1957, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 10833 •HAWAi:t RHODE ISLAND Irene R. Afflerback, Spreckelsville, l!awail, Richard M. Stanton, Wood River Junction, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in place of E. J. Freitas, retired. R. I., in place of E. A. Hill, removed. · TUESDAY, JULY 2,.1957 ILLINOIS SOUTH DAKOTA Wayne W. Bird, Galatia, Ill., in place of · Robert G. Chase, Parker, S. Dak., in place The House met at 12 o'clock noon. L. L. Riegel, retired. of G. L. Egan, retired. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Robert C. Peterson, Lynn Center, Ill., in D. D., ottered the following prayer: place of R. L. Peterson, retired. TENNESSEE Charles R. Simmons, Venice, 111., in place Lee N. Ruch, Belvidere, Tenn., in place of O Thou eternal and gracious spirit, of D. J. Hallissey; deceased. Clyde Zimmerman, transferred. we know that for guidance and under­ Charles Edwin Graves, Knoxville, Tenn., in standing, for patience and perseverance, INDIANA place of A. S. Garrett, retired. Harlan C. Pedlow, Bridgeport, Ind., in place for joy and peace. we need the wisdom of L. L. Locke, retired. TEXAS and strength of the Lord God Almighty. Raymond P. Steele, Connersville, Ind., in Ernest H. Butts, Annona, Tex., in place of Grant that daily, in this Chamber, we place of R. E. Nelson, deceased. M. E. Russell, resigned. may· bear witness that we are coveting Paul R. Wadsworth, Rising Sun, Ind., in John Sleeper, Sr., Elm Mott, Tex., in place and cultivating earnestly those ideals place of C. E. Pendry, resigned. of T. F. Gassaway, retired. and principles which are curative and Gerald J. McCarty, Union Mills, Ind., in Herman S. Gray, Somerset, Tex., in place of creative in the building of a nobler civili­ place of H. P. Childers, retired. :Walter Kurz, retired. zation. KANSAS VERMONT Give us a glorious vision of the king­ Hubert C. Holloway, Greensburg, Kans., in Glenn T. Foster, Weston, Vt., in place of dom of truth and righteousness and place of H. V. Luginbill, deceased. Raymond Taylor, retired. may we make its consummation and MASSACHUSETTS VIRGINIA fulfillment the object of all our hopes Russell G. McPhee, East Orleans, Mass., in Owen K. Blackburne, Lynchburg, Va., in and labors. place of G. F. Mayo, retired. place of J. H. Coleman, retired. Hear us in the name of the Captain of MINNESOTA WASHINGTON our salvation. Amen. Lawrence D. Murphy, Circle Pines, Minn., Theodore H. Biermann, Lind, Wash., in The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ in place of F. S. Petersen, resigned. place of C. E. Schutz, retired. terday was_ read and approved. MONTANA WEST VIRGINIA John W. Loughnane, Belgrade, Mont., in Emil E. Frye, Chapmanville, W. Va., in MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE place of J. L. Weaver, deceased • . place of D. R. Toney, removed. Mary Virginia Earman, Harpers Ferry, A message from the Senate, by Mr. NEBRASKA McBride, one of its clerks, ann9unced Paul 0. Davidson, Alexandria, Nebr., in W. Va., in place of M. E. Marquette, retired. place of M. A. Brinegar, deceased. Elner F. Stutler, West Union, W. Va., in that the Senate had passed a bill of the Donald E. Adams, Cody, Nebr., in place of place of Oma Corder, removed. following title, in which the concurrence M. S. Yancey, retired. WISCONSIN of the House is requested: Lester E. Murrell, Oshkosh, Nebr., in place Charles A. Hall, Qresham, Wis., in place of S. 2420. An act to extend the authority for of H. M. Morris, removed. L. C. Mader, deceased. the enlistment of aliens in the Regular Army, NEW JERSEY Roger W. Most, Prescott, Wis., in place of and for other purposes. Alexander Peter Campbell, Alpine, N. J., F. J. French, resigned. The message also announced that the in place of V. M. Burkhardt, resigned. Senate had passed, with amendments in Caroline K. Sheets, Bloomsbury, N. J., in which the concurrence of the House is place of S. E. Bellis, removed. CONFIRMATIONS Robert Crater DeRemer, Glen Gardner, i·equested, a bill of the House of the fol­ N. J., in place of Nellie Potter, resigned. Executive nominations confirmed by lowing title: Ralph B. Speier, Seaside Heights, N. J., in the Senate July 2, 1957: · H. R. 5728. An act to clarify the general place of A. W. Raymond, resigned. