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Sportsliter optics are easily adjustable, use standard metal halide lamps to reduce maintenance hubbell.com/thinkagain costs, and may be combined with 40°C-rated ballasts for extended life in warmer climates. Circle No. 110 or www.archlighting.com/productinfo PROTECT PEOPLE, AND YOUR CABLES AccessTrak" offers ADAAG-compliant cable protection that can be expanded by width or length to conform to your ^^^^ pathway. TredTrak can be extended in several directions using X and Y junction fittings, and may even be ALL YOU NEED TO LIGHT A FIELD custom ordered in team colors. The Sportsliter Pack is the ultimate, last, easy way to order and bring Both systems are constructed of light to a field. Complete baseball/softball, football, and soccer field lighting non-conductive, weather-resistant systems include virtually all necessary components - including poles, polyurethane with a non-slip surface. fixtures and ballasts - to deliver outstanding performance at a competitive Circle No. 112 or www.archlighting.com/productinfo price. Just pick a single part number, run power to your poles, and you're ready to play. Available January 2006. Circle No. Ill or www.archlighting.com/productinfo SAFE, LOCKING PUT ON A SHOW PORTABLE POWER Sterner Lighting Infranor Luminaires Single pole connectors feature with patent-pending motorized shades exclusive non-conductive retaining provide instant on/off capabilities - screws that secure connections, without costly instant re-strike systems - and for extra safety, prevent for dramatic player introductions and replacement with conductive halftime shows in indoor arenas. Shades screws. A unique low-force inner are quiet, will not deform or cause sleeve facilitates installation. excessive heat build-up even if left All connectors are third-party closed indefinitely, and can be easily certified to UL Enclosure installed at a later date without re-aiming Types 3R,4X and12K. or adding extra luminaires. Circle No. 114 or www.archlighting.com/productinfo Circle No. 113 or www.archlighting.com/productinfo MARCH I 06 LIOHTING.COM S EXPANDED PRODUCT »«CTIOH AL architecturaAlL lighting EDITORIAL STAFF GROUP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EMILIE W. SOMMERHOFF PUBLISHER [email protected] GARY GYSS (646) 654-5775 PROMOTE YOUR NEW PRODUCTS HERE ,v,v,-,iii;:. 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All nohis reserx MINIAML v\a\^ OH? tVtCm)H\C COMV^Ol Of tlMeCUC?CK AKIP WALL Morning Afternoon ' Offer a controllable roller shade that's as precise as your customer's designs Sivoia QED Quiet Electronic Drive shading systems precision alignment of multiple shades to within 1/8 ultra-quiet operation (44dBA at three feet) seamless integration with Lutron lighting controls symmetrical fabric light gap of 3/4" per side OLUTRON Visit www.lutron.com/shadingsolutions or call Lutron controls your light... 1.877.258.8766 ext. 581 to learn more about Sivoia QED. © 2006 Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. Circle No. 9 or www.archlighting.com/productinfo MARCH I 06 architectural lighting industry 09 comments 30 10 anniversary / An Interview with Charles Linn 13 briefs / Events in London; Sottsass in Los Angeles; and more 20 letters / Energy Zealotry Is Missing the Point 23 report / Crafting the Historic Luminaire IT] 56 exchange / What is the state of lighting research? • projects 29 highlight / Higgins Hall, Brooklyn, New
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