• CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • NEED Volume 65 Number 43 | November 2, 2020 MORE Help support those SPACE? in need during the 2020 National Defence Workplace Charitable newspaper.comnewwsspapaper.com Campaign. MARPAC NEWS CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. NOW OPEN! 4402 Westshore Parkway, Victoria LookoutNewspaperNavyNews @Lookout_news LookoutNavyNews bit.ly/NDWCC2020Epledge (778) 817-1293 • eliteselfstorage.ca FIRST POPPY PINNED Sylvia Vink, Poppy Chairman of The Royal Canadian Legion Esquimalt Dockyard Branch 172, pins a poppy on the uniform of Captain (Navy) Sam Sader, Base Commander, at the Chiefs’ and Petty Officers’ Mess, Oct. 30. Photo by S1 Victoria Ioganov, MARPAC Imaging Services We will remember. Beautiful smiles 6 start here! Coffee Gregory Schadt REAL ESTATE is ready! am A full array of coffee and tea, m: (250) 634-2190 baked goods and sandwiches so f: (250) 477-3328 you can grab lunch to go! Capital Park e: [email protected] IN ADMIRALS WALK PLAZA ACROSS FROM THRIFTY’S Dental 110-4460 Chatterton Way, 101-1503 ADMIRALS ROAD Victoria, BC V8X 5J2 Mon-Fri 6 am-4 pm Sat-Sun and Holidays 9 am-4 pm 250-590-8566 CapitalParkDental.com Français aussi ! Suite 110, 525 Superior St, Victoria P: 250.384.1417 10% DISCOUNT FOR MILITARY AND VETERANS Helping you is what we do. ownvictoria.ca 2 • LOOKOUT CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS November 2, 2020 Photos by S1 Mike Goluboff, MARPAC Imaging Services Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama Military cooks discover Sri Lankin cuisine Peter Mallett looking to try something different.” Staff Writer Her cookbook features 60 of her favourite fam- ily recipes. Military cooks received a tasty tutorial by a The recipes were inherited from her mother and former DND civilian employee turned cookbook passed down by her grandmother. author last week in the Wardroom kitchen. “One unique aspect of Sri Lankan curry is they With her cookbook Milk, Spice and Curry have a dark roasted curry power that is very dif- Leaves: Hill Country Recipes from the Heart of Sri ferent than the curries you will find in India. It is Lanka in hand, Ruwan Samarakoon-Amunugama one of the main ingredients that makes our cuisine demonstrated how to make traditional Sri Lankan unique because it’s aromatic and has complex dishes. flavours.” “When I decided upon the recipes of curry Samarakoon-Amunugama spent 10 years at chicken, yellow rice, and beet root curry, I wanted DND as a senior communications to have something that chefs could easily prepare advisor at a Public Affairs Office whether they were on land or in a ship,” said in Vancouver between 2009 andd Samarakoon-Amunugama. 2018. She worked with MARPACC Her culinary tutorial was part of a week-long on diversity initiatives such as the foodie event that promoted Food Diversity Week Advisory Council on Diversity to through different cultural fare. Joint Task Force (Pacific). Her instruction introduced the cooks to the pil- “MARPAC is very dedicated to lars of the island nation’s cuisine: coconut milk, the concept of diversity initiatives rice, and spice, including roasted curry powder. and the idea of me presenting a MS Ryan Eves attended the class and was cooking lesson to the navy arose,” impressed by the flavour profile. said Samarakoon-Amunugama. “When she was finished instructing and cooking “It seemed to me like an exciting everyone got to sample the food. It tasted com- opportunity for base and fleet pletely different than the seasonings and spices in chefs to learn and experience curries any of us had tried before,” said MS Eves. “I new cuisine and add it to their think that adding Sri Lankan cuisine to our menu menus.” is a welcome change for our chefs and will provide Her cookbook is available for a morale boost for our regular customers who are purchase on Amazon. November 2, 2020 CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS LOOKOUT • 3 fluid within the panels. The solar-heated fluid travels through a system of tubes to preheat water within the New solar building’s heating systems. While the solar panels won’t eliminate the use of traditional energy sources completely, they can reduce panels for green greenhouse gas emissions at the gym annually by 25 metric tonnes, says Birtwistle. RPOps staff were provided a training session by energy Ameresco so they could understand how the system functions and how to maintain it. With regular mainte- Peter Mallett nance the solar panels have a life expectancy of 30 years. Staff Writer The gym will receive further enhancements this fis- cal year to reduce an estimated 140 tonnes of green- Just below the roofline on the Naden Athletic Centre’s house gases each year. They include the installation of a west wall are 22 large solar panels. high-efficiency condensing boiler and smart