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY powers, increase the borrowing authority, Marjorie E. Houghtaling, Vernon, N. J., in and authorize the deferment of interest pay­ place of A. E. Baldsin, deceased. Robert Bernerd Anderson, of New York, to ments on borrowings of the St. Lawrence Sea­ be Secretary of the Treasury. NEW YORK way Development Corporation. Dorris S. Beaney, Hamlin, N. Y., in place of COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS E. M. Martin, removed. Albina R. Cermak, of Cleveland, Ohio, to COLOMBIA'S STORY Charles P . Stephenson, Morristown, N. Y., be collector of customs in customs collec­ in place of C. E. Scott, retired. tion district · No. 41, with headquarters at Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Cleveland, Ohio. unanimous consent to address the House NORTH CAROLINA COMPTROLLER OF QUSTOMS for 1 minute and to revise and extend my Wallace K. Crawford, Hayesville, N. C., in remarks. place of F. R. Jones, retired. Alber~ Cole, of Massachusetts, to be Comp­ Wilton McRae, Maxton, N. C., in place of troller of Customs, with headquarters at The SPEAKER. Is there objection C. B. Williams, retired. Boston, Mass. to the request of the gentleman from Oregon? OHIO There was no objection. Lawrence R. Hazen, Ashland, Ohio, in place of C. L. D. Hartse!, retired. WITHDRAWALS . Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, a nation Alice R. Smith, Parkman, Ohio, in place of of 12 million inhabitants last May H. P. Olmstead, retired. Executive nominations withdrawn emerged from 8 years of dictatorship OKLAHOMA from the Senate, July 2, 1957: and is now on the road to democracy. Lulu M. Klein, Butler, Okla., in place of POSTMASTERS This nation, Colombia, from which I J . E. Gwinn, transferred. William W. Boyd, Sherrodsville, in the lately returned, needs and deserves the full and enthusiastic support of the PENNSYLVANIA State of Ohio. Franklin B. Spriggs, Arnold, in the State United States. Harry O. Campsey, Jr., Claysville, Pa., in of Maryland. During the dictatorship, 200,000 Co­ place of M. D. Blayney, retired. Edith M. Casey, New Caney, in the State lombians were killed. Yet the Conser­ William J. Hlavats, Glassport, Pa., in place of Texas. of P. E. Hutton, retired: vative and Liberal Parties united last Claude B. Faust, Macungie, Pa., in place of Wesley D. Banks, .St. Matthews, in the March ·to organize passive resistance to F . E. Neumeyer, removed. State of South Carolina. the dictator, Rojas Pinilla, and force his Henry L. Haines, Maytown, Pa., in place of Jackson T. Potter, Winnabow, in the State downfall with a rninimum of bloodshed. M. E. Culp, retired. of North Carolina. Blaine E. Moyer, Kreamer, in the State of Great credit must also be given to the Edward J. Miller, Newry, Pa., in place of Colombian Catholic clergymen, espe­ Adam Hoover, retired. · Pennsylvania. Harold J. Niemeyer, Newtown Square', ·pa,. Ted M. Anderson, Batesville, in the State cially to the courageous and distin­ in place of S.S. Broadbelt, retited. · of Arkansas. guished Cardinal Luque, who dared pub­ Claude B. Arnold, Rome, Pa., in place of Evelyn R. Howard, Mon tmorenci, in the licly to speak out against the dictator's R. K. Valentine, retired. State of Indiana. crimes. 10834: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE Jitly 2 T1!-e dictator is gone. The press, in­ METALS CRISIS DEEPENS Many Member.s of the House knew cluding the great El 'Tiem'PQ, is !8.gain Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker I well Pier.re .Jaoohsen and many of us who free. The political parties have agreed ask unanimous consent to extend my had the priv.ilege of working with him to lay aside ]lartisanship during the ~­ si?ce 1947 had become not only fond of marks at this point in tbe RECORD. transition period. The miltt:axy .junta The SPEAKER. Is there 'Objection him but learned to .admire his unusual has declared itself to on!y an in­ re to the request of the gentleman from capabilities and his devotion. to the high terim guvemm.ent :and .ha5 :pl~d that office with which many nations had free elections will be held in due .course. Oklahoma? unanimously entrusted him. Dr. .Eduardo Santos, former President There was no objection. Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker to­ Piet·re Jacobsen was a native of Den­ o! Colombia and the owner of El Tiempo, m3:rk, where he was born in 191'1. He ac­ asked me to tell Colombia's story in the day~s editi<m of the Wall Street Jou'rnal carries news -of eontinued worsening of q1:1ired French eitirenship and served United States, this story of a fine -peo­ with G.eneral de Gaulle's resistance ple emerging from the degradation of the already grave metals price situation confronting -our Nation's miners a situa­ forces with courage th-at became legen­ dictatorship into the dignity and de­ dary in ~he famuus French Maguis. cency of deznocracy. tion which daily adds to the lo~g list of mine shutd-0wns across tr.:e Nation. He was raised to the rank of a General of Mr. Speaker, it is in our best interest 'the French Army. the yowigest French­ According to the Journal artiele, th~ and in conformicy with -0ur oldest tra­ man ever to attain that rank. ditions to foster democracy all ove1· the domestic price for -zinc in this country has now fallen to 10 cents a pound, the . :At the end of the war, Pierre Jacobsen wor1Gl.
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