H3252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 12, 2005 States. I ask my colleagues in this go to college; people, their homes are grains of wheat on the third square and Congress, when the Presidents of Cen- foreclosed on; what happened to the 8 grains of wheat on the fourth square tral American countries come around school district, which lost a big chunk and just continue, continue doubling to our offices, as they have, and ask us of money; what happened to police and the number of grains you put on each to vote for the Central American Free fire protection in that city because square until you have gone through all Trade Agreement, understand, they they lost so much tax revenue. Then the squares of the chess board, that may support it for whatever reasons, you think about what happens to work- will be reward enough for what I have but the people of their countries, in ers in the developing world in these done. The king thought he had gotten large numbers, do not. countries when these trade agreements off lightly; geez, that is easy. A couple of nights ago, after the inflict the damage that they do on He could not do that, of course, be- Chamber of Commerce tour of America them, these workers, the family I met cause if you do that, go to the 64th that the six Presidents took, the in Mexico that worked at General Elec- power, that would represent all the Chamber of Commerce hosted a recep- tric, that could barely make a living wheat that is grown in all the world in tion for the visiting dignitaries, re- and what happened in their lives and 4 years of harvest, I understand, and warding them, thanking them for their the pain they felt. you notice that is the exponential lobbying efforts this week. You can You think about the damage, both in function. imagine this very plush room at the the rich world, our world, the United We see here just a 2 percent growth Chamber of Commerce, in its beautiful States, the rich countries, and you curve, and many people think of 2 per- structure in downtown Washington, think of the poor countries and the cent growth as a straight line. That is where the chamber has its very nice of- damage there. Instead, we could pass only 2 percent for the first year, but fices. not this Central American Free Trade then if it is going to 2 percent for the You can imagine the leaders, the Agreement. When the time runs out, second year, it is not going to be 2 per- CEOs, of the most powerful and largest when this clock is down, when the cent of what existed at the end of that corporations in our country were rais- deadline passes and CAFTA is dead, it year. So you are kind of getting inter- ing toasts, thanking the six Central is time to pass a new Central American est on interest which is what com- American and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement, negotiate a new pound interest is, and I think many Presidents for their campaigning for one that will really lift workers up, be- people have a little appreciation of this issue. Then you can see the six cause trade agreements work when the compound interest. Presidents raising a toast to the Presi- world’s poorest workers, the workers This is a 4 percent growth curve. It dents and CEOs of the largest compa- for Nike in China, the workers for Mo- quadruples in 35 years. This is a 5 per- nies in America, thanking them for torola in Malaysia, the workers for cent growth curve, and China now is on their support. Disney in Costa Rica, the workers at a 10 percent growth curve. That is this It just made you wonder were the the auto plants in Mexico, when the curve. In 7 years, if they continue on CEOs or were these Presidents think- world’s poorest workers can buy Amer- this curve, their economy will double, ing of the millions of workers and hun- ican products, rather than just make and their use of oil will double if it fol- dreds of thousands of workers in each them, then we will know, Mr. Speaker, lows the economy. There is not much of these countries, millions of workers that our trade policies are finally suc- way to keep it from following the econ- in the United States, who are opposed ceeding. omy. In 14 years, they will be using to this agreement and who knew that f four times as much oil, and in just 21 this agreement would bring more prob- years, they will be using eight times as lems for America. ENERGY much oil. Did they think about the small busi- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. The next chart kind of puts the thing nesses in Ohio and Michigan that do DENT). Under the Speaker’s announced in perspective as far as our country is not want another failed trade agree- policy of January 4, 2005, the gen- concerned. We have 2 percent of the ment? Did they think about the small tleman from Maryland (Mr. BARTLETT) world’s oil reserves, and we use 25 per- stores in Managua and Santo Domingo is recognized for 60 minutes. cent of the world’s oil, and we import and in San Juan that would go out of Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Mr. about two-thirds of what we use. That business and that would be pushed out Speaker, we are here this afternoon to is up, by the way, from the Arab oil of business because of these trade build on a discussion that was started embargo where we imported just about agreements? Did they think about the last evening when five of us were here a third of what we use. family farms in North Carolina or the on the floor to talk about the problem Two other figures are of interest. One coffee farmers in Costa Rica or the of energy in general and about oil and is that we represent less than 5 percent highlands of Nicaragua? Did they think peak oil in particular. of the world’s population. We are about about the sugar farmers in Minnesota, I would like to start with a chart one person in 22 in the world, and this in eastern Oregon and in Idaho and in that shows some curves that will lead one person is so fortunate that we get Minnesota and Louisiana? Or did they us to this one. Here, we have a 2 per- to have 25 percent of all the good think about the sugar cane workers in cent growth curve, and what this is is things in the world, a subject for an- Central American? My guess is they the rate at which we are increasing our other discussion, but I wonder, Mr. did not. demand for oil. You will see that it is Speaker, if you have asked yourself the When I think about these trade exponential. It is not a straight line. It question, how come that is true; what issues, and I again go back to this goes out and up, and the further you is so unique about this country and our chart as I am about to close, I go back go, the steeper it gets. I wanted to talk culture that this one person in 22 has a to this chart which shows the relative for just a moment about these expo- fourth of all the good things in the income of each of these Central Amer- nential curves because I think a lot of world? Perhaps we will come here to ican countries, and when you think people do not understand the expo- the floor another day to talk about about where we want to go with our nential function. that because I think there are some trade agreements and what has hap- There is a very interesting story real lessons to learn. If you understood pened to our trade agreements, we have about the person who a very long time how we got here, then we might under- seen so much pain on each side. ago invented the game of chess, and stand what we need to do to stay here, We have seen pain in O’Leary, Ohio, the monarch of the kingdom was so im- but that is not the subject of tonight’s near where I live, a town of about pressed with that contribution that he discussion. 50,000, industrial town which has had told the inventor that any reasonable With only 2 percent of the world’s oil certainly its tough times. When York thing that you ask, I will give you. The reserves, we produce 8 percent of the Manufacturing shut down its plant and inventor said, I am a simple man, with world’s oil. What that means, of moved much of its production to Mex- simple needs, and if you will simply course, is that we are really good at ico, think about those families; the un- take my chess board and put a grain of pumping oil. We know how to get oil employment in that community; peo- wheat on the first square and 2 grains out of the ground better than almost ple losing their jobs; kids not able to of wheat on the second square and 4 anybody in the world. As a matter of VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:17 May 13, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12MY7.102 H12PT1 May 12, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3253 fact, we are so good at that, that the the next chart here, because what the fice.
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