liLUlS MOSQUE NAWKOZ CARPET EXPORT COMPANY SHARE NAU OPPOSITE Offers for sale food Christ' is mas presents such as new-ol- d , carpets, genuine antique arms, posteenchas and other Afghan THE. KAEULT2MES handicrafts. Also undertakes packlnr and custom clearance for -- ; 4 rjr ; - - its costumers. N - For further information con" 1 'tact : ... Tel: 3203$ and 31051. ' .. ., ., I ' VOL. X NO. 225 KABUL, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1971 (JADI 6, 1971 S.H.) PRICE AF. 4 New military academy u I HM felicitates y.uuuuiub gei curia. Gioyanni Leone' KABUL,' Dec. 27,' (Bakhtar).- - prai)ses ' Dr. Zahir youth share His. Majesty the King in a tele- - .gram has congratulated the Gio in ; national defence affairs vanni Leone on his election as the President of Italy, the Infor- KABUL, Dec. V, (Bakhtar). he participation mation Department of the For. of our youth in the defence affairs of the country is eign Ministry said, v a heritage inherited by them from their forefathers,' Prime Minister Drl Abdul Zahir said. Dr.Zahir attends nffiMnl function held at the M.M.K IVUiJ AUUJl j3&mi. uu vv ' Military Academy for the nanding over oi graauaie certificates, yesterday evening. condolences for The Prime Minister handeid over the certificates to this year's graduates of the techrtica1 academy, ar- - - . 1 . 1 1 i s w ... mcnr Khalid Abasin chlteATJjTe icoiiege, miuuiij in..wtu.jininfinmv ann iron ; officers training schools. T ' ! KABUL, Dec. 27, (Bakhtar).-T- he Dr. Zahir also handed over territorial integrity of the na- condolence meeting of the conditi some prizes to the instructors tion and for securing, late Khalid Shah Abasin .: was to eco and teachers, of the academy. ons pertaining smooth held in the Congregational Mo- happy to meet neie to- nomic and social development sque of Sherpur yesterday mor- 'I'm the government day', the Prime Minister said believes it ning, by the Tribal Affairs De- must have the: necessary mi in his address, 'those youth who - partment and the College,. ,flf htary power Consequently the ' have completed their education : Law and Political Science of and are now taking active parts government, shall pay attention Kabul University jointly. uu Tfer Iiiir1iii(r a obligations require, in iu. wimw in Prima MlnlciAv ava a 4AHfltatA 4a nm orn1iinA i tk a Jaham was attended by . Prime as their ucicieprestige It Iu t natinn'. eservation of the o Gn1"31 Malwand, the commander ol the , academy is in the middle. (Photo: Mustamandi) Minister Dr. Abdul Zahir, the the iloyal Army", the Prm-- v You have iust now received presidents of the two houses - t, most ' important ; VA" - . of the parliament, members of ceruuww:' participation of our yu which secures your future as :The Faryab governor ' the cabinet, judges of the Su- officers of the Royal Army and uth in national defence affms AAA to hold Buzkashi preme Court,. the heads of the & which from now on you will put into is heritage thev have . government departments, fa- -- -- - katm. lonrr.. inherited frnm theiT . fnrefath--- practice-.'..! - wuai..ij. w- - "- - ; r - dedicates -- new : culty members of the ' univer- ed for years in the defence of ers who were freedom fighters.. games regularly in Kunduz sity, students, Pashtoonistanis w tv,0: Minister I am sure that, in light of this ?. ' PriHfi KABUL, Dec. 27, (BaJihtar)... Afghan Air Authority and residing -' in Kabul and - firm conviction, they will Jper-- continued Maimana dam Tourism have taken measures for holding regular Buzkashi Pashtoonistanis students here. form national ! "In pursuance of the Afghan their dutiei js games in Kunduz... ..... ,v; According to anither report government expected of them', the Prime v MAIMANA, Dec. 27, (Bakh Constitution, the ihe decision is aimed at attracting more tourists during the ; elders of Apridi and other tri- in nolicv statement which Minister saiu tar). The Sare Hauz Dam nrlnk' uncm, ntiil KHIr-ielil- J .1 i . bes its x , .1 -- - Ik. - mgnanw participated in the burial has been approved Dy tne par- The Prime Minister once ag-- here was dedicated by - Faryab "iV 1 ceremonies of the late .Abasin, liament has said, 'For the at- .7. a Pashtoonistani student. of Holy task of pro- taining the ! J 1 1 . : mi . 