DRAFT: Bynames in Medieval France Sara L. Uckelman September 9, 2014 Contents Preface i 1 Bynames 3 3 4 CONTENTS Preface This draft book is a collection of bynames of all kinds from all regions of medieval France. An example entry looks like the following: Achalme pat. from Ger Achelm-. This is a southern form of the name. Achalme 1380x1385 Saint Flour, Achelme 1380x1385 Saint Flour. The spelling in bold is a standardized form; often the most common modern spelling, but also sometimes the most common medieval spelling. The header form is followed by brief etymological and derivation notes, when known. Spellings in italics are dated forms, followed by their date and then the city or region in which the example occurs. A date such as ‘1380x1385’ indicates that the record comes from some time between 1380 and 1385 and a more precise dating cannot be given, while a date such as ‘1380–1385’ indicates that the name is found throughout the range. In general, it should be possible to determine the source of the example by the place from which it occurs, along with the date, by comparing these two with information in the bibliography. Some citations are not so straightforward; those where the date is followed by (D) are from [Dauzat]; names from Picardy whose date is followed by (B) are from [Picardy-B]. Those which are from Paris whose date is followed by (J) are from [Paris, Journal de]. Abbreviations Abbreviations of sources cited can be found in the bibliography. Aveyr Aveyron B-Alpes Basse-Alpes B-du-R Bouches-du-Rhône B-Pyr Basse-Pyrénées C-d’Or Côte-d’Or C-du-N Côtes-du-Nord Calv Calvados Cant Cantal Char Charente Char-Mar Charente-Maritime CG Continental Germanic D-Sèvres Deux-Sèvres der. derivative i ii PREFACE desc. descriptive dim. diminutive Dord Dordogne E-et-L Eure-et-Loire fem. feminine Gasc Gascon Ger Germanic Gir Gironde H-Alps Haute-Alpes H-Gar Haute-Garonne H-Marne Haute-Marne H-Sav Haute-Savoie H-Saône Haute-Saône H-Vienne Haute-Vienne Heb. Hebrew Hér Hérault I-et-L Indre-et-Loire I-et-V Ille-et-Vilaine L-et-Ch Loir-et-Cher L-et-G Lot-et-Garonne Lat. Latin lit. literally Loire-Atl Loire-Atlantique Loz Lozère M-et-M Meurthe-et-Moselle mas. masculine met. metonymic Morb Morbihan Mos Moselle n. name Occ Occitan occ. occasionally OE Old English OFr Old French ON Old Norse OOc Old Occitan P-A Pyrénées-Atlantiques iii P-de-C Pas-de-Calais P-de-D Puy-de-Dôme perh. perhaps pers. personal prob. probably S-et-L Saône-et-Loire S-et-M Seine-et-Marne S-et-O Seine-et-Oise S-Mar Seine-Maritime Sav Savoie T-et-G Tarn-et-Garonne unc. uncertain var. variant, variation Vaucl Vaucluse iv PREFACE 1 2 PREFACE Able Able 1388 Abbeville. Ablege loc. d’Ablege 1292 Paris, d’Ableges 1292 Paris. Abonel d’Abonel 1366–67 Périgueux. Abour Labour 1438 Picardy. Chapter 1 Abouret Labouret 1246, 1250 Picardy. Abraham pat. from Heb Abraham. Abraham 1292 Paris, 1438 Picardy, Abrahans 13th C Picardy. Bynames Abriat Abriat 1380x1385 Saint Flour. Acar Acar 1405 Picardy. Ace pat. from CG Azo. Ace 1292 Paris, Asce 1292 Paris. Abadie top. ‘from the abbey’. This is a southern form of the word. Dabadia 1470x1520 Bor- Achalme pat. from Ger Achelm-. This is a southern deaux, Dabbadia 1470x1520 Bordeaux. form of the name. Achalme 1380x1385 Saint Abatbois Abat-Bois 1292 Paris. Flour, Achelme 1380x1385 Saint Flour. Abatfour Abat-Four 1292 Paris. Achamps Achamps 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Abbat desc. ‘the abbot’, usually a nickname rather Achard pat. from Ger AG+HARD. Ac(c)art is a than a literal description of occupation. dictus Picarde form. Accart 1421 Paris, Acart 1423, Abbas 1300 Picardy, Labbat 1421 Paris. 