372 NEENTON. SHROPSHIRE. (KELLY'S Trinity College, Cambridge, who is non-resident; the Rev. chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is z,z4o John Charles Lyons B.A. of St. David's College, Lampeter, acres; rateable value, £8_')9; the population in x88I was 141. is curate in charge. Charities: in 1865 the Rev. Mr. Parish Clerk, William Price. Cheese and Mr. Minton left a sum of £3o, the former leav- Letters are received through Bridgnorth. Burwarton is the ing £xo and the latter £2o: both sums have been invested nearest money order office; Bridgnorth is the nearest in the Bridgnorth Savings Bank, and produce x6s. 6d. a telegraph office. WALL Box cleared at 4.40 p.m. week year : there is aJso a sum of 2s. being a rent charge on the days only Ridges farm in this parish: these doles are given at Easter National School (mixed), built, with master's house, in 187o, in various sums of money to the most necessitous and de- for 46 children; average attendance, 33; & mainly sup- serving poor of the parish. Lord Rowton is lord of the ported by Lord Rowton ; Miss Martha Lomas, mistress manor and chief landowner. The soil is loam ; the Police Constable, J oseph Harris subsoil is limestone, with iron and coal underneath. The CARRIER,-George Harley, to Bridgnorth, sat. only Lyons Rev. John Charles B.A. [curate Colebatch Richard, farmer Harley George, carrier in charge], Rectory Downes John, farmer, Hay farm Pinfold Emma (Mrs.), New inn Amies Thomas, wheelwright Evans Edward, farmer, Heath farm Wall Ann (Mrs.), far~er, New house Chatham John, farmer, overseer & Good Thomas, farmer Williams Thos.&Wm.farmers,Bank frm collector of rates, Hall farm GREAT NESS, or NEss MAGNA, anciently called Ness Here are stone quarries. At this place is a Primitive 1\'Ieth­ t:strange, is a parish and township, on the road from Shrews- odist chapel. The Earl of Bradford P.c. Colonel Edwards, bury to Oswestry and Holyhead, 3! miles south-south- and Arthur Philip Lloyd esq. J.P. of Leaton Knolls, Shrews­ west from Baschurch station on the Great Western railway bury, are principal landowners. The 1uea is 653A. 2R. 5P. and 8 north-west from Shrewsbury, in the Western division KrNTON is a township, 2 miles west. The Earl of Brad­ of the county, Baschurch division of Pimhill hundred, Elles- ford and Robert Lloyd Kenyon esq. J.P. of Pradoe, West mere union, Shrewsbury county court district, petty ses- Felton, are the principal landowners. The area is x,x63A. sional division of Baschurch, rural deanery of Ellesmere, oR. 30P. archdeaconry of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. The church NESSCLIFFE is a township and village, I mile west from of St. Andrew is an ancient building of stone, in the Early Great Ness, with a station on the Shropshire railway. In English style, consistmg of chancel, nave, south porch and 1851 Miss Charlotte Edwards left the interest of £xoo to bP. an embattled western tower, containing three bells: the distributed annually amongst the poor. The Nesscliffe Hills east window is stained and in the nave is a memorial window have an elevation of 400 feet. Adjoining the village, and at and a tablet, erected by the parishioners to the Rev. Henry a considerable elevation in the side of a perpendicular sand­ Calverley Cotton M.A. upwards of 30 years curate and vicar strme rock, is Kynaston's Cave, formerly the retreat of a of this parish, who died in 1850, and one to the memory of celebrated outlaw of that name; it is divided into two com­ Andrew Jones, d. 1872 : the chancel was new roofed in 1852 partments by a strong pillar of the rock, on which is carved and the church partially restored in t88o, at a cost of £310, "H. K. 1674." A fair is held here on the last Monday in raised by subscription, when a new pulpit of Bromsgrove April for live stock. The Earl of Bradford P.c. Col. Ed~ ards stone, from the designs of Mr. W. G. Wade, of London, was and Capt. T. J. A. Bather are the principal landowners. given by Mrs. Bright Williams, of Christchurch, Hants, in WILCOTT is a township, x! miles south-west, containing memory of her father: the chancel retains a piscina and in 374A. oR. 22P. Here is a Church mission room and a Con­ the churchyard are the remains of an ancient cro~s. The gregational chapel. Mrs. Bright Williams, Capt. T. J. A. register dates from the year 1589. The living is a vicarage, Bather and Mrs. Harper are principal landowners. average tithe rent-charge £271, gross £335· including II Parish Clerk, William James Barrett. acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chan- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, cellor, and held since 1877 by the Rev. Robert Dempster Nesscliffe.