Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1965-1966 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1966 Eastern Progress - 08 Apr 1966 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1965-66/25 PROM FASHIONS CHARGE PREDICTED TO STUDENTS PAGE 3 €<XSf6R PAGE 2 A oomssPro ressive Era 'Setting The Pace In ^sgggfr^ & ' IV « 42nd Year No. 25 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond (Effective July I ) Friday, April 8, 1966 Al Capp To Speak Faculty Votes Affirmatively In Brock, April 19 On Fraternities And Sororities Cartoon ist-satinst Al Capp Capp's appaarance is under- will be the first speaker In the written by Lexington financier Committee Rules And Regulations Garvice Kim-aid Lecture Series Qarvice Kincald, onetime East- when he appears, April 19 at 8 ern student, who endowed a p.m. in the Hiram Brock Audi- lecture series here. Kincaid an- Accepted With Some Revisions torium. nounced the gift to Eastern last October when he was feted by By BKENDA PHILPOT from Mrs. Aimee Alexander of the International Newspaper Clr- fee and dues not in excess of Progress News Editor the English Department. $5 per month. culaUon Managers Hall of, Fame The faculty voted by an ap- Included in the list are certain Committee at a newspaper boys' Members of the organizations proximate two thirds majority requirements for petitioning. A will be housed in sections of the dinner in Richmond. in favor of establishing frater- petition must be submitted by a dormitories. The college will The gift. President Martin | nities and sororities on East- group of no less than six per- designate places for meetings, announced at that t'me, will be I ern's campus. The actual voting, sons representing a membership chapter rooms, and social oc- enough to bring two or three which occured at Monday after- of at least 20 people or a maxi- casions. distinguished lecturers to the noon's faculty meeting, followed mum of 30 to the present Fa- The prerequisites for national campus each year. a discussion which' lasted ap- culty Committee on Student Or- affiliation include Invitation by Cards bearing the heading proximately 90 minutes. ganizations and Activities. the university and installation "Ask Mr. Capp," are being dis- The faculty also voted to ac- Number Revised by the university administration. tributed to Eastern students. Ex- cept the list of rules and regula- A revised section of the list of However, the organization must plaining that Capp is an expert tions which were made by the regulations now states that the agree that it may be discontin- on nothing, but has an opinion Faculty Fraternity - Sorority number of sororities and frater- ued or placed on probation by on everything, the cards are Committee. However, revisions nities permitted to be organized the university for any causa aimed at gaining questions for were made. is not to exceed the capacity of which may put the society in his lecture. Students who wish to petition orderly implementation of the conflict with the objectives or The cards may be picked up Campus View From The Air a fraternity or sorority should social order on campus as ad- program of the university. in dormitory lobbies, the Stu- for men students takes place at extreme do so through the. Faculty Com- judged by the committee which Control of Organizations Eastern's new skyscrapers, massive Alumni mittee on Student Organizations dent Union Building and the of- Coliseum, the Combs Building, and other right, while the library construction is seen in approves petitions. The list of regulations also de- fice of the Eastern Progress, giant buildings provide this Impressive view the upper center of the picture. and Activities. This committee The rules also observe certain signates the type of administra- student newspaper. It is desired from the air of the "new" Eastern campus. will give approval to petitions requirements for pledging. No tion and control of the social that the cards can be turned in Construction of 21-story Commonwealth Hall Staff photo by MikeCoers which meet the prerequisites student is eligible to pledge to organizations. The university at the information window of stated in the list of rules and re- an organization who haa not will have complete control of the Coates Administration Build- gulations. Petitions are now be- been a full-time student at least rushing and will indicate rush- ing before the students leave for ing accepted' for consideration one semester and has maintain- ing periods. It will also assume Spring Vacation. They will be Financial Aid For Students by the committee. ed a minimum 2.0 average on supervisor responsibility for en- accepted until 4 p.m. Monday, Chairman of the committee that work. Students on social forcing all rules relative to April 18. is Mr. J.W. Stocker of the Ag- probation