distributed t o t h e co u n c il AND THE League of Nations C. 584. M.222.1926. members OF THE LEAGUE.] GENEVA, October 4th, 1926 S ubject L ist N o. 65 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL AND THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING SEPTEMBER 1926*. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) •The original number reference of documents distributed i second time during September 1626 is also given ind is indicated by the sign § Arbitration and Security (continued) Conventions, particular, regarding (continued) Report dated September 1926 by the 3rd Committee A (M. Markovitch) to the 7th Session of the Assembly submitting draft resolution recording the definite results of the resolution of the 6th Session of the Assembly, emphasizing the importance of the Abyssinia Treaties of Locarno, expressing the opinion that Notes exchanged December 1925 between the British such agreements need not be restricted to a limited and Italian Governments constituting an agreement area but may apply to different parts of the world, with a view to the obtaining of concessions from the asserting its conviction that the ideas embodied Abyssinian Government for the conservancy of the therein may well be accepted as the fundamental waters of Lake Tsana and for the constitution of a rules governing the foreign policy of each nation, railway through Abyssinia (C. 428. M. 161. 1926) and requesting the Council to recommend States Members to put such principles into practice and Telegram dated September 10, 1926 from the Abys­ to offer its good office for the conclusion of suitable sinian Government stating th a t it is sending a agreements special Delegate to Geneva to deal w ith question of A. 79. 1926. IX C. 557. M. 210. 1926. V II Alcoholism Resolution adopted September 25, 1926 by the 7th Session of the Assembly, on the report of the Resolution (draft) submitted September 14, 1926 by 3rd Committee, recording the definite results the Finnish Delegate (M. Setala), the Polish Delegate of the resolution of the 6th Session of the Assembly, (M. Zaleski) and the Swedish Delegate (M. Lôfgren) emphasizing the importance of the Treaties of to the 7th Session of the Assembly requesting it to Locarno, expressing the opinion that such agree­ include the question of alcoholism in the programme ments need not be restricted to a limited area of the work of the League and to request the Council but may apply to different parts of the world, to take measures to this effect asserting its conviction that the ideas embodied A. 62.1926 therein may well be accepted as the fundamental rules governing the foreign policy of each nation, and requesting the Council to recommend States Resolution adopted September 21, 1926 by the 7th Members to put such principles into practice and. Session of the Assembly on the report * of the Agenda to offer its good offices for the conclusion of suit­ Committee adjourning to the next Session the draft able agreements resolution submitted by the Finnish Polish, and Swedish delegates A. 119. 1926. IX O. J., Spec. Supp. No. 43, p. 28 Armaments, Reduction of Arms, Manufacture, Private, of Arbitration and Security Convention (draft), drawn up April 1926 by the Com­ Conventions, particular, regarding mittee of Enquiry, concerning the supervision Report, dated June 1926 by the Council Committee and the publicity of such manufacture (M. Benes, Ishii and Sjôborg) adopted June 10, !926 by the 40th Council Session, for submission A. 47. 1926 to the Assembly, on its examination of the sys­ tematic survey prepared by the Secretariat and °n the progress of Memorandum dated September 1926 by the Secre­ C. 370. 1926. IX § tariat submitting to Council the resolution adopted A. 32. 1926. IX September 3, 1926 by the Committee of the Coun­ A. 6 and A. 6 (a). 1926, Extr. cil and the report of the Committee of Enquiry O. J., V II, No. 7, p. 991, Ann. 888 § regarding C. 479. 1926. IX Sot «produced. A. 47. 1926. IX 1 N 171 (F.) 4. 130 (A ) 10/26 ]mp Sonor- Armaments, Reduction oï (continuedj Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Arms, Manufacture, Private, of (continued) Arms, Manufacture, Private, of (continued) Questionnaire approved December 12, 1925 by the Questionnaire approved Dec. 12, 1925, etc. (contd.j 37th Council Session for submission to States, on Replies of the following States to (continued) O. J., VII, No. 8, p. 1043 Turkev C. 315. 1926. IX § C. L. 159 (a). 1925, Ann. § O. J., VII, No. 8, p. 1067 Letter dated January 9, 1926 by Secretary- General to States Members and certain States United States of America non-Members forwarding above-mentioned ques­ C. 315. 1926. IX § tionnaire together with relevant reports (C. L. O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1057 159 (a). 