Bulk Rate,.U S Postaoe Pa,11 Vol. 77 N<> ...,]X' J1 TUESDAY, MARCH-3, 1987- 862-1490 Durham, NH. Durham f\J H Perm ,1 ii3G 3 ·arrested for rape Students face felony, misdemeanor charges By David Olson According to the Stoke resident, The victim sought medical Three UNH students were the victim then walked into a attention at Hood House. She arrested last Wednesday in room where the assailants were was not admitted and had no connection with a sexual assault located. , major injuries. The Stoke res- that occurred on the fourth floor Two male students, both 20 idem said the victim is "doing of Stoke Hall during the early years old, were charged with well." She also said the victim morning of Friday, Feb. 20. aggravated .felonious sexua'I plans to press charges against Dean of Students J. Gregg assault, a class A felony. They her alleged assailants. Sanborn said the victim, a were released on $5,000 person- According to the Durham - female student and a resident al recognizance bail, and will District Court c-lerk, no .com- of Stoke, was returning from appear in Durham District plaints had been filed by UNH Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity when Court on April 28. Public Safety, so'the names of the incident occurred. According The third student, a' 20-year- the alleged assailants were not to a Stoke resident who asked .old male, was charged with available. State law prevents to remain anonymous, the vic­ sexual assault, a misdemeanor. Public Safety from releasing tim was intoxicated. He was released on $1,000 PR names of arrested students. The victim then took the bail, and will appear in court In addition to facing charges elevator to the fourth floor. on March 24. in Durham District Court, San- "From what I was told, I . The Stoke resident said the born said "There will be judicial believe she did get off the vic;:tim was casually acquainted a.ctiori taken on the part of the elevator and turn the wrong with her assailants, who lived University. An incid~nt report . , way," towards the male wing in a different wing on the same has been filed." · of the fourth floor, Sanborn said. floor. USNH submits budget Umbrellas littered dorm hallways as wet weather hit campus. {Loreen Costello photo) By Frank Moore number of New Hampshire state universities·· as examples University System of New high school graduates going to of the cost-effec'tiveness of the Hampshire (USNH) officials college, and pressures upon the USNH iristitutions. have presented their 1988-1989 state's businesses and industries According to Van Ummersen, Fisk state appropriation budget of for a larger, better-educated the two-year financial plan resigns, $lll.8 work million, which exceeds the force. approved· by the USNH Board last bien9ial budg_et1 by $28': ~ • U,n _iversity sy~tem officials of Trustees proposes a raise of miHion, to the New Hampshire .Van UmmeisJn, UNH Presi­ nearly $12 million in needed state legislature. dent Gordon A. Haaland, Keene addi_tional income "through joiris NASA The requested $-28.3 million State College ·President E. Cun­ responsible increases in tuition increase in state funding would ningham, Plymouth State Col­ and from other non-state sour­ By Marla G. Smith States gets the job he-is the most enable purchases of'modern lege President William]. Farrell ces, such as research grants," gualifi~d for," Hersh Vice President for Res~arch said. instructional equipment, streng­ and School for Lifelong Learn­ Van Ummersen said. Fisk and and Financial Affairs Lennard Hersh have worked then campus library resources, ing Dean Alvin L. Hall submit­ New Hampshire law requires as the University's Fjsk has resigned to become only two vice increase student financial aid ted the proposed budget -to the that state funds may not be used presidents NASA's (National Aeronotics sinceJune 1985. funds and make faculty and staff state legislature in a preliminary to subsidize out-of-state stu­ "Obviously and Space Administration) as­ we have good salaries more competitive with hearing. dents which results in increased people sociate administrator for space here that are recognized other colleges, business and The House and 'senate Fi­ tuition rates for out-of-state science and applications. nationally. It reflects well on industry. nance Committees will review students. the University," Hersh Beginning April 6, Fisk will said. "These initiatives were begun the bill making possible recom­ "Jnvesting in the state's pub­ Carol Powers, lead all science programs at administrative by the legislature and the gov­ mendations. The budget will lic higher education system is assistant to Hersh NASA, in addition to unmanned for the past ernor two years ago tO streng­ then be reviewed by Gov. Su­ an -investmeqt in New Hamp~ two