Egypt. J. Plant Prot. Res. Inst. (2019), 2 (4): 534 -540 Egyptian Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute www.ejppri.eg.net Effect of magnetic field on some biological and physiological aspects of the glassy clover snail Monacha cartusiana (Stylommatophora: Hygromiidae) Mona, A. Ali and Hussein, A. M. Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. ARTICLE INFO Abstract : Article History The present work was carried out to investigate the effect Received: 21/ 9 / 2019 of magnetic field (MF) on the biological and physiological Accepted: 22 / 12 /2019 responses of Monacha cartusiana (Müller) (Stylommatophora: _______________ Hygromiidae) and land snail one of the serious agricultural Keywords pests in Egypt. Snails exposed to magnetic field (5 similar Land snail, Monacha magnet piece each one with a magnetic power 18 milli– cartusiana, magnetic field, tesla).The obtained results showed reduction in the percentage egg hatchability, of egg hatchability (fertility) which recorded 62.16% for incubation period and - magnetic field and 91.01% for control groups and mean biochemical parameters. incubation period of M. cartusiana eggs for magnetic field was (35.5 days) compared to control (23.5 days). Also, result showed that magnetic field caused significant increase in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in the hemolymph of tested land snail. While, exhibited significant decrease in the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP) and Lactate oxidase (LO) enzymes. On the other hand, the levels of total protein, total lipid and cholesterol content were significant decrease after exposure M. cartusiana to magnetic field. Introduction al., 2014). Changes and alteration of the main Land gastropods have greatly increased components such as protein and lipids as well in economic importance and they are as the enzyme activity only appears under considered a group of the most serious pests such stresses that pest exposed to stresses attacking agricultural crops around the world may be physical factors e.g. temperature, (Barker, 2002). They cause great damage to different types of waves e.g. gamma rays vegetables, field crops, orchard trees as well (Hussein et al., 1999) and electro-magnetic as ornamental and medical plants (Abed, waves (Hussein et al., 2014). 2011 and Lokma, 2013). The glassy clover The magnetic fields effects on chordates, snail Monacha cartusiana (Müller) fishes behavior (Krylov et al., 2013), (Stylommatophora: Hygromiidae) causes orientation of reptiles and birds migration damage to vegetables and field crops (El- (Schneider et al.,1994), some mammals Deeb et al., 2003). Magnetism and using development and growth like mice (Sathon et magnetic field seems to be promising al., 1996), orientation and metabolismof physical method in pest control (Hussein et snails (Brown and Webb, 1960) and insect 534 Ali and Hussein, 2019 orientation, development, behavior (Kandil et diameter) contained five adult land snails, M. al., 2018). Magnetic fields can induce cartusiana and replicated thouree times, changes in enzyme activity (Chen et al., while control pots were with the same 2009), the synthesis and release of diameter and contain five snails without neurohormons (Perić-Mataruga et al., 2008) magnets pieces.The pots of control were in and influence on nucleic acids and protein the same laboratory but far 1 meter from the synthesis (Schmitz et al., 2004). magnets pots (treatment).Fresh food and The aim of this work was to investigate moisture were supplied as required.The soil the effect of magnetic field (MF) on some of each pot was examined daily (Staikou and biological aspects such as egg hatchability Lazaridou- Dimitriadou, 1990) to search new and incubation period of land snail M clutches of eggs. .cartusiana. Also, to determine some 3. Incubation period and hatchability: physiological effect in hemolymph of M. Newly deposited clutches of eggs laid cartusiana. The investigated biochemical under laboratory conditions were collected by parameters were the activity of vital enzymes a fine hair brush. Date of egg lying was such as aspartate amino transaminase (AST), estimated.Each batch of eggs was placed in alanine amino transaminase (ALT), alkaline pots containing 5 g of sterile moist soiland phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP) covered with black cover.The eggs were and Lactate oxidase (LO) as well as total examined daily to record the date of hatching protein (TP), total lipid (TL) and cholesterol and incubation period. Percentage of content. egghatchability was calculated according to Materials and methods the following equation: No.of hatching eggs 1. Collection and adaptation of snails: Percentage of hatchability = Adults of the land snail M. cartusiana The total No. of eggs were handily collected from infested x 100 Egyptian clover and lettuce fields from 4. Biochemical analysis: Dakahlia Governorate. Healthy individuals 4.1. Samples preparation: were kept in a pot (50× 30 × 25cm), Samples wee prepared according to El- containing moist clay of about 7- 10cm Gohary and Genena (2011). Shells of tested height and were covered with muslin to snails were removed by making a cut around prevent snails from escaping (Baker and the whorls in a continuous manner starting at Hawke, 1991). Snails were fed on fresh the aperture opening using bone scissors. leaves of lettuce for 14 days to be a Snails tissues were dissected out and all laboratory acclimatized. Dead and unhealthy tissues of treated and control groups were snails were removed and only healthy ones homogenized in distilled water. The homogenates were centrifuged at 3000 rpm with the same shell diameter were used in the o experiments. Laboratory conditions at 25± for 20 min. at 5 C in refrigerated centrifuge. 