- William Evans, sub-postmaster. Letters Bonnor B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There are arrive from Shrewsbury via Baschurch at 8 a.m. ; dis- charities of £24 yearly value, given by Mrs. Hester Farmer, patched at 5. 30 p.m and distributed e\'ery fourth year; and 35s. left by Mrs. WALL LETTER Box, Kinton, cleared at 4·45 p. m Margaret Dyos, and distributed annually. Great Ness Hall, WALL LETTER Box Great Ness cleared at 5-45 p.m the seat of Col. George Rowland Edwards, is a mansion in W L B ' W"l tt ' d t . · b t"f l k te d" t ALL ETTER OX, I CO , C1 eare a 5.20 p.m th e T u d or st ye,l s t and mg m a eau -1 u par , ex n mg o 1 Ch h f E d E d d h N rff ( i ed) 0 1 s 01 1 Nesscliffe Hill. The Earl of Bradford P.c. who is lord of u~c . ng an n ow~ .c ~ ' esse :rt~li re: the manor, the Earl of Powis and Col. Edwards are chief WI~h :esidence for mast~r • bmlt m 1753, & P Y landow ers The soil il'l chiefly sandy loam. the subsoil is bmlt m 1879, for 102 chll~ren; average attendance, 64; sand ro~k .. The chief crops are all the usu'al cereals and the school was founded m I?53 by the late Rowla!ld roots. The area of the entire parish is 5,279 acres; rateable Edwards. esq. & the Rev. W: r. Parry. & endowed With value £6 0 2 . the population in 1gg 1 was 6•7 . the town- £so; this endowment has s_mce been mcreased b_Y dona- ship ~ont~iz?s Bs6A. 3a. 37P. " ' twns of £2o from Sir 0. Brid~I?an, 410 from Sir John ALDERTON, a township, xi miles south-west, has 196A. Langham & £2o from Mrs. Pr1d1e; & m 1861 Col. George 3R. IOP. The Earl of Powis is lord of the manor and sole ~o":land Edwar~s setiled on the scho~l £1,200 qonsols, landowner. m. heu of a devise mad~ by S~m~_el. Shuker, which was FELTON BUTLER is a township, xi miles south-by-west. vmd under the Mortmam Act, "dham James Barrett, 'fhe Earl of Powis is lord of the manor and sole landowner. master The area is 534A. 3R. 3P. CARRIER.-William Davies, to Shrewsbury, tues. & sat. ; to HOPTON is a township and hamlet, xi miles north-west. Oswestry, wed • Thomas Edward, farmer Great Ness. Hop ton. Thonger Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer •Bonnor Rev. Rt. Dempster B.A. Vicarage Bowker Edward, farmer Whitfield John, farmer Edwards Col.Geo.Rowland,Gt.Ness hall Davies William, shoe maker & carrier, Edwards Miss Lower Hopton Nesscliffe. Moore Henry J ones Ed ward, farmer Briggs Samuel, blacksmith Carver Richard, farmer Rogers Thomas, farmer Brittain Henry, harness maker Lewis Richard, farmer Suckley Margaret (Mrs.), farmer Cartwright J oseph, shopkeeper Middleton J oseph, farmer Tomkies Henry, farmer DoddEmma(Mrs. ),N esscliffe inn,&frmr Hogers J ames, tailor Edwards George, Three Pigeons P.H Wild blood Thomas, farmer, Br.oom hill Xinton. Everson Thomas, tailor Ed wards William Griffiths Edward, shoe maker Alder ton. Kempster Charles Maddox Mrs Wilcott. Jones Thomas, farmer, .Alderton hall Bowker William, registrar of births & Higginson Mrs deaths for Montford, The Pentre Ravenhill Richard Archer, Wilcott ho Felton Butler. Jones John, boys' school Furmstou David, blacksmith Bromley Richard, farmer Morris Robert, farmer Green John, farmer DaviesJames, farmer; & at Shrewsbury Rhodes William Charles, grocer Higginson Henry, farmer & maltster Jones John, shoe maker Rogers William, cowkeeper Morris Susannah (Mrs.), farmer N orris Wm. farm bailiff to Mr. J.Davies Sockett Edward, farmer, Kinton grove Pugh Thomas, wheelwright LITTLE NESS is a parish, comprising the townships cese of Lichfield: Little Ness is 2! miles south-west from of LITTLE NEss, AncoTB and MnFORD, in the Western Baschurch station ou the Great Western railway and 8 division of the county, Baschurch division of the hundred of north-west from Shrewsbury. The church, restored in 1878, Pimhill, Ellesmere union, Shrewsbury coun~ court district, is a plain but ancient building of stone, in the Perpendicular rural deanery of Ellesmere, archdeaconry of Salop and dio- style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western .
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