years, calls Fisk space flights; sounding rocket "innovative then, the quality and the diver­ nunu before final approval. sbire - in its people, its economy and fair." programs and funding support sity of our state's higher ­ Van Ummersen cited "the and its future," Van U mmersen "It's o_bviously for all universities. The annual a great honor education programs and servi­ fact that New Hampshire's said. "That investment will give for him," Powers said. budget for these programs is "But it's ces," USNH Chancellor Claire public higher education systems more New Hampshire people a tough $1.5 billion. thing when a man you Van, U mmersen said. costs its taxpayers t·he least ·access to high-quality education­ ad,mire has .Fisk has worked a,t the Uni­ to leave." Powers Van· Um mer sen attributed • among a-II s tates in the nation" al opportunities, will maintain said she does not versity for over 10 years as an know who will the increase to record numbers and "the fact that pre-student vital research activities and will serve in the interim. administrator, researcher and of applicatio .. 1s received by costs at UNH are 19 percent continue the wide i:ange of Fisks teacher. Although Fisk has· holds his doctorate from USNH institutions this past below the average student costs public services carried by these resigned from his administra~ - the University of California, San year, a gradual increase in the among the other ~ew England institutions." tive position, he will be on a Diego. He arrived at th~ Uni­ leave-of-absence from the Uni­ versity in 1976 as a visiting versity faculty. professor of physics. In 1977 Before coming to UNH in Fisk became associate professor 1977, Fisk was associated with of physics and in 1981, became the Goddard Space Flight Center _professor of_pb.y_sifs. _. for nine years. In 1984 Fisk_ 'Y~. named-· vice Richard Hers,h, vice president p_resi_q_~nt for_r~seard~ ·andt~ of academic affairs, works-with nariciaT a1fa1rs: · Fisk every day. "It's a wonderful With $6 million in space opportunity for him, although science research in progress, I'm losing a colleague,'' Hersh UNH ranks 10th among other said. universities in the nation in the "It's not often that the most amount of funding for space qualified person in the United science research. Inside- The student seriate passed a bill condemning violent acts committed by students against students. See Bryan Alexander's story, page 3. · Tom Aley and Bob-Durling join the staff as This semester's room draw was located in Stok~ H~ll, and the lines were long, as usual. (Stu cartoonisrs. See their work on pages 13 and Evans photo) 18. PAGE TWO, THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1987 Campaign trail 1988 ' Babbitt campaign Biden handles rolls in Seacoast media blitz By Robert Bosworth It is this type of .leadership By Peter A. Katz for his particular audiences. Dressed in a navy blu.e suit, that Babbitt hopes to bring to In the lobby of Concord's state With these characteristics white shirt and red, white and the presidency. legislative building, 25 journal- Biden attacked New Hampshire blue tie, and sporting a desert "I want to step up and make ists were ready ,to question him. with his first serious campaign tan, he looked somewhat out of decisions to get this country Nine microphones attached to last week. place wal,king in the early morn­ _moving again, to reclaim Amer­ the podium waited to record his Art Splaine, who saw Biden ing sun towards his campaign ica's leadership role. We are words and three portable tel- at a buffet luncheon in Ports­ van p.arked outside an Exeter losing our competitive edge," evision cameras sat anxiously mouth, said, 'Tl! try to meet all radio station. Still, former Ariz­ Babbitt said. _ on their owner's shoulders. the candidates. I'll 1meet them ona governor and presidential The former governor said his He was 25. minutes late, and as they come along." hopeful Bruce Babbitt is finding number . one priority is the the reporters were getting rest- The. lunch typified the close his place among the other economy, specifically the federal less. A young assistant dressed contact a presidential candidate democratic candidates. And the and trade deficits. in a tweed jacket, wearing wire- must have with New Hamp­ ultimate spot Babbiq hopes to "We are losing ground to rimmed glasses, announced Joe shire residents fo gain support. find himself is in the White other countries. We need to Biden was leaving the -State The atmosphere was friendly House next year. adopt measures to get us moving House from across the-street and it felt like a Thanksgiving hope- J ld · b · · Campaigning throughout the again," he said. Democratic presidential anu wou soon e arnvmg. dinm~r.
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