1 . ' . l.UVUUll.V UUUU111C QU1UOU. IV 1I11C 111 'The condolence messages of independence and auuuireu moaern leunniuues aam nas Deen exiensiveiv j t-- " .j. ... , . u . tecting the ine. j . : : i, "u uiesiueu uvei toy s loreigni visitors u' .:uiuiutu uuus j uirem f 6 sident Sultan Mahmoud Ghazi,n. the opportunity to visT and the College of Law and Po- - AwTforSl afM ' million.; It has the matters related to attracting historical places X' Mtical Science issued in the na- - Xmas special s"Pre 15 miUion of JrUer Majesty and provision! Afghan ilutoority, me of the Apridi tribe were 7500 acres. The . facUities by publi- - DOUAI, France, December 27, mif , 'A frigate further for. them and Tourism in read the' director of city-o- Mia (Reuter). A family row at Chr- discussed. The meeting an effort to furtheratSct fo- - f the department istmas dinner ended with- - iS,MareSrvV;'K - man shooting dead two S of his three children and woun- Ab- - t- - ' mi .S; GeSnT dam makes ssible I DrWakil inspects Bakhta ' ; ffi"Z ; Sea 17'' ding his wife. dul Razaq Maiwand congratu ter use of the river water here . .. ki .' Police Said the father pulled laled the graduates .. At me meeunff it was aacia :'.! gun during tab- that the Afghan Tourism to the out a the dinner , The function ended with the In thl repairing of the dam, .Aing otherw, con- - president of Olympic le row last night over the ;! (Continued on page 4) ,n nHHitWi tn pqoV, 9Ron caorc Department should hold Buzka- Y.ice the Nimroz food for 18 daught- very r duct of his .year old of wheat (one seer is equal to; s.m ?ay Z5 . " TL. J"2 - '' kpon ,auz- - A source 01 me Algnan juuuau una buhc w a.iuiuu w. er.' nas given tn tht . ., jcm)C- - 1l hnMjnct She was fatally wounaea, ana Australian group nrnaraiin fnr n - to ' Afghan and regular buzkashi games with their mother was rushed the . Hlis. sixteen metres high, Ariana' 'Airlines yjv.a . - It. ' sto- n i the governor of the province hospital after being hit in the zuu metres long, and omit in Bakhtar Airlines, have made iinus taptam special Dr. Mofiammad bediq. mach. concrete. Because of floods, the efforts to provide air .ZARANJ.n Dec. 27, (Bakhtar) dam was badly damaged. It The Minister Without Port- PORT VICTORIA, Austra- Cook's lost anchor now has four walls, each with folio and the Director of the lia, Dec. 27, ; Reuter) H the capacity to pass four cubic Arab ministers meet to decide Emergency Agriculture Deve- Gab- - . year old . Fifteen BRISBANE, Dec. 27, (Reuter) metres of water ner second. lopment Programme of the Pr- was the toast of this An expedition by - riel Cabdelli led Meinour- nieeting ime Ministry, Dr. Abdul "Wak-il- , today- - swim- - hMing summit holiday town after ne S'ock booker David Hume has KABUL, Dec. 27, (Bakhtar).-T- he; oh yesterday inspected the pro- through heavy . ming three miles found an anchor tost from Capt Turkish Ambassador Faruk gress of work on the small pro- seas off South Australia to get ain Cook s Barque Endeavour 201 Sahinbas paid a courtesy call on CAIRO, Dec. 27, (Reuter). Arab Foreign Ministers meet here jects in Char Borjak another today district. help for his father and years ago When it ran around on House of the People President to decide whether to call a summit conference to prepare He was accompanied by Nim- man. ..' a reef near Hope Island, about Dr. Mohammad Omar Wardak a Joint strategy in case of war with Israel. roz Governor Haji Mohammad who never befo- be second high-lev- el the 45 ap- - Gabriel, had' 30 miles (48 km southeast of Co. at the Parliament building yes- It will the within next hours and Asef, ,i ;v swum more than 100 metres, oktown, l.'OO (2,400 north , meeting of Arab league ministers pointed its consul general re km) terday morning. there The projects .are under im- four-ho- ... a An- set out on his ur marathi of here., , Similarly the departing am. within month as President as charge d affaires. plementation under the Food on after a big wave overturned Sponsors for the expedition sa- - bassador of Egyptian Arab war Sadat's "year of' decision" Reports on the Middle East the for Work Programme. , Saddeek-ElSaye- , the dinghy in which he and his id here tonight that no other in Republic", d Dar-- draws to a close. situation have been drawn up by - According to another report, 43,- and ttuggero formation vet received, fa- - Dr. Sayed Nofal, the .League's the Arab Defence Council, the father Benito, had been wesh. met Dr. Omar to say the Minister later left for r. gCampenini, 58, were sailing three about recovery of assistant secretary general said Arab economy ministers, the the the anchor., ' lewell. and ' miles off shore. " .. that if the ministers decided to foreign ministers themselves over convene a sunfmit conference, of the past six weeks. DUNKIRK, (France) Dec. 27, Bhutto announces plans for Arab kings and heads of state The leaders of the Federation QTYKETO (AFP).i-Ma-ny people burn logs they' Would draft an agenda and of Arab Republics Egypt's Pre- J over Christmas, but local man . fix a date and venue. sidont Sadat, Hafez al Assad of Bernard Deweile used the family, . Judicial inquiry into war The foreign minister, will also Syria and Muammer al Gaddafi ' , resump- - home instead.
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