Wednesday, March 03, 1982 Seventh Series9ROXXIV1R. 10 Phalguna 12, 1903 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Eighth Session Seventh/RN6DEKD 9ROXXIV CRQWDLQV1R1WR10 /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi Price- Rs 4.00 P^IM M INT LIBRARY D i u i T U R S D CONTENTS ' No. io, Wednesday, March 3, l()821PhalgUna 12, 1903 (Saka) C o l u m n s Oral Answers to Questions: •Starred Questions Nos. 146,147,149 and 152 . 2— 34 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Qustions Nos. 145,150,151 and 153 to 165 . 34— 46 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1617 to 1642,1644 to 1734, 1736 to 1746,1748 to 1769, 1771 to 1781 and 1783101850 .... 46—280 Correcting statement to USQ No. 1660 dt. 2-12-81 281— 86 Rtpers Laid on the T a b l e .................................................................. 286— 90 Committee on Private Members’ Bills & Resolutions— Thirty-Sixth R e p o r t .................................................................. 2go Public Accounts Committee— Seventieth & Scventy-sccond Reports ..... 291— 95 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported grounding of two Boeing 707 Aircraft of Air India in B o m b a y ......................................................................................295— 3*9 Shri Kamla Mishra M a d h u k a r ...................................... 296— 300 Shri A. P. Sharma ...................................... 296-97,300— 304, 308— 10 Shri Nawal Kishore Sharma ......................................304—^308 Shri Harish Rawat .....................................* • 310— 18 Shri Ramavatar S h a i h t r i ................................................320— 24 Shri Sudhir G i r i .................................................................326— 28 Business Advisory Committee— Twenty-Sixth Report ......................................................... 329 •The Sign+ marked above the name of Member indicates that the question ytv actually asked on the flooi of the House by that Member. C o l u m n s Matters Under Rule 377— (i) Recovery of blood packs in gaibage dump behind die Red-Cross Bhawan, New Delhi : Shri K. Lakkappa ....... 33°*3* (ii) Nationalisation of jute mills in West Bengal in the context of the alleged lock-out b; Jute null m u m : Shrimati Gecta M u k h e r j e e .....................................33J-J2 (iii) Settlement of Cauveri \VV irr dispute betwreji Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala : Shri K. Raniamurthy ...... 333 (iv) Pay parity of Home Guards with Police constables : Shri Mukunda M a n d a l ...................... 333*34 (v) Indiscriminate spending of money by Government Depart- ments during the month of March of every year : Prof. Ajit Kumar M ehta ......................................... 334*35 (vi) Irrigation facilities for Ghotanagpur area : Shri R.L.P. Y’erm a ........................................................S35*3® (vii) Directions to State Governments of Uttar Piadcth and Rajasthan to supply power to farmers : Shri Rajesh P i l o t ........................................................336*37 (viii) Inclusion of 'Dhobis’ is the Scheduled Castes list : Shri Cumbum N. Natarajan . 337*3® Railway Budget, 1982-83—General Discussion . 33®—44® Shri Narayan C h o u b e y ........................................................ 338— 48 Shrimati Mohsina K i d w a i .............................................. 348—59 Shri D. P. Y a d a v ................................................................. 359-®4 Shii Uttam Rathod .............................................. ........ 3®4— 68 Dr. Krupasindhu B h o i ........................................................3®®—73 Shri Ram Vilas ......................................................................... 373"“ ^3 Shri Kusuma Krishna Murthy • • 3®4 ®9 Shri Harikesh B a h a d u r ........................................................389— 98 / (Hi) C o l u m n s Shri Amar Roy P r a d h a n .........................................................398—403 Shri Ramnath D u b e y ......................................................... 403— 408 Shri Eduardo F a l e i r o .........................................................408— 12 Shri E. K. Im b ic h ib a v a .......................................................4*2— 14 Shri S. A. Dorai S e b a s t i a n ............................................... 4!4— Shri C. T. D h a n d a p a n i.........................................................416— 18 Shri K. Kunhambu ....... 418— 21 Shri A. G. Subburaiman ....... 421 Shri Satyanarayan Jatiya ............................................... 422— 24 Shri Cbandrajit Yadav . ............................................... 424— Shri Xavier Aiakal ....... 427 Shri P. C. S a t h i ................................................................... 