%% '(()*(+(, %% '(()*(+(, !" !" #$%& #$%& Our assumption is that meaning, particularly the mean- National Assembly, in the presence and auspices of Globalization and Human Rights to Promote the ing proposed for human is the core of culture. Thus, a God, recognizes and declares the following human and meaning or concept of human must be sought to find citizen rights:Human beings are born free and with World Trade with No Limitations the essence of the globalizing culture that has the abil- equal rights and will be remained so, social distinction ity to globalize. According to Hantington1, mere global can be made only on the basis of a public utility.The aim Ahmad Mohammadi Ezhieh Dr.Ghodrat Allah Noroozi utilization of Western culture products, including cloth- of every political association is to preserve the natural Research Scholar, Department of Law and Justice, ing, music, food, movie, novel, and symbol are not a and non-transferable rights of human. These rights are Department of Political Science, Isfhan University. good index to explain the globalization of culture. This liberty, ownership of security, and resistance to op- Osmania University. could be added to Hantington’s idea that there is a pression and invasion.The power supply is generally modern attitude of human behind all of these manifes- and mainly in existence of nation, no group or individu- Modern concepts of human rights in England, France, Abstract: tations that brings special type of clothing, music, and al can apply the power that it has been not originated and America produced sociopolitical movements and freedom. It is this attitude that is the essence of the from it.Liberty or freedom includes the authority to then thinking such as democracy, nationalism, liberal- International Relations are playing major role in the de- globalizing culture. An attitude that is observable more do anything that is not harmful for others. Therefore, ism, and so forth went on other territories in the form velopment of world trade and exchange. The present than any symbol in the form of international thinking, there is no limit for each individual to have rights ex- of various arts and provided the background of deep paper is emphasizing the need of globalization, unique rules, and procedures. cept for those things that ensure other members of the social and cultural changes in them. According to this culture and human rights preservation. The advent of society enjoy from the same rights. These limitations perspective, instruments of transforming such a cul- socialism, nationalism and secularism has paved a path can be determined by law. Law has the right to forbid ture and utilization techniques of them should not Human Rights: to better international relations. They have given more only those actions that are detrimental to society and merely noted to study the issue of culture globaliza- importance to the human rights and safe guarded the Independence wars in America and revolution of what is not prohibited by law cannot be banned.Law is tion. It is true that technology and communication have human values. This paper has given more significance France are the starting points of official victory and the expression of public will. All citizens have the right played an important role in transmission of modern on globalization with more accepted culture to be ad- establishment of concepts and frameworks of human to participate personally or by their representatives in culture and that this instrument is inevitable to modern opted and practiced in the international relations. The rights. In fact, people of these two countries found its formation. Law should be the same for everyone, culture. article propose the international relations should be their needs in modern way of life, which was based on whether it supports or punishes. enriched with globalization and human rights to pro- human rights. In this way, human rights became the mote the world trade with no limitations. Methods: hot target and ideal of human life.Introduction of the Dissemination and promotion of new ideas independence declaration of United States of America for international relations: Key Words: The method used in this study is not solely an experi- says: “We consider the truth as self-evident that all International Relations, Globalization, Culture, Human mental method; even though it uses experimental, his- Democracy, liberalism, nationalism and the right of people are created equal, that God, creator of human self-determination, which are clear manifestation of Rights. torical and demonstration evidence. According to the beings has given non-transmissible rights (such as right modern theories the concept will be discussed in more modernism idea in the new world, are all based on a of life, of the freedom, and of the acquisition of hap- new interpretation of human. The view created on the Introduction: depth. A pure experimental study cannot be enough piness), and governments have arisen from tribes and for cultural studies. Because many of these cultural concept and status of human in new centuries was nations to maintain and secure such rights. In addition, the basis of both individualism and collectivism in the In today’s circumstances, the concept and term of ideas can be observed from their manifestations and the governments obtained their power and strength field of sociopolitical and cultural thought. Nationalism human rights have been highly attracted by lawyers or through the thinkers’ thoughts and statements that by satisfaction of people, who were governed by them, arises from the same base. When people and a nation and policy-makers and scholars of human rights. Inter- are some how related to the field. and if any government deviates from these objectives, with a common historical background, interests, and national relations with novel and acceptable culture people would have the right to change it and establish demands become the principle of forming a govern- should be welcomed to attain the peace and harmony Globalization: a new government that is based on principles, power, ment, obviously, other values fade against them. Liber- in the world. However, so far, human rights have been and authorities that bring about maximum happiness alism also arose from the fundamental right of human seen as the basis of a culture. It was said that culture There are several cultures and cultural backgrounds for people”. The importance of developments in the to choose their lifestyle and removed human’s con- is the created meanings and symbols involving the ex- that have no possibility of globalization even with the independence wars of America, the French Revolu- straints of past centuries. All of these stem from the isting meaning in a society. Therefore, human rights most powerful and efficient technological devices and tion has been the most important social development new perspective that has created for humans. The gen- can be a fundamental meaning that has been affected this refers to the essence of those cultures. it is tried and the most effective movement that has happened eralization of human rights lawyers and specialists in by modern culture and its various dimensions. In new to show that new culture has been spread by gradu- to stabilize the new perspective and culture of human international relations, there are several perspectives. centuries, the human rights perspective and thinking al dissemination of the thinking of human rights and rights. Numerous books and articles have been written Donnelly believes that the basis of this simple principle have also based on modern culture and founded neo- has been able to globalize. Therefore, the essence of on The French Revolution. It was the result of planning of universality of human rights and pervasive arises civilization. This article explains that how a new think- culture; that is, thinking of human rights and the kind new ideas in the classes Parliament that the parliament that every human being has for human rights. Human ing about human rights caused social deep changes in of perspective to human and its social status must be became the center of revolution and began to formu- rights are legally binding for all societies, but the moral West and founded a culture that developed into other considered in order to discover the secret of its global- late a statement that is still known as one of the major principles that can become global ethics. territories within centuries. ization. documents of human rights. Volume No: 1 (2016), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2016 Volume No: 1 (2016), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2016 www. IJRMS.com Page 10 www. IJRMS.com Page 11 %% '(()*(+(, %% '(()*(+(, !" !" #$%& #$%& Our assumption is that meaning, particularly the mean- National Assembly, in the presence and auspices of Globalization and Human Rights to Promote the ing proposed for human is the core of culture. Thus, a God, recognizes and declares the following human and meaning or concept of human must be sought to find citizen rights:Human beings are born free and with World Trade with No Limitations the essence of the globalizing culture that has the abil- equal rights and will be remained so, social distinction ity to globalize. According to Hantington1, mere global can be made only on the basis of a public utility.The aim Ahmad Mohammadi Ezhieh Dr.Ghodrat Allah Noroozi utilization
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