Last Chance to Register for Newport! NEW S NOUS See insert Vol. XX, No. 3 On the Web at www.navalorder.org Fall 2003 RADM Brown‘s USS Ronald Reagan Final Message: Com m issioned My Fellow Companions, This will be my last message to you Mary, who were official members of the as CG. Following is a recap of a number Illinois delegation headed by US House of important items/issues. Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, IL State ANNUAL CONGRESS DETAILS Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, and Ret. There will be general plenary ses- State Senator Bob Michler (also a Com- sions of the Congress on Friday and Sat- panion of the Order). At the Ship‘s urday morning. On Saturday morning Sponsors Luncheon the day before the after the close of the general session, the commissioning, Pete presented a Naval Historian General W illiam D. Mosher USS Ronald Reagan during Builder‘s Sea Order plaque commemorating the com- will make a presentation on Oliver Haz- Trials in May 2003 missioning of the USS Ronald Reagan to ard Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie. (Photo courtesy of US Navy) the ship and her company. He also took The Friday lunch will include invited advantage to remind the Navy Leaguers guest Dr. Robert D. Ballard, the selectee In a history-making event, the Navy‘s from Santa Barbara and Norfolk (the for the Admiral of the Navy George newest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, main civilian organizations involved) Dewey Award. Dr. Ballard is the presi- the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), was dent of the Institute for Exploration in commissioned on July 12, 2003 at Na- Mystic, Connecticut. He is a renowned val Station Norfolk. The USS Ronald undersea explorer who was responsible Reagan is the first aircraft carrier to be for the locating of the HMS Titanic, the named after a living president. USS Yorktown, and the German battle- Speakers at the event included Vice ship Bismarck. President Dick Cheney who was the The Saturday lunch will include in- principal speaker. He spoke of President vited guest Acting Secretary of the Reagan‘s great understanding of the Navy, Honorable Hansford T. Johnson, need for a strong Navy to provide for the who will participate in the presentation common defense of the nation. Other of the Naval Order resolution adopting speakers included Virginia Gov. Mark the USS Constitution as the honorary W arner and Mr. Thomas Schievelbein, Flag Ship of the Naval Order. The Reso- President of Northrop Grumman New- lution will be presented to Commander port News, the ship builder. Lewin W right, USN, the sixty-eighth The strongest response from the audi- Commanding Officer of —Old Ironsides.“ ence was reserved for the former First Mrs. Nancy Reagan speaking at the com- On Saturday afternoon there will be a Lady, Mrs. Nancy Reagan. As the missioning of the USS Ronald Reagan. three hour symposium presented by the ship‘s sponsor and President Reagan‘s (Photo courtesy of US Navy) Naval W ar College that will feature wife, she received a standing ovation presentations by Dr. John Haddendorf, when she stepped up to the podium. She that the Navy League was started by the the Naval W ar College Historian and uttered the traditional phrase,“...man the Naval Order at the request and encour- chair of the Maritime History Depart- ship and bring her to life!“ W ith that agement of Teddy Roosevelt. This is one ment, Donald Chisholm, Naval W ar Col- statement, the ship‘s crew boarded the thing they —neglected“ to mention in lege Professor of Operations and author ship and set her first watch. their full page insert in the Commission- of a newly released book —W aiting for Unfortunately, President Reagan was ing program! Dead Men‘s Shoes: Origin and Develop- unable to attend. A long-time sufferer of On a VIP tour of ship, Pete and Mary ment of the U.S. Navy Officer Personnel Alzheimer‘s disease, the 92-year old for- were approached by a Hollywood movie System 1793-1941,“ and Dr. George mer president has not made a public ap- producer, Mr. A. C .Lyles, a Hollywood Baer, Chairman Emeritus of the NW C pearance in many years. icon who praised the Naval Order pres- Strategy and Policy Department. The Naval Order presence was main- entation. Rounding out our Naval Order On Saturday evening we will have tained by Illinois Companions CAPT contingent were CAPT Alden —Bud“ and the Annual Distinguished Sea Service Roman —Pete“ Piotrowski and his wife Betty W ulff. (Continued on page 2) CG Final Message... late clearing through the bank, etc. Chris ment. However, we must not ignore is now resettled and reports he is almost consolidation of what we already (Continued from page 1) caught-up as I write this in mid-August. have. Among the two-dozen exist- 2ward Banquet. This year‘s awardee is Chris will