THE OHIO I If. Ohio Stale Museum 15" YSAIHW.*. PER COPY 'EJktTINEL -rtir*vwri EVERrWHERE 1 ^ EVERYWHERE SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 19S3 COLUMBUS, OHIO Paul Washington's Body Found In Steubenville RR Tunnel LOCAL MAN'S DEATH A MYSTERY! Story On Page 2 fctrk Masons Observe Opening Of New If ante OttleUI openini of new horn. (center) ol Grand Lod_e of hems., CUP; Mr.. E. ti. Brock, OWM; Matthew BrWk. OM; L. left, Emma Dunn. Free aaat*..apW York M.sona, Prince Hill »rtr_n, ws, ah- B. Owens, WM; Mr.. Lanr. Johnson, HAM; Ma.. M. L. Day... Brack, nations] deputy WOM .1 Ohi.; M. S. Vaughn, national national matron, Hackensack, N. J.; I Ia, , a Har-llton pk„ Colombo,. WM. Standing Mr.. Id. M.rril, OIM; Att'y Jamas F. little, OM. St. Lauls; Ge.r_» W. D--l«y, MJSW snd WGM ol r.nna.I- Sarah Canty, uUoaul WM .1 F.a.ltrn Star.. Columbus; •_. rnotoa .bore ware snapped durinr da.-lonr ceremonies. IEFT: FOM and Icral ad.lior: Charles A. Tama., WM; Mra. Wltl« B. Yanls; Mr.. Majmie B. Walker, n.tlon-1 deputy, \). S. A, Ion- Fannie W. Turner, national JM, C. S. A., Atlanta. St-TJ.em »». From left sealed, Be.. D. L. Sprinja. OL; William Lau.hlnt- Lorlu, OS; Mrs. Clara Porter, WM. BIGHT: Seated .Tom lor matron, Detroit. Standing Ciena Darenport OH of Geor- __Fierce Photos. , SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1983 THE OHIO SENTINEL THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, MARCH 14, I9S3 Duo Arrested For Narcotics Held For Most Popular Cager Attorneys Hold Balloting Scheduled Local Man's Balloting to determine WHO'S WHO IH SPRINGFIELD Federal Jury Under Bonds Of $5000 most popular basketball p In Columbus high schools w Regional Meet Death Mystery By Grace E. Lee Saturday, March 28. Contestants Jim Franklin, North, . Commissi oner Robert 1 SPRING FIELD .—It has been nic$ winter. Stomp Earl Redman, tg surrounding It, nuch could off those rubb< lady ruler. She together like < soring a formal dinner-dance Ada Cass of Piqua. Other offl- •re Associate Loyal Lady LEE BYRO, 23* Miami a*., who, police s*ld, "was fighting .long the Pennsylvania railroad Employed at N. American quest of a ffroL with everybody" when they answered a disturbance complaint racks Sunday morning. 14 miles For in the pinched March smiles Mae Warfield. Dayton; his heme about ! a. m. Sunday, was fined $10 and coals oa a drank outhweal of StcUbenville. Lady Priestess Mary K. Mosek, charge In municipal court Monday. face of a welcome spring. t . Sunday, March Dayton; Soc. Lucille Ginn, Ass't AKA Founder's nan wan identified as P MRS. M-_I_A EDDY was made . m. Royale Needle Soe. Pauline Embry, Treas. Viishington, 42, 1847 Gru very happy Saturday when e ill observe their 4th Leah Moore, LL Guide Etta Cor. pal court Tuesday pleaded guil­ Program Held group of friends surprised hei r. Rev. D. V, Benera Xenia; LL Herald Cora ty tn setting a fire. Samuel T. by celebi-atlnf, her birthday with , of St. Luke Baptist, as, Troy; Standard Beai days in the workhouse and Aipna Signiu Omega <•••..] a surprise party In her honor Sides, of the Fire Prevention fined $20 and costs Monday prominent attorneys present for Ird region meeting Out of town guests were Alice Bureau,' c ha r g e d that M nose Love, ,.•.:, W. Goodale sU, of Alpha Kuppu Alpha sorb held its annual Founder's of Nat'l Bar Ass'n la Columbus last Saturday were, from left, Polk. Chicago; Pcrle May, Chi­ , Missionary Society < Jackson maliciously set fire told the court Samuel Hamilton, apparently fallen Mose H. Dixon, Cleveland; Willis M. Graves, Detroit; James A. r Guard Susie Purdue, Day- the clothes of Lawrence Pegn celebration lust Saturday a bound for PiKs- cago; Mrs. M. E. Partridge same address, blacked his eyes luncheon given in the Ohio Crumlln, Louisville; Harold E. Bledso, Detroit; W. S. Lymaa, Addle Honley, Mr. Union on the campus of Ohio burgh. Ue . i identified by hia Sr., Columbus. See story.—Pierce Photo. loline, Myrtle Thomas, of Middletown, and many other and Marie Singleton, CARRYING el a tives and friends. Greetings came from Basilcus , bearing the cm* A 32nd degree Mason, he was region of the Nat'l Bar Ass'n flatherei en presented James A. Thom- Mary Ulascor, who also i member of St. Mark'* Lodge heon at the Central YMCA last Saturday Jarie Applln, Charlotte Corley, , assistant chief of the career duced the gue3t speaker, Ile- p»r. The body the attorneys assembled for a business st development section. Air gional Dir. Kanncltc Norris of i taken to .session with James A. Crumlin, director of Region 3, presiding. Command's military ibenville. In on adjoining room the wives of the attorneys met with Mrs Ruth Ncnl presented Soror Freda Witherspoon, president