1438 Paris. Abbaye top. ‘of the abbey’. de l’Abeie 1246 Picardy, Achery d’Achery 1334 Picardy, d’Acheri 1340 Pi- de l’Abaie 1292 Paris, 1306 Picardy, de l’Abbie cardy, Dachery 1384 Picardy. 1394 Picardy. Achopard Achopard 1262 Picardy. Abbaytz Dabbaytz 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Acquart Acquart 1431, 1436 Picardy. Abbecourt Dabbecourt 1373x1376 (B) Picardy, Acquitart Acquitart 1421 Paris. d’Abbecourt 1373x1376 (B) Picardy. Abbelly Abbelly 16th C Senlis. Acre loc. from Acre. d’Acre 1292 Paris. Abbesse Li Abbés 1351 Picardy, Labesse 1438, Acton desc. from a contraction of haqueton ‘small 1460–61 Picardy. dray’, for an owner of such. Acton 1460 (D) Angoulême. Abbeville loc. from Abbeville (Somme), Ab- béville (M-et-M), Abbeville-la-Rivière (S-et-O), Acy loc. from Acy (Aisne, Ardennes) or Acy-en- Abbeville-St-Lucien (Oise), or Labbeville (S-et- Multien (Oise). d’Acy 1292 Paris, 1475 Pi- O). d’Abeville 1264, 1340, 1342 Picardy, 1292 cardy, d’Aaci 1292 Paris. Paris, d’Abbeville 1292 Paris, 1373x1376 (B) Adain d’Adain 1292 Paris. Picardy, d’Abevile 1292 Paris, d’Abbevile 1292 Paris. Adam pat. from the Biblical name. fil Adam 1340 Picardy, Adam 1340, 1438, 1459–60, 1469 Pi- Abe desc. ‘the abbot’. l’Abe 1292 Paris, l’Abbe 1292 cardy, 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Paris, Labbe 1292 Paris, Labbé 1384, 1405, 1448 Picardy, 1421 Paris, 1470x1520 Bordeaux, 16th Ade pat. from Ger Ado. Ade 1438 Paris. C Rouen, Labaye 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Adenet pat. from a dim. of Adam (q.v.). Adenet Abecourt d’Abecourt 1340 Picardy. 13th C (D). Abencourt loc. d’Abencourt 1292 Paris. Admirant Ladmirant 1601 Artois. Ablain d’Ablain 1408 Picardy. Admiraut Admirault 1448 Picardy. 3 4 CHAPTER 1. BYNAMES Adrian pat. from Lat Hadrian. Adrian is a south- Aguillette Aguillette 1380 Picardy. ern and scholarly form of the name. Adrianson Aguillier occ. from OFr a(i)gu(i)llier ‘needle- 1470x1520 Bordeaux. maker’. Li Aguilliers 1245 Picardy, Laguillier Advisete Advisete 1469 Picardy. v. 1290, 1384, 1459–60 Picardy, l’aguillier 1292 Advocat Ladvocat 1422 Picardy. Paris. Affaros Affaros 1370 Rodez. Aguillon (i) pat. from Ger Agilon-, (ii) desc. ‘kid- ney’, used for quack doctors of cattle, or (iii) Afineur occ. ‘refiner’. simp. l’afineeur 1292 Paris, desc. from OFr a(i)guillon ‘thorn, sharp iron l’afinerresse 1292 Paris. comp. l’afineeur point, goad’. Aguillon 1373x1376 (B) Picardy, d’argent ‘refiner of silver’ 1292 Paris. 1384 Picardy, 1423, 1438 Paris. Agace desc. ‘magpie’, for a talkative person. Agache Aguisi d’Aguisi 1246 Picardy. is a Norman-Picard form. Agace 1292 Paris, dit Agache 1324 Picardy, Agasse 1380 Picardy, Aguys Aguys 1423 Paris. Agache 1601 Artois. Ahannier l’Ahanier 13th C, 1304 Picardy, Li Ha- Agani Agani 1380x1385 Saint Flour, Aganis 1380x1385 haniers 13th C Picardy, Li Ahenniers v. 1310 Saint Flour. Picardy, Li Ahaniers 1311 Picardy, Ahannier Agarn Agarn 1380x1385 Saint Flour. 