3712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. SENATE. AUGUST 8, of the National Home for Disabled-VolunteeT Soldiers; to the by the Russian Government of Jewish citizens; to the Commit­ Committee on Military Affairs. tee on Foreign Affairs. By l\Ir. S~BATH: Concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 15) to By .!.\Ir. ,fULLER: Petition of the American National Li•e print 17,100 copies cf proceedings of unveiling the statues of Stock Association and of the Cattle Rai ers' .Association, of Pulaski and Ko c:iuszko; to the Committee on Printing. Texas, in opposition to placing li•e stock and meats on the free list; to the Committee on Ways and ~leans. r Also, petition of the ·Old Age Brotherhood for the enactment PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. of an old-age pension system; to the Committee on Pen ions. By Mr. MATTHEWS : Papers in support of bill to increase Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions pension of Andrew McCullough; to the Co~mittee on InYalid were introduced and seYerally. referred as follows: . Pensions. By Mr. BURKE of Wisconsin : A bill ( H. R. 13370) granting By Mr. SULZER: Resolutioh of District Grand Lodge No. 2, an increase of pension to Harmon L. Palmer; to the Committee Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, relntirn to the tre:ltment on Invalid Pensions. of Jewish citizens by the Russian GoYernment; to the Commit­ By i\Ir. OL.AnK of Missouri: A bill (H. R. 13371) granting tee on Foreign Affairs. an increase of pension to James W. Hollenbeck; to the Com­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. By Ur. CLINE: A bill (II. R. 13372) granting an increase of pension to J. II. Weaver; to the Committee on Im·alid Pensions. SENATE. By Mr. DICKI~SO~: A bill (H. R. 13373) granting an in­ TUESDAY, August 8, 1911. crea e of pension to John C. Bridges; to the Committee on Invaliu Pensions. [Continuation of legislati1ie day of Monday, Aitoust 7, 1911.] By Mr. HAWLEY: A bill (H. R. 13374) granting an increase The Senate met, at the expiration of the recess, at 11 o'clock of pension to I aac Cram; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ a. m., 'ruesday, August 8, 1011. sions. By Mr. JACOWAY: A bill (H. R. 13375) for the relief of the NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA. heirs of John Deering and John Edwards; to the Committee on The Senate, as in Committee of the Who1e, resumecl the con­ War Claims. sideration of the joint resolution (H. J. Re . 1:1.) to admit the By Mr. LEE of Pennsylvania: A bill (II. R. 13376) to cor­ Territories of New Mexico and .Arizona as State into the Union rect the military record of Thomas J. Rose; to the Committee upon an equal footing with the original State . on Military Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. The pending question is on the By Mr. LEWIS: A bill (H. R 13377) to refunu to the corpo­ fir"'t amendment reported from tbe Committee on Territories. rate authorities of Frederick City, Md., the sum of $200,000, ex­ The Senator from South Dakota [~Ir. CJU..wroRD] has the floor. acted of them by the Confederate Army under Gen. Jubal Early, :Mr. CR.A. WFORD. Mr. President, this is a Republic. It is July 9, 1864, under penalty of burning said city; to the Com­ not a pure democracy; it is a Republic. It is not a govern­ mittee on War Claims. ment by the people dire.ct, but it is a representative government. By .!.\Ir. ANTHONY: A bill (H. R. 13378) granting an in­ One would think from some of the contentions made here that crease of pension to Thomas J. Thompson; to the Committee on we are seriously contempl::i.ting in this country a rnvo1ution Im·::ilid Pensions. tmder which we are about to precipitate our ehes into a pure By Mr. ·MATTHEWS: A bill (H. R. 13379) grunting an in­ democracy and eliminate the representative fc.1ture of our crease of pension to Andrew McCullough ; to the Committee on Go•ernment entirely, or to so control it that repre~entative ·go-r­ Invalid Pen"'ions. ernment will ha•e in it elf no longer any force or any effect. By Mr. O'SHAUNESSY: A bill (H. R. 13380) grantin?: a pen­ Tile recall of judges, as it is pro11osed in the constitution of sion to Sarah E. Hall; to the Committee on In-valid Pensi(lll . Arizona and presented by argument upon thi floor, is a pro­ Al so. a !Jill ( H. R. 133 1) granting an increase of pension to posal to put into the hands of a small minority the power to Annie Potter Newell; to the Committee on Invalid Pen ions. inrnlve an incumbent of a judicial office in a fight