co. BISTWISAI. ASS::., This Week COVERING TOWNSHIP* or One Section UULHOBL. MAOUtONT MAKLBOBO MATAWAN 14 Pages 'AND HATAWAN BORQIIOB Mtmbrt - Mamtwr 92nd YEAR — 2nd WEEK National EdUwisl Awclatloa MATAWAN, N. JJ, THU$SPA%. JULY 14, i960 H«w limy prsw AMooliUon Single Copy Ten Cent* Formal Opening Of New Restaurant la Matawan Sewers Action New Matawan Rotary President Demand Answer On Off To Sept! Developer Discusses Master Plan Tonight Oleu Hueusch, chairman of the jr was. confident tho Master Plait Tie-In To Layout -' . >1 a r 1 b o r o Township Planning rccnmmendatUm would bo approv* Board, said Tuesday-lie will bo In ;d -tonlglit. ' No action on sewers can be ex- no mood lo be refused when ho pected before Sept. 1 because of Mr. Hnebscti still had his dacibt», iresonts demand st tonight's lo noted ih.it tha cominltleoincn drawing out of the slid/ Of plans, Ownship committee meellim that for the Matawan Improvement by. nust huve had botorohuivd kuow* lie governing body act on Iho plnti- r state officials during the summer .'JRO of iho elt-j.ii os. o Iho plunning— ;rs recommendation s Muster Plan raaril and Ihnt tha Master I'laii vacation period, Matawan Mayor « undertaken tor tho township. Ralph R. Dennis, stated yesteMJUj?. idea has been no ncw__thliiij for The mayor said he.had been/so Mr. llui-lisch said he, dlil not like llll'lli. : • ... • . .'' intormed by James Boyd, Cftmden^ :ho remark Coinmlttccman Joseph Tin.' plaiininB clinlrmnii (iliialnod 1 engineer" drawing plans for ths'con,- 'L'anuro inado * wiion the reso- onsfnt of the, liouiU lo lot nil >"n- iemplated million-dollar sower Job. iutlon of the plannlnij board In fa- na innttura In its humla drop UntH . The mayor confirmed -thereiftad ror of a Mailer Plun was present- liter Iho outciimv of tonlnht's imsi'U been conversations bttween^ow- ill to Iho towrahlp. cniumitloQ June liifl.VJ'li". We» "' tills l« that If the) . ard'Siegel, East Brunswick,-and U, Mr. Huebscli. averred that he lownshlp rommltlee voles. lo gri Mr. Boyd on. the subject-^l •ad heard Mr. Lanzara soy some- nhcad with n Muster I'lnn, all mm' in the projected: Sle^e) ' lilnil about it IHIIIIK "|ilaoanhoM" ico of lar^e scale development und) ment at tthh s IlIll-acrl e SSlanl q tr»ej>B* fid ihnt "In Congress llwy do It." muss tiouMiitt-camlnR Into tho town* . Matawan Rd. with this p'l«lS-t:.~^ Tho plunulnn board cliolrninu de- ship will, lio '"frown" .'fa/'years)."' lurcil ho was not |!«inn to let Iho The mayor said ho understood Warren Ryan, left, god his Insignia ot afllce from Itfnrlln Dosak. while tlm Mm|«r Plait Is In prtfbar« figlil, secretary of the Mntnwan Rotary Club. This Invesllluro took ownship conitnlttoe's in o 11 o it," nilon. Mr. Huebscli acknowledged • Mr. Boyd had found the plan sug- ilissod-at tha urujnu, ot Mr, Lau gested by Mr. Siegel a feasible-one Pllicc Thursday iJi advance of the weekly mooting o[ the Matnwnn club, It wtnild'bt> visclras for iho plnnninn tho first one aver which tho new dull president wni <a prcsMe, naro Juno 23, to "fliu" tho recom- board hi seek lo iu'1 Its own Killing from an engineering' staridgjcilnt. mendation lor » Master Plan t'onio The borough council would have mpravlalons [ippiovcd when - » to nicnil that It Is burled, ,lnjln- plan mlitlit find Ilium uiii to approve the financial arrange- Art Program Oil On 11)0 Waters ments on any such addition to-ther Chamberlain Hits luitahle. Out If. the Master ...Plan. fa_. sewer "coverage, Mayor Chnrlus T. McCuo foil Mr. turned ilmvi'i by lln> lownsii'ip cam* Under (lib direction of Daniel mlttctv then Iho plannlnn lioard Had Been Rejected. iV. J, Stanklewlci, Matawan Town-' lueb'icli was unduly nlarmod abnut Boii tempo Specck ship recreation director, and In- he matler. He said Hie resolution will pri'sH Its ideils for inning ra« The planning board rejected last vlilnns Involving upuradlnii, Mr, struction ot Mrs. Winifred Tanls, >f the planning hand had coiuo la spring an approach by Mr. Siegel Questions Conflict Iho township cominltteo.nl 8:0.1 luebseh itavo nnsurnneo, ., to locate 280 houses in the area ninny children of all age* enjoy- Ribbon cutting ceremonies yesterday afternooA I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tourlne Jr-, Mayor Ralph it Of Interest ed tho Arts and:crafts program pin, June S3 and Iho members of Map !• rtcturnt-d • ' on S^foot front lots. The ionlng or- tho iiovcriilnii linily vsi'to nccniclln); The planning hoard nccordlnj)!