1414 Picardy. Agathe Agathe 1325 Picardy. Aiart Aiart 1306 Picardy. Agayet Agayet 1349 Picardy. Aide desc. l’aide 1292 Paris, Laide 1377 Picardy. Agiers loc. d’Agiers 1292 Paris. Aignel desc. Aignel 1258, 13th C, 1304, 1438, 15th C, Picardy, 1421 Paris, l’Aignel 1292 Paris, Agillot Agillot 1328 Picardy. Aingnel 1292 Paris, dictus Aignel 1295 Picardy, Agincourt Dagincourt 1469 Picardy. Laignel 1438 Picardy. Agistele Agistele 1292 Paris. Aignelet L’Aignelet 1423 Paris. Agnel Delagnel 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Aigret Aigret 1384, 1404 Picardy. Agnelier Angnelier 1311 Picardy, L’Angnelière Aiguemorte loc. from Aigues-Mortes (Gard) or 1311 Picardy. Ayguemorte-les-Graves (Gir). d’Aigue-morte Agnerol Agnerol 1249 Picardy. 1292 Paris, d’Aigue-Morte 1292 Paris. Agnières loc. from Agnières (H-Alpes), Anères Aile Laile 1295 Picardy. (H-Pyr), Arnières (Eure), Asnières (Ain), Ailin Ailin 1432 Picardy. Agnières-en-Montagne (C-d’Or), Agnières-lès- Dijon (C-d’Or), Agnières-sur-Blour (Vienne), Aillant loc. from Aillant (Loiret, Yonne, etc.). Dail- or Agnières-sur-Oise (S-et-O). d’Asnieres 1292, lant 1438 Paris. 1438 Paris, d’Anieres 1292 Paris. Aillebert Aillebert 1239 Picardy. Agode Agode 1421 Paris. Ailler Lailler 1295 Picardy. Agole Agole 1380 Picardy. Aillet Aillet 1448 Picardy. Agoulans Agoulans 1316 Picardy. Aillier occ. ‘garlic merchant’. l’aillier 1292 Paris, Agrafart Agrafart 1292 Paris. Laillier 1295 Picardy, 1421 Paris. Agronhe perhaps a var. of southern a(i)gron, desc. Ailly loc. from Ailly (Eure, Meuse, Somme). d’Ailly ‘heron’, for someone with long legs. Agronhe 1367 Picardy, 1421 Paris, Dailli 1395 Picardy, 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Dailly 1469 Picardy. Agu loc. d’Agu 1292 Paris. Aimar pat. from Ger Haim-hard. Aimar(d) is a Aguet (i) loc. d’Aguet 1292 Paris. (ii) desc. Laguet southern form. Aymar 1339–40 Périgueux, 1243 Picardy. Aimar 1380x1385 Saint Flour. 5 Aimerit Aimerit 1380x1385 Saint Flour, Aymerit Albiche d’Albiche 1386 Picardy. 1380x1385 Saint Flour, Aymeritz 1380x1385 Albrat alias Albrat 1380x1385 Saint Flour. Saint Flour. Ainci de Ainci 13th C Picardy. Aldaro Aldaro 1470x1520 Bordeaux. Ainglés Lainglés 1400 Picardy. Aldebalt Aldebal 1370 Rodez, Aldebalt 1380x1385 Saint Flour. Aintencort d’Aintencourt 1228, 1257, 1272, 1295 Picardy. Aldebert pat. from Ger Aldi-berht. Aldebert is a scholarly form found in Languedoc. Aldebert Aipe de Aipe 13th C Picardy. 1380x1385 Saint Flour. Aire loc. from Aire (Ardennes), Aire-sur-la-Lys (P- de-C), Les Aires (Hér), or Hyères (Var). d’Ayre Alee d’Alee 1292 Paris. 1292 Paris, d’Aire 1292 Paris, 1311 Picardy. Alegret d’Alegret 1339–40 Périgueux. Aisel de Aisele 1243 Picardy, d’Aisele 13th C Pi- Alemant desc. ‘the German, woman/man from Ger- cardy, d’Aiselle 1404, 1438 Picardy. many’. l’Alemant 1292 Paris, Alemant 1292 Aisonville loc. from Aisonville-et-Bernoville (Aisne). Paris, l’Alemande 1292 Paris, L’Allemant 1294 d’Aisonville 1295, 1320 Picardy. Picardy, L’Alemant 13th C, 1306, 1340 Picardy, Li Alemans 13th C Picardy, Lalemant 1311, Aisse de Aisse 1470x1520 Bordeaux.
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