of the N£A Ladies' clubs. Wooster Corley, club ai Fair St. Christian thanks Norris with a pair of sterling IN A TELEPHONE silver earrings and a corsage ot ith a Sentinel reportc TRAFFIC COURT ight, the victim's v 'High School Queen' Mrs. Eddy received n Mrs. Arthur Rlci TRIAL, FOR Baxter Hender- Vivian Wushington, could thro** tiful gifts. Three birthday < ansferred to the • on, ia» ML Vernon av., cnarged little light on her husband'. were presented by her ni Groce pleaded i eath. She said her husbaix Cornell At Poindexler lation for the,NBA" . H, A. Hickey, rec eon, Valerie •tt home early Saturday morn to Run a Local Bar." moved to Springfield am Who will be "Miss Columbus Hirer lii-htne members of NBA, sti-ucting at Wilberforce ur sponsible for High School Queen" for 19537 Chester Smith of Detroit, Clar­ Highlight of the mreting wai slty, was speaker Friday That question will be dftter- adoption of a resolution to be ence Smith of Cleveland and presented at the next annual the Stewardesses ond Trustees Gotwald, and Neal. again unill the undertaker cal­ iiiit-.i during the 10th annual co-chairman, Grace E, Lee. led me Sunday i jcen contest and dance to be meeting of the NBA in N. Or­ leans, proposing tho organize. annual banquet. Mrs. Mi Helen Mummery and Mrs. L. held JSiiturday, March 28, from Merchant offered suggestions. Ington said. monies. Also participating . If her husband had .pla: 1 take ii trip, he had not er, she stated. She had no !«*. auric, "Ways and ent.t s. Washington hfills from ondition" Saturday in City hos- tr, Carolyn UU, Marjori ship of the Wilberforce Varsity Means of Stimulating the Nat'l I the 1 veland . Mrs. Magypinon putting air i Holland, Juamta Smart, Viol* ies is recuperating BGfttu cycle tire ai a filling _ Lynch and Marian Hughes. Green, pastor of N. St. church TIC of her brother. Rev. 1'..,,- Cleveland and 15th Mrs. Green wa3 introduced . :y, who will spend Truss. 205 Bell av., and Mr. and -• pay the fine, Hughes Mt. Zion church clubrooms wcr. Louisville at the Colleg. Mrs. Harvey Stewart, 288W Raf- Library Branch the setting for the Carrie Clif- Scriptures, lecturing to fensperger st., are parents of Lee Phillips sons born in Mercy hospital Reappointed i Keller, Valerie National Officials Meet In Columbus For Columbus' Bell, Helen Ran- elpal first, forms with a lot of useless Brooks la charged with Illegal en assisted in .delivering a To Slate Job dope that you couldn't read with possession of liquor for sale. boy to Mrs. Matilda L. microscope. Red forms, yel- To Plan For Cleveland Mason School Moss, Dorothy Minor, Florence ilttee ore Joyce Beverly, forms, blue Eastside Area Henry, Naomi Blackburn, Cli tory, Robert Smith, Rosic I, m- Friday. The men in Rice, N. L. Beavers, MUses hen rushed the mother and in Columbus last Friday aa gue. i, Helen Powell and June Blanks that you I be added to the C Norma Lenthe. Louise Wells, noreland. Mr. Smith will to University hospital s and chapters, for the purpose i Case, head of the hostess* Rev. liicjjardson, pas­ :e marked "X", i they both wc« reported SShool to be heljin Cleveland *3u: — ,y extension ->.._ oderator of a pane) disct**- >ur height, -age. THE PRICE OF gasoline t post-this weckr la weffk. Opening c tor of Mt. Zion, presented clos- at 3 p. m. Other panel reached an all-time high for a book Eastside branch library . Miss Pearl tiers will be Lora Nell Hilltop man Monday Julie'a he April. Work ,lfl progressing i Mr. and ipson, Virginia Stanford, Mm erly, Robert Burton and Gil- Pearl Clarke > be unfted in was Judge Matthias, when >. Vuughn of St. Louis, r, March James T, Flowers, 304 S. Sunday. He said he hod beer •puty Grand Master books, and up-to-date 3*15 Fair al Wayne av., pleaded guilty to " fight inside "RosieV place 1W Brock, Columbus; Rockhold. Sermon will be pre- blanks. P. S. Don't forget your i Hanford Village. Warden George W. der of Eastern Star, Mra. Sarah GEORGE REYNOLDS income tax is due to be on Un­ stealing the fuel from the Canty, Columbus; Nat'l Priest­ --. .............. „._._ a tableful • of Clark county bar- Pennsylvania RR shop. A WEDDING RING SET, val- . Allqulppa, Pa. tNat't books and magazines such - - vin Liggins of Springfield . cle Sam's desk no later than ed at $150, and -.90 in cash ess of Crusaders Mrs. Emma THE WIDE VARIETY of ins of War I. Oth« Community choir is rehearsing s, Oscar Fleck- Dunn of Atlanta, Nat'l Juvenile American Girl, Boy's Life March 15. C. Bryant, nnd , Flying and Sr. Scbolas- magazines wilt include Coronet, officers ore John Kinsler, se for its Easter sunrise eervlces COLUMBUS VICE SQUAD ef., Anthony Rut* Mutron Mrs.
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