/ marked the formal opening of Diilchle's Italian Dennis and Frank Devlno, contractor. dinance" calls for 100-by-150-foot of Mntawnn Township which bo- Kitchen, Main St., Shown above are the proprietors, I • ••". The possibility of conflict of in- dan Monday afternoon at the ly unwllllnn to act on anythingJH_ lid nnt vlhally chock its cautso aii minimum lots In the area, and it terests" has been Introduced Into mwly presented to thi'iii. Tiiii rniiy7 '.nnlnR. A map Hint l» In prcpurn- was made very clear to Mr. Slegol Cllffwood School cafelorlum. > tho growing controversy over pro- Children ot tho Oak Shades * Ion for MibinUslim to Iho tnwiiHhln) at a recent conference there would posnls to locate. Electric City, .-oinralili'o in show iho area tn bo be no drawing bade from this re^ area were transported on Tues- Executive Outlines RosatoWants U. S. A, In Madison Township. day to Cllffwood to participate uplirtuli'il- from half-ncro to lino- qulremenl. Former Mayor John L. Chamber- In Iho same program. Transpor- Bond Issue Sale ncro loin In thi! Hencon Hill sec* Fiber Moved The mayor added that ha had lain said that ho hopes "tho coun- tation was' provided by Mrs, tlon wan relurned tn I-'rnnk I'asa, Bell Lab Proposals reason to believe Mr. Siegel was ty's delegation to iho stale legisla- Frank Arlclll, Mrs. Walter Cho- Voted By Board iwntihlt) cniihii'er, fur revlnlons, Changing Location willing to accept a limitation ion ture will look into-tho possibilities mic and Mr. Stanklewlci,' A pet Wllllnm Myr, tlm ssl're|n,ry, . Keyport Kiwanls Club was given ment unit, that is, it will-seek.to the number of building permits to of conflict of interest In a situation ptilnled out thoro worn nearly 104 • preview Tuesday of what Bell show was scheduled yesterday Holmdel Issue To apply through destgn and experi- Of Plant Demanded be Issued Bach year for any sub- where tt Mate official takes to tho and tho regular swimming pro- loin wlili (lied maps mi them Irt Labs is undertaking on 450 acres ment the electronics knowledge un- division map approved. This would airwaves and exerts pressure for a Finance School Iho area, especially Marlboro Clar» off Crawford's Corner Rd. In Holm- Samuel Rosato, a resident of prevent a further influx of pupils gram today oi Checsequalic from covered elsewhere Into practical private development." 10 a.m. lo 2:30 p.m. Buses leave del Township, five miles south of uses in the field. Biondl Avc. declared In speaking in undue numbers for the already The llalmdel Township Board of . und a itreut number ol Ihosa._ Cllflwood Beach at MQ a.m. IIIIH wmilil bo vncant hutweon lota the borough. Alfred T. Felsberg, To Cover Largest Area before the Madison Township Com- overcrowded school system to han- Mr. Chamberlain referred tp-<-<r Education lins called a. special radio broadcast two weeks ago by with hmiHes Incatml im thum, sq) community relations counselor of Mr, Felsberg explained the labs mittee Monday that he spoke for dle. :,•,••.-•• Volunteers for this week's pro- niocllnit Thursday to receive bids Commissioner Salvatore Bontempo, thiU they, could not bo combined, the Bell Labs, was the speaker. to go up in Holmdel will cover the all residents in that area In calling gram were Mrs. John Kopf. Mrs. for Iho district's $100,000 school on the municipal government to On 15,000 square-foot minimum head of llm New Jersey Depart- two lots Into (iiio, tn got tlm full largest area, 450 acres, yet de- E, Owens, John Bungcr jr., Vin- bond IHBUO In lltu ilolmdcl Illcmen- Mr. Felsberg asked at the outset compel the Fiber Chemical Co. to lots, not more than 200 houses ment of Conservation and Eco- ncr« minimum rvv/iltamanl.. ..Mr, • votedwa Bell tabs center. There cent Wlldnian and Kdwurd Ury Sehntil, Bids tor tho IBBIIO It be clearly understood that Bell move its plant away from the prox- could go up on 100 acres. The num- nomic Development, In which tho Myor.warned It would cost lh» will be 1500 employees when the Flyrin. In the' adult •ottbnll to finance cimnttucllon labs Is • research, and develop- imity of their homes to n large ber to be allowed a first year state official called upon township towniihlp J'IO for I'ncli nun ol tlifNe place opens In 1962 and a maxi- league tho Cllfiwood Firemen o[ a new addition underway at the ment- unit disassociated with any field of acreage ths company owns might be as low us 20, tha mayor leaders to create nn official climate, played the Recreailon Volunteers tuts for whlih n vailatue wasj operating telephone company, in- mum of 4500 when the center.is said, because of the school, situ- friendly to'the Electric City pro- school.wlll bo rodelveil tiiitll 8 p",m along the right-of-way of the N.V. last night" and the CIIKwood Thursday.- ' eluding N.
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