1925, extract), quoting the resolution adopted December 12, 1925 by 37th Council Session and calling attention to the paragraph Report dated July 1926 by Committee of Enquiry urging importance of a reply, before June 1, on its examination of replies to 1926, to See : ARMAMENTS, REDUCTION OF O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1042 Arms, Manufacture, Private, of C. L. 159. 1925 § Report, etc. Replies of the following States to Report dated April 1926 by the Committee of En­ quiry to the Committee of the Council on its pre­ C. 315. 1926. IX § Australia paration of a draft Convention for O. J„ VII, No. 8, p. 1051 A. 47. 1926, Ann. II Austria C. 315 (a). 1926. IX § O. J., VII, No. 8, p. 1051 Report dated July 1926 by the Committee of En­ Bulgaria C. 315. 1926. IX § quiry to the Committee of the Council on its O. J., VII, No. 8, p. 1053 re-examination of its preliminary draft Convention in the light of the replies received to the ques­ Cuba C. 315 (e). 1926. IX § tionnaire submitted to States and stating that O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1054 it does not see its way to introduce any modifica­ tions in this draft C. 436. 1926. IX § Czechoslovakia C. 315. 1926. IX § C. 479. 1926. IX O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1066 A. 47. 1926, Ann. 1 Egypt C. 315 (a). 1926. X I § O. J „ V II, No. 8, p. 1056 Report dated September 1926 by the Czechoslovak Representative (M. Benes) and resolution adopted Great Britain C. 315 (d). 1926. IX § September 4, 1926 by the 41st Council Session, O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1053 deciding while reserving its opinion on the preli­ minary' draft Convention, to refer the report of tie Greece C. 315. 1926. IX § Committee of Enquiry to the Assembly and to O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1057 draw the latter's attention to the relationship between this question and the general problem being considered by the Preparatory Commission Italy C. 315 (a). 1926. IX § O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1058 for the Disarmament Conference C. 511. 1926. IX Japan C. 3x5 (a). 1926. IX § A. 47. 1926. IX O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1059 Latvia C. 315. 1926. IX § Report dated September 1926 by the 3rd Comm ittee O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1060 (M. Guerrero) to the 7th Session of the Assemb y, submitting draft resolution noting the c ose connection between the supervision of priva e C. 315 (c). 1926. IX § Netherlands manufacture of arms and of international tra e O. J., VII, No. 8, p. 1062 in arms and the problem being e x a m in e d by t e Preparatory Commission for the Disarmamen New Zealand C. 315. 1926. IX § Conference and proposing that the Counci con O. J„ V II, No. 8, p. 1061 tinue its enquiries in order that the question 0 private m anufacture be included in the program ^ C. 315 (f). 1926. IX § Norway of this Conference, if it be convened be ore 0 . J„ V II, No. 8, p. 1061 8th Session of the Assembly or if not, that a spe Conference be convened to deal with Poland C. 315 (a). 1926. IX § O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1063 A. 73- 1926 Roumania C. 315 (b). 1926. IX § Resolution adopted September 3, 1926 b} t^ ouncy 0 . J„ V II, No. 8, p. 1065 mittee of the Council proposing tha ® , wn refer the preliminary draft C o n v e n 10 South Africa C. 315. 1926. IX § up by the Committee of Enquiry, °& infonna- 0 . J., V II, No. 8, p. 1068 the latter’s reports, to the Assemb y reIatjonship tion and drawing its attention to ^ problem Soviet Republics, Union of Socialist between this question and the g en er C. 315. 1926. IX § being considered by the Preparatory O. J., V II, No. 8, p. 1068 for the Disarmament C o n fe re n c e c.479.1926. g Sweden C. 315 (g). 1926. IX § 0 . J., V II, No. 8, p. 1065 A. 47- !926' IX Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Arms, Manufacture, Private of (continued) Conference, International (continued) Resolution (draft) subm itted September 10, 1926 Commission, Preparatory, for (continued) by the Netherlands Delegate (M. Loudon) to the Documents of (2nd Series) * 7th Session of the Assembly referring to the 3rd Committee the report of the Czechoslovak Repre­ C. 425. M. 158. 1926. IX sentative (M. Benes) adopted on September 4, 1926 by the Council, together with the documents Memorandum dated June 5, 1926 by the Finnish submitted to the Assembly thereby Government requesting the League to undertake, A. 52. 1926. IX through its competent organs, a careful exami­ nation of the practical means by which small Resolution adopted September 10, 1926 by the States in need of special security owing to 7th Session of the Assembly, on the proposal geographical or other exceptional circumstances of the Netherlands Delegate referring to the 3rd could obtain sufficient guarantee as regards Committee the report of the Czechoslovak Repre­ immediate financial assistance to enable them sentative (M.
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