occupancy They were recently installed by Real Property sensors and controls that turn down heating, cooling, Operations (Esquimalt) as part of an energy perfor- and lighting systems in the building overnight or when mance contract to help the base reduce its carbon foot- rooms are unoccupied. Low-flow shower heads and a print and energy costs. liquid pool cover that retains heat through the use of At the gym, the solar energy will pre-heat the hot alcohol-based hydrophobic technology is also expected. water supply for the heating system, showers and the Prior to the commencement of the energy perfor- pool. mance contract, RPOps made upgrades to LED lighting. “Solar power is a renewable energy source with net “From an environmental perspective, adopting and zero pollutants of CO2,” explained Jamie Birtwistle, deploying clean technology is an important step in RPOps(Esq) Energy Manager. “When we speak about achieving a notable reduction in greenhouse gases at climate-change action plans and we embrace the aspira- the base,” said Birtwistle. “Over the next three years our tion to become a carbon neutral defence community, staff will be metering and monitoring these installations these alternative technologies are quite appealing.” to see if we are indeed going to see the big greenhouse The energy-reducing projects are part of the gas reductions that have been targeted and what savings Department of National Defence Energy and have been realized.” Environmental Strategy (2020-23). The aim of the He is one of several energy managers who work at strategy, implemented in 2017, is to reduce greenhouse bases and military installations across the country to gas emissions from DND infrastructure and commercial help the Government of Canada meet the Energy and light-duty vehicle fleets to below 40 percent of the 2005 Environmental Strategy targets. Energy managers are emissions by 2025, and to net-zero emissions by 2050. technical experts that integrate energy engineering The solar panels are one step towards reaching those principles into base operations to increase efficiency and Jamie Birtwistle, Real Property Operations goals, says Birtwistle. sustainability of infrastructure. (Esquimalt) Energy Manager, stands below to The panels were purchased by Ameresco Canada and He is overseeing a two-year energy performance two rows of solar panels on the west wall of employ solar array technology. The technology uses a contract that will bring about 150 energy conservation the Naden Athletic Centre. Photo by RPOps (Esq) system of photo voltaic cells that heat propylene glycol measures to the base. 4 • LOOKOUT CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS November 2, 2020 ofOPINION WHO WE ARE WHATmatters SAY WE MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Atkinson 250-363-3372 [email protected] What is a cenotaph? STAFF WRITER Peter Mallett 250-363-3130 [email protected] MCpl (Retired) Doug Hearns someone take his place. The Second World War saw another 40,000 PRODUCTION Cenotaphs began to appear in Canadian Canadians die and the number of countries Teresa Laird 250-363-8033 cities, towns, and villages following the First containing Canadian war dead increased to [email protected] World War. encompass the entire planet. Korea added Bill Cochrane 250-363-8033 Their reason for being created was due to 500 or so more, all buried in either South [email protected] about 60,000 of our countrymen dying dur- Korea or Japan. ing this conflict with almost all of them being The policy of not repatriating our war dead ACCOUNTS/CLASSIFIEDS/RECEPTION continued until the mid-1970s, meaning we 250-363-3372 buried in the country they were killed. Some were completely gone, missing with- have peacekeepers buried in the same cem- SALES REPRESENTATIVES out a trace as the war literally ate them up. eteries as the war dead from the First World Ivan Groth 250-363-3133 These women and men that died left count- War. [email protected] less grieving families and friends without any Time has gone on for us living and the Joshua Buck 250-363-8602 symbol of remembrance. No gravesites to numbers of those touched by war reduced [email protected] leave flowers at and no headstone to weep over time. Now we owe it to these brave over. women and men to honour them at least Brad Schneider 250-880-2705 once a year at the symbolic headstone that [email protected] Thus, there was a need for the cenotaph, a communal pseudo-grave site as a place is a cenotaph. EDITORIAL ADVISORS to grieve and remember. A place where a Editor’s Note: This year, the public is being SLt Michelle Scott 250-363-4006 veteran perhaps thanked a fallen comrade asked to stay home on Nov. 11 and privately Katelyn Moores 250-363-7060 for saving him or cursed himself for letting remember our military community.
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