be passing the RegGen lead to ing Commanderies, there is a wide Admiral James M. Loy, the former companion Lt. Phil Ciaffa, Commander disparity in terms of size, level of Commandant of the Coast Guard and of the New Mexico Commandery at the activity, mission orientation, and current head of the Transportation Secu- Congress in October. Thanks, Chris, for committed leadership. If the Order rity Administration. hanging in there under very difficult cir- is to succeed as a national organiza- The Congress will close with a spe- cumstances. tion of consequence, more energy cial event, brunch aboard the USS Mas- Regalia Lt. John Rothrock will be pass- must be directed at helping weaker sachusetts (BB-38) moored in Battleship ing on the duties of Regalia Officer ef- Commanderies right themselves Cove in nearby Fall River, Massachu- fective 23 October 2003. CAPT Stan 3. Fund Raising. An ongoing weak- setts. Ellexson will be selling our regalia items ness of the Naval Order is a chronic During the general sessions on Friday at the Congress as he has the past few money shortage at the national and Saturday morning, we have arranged years. After the Congress our new Rega- level. W ith few exceptions, this tours for the spouses: on Friday a tour of lia Officer will be SFR Companion, problem flows down to the local the Breakers Mansion and on Saturday a LCDR Matthew S. Gabe, USNR. LCDR Commanderies. Our inability to special tour of the Naval W ar College Gabe‘s address and phone number are raise adequate funds does not allow Museum. Additional details are available listed below. for proper program execution or on our website at: www.navalorder.org. The Turner Book I reported to you in administrative support. I believe we Additionally, following are some sig- the spring newsletter that final proofing need to develop a strategy and a nificant issues for this Congress: was in progress and when complete the plan that will launch a sophisticated, 1. The election of officers to serve for publisher said it would be available for long-term fund-raising effort at all the next two years. distribution in two months. Regretfully levels of the Order. 2. Site selection for the 2004 Congress the final steps were not completed as CONCLUSION and beyond. (San Diego has been expected and the last section is now be- It has been a distinct honor to serve approved by the Site Selection ing proofed. At this point I am guardedly you as Commander General for the past Committee for 2004, the New Or- optimistic that the book will be pub- two years. There are too many deserving leans Commandery has volunteered lished and mailed prior to our Annual companions to thank in the space avail- for 2005, and National Capitol has Congress in October. able in this column, but to all of you stepped forward for 2006). 501(C)(3) Status Though we got turned who provided such solid support in so 3. Distribution of the revised N.O. Op- down last year by the IRS we have not many ways you have my sincerest erations Manual on CD-Rom. abandoned this goal. However, I remind thanks and appreciation. I will never for- 4. An update of the Development and you again that in our current category, get you! (I will have more to say on this Archive Committees. 501(C)(19), all contributions to the Na- subject at the Congress.) 5. Budget and other financial matters. val Order are 100% tax-deductible. Though challenges remain, we are in It is important that your Commandery Future Direction There are many areas sound shape administratively, organiza- be represented at the Annual Congress. which need continuing attention if the tionally, and financially. I will be proud Remember œ it‘s YOUR Congress!. Naval Order is to sustain its size and to pass the gavel to my fellow compan- ADDITIONAL ITEM S strength and live up to its mission. I will ion from the San Francisco Com- Preliminary Financial Report As of just mention three here. mandery, CAPT Fred Hawkins, at the mid-August the Treasurer General re- 1. Membership. The Naval Order, like Congress in Newport on 25 OCT 03. ports our equity (assets minus liabilities) most similar organizations, desires a W ith best wishes, as $26,580.45. Our equity on 9/30/01 sustained growth in which recruit- T.F. Brown III was $19,408.45. The primary reasons for ment of new members exceeds attri- the increase in equity over this two year tion. As our membership ages it is period are a reduction in operating ex- vital that we bring on younger peo- Regalia Officer Nam ed penses, an unbudgeted cash receipt of ple and make the Order better CAPT Stan Ellexson will be manning $3,700 from the Texas Commandery as known in the Sea Services so that the booth selling regalia at this year‘s our share of the profit from the 2002 An- we can attract more officer and Congress.
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