Emo Chairmen I Kraine, You Kraine... Rawks of the Page 12 Page 10 Board Page 18 VolumeUniterUniter 57, Issue 18 march 20, 2003 THE T HE O FFICIAL W EEKLY S TUDENT N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIVERSITY OF W INNIPEG Quit Stalling Says Humane Society Campaign Launched Against the Use of Sow Stalls in Manitoba “Human life.” CORTNEY The European Union has banned the P ACHET prolonged use of sow stalls as of 2013. News Editor However, some countries have moved ahead of legislation. Great Britain, Sweden and The Winnipeg Humane Denmark have all banned sow stalls. Finland Society is asking will ban crates in 2006 and the Netherlands Manitobans to join in the in 2008. New Zealand pig farmers have campaign against sow stalls voted to eliminate sow stalls by 2012. and independent farmers are echoing their “This move is happening around the demands. world,” stated Burns. “We’re not the first to Vicki Burns, Executive Director of the talk about it.” Winnipeg Humane Society, believes that While Wowchuk did not disclose financial gain is the main motive in the use of whether or not the government planned to sow stalls. implement a ban, she stated that providing “I think it’s economics,” said Burns.“They information to the public about sow housing end up making more money.” is a priority. The Winnipeg Humane Society will be “We promote alternative sow housing,” looking for opportunities to set up informa- said Wowchuk. tion tables and publicly display “Penelope”, The corporate farms, many using the sow their sow, in her crate. Its goal is to encourage stall system, are taking profit away from the citizens to lobby the Minister of Agriculture family farm. and other officials to pass legislation banning “There are not many individual family the use of sow crates and encourage better farms left,” said Burns. “Large corporate treatment of pigs prior to slaughter. farms are putting family farms out of busi- “We have a vote as consumers,” said ness.” Burns, noting that crated sows are routinely Hunter agrees, noting that within the given antibiotics in their feed and are taken next decade he believes most of the family off the antibiotics six weeks before they go to farms in Manitoba will be gone. slaughter. “I’m not in favour of those hog facto- The Quit Stalling pamphlet produced by ries,” he stated. the Winnipeg Humane Society provides facts Environmental concerns also factor into about sow stalls and includes a detachable sumed pork product raised on his family Wowchuk believes both corporate and campaigns against sow stalls. Animals’ urine card addressed to Rosann Wowchuk, the farm. family farmers are aware of the significance and feces fall through grates under their Minister of Agriculture and Food, demanding “People tell me there’s a difference,” said of healthy animals. stalls. The matter is then flushed into the ban of sow stalls in Manitoba. Hunter of the quality of free-range pigs. He “Farmers understand the importance of lagoons, which are sprayed onto nearby According to Burns, people who eat pork refuses to use antibiotics on his pigs, unless having healthy animals,” said Wowchuk, not- fields several times a year. may feel guilty considering the inhumane cir- they are sick. ing the consideration of food and housing Students can take action by letting the cumstances to which the pigs are subjected. Hunter raises his pigs on straw in large for the animals. government know they disagree with the “Knowing the pigs had a decent quality of life open areas and believes there are many ben- While the Humane Society stresses the treatment of pigs. Contact the Minister of will make them feel less guilty,” said Burns. efits to allowing pigs free range. importance of raising pigs in groups, Hunter Agriculture and Food by filling out and mail- The environment the pigs are subjected “It would probably be a cleaner environ- believes farmers must be careful in way the ing the Winnipeg Humane Society sugges- call into question to the quality of the product ment for them,” said Hunter, adding that he pigs are grouped. Smaller sows are often the tion cards. being produced. operates on a smaller scale than corporate last to eat and a pecking order amongst the On a similar note, Glen Koroluk of Gary Hunter, owner and operator of a farms. “They get exercise. I don’t use barrel pigs is quickly established. Hogwatch will be speaking on campus March mixed farm north of Virden, has only con- crates or anything like that.” “That happens in real life,” said Hunter. 