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Postal Medical Officer This Instruction updates information that es- Postal medical officer refers to any duly li- tablishes policy and procedures for reporting censed physician who is employed on a full- injuries to the Office of Workers’ Compensa- time or part-time basis by the USPS to tion Programs (OWCP), Department of La- perform medical duties outlined in ELM bor, for determining choice of physician, and 863.324. for paying medical bills to contract physicians for the initial treatment of job-related first aid V. Policy injuries. A. Reportability of Cases II. Scope 1. Nonreportable First Aid Cases. In both The policy and procedures in this Instruction reportable and nonreportable first aid cases, apply to all installations which have postal treatment is limited to two visits and re- medical officers, health unit nurses, and/or sults only in first aid care, and no medical contract physicians. disposition of disability and/or limited duty assignment results. Cases that need not be III. Compliance reported to OWCP are those which meet The field division general manager/postmaster all the following conditions in addition: or designee must ensure that field personnel a. Treatment is provided by the postal comply fully with the policies and procedures medical officer, contract physician, or specified in this Instruction. medical unit nurse. IV. Definitions b. Treatment is such that: (1) The initial visit occurs during work A. First Aid Case or First Aid Injury hours on the day or shift of injury or A first aid case is normally any work-related during nonwork hours thereafter. minor injury that requires no more than two (2) The followup visit for confirmation medical visits, the second of which is to con- of complete recovery occurs during firm full recovery. The term first aid injury is nonwork hours. an abbreviated reference to such a case. Ex- amples of treatment are outlined in Item 44, 2. Reportable First Aid Cases. Cases which No. 6, of Form 1769, Accident Report. must be reported to OWCP include: B. Contract Physician a. Cases not meeting all of the con- ditions listed for nonreportable cases. Contract physician refers to any duly licensed physician currently under agreement with the b. Cases not considered first aid because USPS and designated to perform specific treatment requires more than two visits or medical duties on a fee basis in the area results in other than first aid care or the outlined in Employee and Labor Relations injury results in medical disposition of dis- Manual (ELM) 863.33. ability and/or limited duty assignment. I Distribution I Special Instructions Standard Distribution plus two extra copies each to Organizations listed under Distribution may order Regional, Field, and MSC Directors, Human Resources additional copies from area supply centers. Use Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition, and specify the filing number. You may redistribute this document by photocopying it, but do not paraphrase or otherwise revise it. V-B EL-540-91-1 B. Free Choice resulting from a job-related first aid injury. OWCP Form CA-17 (or other OWCP- 1. Physician. Under the Federal Employ- approved form) must not be used to furnish a ees’ Compensation Act (FECA), an report of such an evaluation from the postal employee is guaranteed the right to a free medical officer or contract physician. choice of physician. The employee’s imme- diate supervisor is responsible for fully ex- B. Form 1769, Accident Report plaining this right to the employee. The following provisions apply: Form 1769 must be completed for all first aid injury cases, both reportable and a. The postal medical officer or contract nonreportable. First aid cases must be logged physician’s evaluation is not required be- and coded “6” in Item 44. First aid care not fore an employee makes an initial choice exceeding two visits provided by the postal of physician or receives continuation of medical officer or contract physician is re- pay. If an employee declines first aid treat- corded as nonreportable in the Human Re- ment or medical evaluation by the postal sources Information System (HRIS), Safety medical officer or contract physician, au- and Health Subsystem. The following cases, thorization for first aid medical examina- however, are logged, numbered and recorded tion and treatment by the physician of the as reportable in the HRIS: employee’s choice must not be delayed or denied. An employee’s declination in such a. All motor vehicle accidents resulting in cases may not be used as a basis to dis- property damage or personal injury. continue pay or to controvert a claim. b. All cases involving treatment provided b. If the postal medical officer, contract by the postal medical officer or contract phy- physician, or health unit nurse provides sician which exceeds two visits or results in initial evaluation and/or first aid treatment other than first aid care, whether or not treat- to an employee and then further medical ment was provided during duty hours. care for the injury is needed, such an initial evaluation or treatment does not c. All cases involving medical treatment by constitute the employee’s initial choice of a private physician chosen by the employee. physician. An employee may elect either to d. All cases resulting in a medical disposi- continue medical treatment with the con- tion of disability and/or limited duty assign- tract physician beyond the first aid treat- ment. ment or to select a physician of his or her own choice, C. OWCP FORM CA-1, Federal Employees’ c. If an employee elects to continue Report of Injury and Claim for Compensation medical treatment with the postal medical Form CA-1 must be completed for all first aid officer or contract physician beyond the injuries as well as for traumatic injuries. If the first aid treatment, that physician becomes case is nonreportable, the form is kept in the the employee’s initial physician of choice. employee’s official personnel file; if it be- comes reportable, the form is forwarded to An employee cannot be re- 2. Timing. OWCP. The report is coded as follows: quired or compelled to undergo medical examination and/or treatment during a. First aid injuries must have “First Aid nonwork hours. Injury” on the upper right corner of the su- pervisor’s portion of the form. VI. Report Processing b. If initial medical care is provided by a contract physician or postal medical officer, A. Form 2491, Medical Report-First Aid the word “Agency” must be written in block Injuries 31. This will distinguish the contract or Form 2491 must be completed by the postal agency-selected physician from any provider medical officer or contract physician to docu- later chosen by the employee. ment medical evaluations for job-related first aid injuries (see Attachment B). If treatment c. If there are more than two medical visits meets or exceeds the criteria established for a or if the injury results in disability for work nonreportable first aid injury, copies of Form or assignment to limited duty, the case must 2491 are submitted to OWCP. be properly coded to reflect the severity of the medical disposition, assigned a number, Note: OWCP Form CA-16 (or other OWCP- and recorded in HRIS, Safety and Health approved form) must not be used to refer an Subsystem. Under no circumstances can such injured employee to the postal medical officer a case be coded on the CA-1 as a “First Aid or contract physician for a medical evaluation Injury.” -2- EL-540-91-1 VIII-D D. OWCP Form CA-2, Federal Employees’ tified Form 2490. Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation Note: Medical expenses for treatment of a first aid injury by an employee’s private Form CA-2 must be completed for all occupa- physician must be submitted to OWCP for tional diseases or illnesses.
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