MOBILE RADIO TETRA radio systems ACCESSNET ®-T – the digital mobile radio system from Rohde & Schwarz On board from the start of organizations sharing an interest in topological restrictions. The system’s the promotion and implementation of suitability for multiprotocol applications R&S BICK Mobilfunk, the competence TETRA, which comprises more than 80 allows it to be used as a digital platform center for mobile radio communica- renowned companies today (information: for professional mobile radio networks tion in the Rohde & Schwarz group, col- www.tetramou.com). that must meet high availability require- laborated on the ETSI standardiza- ments. The high spectrum efficiency tion of TETRA – the best insurance that of the standard and the system ensure ACCESSNET®-T professional mobile ACCESSNET®-T: optimum utilization of the scarce fre- radio systems from Rohde & Schwarz unlimited scalability quency resources. conform fully to standard. Since 1995 the company has been a member of The network structure of the digital ACCESSNET®-T is extremely scalable – the Memorandum of Understand- mobile radio system ACCESSNET®-T is from a small network at a single com- ing (MoU), the European association non-hierarchichal and subject to no pany location all the way up to nation- wide networks. Mobile radio systems from Rohde & Schwarz can be expanded to suit one’s needs, no matter whether more voice capacity is needed or the network has to grow in size. Network nodes can be coupled with each other by means of digital fixed-network con- nections as well as by microwave link. ACCESSNET®-T is extremely scalable – from a small network at a single company location all the way up to nationwide networks. News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 178 (2003/II) ACCESSNET ®-T … in all sizes from a single source: From the mini-base station for outdoors (below) to large systems for nationwide networks (right): Rohde & Schwarz offers a comprehensive range of products from a single source. Rohde & Schwarz is one of the lead- ing manufacturers of MPT-1327 and TETRA mobile radio systems for pro- fessional users. The company has a 70% market share of MPT-based systems, setting a standard for both performance and quality. World- Any non-Rohde & Schwarz terminal that fulfills wide more than 250000 subscribers the TETRA interoperability profile (TIP) can be work with mobile radio systems from operated in an ACCESSNET®-T mobile radio system. Rohde & Schwarz at ministries of the interior, local transit services, air- ports, train stations and public net- work operators. This substantiates the efficiency of our single-source, all-in-one solutions: ◆ Network and project planning ◆ Exchange equipment ◆ Base stations ◆ Network management systems ◆ Applications ◆ End-to-end encryption ◆ Dispatcher systems ◆ Turnkey installation 7 News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 178 (2003/II) MOBILE RADIO TETRA radio systems Tried-and-tested and new go systems (including those of other man- Fit for all applications well together ufacturers) to the modern digital TETRA standard. ACCESSNET®-T’s multiprotocol Professional mobile radio systems have Customers appreciate Rohde & Schwarz capacity makes this possible, as it allows to be universally adaptable. After all, as a reliable partner, especially when mixed MPT and TETRA user groups to co- they must prove their performance with it comes to securing their investments. exist side by side with the use of both public network operators and local tran- This is evident in the “soft migration”, technologies and provides a common sit companies, at airports and train sta- the Rohde & Schwarz strategy for the subset of services. tions, for ministries of the interior and transition from MPT-1327 mobile radio in a wide range of other applications. The basic requirement for integrating any kind of application into a TETRA network are standardized interfaces. ACCESSNET®-T’s superb design provides the ideal conditions for its integration into any user-specific structures. The bridge into the Internet SMS center HTTP server WAP center ACCESSNET®-T TETRA mobile radio network R&S MMP-500 Internet / intranet Digital Base station Exchange R&S DMX-500 E-mail server ISDN More information, brochures and ISDN data sheets at www.rsbick.de (search term: ACCESSNET) DB center Paging receiver Base station SMS center ACCESSNET ®-T Digital Trunked Radio Network from Rohde & Schwarz The digital Terrestrial Trunked Radio TETRA shows a way out providing high multi-protocol applications and fulfils Standard TETRA has been specified by spectrum efficiency and co-existence high availability demands. The multi- the European Telecommunication Stand- with current analogue systems. Based protocol capability is the prerequisite ards Institute (ETSI) in co-operation with on this European Standard Rohde & for Soft Migration, the Rohde & Schwarz leading manufacturers, system opera- Schwarz developed ACCESSNET ¨ -T as approach for co-existence and co-ope- tors a nd user orga nisa tions. It is a n the new digital professional mobile ration between MPT-1327 and TETRA answer to the evolving needs of profes- communication network for Trunked systems and users. Soft Migration al- sional mobile network operators who Radio Systems. ACCESSNET ¨ -T has a lows mixed fleets of users of both tech- have to cope with traffic congestion and non-hierarchical network structure and nologies, provides a common subset of growing demands for sophisticated underlies no topological restrictions. services and a transparent mapping of The Multi-Messaging Portal R&S MMP-500 connects ACCESSNET®-T TETRA mobile radio systems to speech and data services. This digital platform is appropriate for numbering plans. the Internet and thus to corporate networks as well. This provides mobile subscribers using profes- R&S BIC K Mobilfunk G mbH sional radio with access to information, data applications and messaging services (News from Rohde & Schwarz (2003) No. 177, pp 4–5). News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 178 (2003/II) ACCESSNET ®-T … securely encrypted: Comprehensive encryption with End-to-end encryption for TETRA from Rohde & Schwarz Rohde & Schwarz The base system for TETRA end-to-end Encryption on the air interface is stan- encryption features, for example, full- dard with TETRA. However, this does not duplex voice encryption, SDS (short cover the entire transmission path from data service) encryption and loadable subscriber to subscriber. crypto algorithms. For encryption along the entire transmis- The base system concept ensures users sion link, Rohde & Schwarz provides com- maximum flexibility: prehensive solutions for ACCESSNET®-T. ◆ The concept’s modular design Rohde & Schwarz SIT GmbH, the Rohde & makes it possible to integrate user- Schwarz subsidiary that specializes in specific requirements by cost-effi- security in information technology, is cient adaptation of developments Germany’s largest supplier of profes- using the base system. sional encryption methods. It is develop- ◆ The concept uses intelligent chip- ing a base system for end-to-end encryp- cards (smart cards) of the latest gen- tion for TETRA radio systems (see box at eration as a security module and is right). therefore largely hardware-indepen- ◆ User-specific requirements can be dent, for the only thing that terminal integrated by means of cost-effective equipment manufacturers need to adaptation of developments do is adapt the equipment software. ◆ Smart cards are easily replaceable Hardware modifications are not nec- and allow battery-saving operation essary for terminals equipped with a SIM card interface, which allows High degree of confidentiality new equipment to be introduced at ◆ The smart card solution for end-to- a favourable price. end encryption is supported by Ger- many’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Advantages of the smart ◆ Compatible with the requirements of card solution from the Schengen agreement Rohde & Schwarz Examples of the numerous Reliable perspective for the future mobile radio networks set up Flexible and economical ◆ The smart card technology is largely by Rohde & Schwarz on pages ◆ Complete single-source TETRA net- standardized (ISO, ETSI) 10 to 13. work and encryption package from ◆ The further development of smart Rohde & Schwarz card technology provides a safe basis ◆ End-to-end encryption independent for investment of the terminal manufacturer ◆ Smart cards are a recognized technol- ◆ Loading of user-specific crypto algo- ogy in other radio networks rithms 9 News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 178 (2003/II).
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