is “warmed-up” of a questionnaire by up to a factor of three compared to state-of- with enough information [11, 16]. the-art preference elicitation methods. Moreover, solving the right Most well-known and effective approaches to the new user cold- optimization task, SPQ also performs better than baselines with start problem are questionnaire-based [16, 26]. These elicit infor- dynamically generated questions. mation from new users via a questionnaire where users provide absolute ratings for some items [9, 22, 24]. However, obtaining such CCS CONCEPTS explicit ratings suffers from a calibration issue [17]: the same rat- ing, of say three stars, may mean completely different things for • Information systems → Recommender systems; Personal- different people. Moreover, users may change their opinion about ization; Collaborative filtering; an item after having seen other items. For instance, it has been shown that a user is likely to give a lower rating to an item if the KEYWORDS preceding one deserved a very high rating [1, 20]. On top of that, Cold start problem; Mixed initiative search and recommendation; recommender systems typically provide ranked lists of items, but Preference elicitation for producing a good ranking pairwise preferences between items are preferable to learning absolute relevance scores [4]. ACM Reference Format: Finally, we note that recent research has shifted towards pre- Anna Sepliarskaia, Julia Kiseleva, Filip Radlinski, and Maarten de Rijke. 2018. dicting relative preferences rather than absolute ones [18, 31]. For Preference Elicitation as an Optimization Problem. In Twelfth ACM Con- such relative methods, it is natural to ask users to complete a ques- ference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’18), October 2–7, 2018, Vancouver, tionnaire by answering relative questions rather than by providing BC, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. absolute ratings. Therefore, preference elicitation questionnaires 3240323.3240352 have been proposed [6, 26]. A preference elicitation method (PEM) thus asks questions about pairwise preferences between items. An example preference elicitation question is shown in Figure 1 Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or below, where a user is asked to indicate which of two movies she classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation prefers. However, it is difficult to create these questionnaires, be- on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. cause it is unclear what criteria should be used to select items for For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). questions. Moreover, a greedy approach, which is common in elici- RecSys ’18, October 2–7, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). tation procedures, is computationally expensive in PEMs, because ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5901-6/18/10. the cardinality of the preference question space is proportional to the square of the number of items. RecSys ’18, October 2–7, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada Anna Sepliarskaia, Julia Kiseleva, Filip Radlinski, and Maarten de Rijke Question: Which movie do you prefer to watch? Table 1: Notation used in the paper. Symbol Gloss I Set of all items Movi P Set of all pairs of items: I × I ? B Seed set of questions F Subset of questions from B I prefer this I prefer them I prefer this i, j Items one equally one u User q Question Figure 1: An example of a relative question in a question- VS Latent presentation of questions from set S naire aimed at eliciting preferences. vi Latent factor vector of item i v¹i;jº Latent presentation of the question ∗ In this work, we address some of these challenges with the fol- vu True latent factor vector of user u lowing main research question: vˆu Predicted latent factor vector of user u How to optimally generate a preference questionnaire, R Matrix of ratings provided by users consisting of relative questions, for new users that will rˆuij Predicted preference of user u of item i over item j ∗ help to solve the new user cold-start problem? ruij True preference of user u of item i over item j To answer this question, we develop a new preference elicitation method, called static preference questionnaire (SPQ), that can be complies with the following noisy model: T used in several domains, such as book or movie recommendation. In rui = µ + bi + bu + vi vu + ϵui; (1) particular, inspired by [2], we formulate the elicitation procedure in where (1) µ is a global bias, (2) vi , bi are the latent factor vector and SPQ as an optimization problem. The advantage of static preference bias of item i, (3) vu , bu are the latent factor vector and bias of user questionnaires, like the approaches of [6, 26], is that they work u, and (4) ϵui is small random noise. The dimensions in the latent with relative rather than absolute questions. The main advantages vectors represent item’s characteristics. If the user likes particular of our SPQ over previous work is the absence of any constraint item’s attributes, the corresponding dimensions in her latent factor to the questions except that they should be informative, as was vector are large. Large values in the item’s latent vector correspond done in [6], and the fact that it optimizes the expectation of the loss to the item’s most valuable characteristics. Thus, if an item satisfies T function of the underlying latent factor model (LFM). a user’s taste, the value of vi vu in Eq. 1 is large. The user bias is Thus, the proposed method SPQ is a preference elicitation method the rating that a user predominantly provides. The intuition behind that solves the following optimization problem: Select items for the item bias is its popularity. The LFM predicts that most users relative questions to predict with maximum accuracy how the user will like popular items more, despite their diverse preferences. The will respond to other relative questions. parameters listed above are assumed to be given to us; we refer to Our contributions are three-fold: (1) We formulate the task of them further as ground truth. generating preference questionnaires, consisting of relative ques- The main problem that we address is to solve the new user tions for new users, as an optimization problem (Section 2). (2) We cold-start problem, having ground truth parameters of all items show how to solve this optimization problem in a theoretically and of all users who have provided some feedback already. optimal way (Section 3). (3) We verify that the theoretical results are supported by experimental results on two datasets: By using 2.2 Problem definition SPQ, the length of the questionnaire can be reduced independently To address the new user cold-start problem, we propose a preference of the experimental conditions (Section 5). elicitation method (PEM) that produces a questionnaire with relative questions; an example such question is in Fig. 1. We call our method 2 PROBLEM FORMULATION static preference questionnaire (SPQ). The main goal of SPQ is to 2.1 Assumptions minimize the number of questions N that is required to derive a Suppose we have a system that contains a history of user feedback ranked list of personalized recommendations.
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