427— 48 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA if 1 w r 3tpt a rn ^ m ?*> qTff fleR v m rrif ? Wednesday March 3, 1982/Phalguna 12, 8r«w : ciT a i* f if^f arrr^Frt 1903 (Safco) ^Trf nt I *ft, ^7T W imrf'^rf ^rw r 1 *T<r v ft 3T? 3TTT JTd” I The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock ( s m n ) DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY: I IMr. Speaker in the Chair'] would like to say that they should not get this water; it is very danSerous; TWfWUTW : aTUW you get jaundice very quickly. W , 388 ^ •rit'i*? fWT | TC MR. SPEAKER; Prevention is bet- sprr* Tff t t ^ f*r * qfft ter than cure. *T Tin ff I ? <rrffr 3TT f^ r ^ SHRI JAG DISH TYTLER: If they f3 i tt*t rnrar ir t 'ily. i**. are not clean, they should not be w*t p r ^ iifr allowed to enter the Parliament *T Tfl I ’TPT <TRt *£TT House. j t r ? T* t t i ^ ir *arw *=?t t jrpr=- * f*Tt f a n tt SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN; All tk t r* i right; I walk out. srinr «rtw : ^Trr af *rfi •» i Shri Ram Vilas Paswan then left the Vfdl; f IT* i House. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS VUHR W fu r : r«*i<4l J* I Unnatural death of women by burning- rffjl1 # ^ ^Tt TPT Vt AT ITT 1 ......... I arr very serious about it. in Delhi 4- SHRI NTREN GHOSH; Why is the capital in such a mess? You are pre- •146. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE siding over this House.. .(Interrup- PATIL: tion*). SHRI RASHEED MASOOD: irurar wytur ^ V ?tt 5* Will the Minister of HOME AFF- 07TF I 3CnW7 fiT TO T j f t AIRS be pleased to lay a statement f JjfHH IJTT fWTf TT TXT Jf* l showing; (a) number of incidents of unna- tft * ~ I^!*f vmwR : inft *V ur^f tural deaths of women by burning ^ I *P" inpf I*T flTlTT *>t which were registered on complaints g m , vrlfv *fwrf *r v t t ^ i *r?fv?r by the Delhi Police during the year ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 fT ^ 1981 and so far in 1982; 3 Oral Answers MARCH 3, 1982 Oral Answers4 . 4 (b) the number of complaints of ^ ^ i*i *11 ^ 1 ^ U Incidents of torture, beating and at- v n ^ w t w t ?t ht t tempted suicide by women in Delhi registered by the Police during the f a n Titpn fw: spit wnV i *v above period; irftft wr y«wn wft 302 w»r m«rai fwan ▼ip aifr wrrt w t unft (c) the number of cases which were 1 p re fasn n sv*wt w 5^ followed up by police by Ailing charge- sheets in courts; and (d) the number of cases which were 3TWT *r JW 3ST<n not pursued and the reasons therefor? •nn *rr 1 <4411 z r Ernrr *r*rr «t fa 15 -rfV JT p ffHRl * THE MINISTER OF STATE IN fan nw; «n*r *rT m w i n4 THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS w t ffrw m fTn ? fipr w*rt *rf r a AND DEPAHTMENT OF PARLIA- Ttfff rnr=r rfrr rje *r MENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P. f* ? fr ** wr*1 wt qm w?t *t VENKATASUBBAIAH): (a) 1981—82 1 vr cases, and 1982—7 cases. vTf^r soft *T#hr r r i 4* itw> «>*r m *n 1 s j «« *r #*wT *- ^ (1.1.82 to 15.2.82) 3*rwr w * t f“n a , These figures do not include 453 cases Will* VW7? 3*T ** PT fWT I "7* of unnatural deaths of women report- t *nftw e r r n f r t. ed in 1981 and 32 cast* reported upto ■frtonr ^ t t" tt^^t wtk*t 5 7 to 15.2-1981' in 1982 where inquests were rh r »y*r wt*^r * ¥t t «*■ wm held under Section 174 Cr. P.C. wttt tt Tipt r* r^- rw * n t k t f a (b) During 1981 there were 24 cases J7T» *ifa»T WT **^>1 ITT of attempted suicide by women and in in ftr cr * w ? s ’ s , 1982 till 15th February. 3 case* have fa? W l? nrr rt n *r^T fit1 «T been reported. Figures relating to 1 r*T ®T ? complaints of torture and beating are not immediately available. wnr* w~ fa >#t WTf* W. 7TTH iff T*r ^7T ^ (c) and (d). Among those cases of rfwjzr w t * wrfr* deaths due to burning and attempted suicide registered in 1981 # 25 cases are «rw»rr *rr ** ’ fa^ pending trial. 23 were cancelled as in vr t* 1 ^1 a* «if fy *iJ1 f*- investigation no evidence was made fyxfrT di inj^-Ti wt V*' W*T m r ^fwwrf out, 40 cases have been filed as un- w*r WT fe n TPT F*, 7 * wifaw wfl traced for want of adequate evidence A and 18 cases arc still under investiga- ; j4fu»^HV«T ^ WTt1 ^ «wm *tv HM anwi rr * x t ? tion. All the 10 cases reported during the period from 1.1.82 to 15.2.82 are pending investigation. SHRI P. VENKATA5WJBBAIAM: Sir. tfK Hon Member ha, put a num- WTWT WltjW Nw ber at aupplementarie*. v* v** w <r*m We ounelvc* in the Horn*.’ Ministry f a fa ? R T j t h p t t i so ft are wry much distreaed and unhappy 27 ^rrrt wrr jkt that in spite of thr efforts that have 5FRVGT £WT f? , W * £ been made, the unnatural deaths are ^ 1 rprl # «rm on the increase and I have given the im r 5* f a to tf* fw*rft £ 1 figures of 453.
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