are also excluded scholarship and conduct. riculture Department. Other Jack Hildreth Cartoonist Capp is the creator from pledging. Active members The list of rulea also contains Federal Funds Totalling $1. Million members of the committee in- must maintain their academic sections with regard to dis- of the comic strip "Li'l Abner," clude Mrs. Aimee Alexander, which is syndicated to hundreds standings in order to remain crimination, hazing, and finan- ! Dies In Mr. R.G. Chrlsman, Mr. F.E. members. cial records. of newspapers. The strip, con- Darling, Mr. B.J. Hilton, Dr. $25 Initiation Fee taining satirical elements has The obgllgation for direction Opens Eastern To 2000 Next Fall H.H. LaFuze, Mr. Willard Mo- In regard to finances, the list and supervision of these organi- been controversial-though enor- Hone, Mr. G.W. Robinson, Mre. of regulations states that local Auto Accident mously popular-slnce its Incep- zations shall be lodged in the More than 2,000 worthy stu- $800 each year. repaid at low Interest rates after Blanche S. Seevers. Mr. Ralph organizations shall be limited to offices of the Dean of Men and Jack L. Hildreth, an Eastern tion some 26 years ago. Capp Whalin, and Mr. Carl Woods. is a native of New Haven, Conn. dents with exceptional financial The scholarship money is for graduation. a maximum of a $25 initiation Dean of Women, the list states. freshman from Somerset, was The average loan presently Dean Bradley and Dean Mar- Admission is free and towns- need will be able to attend East- the purpose of aiding students killed In a single-car automobile ern next fall, thanks to federal of "exceptional financial need" totals slightly more than $400 for tin are ex-officio members of people, along with students and the academic year, Vickers said. the committee. accident Wednesday night. college "stafi are Invited. scholarships, student loans, and who, otherwise, would be unable The accident occured on US work-study programs totalling to enter or remain In college, "In addttlon," he added, "many "Develop With Care" 30 Schools Represented more than a million dollars. he said. of these same students are'work- Dean of Faculty, Dr. Smith 160 near Mt. Vernon. Hildreth Park,who is also chairman of the was the 19 year old son of Mr. President Martin announced In addition, Eastern has been ing under either the federal or .allocated $313,785 under the Fed- institutional work-study ..pro- Faculty Fraternity -, Sorority and Mrs. Henry. HlldretiA. .of. 'Where The that Cltf.aDO-has -imit-aMtiattl Committee', stated, "I hope-etu- Somerset-,- under the new Educational Op- eral Wortf-Study Program, per- gram, earning more of their , f ■■ • - "mtttirtg worthy students to earn college expenses." 4ants will approach the forma- State police said Hildreth atP" » •• I » portunity Grants Progrfim" for* tion and development of these T,40O Seniors Expected parently went to sleep »t the /\CtK>n 18 scholarships, permitting approx- part of their expenses by work- Each of these programs is a- ing in on-campus employment vailable to students now attend- organizations with as much care wheel causing the auto to leave imately 800 needy students to as has been used in developing receive grant stipends of bet- up to 15 hours a week. Eastern ing college, as well as to in- the road, run into a ditch and will add to this amount $34,865, coming freshmen next fall, Vick- the regulations and plans." turn over. Hildreth was thrown On May 3 ween $200 and $800 for the 1966- He further stated that he felt 67 academic year. President Martin said. ers explained. High School Senior Day from the vehicle. More than a half million dol- Full information about either certain the organizations com- Further details were not a- "Where the Action Is," the The stipend' is designed to lars will also be available for of the three programs may be mittee will look into all petitions vailable at press time. 1966 edition of Dick Clark Pro- cover up to half the student's student loans, under the Nation- obtained by writing: Coordina- with a great amount of care. More than 1400 Kentucky Campus tours will include determined needs. The remain- A list of the rules and regula- high school seniors from ap- ductions, is scheduled for a one- al Defense Education Act, he tor of Student Financial Assist- the departments of Biology, der may be borrowed through ance, EKU, Richmond, Ky. tions to be placed upon the or- proximately 30 schools will at- Chemistry, Physics, Industrial night appearance on the campus added. This program permits the Student Loan Program, or loans to needy students to be 40475. ganizations may be obtained tend the annual High School Arts, Home Economics, Fine of Eastern in Alumni Cpliseum other programs of the university, Senior Day, April 22.
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