Iowa City Community School District High School 2019-2020 Course Guide Welcome to the Iowa City Community School District! We are child-centered and future-focused. Iowa City Community School District 1725 North DodGe St Iowa City, IA 52245 We believe each child is unique and it is our Phone: 319-688-1000 Fax: 319-688-1009 responsibility to provide the best education Website: www.iowacityschools.orG possible in an environment that is challenGinG, yet carinG and invitinG. EQUITY STATEMENT It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national oriGin, sex, disability, reliGion, creed, aGe, marital status, sexual orientation, Gender identity and socioeco- nomic status in its educational proGrams, activities, or employment practices. There is a Grievance procedure for processinG complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a Grievance related to this policy, please contact Chace Ramey, 1725 N. DodGe St., Iowa City, IA 52245, 319-688-1000, [email protected]. When people think about our schools, words like traditional and established CITY HIGH SCHOOL come to mind, but also responsive, innovative, creative, and progressive. 1900 MorninGside Dr. Iowa City, IA 52240 Phone: 319-688-1040 | Fax: 319-688-1049 For over one hundred years, the Iowa City Community School District www.iowacityschools.orG/CityHS has been the instructional leader in eastern Iowa, across the state, and ADMINISTRATORS throughout the nation Mr. John Bacon Principal Mr. Scott Jespersen Assistant Principal The District’s comprehensive high schools recognize academic excellence. Ms. Natalee Swan Assistant Principal Mr. Gerry Coleman Academic Dean These high schools consistently rank at the top in Iowa for the number of Mr. Terence Coleman Athletic Director National Merit Scholars. Our graduates earn ACT and SAT scores that are SCHOOL COUNSELORS consistently higher than the national averages and our schools boast Mr. Tom Carey A-Cl, ELL graduation rates that remain higher than state and national norms. Ms. Mary Peterson Co-Ki Mrs. Linda Hoel Ki-O, ELP Numerous opportunities are provided for our ninth through twelfth Mr. Ben FraGa P-Z grade students to achieve success. Our high schools offer comprehensive LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL instructional programs that meet the diverse educational needs of young 1400 S. Dubuque Street North Liberty, IA 52317 adults. Course offerings prepare students for the future, whether they Phone: 319-688-1000 | Fax: 319-688-1009 pursue vocational training, attend a technical college or a university, join the www.iowacityschools.orG/LibertyHS military, or move into the world of work. Our students have the opportunity ADMINISTRATORS Mr. Scott Kibby Principal to build their own educational plans through the use of individual learning Mr. Justin Colbert Assistant Principal plans, which help our students and parents select appropriate courses to Mrs. Emily O’Donnell Assistant Principal support the exploration of various career opportunities. Project Lead The Ms. Kimberly Fitten Academic Dean Mr. Michael Morrison Athletic Director Way and numerous Advanced Placement courses give students a SCHOOL COUNSELORS tremendous advantage in pursuing their collegiate level education and in- Mr. Troy BerGmann A-G demand career fields. Career academies and concurrent college credit Mrs. Jennifer NauGhton H-N courses are offered through a strong partnership with Kirkwood Community Mrs. Mayra DeVries O-Z College. TATE HIGH SCHOOL 1528 Mall Drive, Iowa City, IA 52240 In addition, students have the opportunity to enroll directly in college Phone: 319-688-1080 | Fax: 319-688-1089 courses through the Senior Year Plus Act. Students have access to www.iowacityschools.orG/TateHS comprehensive career centers that help them explore and determine their ADMINISTRATORS path to the future. Access to a full range of technologies, apprenticeships, Ms. Ann BrowninG Principal SCHOOL COUNSELORS and community business partnerships keeps our high school programs Ms. Kristina Brown A-Z dynamic learning environments. A wide choice of championship and award-winning athletic and extra-curricular offerings provides our WEST HIGH SCHOOL students an arena in which they can build upon the values of teamwork, 2901 Melrose Ave.. Iowa City, IA 52246 Phone: 319-688-1050 | Fax: 319-688-1059 self-esteem, and perseverance. www.iowacityschools.orG/WestHS ADMINISTRATORS Dr. GreGG Shoultz Principal Ms. Molly Abraham Assistant Principal Mr. Lucas DeVries Assistant Principal Mrs. Maria Martin Academic Dean Mr. CraiG HueGel Athletic Director SCHOOL COUNSELORS Mr. Paul Breitbach A-D Mrs. Kelly BerGmann E-J Mr. GreG Yoder K-Q Mrs. Kay DiLeo R-Z TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION COURSES ReGistration Guidelines ............................. 1 AGRICULTURE ............................................. 