21, in room 2M77 during free period. U Layton Blasts Grits ‘Carnival Ride’ Foreign Policy Layton described our political system terized the race as a civilized discussion menting it. BY SCOTT DE GROOT as “ill”. If elected to government, he has process, asserting that this civility frus- Layton then condemned premiers Newly elected leader of the federal promised a national referendum on trated the media and resulted in a lack Ralph Klein, Ernie Eves, and Gordon NDP Jack Layton gave a presentation whether to reform the Canadian politi- of interest. He praised the friendly Campbell for opening private hospitals outlining some of the party’s policy cal system to that of proportional repre- nature of the 26 debates that were con- in Alberta, Ontario and B.C. respective- objectives at the University of sentation. He believes this will allow ducted across the country. ly. He stated that this practice is illegal Winnipeg last week. He placed an the voices of women and minorities to Debates between the Liberal and and that these premiers should be taken emphasis on encouraging youth to join be represented in the House of Canadian Alliance parties do not pres- to court over the issue. He also drew the NDP and become part of the politi- Commons. ent a balanced view of the issues, sug- attention to the long history of public cal process. Layton described the recent leader- gested Layton. He illustrated this by healthcare in Canada and reiterated that Pointing to the declining voter turn ship campaign as a process of renewal, pointing out the hostility of the supporting this system is a fundamental out in Canada, now around 60 per cent, claiming that the candidates all had a Canadian Alliance to the Kyoto proto- value of the NDP party. similar vision for the party. He charac- col and the Liberal’s inaction in imple- Continued on Page 2 Sistas Sayin’ It For Themselves! - page 17 page 2 MARCH 20, 2003 the uniter uniter the news Volume 57, Issue 18 March 20, 2003 STAFF Cortney Pachet 1. Why do you think News Editor High Gas Prices Have gas prices are so Tamara King high? Features Editor Manitobans Fuming 2. How do high gas Jonathan Tan fossil fuel products are made. Crude oil prices BY RICHARD LIEBRECHT Focus Editor have, parallel to gas prices, seen rises in recent prices affect you? Has anyone noticed that gas prices have times. There are, of course, a few reasons for Michelle Kuly been a little high lately? this. View and Culture Editor Arend-Jan Mulder, Kyle, a petroleum distribution technician Few people heard about the Venezuelan oil Arts, first year –also known as a gas jockey- at a rural Esso strike, but everyone is noticing the conse- Andrew Buck station sure has. quences. That country’s nationalized oil indus- Sports Editor 1. Because of all the “I have to deal with constantly hearing peo- try was the victim of a massive strike in 2002, stuff in the Middle Ginny Collins ple complain about it,” said Kyle. one that was intended to force President Hugo East. Beat Reporter As a gas jockey, he is the front line for Chavez to resign. The strike failed in its politi- 2. I don’t see it as such petroleum companies and therefore takes the cal intentions, but succeeded in crippling a bad thing…make Andriy Michalchyshyn brunt of consumer unrest. But are people like Venezuela’s oil production. Venezuela’s pro- them pay! I think that Photo Editor Kyle to blame? He says no. duction is still at a fraction of its previous if we make people pay “The stations make hardly any money off capacity, and it may take a long time for pro- real money for their gas, they won’t Eszti Nagy gas purchases,” said Kyle. “They are trying to duction to return to normal. waste it. That’s a beneficial aspect of it. Distribution Manager keep prices as low as they can to attract cus- Nigeria’s oil production has also been cut tomers.” by political strife. Stu Reid Kyle, being a driver as well, also feels the These, and other smaller situations, have Vincent Rara, Production Manager pain of high prices. “It’s costing me as much left North America with its smallest oil reserve Science, first year money as everyone else.” levels since 1975. The simple law of supply and Ted Turner So, if gas attendants and stations are not to demand dictates a raise in oil prices. 1. Because of the war, Advertising Manager blame, who is? On top of this are the fluctuations caused that’s what I think. “I don’t really know who is to blame, but by the situation in Iraq. Although oil supplies 2. I can’t drive as Matt Hiebert the government’s taxes have a lot to do with it,” are not currently being affected, fears of possi- much now…sucks. the Uniter Coordinator Kyle pointed out. ble war and disruptions in oil supply are caus- On average, gasoline taxes account for 42 ing prices to swing wildly.
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