V o l . 5 2 , N o , 5 MILLBURN ---- a n d SHORTHILLS ITEM 2 Founded 1888 ••••Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN,N.J. FIVE CEN TS S p y MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ASH WEDNESDAY, February FLEMING of Millburn, cele­ 7, St. Stephen's Church will cele­ Burns Fatal brated their 51st wedding anni­ Millburn Is brate Holy Communion at 7 A. Hope For 3.53 versary on Tuesday, January 30, M and at 10 A. M. Litany and To L. L. Picot at their home, 11 Holmes street. Resigned Penitential offices. Each Wed­ Tax Rate rs Last year on the occasion of nesday during Lent except Holy Leonce L. Picot, 53, court crier, their golden anniversary the Millburn waits on coming Week, Holy Communjon will be Millburn’s 1940 tax rate has for Supreme Court Justice Park­ aged couple were recipients of events with seeming resigna­ celebrated at 10 A. M. with been tentatively set at 3.53 as er and Circuit Court Judge Caf- a congratulatory letter from tion. Patrolman Pierman will young people’s services Fridays contrasted with 3.56 for 1939. It frey at Essex County Court President Roosevelt. answer charges preferred by at 4 P. M. is expected to remain at or Couse, died early Friday morn­ ★ Chief Wade, next Thursday ★ near this point unless state and ing when a lighted cigarette is evening and then on Tuesday county estimates now available thought to have set fire to the the 13th the same residents will go awry. bedclothes at his home, 18 Nor­ Parish Party transfer their storming from Boy Scout Civic group representatives wood terrace, Millburn. Town Hall to various schools to met with members of the Town­ Mrs. Nellie Picot, asleep in an­ This Evening name three members of the Show Tonight ship Committee Monday evening other bedroom was awakened Board of Education. The west­ in Informal session, got the ern front reports no greater news and also explanations of by the smell of smoke and The annual Parish Ball of St. A capacity audience is ex­ quiet than now marks the all items of debatable nature. rushed to her husband’s room. Rose of Lima church including pected to attend the movie and Township as it waits to see what Total appropriations for town­ With the assistance of a dancing and cards, will be held stage show program arranged by if any bombs will be dropped. ship purposes are $349,710.28 nephew, L. Earl Smith of Florida, in the school auditorium this Scout Troop 14 at the High and grand total of the amount she pulled him from the bed too evening, Friday. Members of the Reports are that this year’s School tonight, according to the to be raised by tax Is $996,868.06. late, however, to save him. Ladies Auxiliary sponsoring school election will be the real committee in charge. Proceeds This was the earliest budget Millburn Fire Department was group for the event, anticipate macoy with voting booths and of the affair will go into the hearing on record and final pas­ summoned to the home through a large attendance and express everything. No more will resi­ troop treasury for the further­ sage is looked for late in Febru­ i a relayed call from Maplewood assurance of an enjoyable pro­ dents parade the buildings with ance of scout work in Millburn ary or early in March. Ira C. Fire Department sent in by gram. waving ballots but instead, de­ The stage show will be fea­ Moore Jr. explained general Betty Picot, a daughter, 16. Patrons and Patronesses for corum will be the order of the tured by a tumbling exhibition items and expressed it as the Chief Hayes and Captain the party include the following: evening. by Frank Wells and Bob Mar- view of this committee that a Rev. Henry J. Campbell. Rev. A tyrge^vote is expected as Stoeckle worked over the body fin. Wells is the National A. A. more or less stabilized rate ap­ James J. Coyle, Mr. and Mrs. residents hurry home from the with an inhalator with no suc­ U. champion having won the proximating 3.50 seemed desir­ Carl Badenhausen, Mr. and Mrs. south, not because of the election cess. Dr. J. M. Silverstein of Mill­ title for the last three years able with any surplus applied Douglas C. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. but, to get warm. Millburn has burn, pronounced death due to while Martin is metropolitan to debt retirement or to sup­ Warren J. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. withj California the past burns and suffocation. Delay in champion. Frank Boccia and plant short term borrowing. Bernard Benziger, Mr. and Mrs. week and it probably will not relaying the call is not thought Michael Grossman, members of One such item appears in the John J. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ cool off until what’s ahead is to have been a contributing fac­ the Panzer College gym team new budget, $21,500 for payment erick Bodden, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ past. tor. will present a difficult hand to of bond anticipation potey and ward Borkoski, Mr. and Mrs. The flames which were quick­ Lest voters forget it may be hand routine in another tum­ toward this $20,000 has been ap­ Joseph W. Brennan, Mr. and ly extinguished, caused little mentioned in passing that can­ bling act. Miss Helen Nairn and propriated from surplus revenue Mrs. John J. Byrnes. damage to the house. A son, didates for the school board are Miss Frances Trebour, also of cash. Anticipated revenue totals Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Duffy, Leonce Jr., 8, was asleep in an Messrs Hartshorne, Levins, and Panzer and former starlets of f 260,270.27 and includes $81,000 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dupuis, adjoining room. Bailey and Mrs. Taylor, the Warner Brothers, will do several from franchise and gross re- ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eastmead, Mr. Funeral services for Mr. Picot same as in weeks past. tap dances as will Connie Maul ceipts taxes for 1938, 1939 and and Mrs. W. Edenburg, Mr. and were held Sunday in Irvington ★ and Elaine Siedenschwartz, stu­ 1940. Passage of recent legisla­ but cremation., was delayed as Mrs. H. F. Elberfeld, Mr. and dents of Miss Dorothy Franke’s tion is expected to insure receipt Mrs. Herman Evers. Medical Examiner Martland de­ dancing class. Miss Franke and of this money. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cahill, Mr. F ather jln d Son cided upon “ further investiga­ Charlotte Horne will perform a Edgar A. Clark former com­ and Mrs. E. A. Cardinal, Nellie tion” following anonymous com­ tap dance specialty and a bal­ mitteeman precipitated the Charmley, Mr. Peter Clark, Mr. munications as to the cause of let of seven local girls, Ann only real discussion when he James Coan, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sports Dinner death. Toxicological tests re­ Barr.y, Virginia Krautter, Iris suggested provision for purchase Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lutz, Lois Quimby, Virginia Fold, quiring several days will be Monday night the Fathers of a pumper In place of a hose Collins. Betty Selzer and Betty Lyons made of all vital organs. and Sons of the Short Hills cart at a cost of $5,400. The Born in South Orange in No­ Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Falla, Country Day School gathered at will be sure to please the au­ pumper would be an immediate dience in their routines. vember 1886, Mr. Picot was grad­ Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fauquier, Mr. the Short Hills Club for the an­ asset and protection, he claimed uated from Columbia High and Mrs. Wm. F. Feeney, Mr. and nual Fall and Winter sports get- Local boys will be seen in the whereas the cart was of ques­ Mrs. William H. Fields, Mr. and School .and attended New York together. technicolor film “Scout Trail to tionable value except as an aux­ Mrs. H. J. Finley, Mrs. William Law. School. In 1909 he was ad­ Those receiving lettefrs and Citizenship”, one of the latest iliary to present pumpers. mitted to the bar and in 1920 Gordon French. pictures prepared on scout work. honorable mention were: “A” Mr. Clark also favored meet­ Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton, Dr. Other films to be shown will in­ became a counsellor. He was team — Bill Rogers 3d, Bill ing underwriter requirements and Mrs. Thomas C. Davis, Mr. clude “Football Fever”, "Sports former vice-president of New Campbell, Gus Stewart 3d, Bob­ for an improved rating here and Mrs. T. A. Desmond, Mr. Trade of the Year”, "You Jersey Elks Association, member by Jones, J.r„ Joe Hixson, Jr., stating the insurance saving and Mrs. P. Diamandes, Miss Can’t Get Away With It” a “OT of Century Lodge F. & A. M. of Dick Seymour, Jr., Elliott Clem­ would exceed the added tax cost. Jane Donaldson, Mrs. Matthew Man Picture and “Pex Rides South Orange, and belonged to ency, Jr., Ridley Watts 3d, Mike If this were done the pumper _ . J. Donnellan, Mr. and Mrs. Theo­ with the Boy Scouts”, starring the Atlas and Marlin Fishing De Camp, Gerry Lauderdale. would be mandatory. Cdmmit- dore M. Douglas. Tex Ritter, Snug Pollard and clubs. “ B" team — John Coakley, Jr„ teemen said they had consid­ Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Garesche, ★ Mike Ward, David Watts, Tom­ Margery Reynolds. ered this and decided against it Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giffoniello, AS A TRIBUTE to Finland, Si­ my Garesche. Substitutes — The committee in charge, Rod at this time. Mrs. Kathryn Graham, Mrs. Leo belius’ Fifth Symphony will be Dickie Cruess, Jimmy Atkin, MacDougall, Duff MacPhail, The Township tax office is to played by the Cleveland Orches­ (Continued on Page Three) Hugh Williams, and Bill Sa- Fred Schroeder and John Run­ be mechanized under the new tra on Wednesday evening, Feb­ ★ bater, Jr.
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