7 Specific Requirements ........................... 1 ART ............................................................. 7 ColleGe Entrance Requirements................ 1 BUSINESS EDUCATION .................................... 8 Academic EliGibility ................................... 1 FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE ...................... 9 Alternative HiGh School ............................. 1 HEALTH.......................................................... 10 Early Graduation........................................ 1 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ........................... 10 Recovery ProGram ..................................... 1 LANGUAGE ARTS ....................................... 12 NCAA & NAIA EliGibility ............................. 1 MATHEMATICS .............................................. 15 FASFA Information ..................................... 1 MUSIC ........................................................... 18 Fee Waiver Policy....................................... 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION .................................. 19 Course Load ............................................... 2 PROJECT LEAD THE WAY..................................... 20 Grade ProGression ..................................... 2 SCIENCE ........................................................ 21 Criteria for RetakinG a Course ................ 2 SOCIAL STUDIES ............................................ 22 Second Grade Options .............................. 2 WORLD LANGUAGES .................................... 24 Level ChanGes ......................................... 2 ADDITIONAL COURSES .................................. 26 Guidelines for Schedule Adjustments ....... 2 CAREER PATHWAYS...................................... 28 Withdrawal From a Course ....................... 2 Special Education ...................................... 2 Gifted Education ....................................... 3 Senior Year Plus ProGram ......................... 3 Post-Secondary Enrollment Options ....... 3 Kirkwood ReGional Center ....................... 3 Project Lead The Way ............................... 3 Advanced Placement................................. 3 Workplace LearninG Connection ............. 3 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ...................... 4 FOUR YEAR PLAN WORKSHEET ...................... 5 MATH AND SCIENCE SEQUENCE………………..6 ICCSD High School | PROGRAM OF STUDIES | 2019-2020 General Information Registration Guidelines College Entrance Requirements Recovery Program A FOUR YEAR PLAN OF STUDY is available for Students are stronGly urGed to work closely If students are behind in credits, they may use in the ProGram of Studies. with their school counselor reGardinG col- elect to take courses throuGh the ICCSD As a 1st step, students must Give serious leGe entrance requirements and completinG summer school or school-year credit re- consideration to completinG the FOUR YEAR their FOUR YEAR PLAN. A copy of the Iowa’s covery proGram (EdGenuity). The equivalent PLAN of STUDY. This will help to insure that ReGents Universities’ admission recommend- of 45 course credits* from recovery credit students have a well-planned hiGh school ations is included as a Guideline and should be proGrams may be applied toward an ICCSD education that will lend itself to post hiGh used early on for General planninG purposes. diploma. Students must request a written school plans. This FOUR YEAR PLAN of STUDY In order to be best prepared for the future, approval form from their counselor prior to may be updated on a yearly basis as appro- students need to Get specific information enrollinG in each course. priate in consultation with a school coun- from a variety of schools and/or post hiGh *Note: These courses may not be substituted selor. school proGrams. Not all courses listed in the for specific ICCSD HiGh School courses re- Program of Studies meet college and/or NCAA As a 2nd step, students must carefully read the quired for Graduation without approval from admission requirements. an administrator. ProGram of Studies payinG particular at- tention to Graduation requirements, colleGe entrance requirements (2 and 4 year pro- Academic Eligibility NCAA & NAIA Eligibility gram), course descriptions, and prerequisites. In order to participate in any hiGh school per- Student-athletes interested in Division I or II As a 3rd step, students should work closely formance and or be eliGible to participate in colleGiate athletics should go online to www. a sport or competitive activity, a student with their school counselors to clarify eliGibilitycenter.orG for a copy of the booklet questions and seek advice to complete the must have passed all courses the trimester NCAA Guidance for the
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