for his posi­ Also, a bill (H. R. 13382) gra,nting an increase of pension to tion as a judge, by merely filing a petition signed, not by a Mary Kennedy; to the ommittee on Invalid Pensions. majority of the rnters, not by one-half of the •oters, but by AlBo, a bill ( H. R 13383) granting an increase of pension to oue-fonrth of the voters-a petition which need not state spe­ Susan Douglas; to the ommittee on Im·alid Pensions. cifically a single charge against that judge. He will be com­ Al o, a bill (H. R. 13384) granting an increase of pen ion to pelled thereby to go to the people of his district and fight for Nicholas E. Gardiner; to the Committee on Inrnlid Pen ions. his retention in his judicial office in the very midst of the term Also, a bill (H. R. 133 5) granting an increa e of pen ion to for -which he has already been lnwfully cho .~ en. Abbie S. Lawrence; to the Committee on Invalid Pension . I do not say that a provision of that kfod takes away from a Also, a bill (H. R. 133 6) granting an increase of pension to State its republican form of government, b.ut I tlo say that such Eliza W. Parkhurst: to the Committee on In•alid Pensions. a provision is umepublican and that it is a stnrtling step By Mr. STEPHENS of California: A bill (H. Il. 13387) grant­ towi1rd pure democracy. ing an increase of pension to Edwin M. Wardall; to the Com­ The fathers who framed the Constitution are dismissed now­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. adays by some people with a sneer. It is i;:aid that they frnmed By l\Ir. WICKLIFFE: A bill (R. R. 13388) for the relief of our Constitution in secret, and that iti:clf pnt a color of sus­ the estnte of Le Roy C. Morris, deceased; to the Committee on picion upon the organic law; tlrnt when yon look now at the men War Claims. who framed that charter, you find that they, in their true colors, were reactionaries and standpatters. No lon~e:r- are Benja­ min Franklin and George Washin~on ::i.nd Alexander- Hamilton PETITIONS, ETC. men to whom we should look for light ant.I guidance in the con­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid struction of tile Constitution; they are under sus11icion of bav­ on the Clerk's desk :md referred as follows: inp; covertly, in secret, gone into ome kind of conspiracy By Mr. .A..1. YSBERRY : Resolution of District Grand Lodge against their rnce, and the future, in the interest of property No. 2, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, relatiYe to the trent­ and corporations and tlrnt sort of thing. This is the kind of ment of Jewish citizens by the Russian Government; to the argument we bear at tbe beginninO' of the twentieth century Committee on Foreign Affairs. about the Constitution of our country. By Mr. BURKE of Wisconsin: Papers to accompany bill The words of Mr. Hamilton wben be -was pre enling the granting nn increai::e of pension to Harmon L. Palmer; to the claims of the Constitution to ratification are just as true to-day Committee on Intalid Pensions. as they were then. He said : By Mr. CURLEY : Petition of H. l\I. Aitken and numerous Give all power to the many and they will oppress the few. others, of Boston, Brookline, and Dorchester, l\Ill.ss., asking that Does anybody deny that now? What did he say about the the duty on raw and refined sugars be reduced; to the Commit­ minority? tee on Wars and l\leans. Give all power to the few and they will oppTess the many. Also, resolution of District Grand Lodge No. 2, Independent Does a11ybody deny th:it now? No. Some would say, "We Order of B'nni B'rith, relative to the treatment of Jewish citi­ do not want to gi"re any power to the few, but we do want to zens by the Russian GoTernment; to the Committee on Foreign gi>e all power to the many.'1 But one proposition is just as Affairs. dangerous as the other. Hamilton said: By l\lr. ESCH: Resolution of District Grand Lodge No. 2, Both, therefore, ought to have the power th.at each may defend itself Independent Order of B'nai . B'rith, relative to the treatment against the other. 1911. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3713 Oh no, Mr. President, that is not to be the doctrine now. their plan would have been Inexcusably defective if it had wanted this important feature of good government. The experience of good govern­ Both are not to have the power by which each can defend itsel,f ment affords an illustrious comment upon the excellence of the institu­ against the other, but the power of the minority is to be taken tion.
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