2ºC and 75± 5% soil moisture. The deposits were discarded and the 2. The procedures of the experiment: supernatants were kept in a deep freezer till The magnetic field was created in each use to determine the activities of biochemical treated pots by adjusting and fixing 5 similar parameters, such as aspartate amino magnet pieces in the four main directions of transaminase (AST), alanine amino the pot in addition to the 5th piece in the transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase central point. Each magnet piece with a (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP), Lactate magnetic power 18 milli– tesla (m.t.) oxidase (LO) enzymes as well as total measurements were carried out using protein, total lipid and cholesterol content in Teslameter apparatus (Faculty of Engineering hemolymph of control and treated snails. / Menoufia University). Each pot (15 cm 4.2. Biochemical measurements: 535 Egypt. J. Plant Prot. Res. Inst. (2019), 2 (4): 534 - 540 - Aminotransferases (AST and ALT) Probability of 0.05 or less was considered activities were estimated by the method of significant. All statistical analysis was done Reitman and Frankel (1957). with Cohort Software (2004). - Alkalinephosphatase (ALP) activity was Results and discussion estimated according to the method of 1. Effect of magnetic field on the total Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie number of laid eggs and its hatchability of (DGKC) (1972).While, Acidphosphatase Monacha cartusiana: (ACP) activity according to the method of Data in Table (1) showed reduction in Kind and King (1954). the total number of eggs laid and number of - Lactate oxidase (LO) was measured hatching eggs resulted from exposed M. according to Babson and Babson (1973). cartusiana to magnetic field. Results - Total proteinwas determined according to recorded 148 and 267 eggs for total number themethod of Bradford (1976), total lipid of laid eggs and number of hatching eggs according to Frings et al. (1972) and total were 92 and 243 eggs for magnetic field and cholesterol according to Ellefson and control groups, respectively. Therefore, the Caraway (1976). percentage of hatchability (fertility) was 5. Statistical analysis: 62.16% for magnetic field and 91.01% for Data were calculated analyzed using control groups. analysis of variance technique (ANOVA). Table (1): Effect of magnetic fieldon the total number of laid eggs and its hatchability of Monacha cartusiana. Treatment Total No. of laid eggs No. of hatching eggs Percentage of hatchability Magnetic field 148 92 62.16 Control 267 243 91.01 2 .Effect of magnetic field on the tocontrol groups. Maciej et al. (2011) found incubation period of Monacha cartusiana that direct exposure of eggs of the two eggs: subspecies, H. aspersa maxima and H. The tabulated results in Table (2) clear aspersa aspersa to direct magnetic field or that,incubation period of M. cartusiana alternating electromagnetic field of 5–10 µT which exposed to magnetic field were ranged has a negative effect compared to the control between (25 and 46 days) and (16 and 31 group. The effect of alternating field on the days) for magnetic field and control groups, survival rate and growth rate of H. aspersa is respectively. So, mean incubation period of positive or neutral, while the influence of M. cartusiana eggs for magnetic field was direct field is more negative compared to the (35.5 days) compared to control (23.5 days). control group. Hussein et al. (2014) Showed Levin and Ernst (1995) observed that a 30 that there was a linear negative relationship mT static magnetic field applied to sea urchin between the force of the magnetic field and eggs produced alterations in the time of cell the hatchability percentage in Sitotroga division and induced two developmental cerralella hatching eggs decreased from 90% abnormalities, exogastrulation and collapsed in the control to 22% with the magnetic field. embryos. Also, delays hatching relative Table (2): Effect of magnetic field on the incubation period and egg hatchability of Monacha cartusiana eggs. Treatment Av. No. of hatched eggs after (days) Range (in days) Mean 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 Min Max Magnetic - - - 14.3 19.7 24.3 34.9 46.7 51.3 56.6 60.3 25 46 35.5 Controlfield 17.9 31.1 42.7 68.2 84.3 86.7 - - - - - 16 31 23.5 536 Ali and Hussein, 2019 3.
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