THE NEW BLACK LIST, A COMPARATIVE TABLE OF ALLOWTO RICH AAB POOR PAUPERS, WITH A YARlKTy OF OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION, IMPORTANT ALIKE TO THP* A'ON-CONSUMING PRODUCERS, AND TO THE NON-PRODUCING CONSUMERS. ANNUAL SALARIES OF THT BRITISH ANNUAL SALARIES OF THE AMERICAN EXECUTIVE^' EXECUTIVE. Poinds Sterling1. — Dollars. The Queen & Royal EsAily £785,000 President of the United States 25,000 VT.nrd Lieutenant of Ireland . 20,000 Vice President of ditto .. .. 5,000 ~J>rv»‘^»^TJBVXRlNET. THE CABINET. Bifst Lord of the Treasury, 6,000 Secretary of State 6,000 Xord High Chancellor, .. 14,000 Secretary of War 6,000 Lord President of the Council, 2,000 Secretary of the Navy . 6,000 Lord Privy Seal .... 2,000 Postmaster-General .. 6,000 Chancellor of the Exchequer . 5,000 Attorney-General .. .. .. 4,000 Sec. State for the Home Dep. 5,000 NOT OF THE CABINET. Sec. State for Foreign Affairs, 5,000 Secretary to the Senate . 3,000 Sec. State for Colonial Affairs, 5,000 Commissioner of Patents . 3,000 First Lord of the Admiralty, 4,500 Paymaster-General .. 2,500 Pres, of the Board of Control 3,500 Pres, of the Board of Trade, 2,000 Total, American Dollars 72,500 Secretary of War .. 2,580 Chan, of Duchy of Lancaster, 44)00 N. B.—The American Dollar -NOT OR T»E CABINET. contains 371 3-8 grains of pure silver; Master of the Rolls . 7,000 ia British coined Sovereign contains Vice Chancellor 6,000 113 1-8 grains of phfe gold ; thedattgr Lord-Chancellor of Ireland, 8,000 is consequently worth, nearly, fivh Secretary of State (Ireland) 5,500 American Dollars; or in other words Paym. Gen. & Treas. of Navy, 3,000 the REAL value of an American dollar Master-Gen. of the Ordnance, 3,500 is 4s. 2id. British.—The total cost of Postmaster-General .. .. 2,500 the American Executive is therefore Master of the Mint, &c. .. 2,000 under £15,000 sterling; altogether lit- Commander-in-Chief .. 3,458 tle more than the salary of the English Master of the Horse . .. 3,350 Lord Chancellor! and less than THREE* Judge-Advocate-General . 2,000 FOURTHS of the salary paid to the Lord Lieut, of Ireland alone Total, Pounds Sterling, 449,888 Fix’d firmly in the Brit ^ soil, Oh, heaven! may yet thy lightnings strike, Tell not how Java’s UPAS-TREE, Though old, yetundjecayed. And cleave it to its root; Spreads poison far and near; Its baneful vapours s!K*hct^ie arowth While Man shall rear fair Freedom’s tree,! Of all the poison-trees on earth, And all partake its fruit. The deadliest one is here! Of life within its shade. ®ahle of Dajinunts to National Outdoor proper*, Annual ana ©iurnal aitotoanccs regpecttbelj. ANNUAL INCOMES OF THE BISHOPS. Per Day, ANNUAL PENSIONS FORVNAVAL» MILI Per Day. ANNUAL PENSIONS FOR NAVAL, MILI Per Day. TO THE ROYAL FAMILY. Per Day ANNUAL PENSIONS FOR NAVAL, MILI Per Day. AND SECR T TARY, CIVIL, JUDICIAL, AND SECRET The Queen—Her Privy Purse, TARY, CIVIL. JUDICIAL, AND SECRET TARY, CiVIL, JUDICIAf» ^ £ £ s. SERVICES. £ £ s. d. £ s. d: besides Buckingham Palace, SERVICES. __ £ £ s. SERVICES* 5 9 Fox, Elizabeth Bridge|> widow 936 2 11 Ouseley, Sir Gore ..... 1786 4 17 11 Canterbury (Archbishop) , 19,182 10 0 St. James’s Palace, Windsor £ £. s.d. Abercrombie, Lord .... 2000 York (Archbishop) Adair, Sir Robert 2056 5 12 Frere, Right Hon. J. ft* • • 1516 3 Orford, Earl of 706 1 18 8 , 12.692 Castle,and Brighton Pavilion 60,000 164 7 10 1066 18 Penrose, Rev. Thomas . • . 213 0 11 8 St. Asaph , 6 301 Salaries of the Great Officers Alexander, Sir William . 3750 10 5 Frere, Bartholomew,-!^!* * • 5 12 Falcon, J., Esq. • * ,* 436 3 Pierrepoint, Henry, Esq. 1066 2 18 5 Bangor , , 4,464 of the Household, and Officers Arbuthnot, Right Hon. Charles 2056 Bath and Wells Addington, H.U 900 2 9 Gloucester, the Dnche.iP °* . * • 1000 14 Paget, Sir Arthur ..... 1786 4 17 11 , 5,946 of State, and of the Establish, 800 3 Penn, Granville, Esq. ... 4000 10 19 2 Bristol , , , 5.946 ments of the various Depart- Bathurst, Charlotte . ... 900 A 9 Gifford, Lord Robert Francis . Bagot, Sir Charles ..... 1700 4 13 Goulburn, Right Hon.'®enTy • 2000 9 Planta, Right Hon. Joseph . 1500 4 2 2 Carlisle , , , 2,351 8 8 ments of the Household, in- 3500 9 11 Rodney, Lord George ... 2923 7 0 2 Chester , , , 2,213 3 6 cluding Retired and Super- Bayley, Sir John 3500 10 2 Garrow, Sir William -rV * * * 4 1 G&selee, Sir Stephen 3500 2 11 Richardson, Sir John . 3500 9 11 9 Chichester , , 2,261 annuation Allowances to old Berwick, Lord 1300 St. David’s , Beresford, Lord 2000 5 9 Gordon, Right Hou. Ss* Robert 1300 4 l 'Rae, Dame Mary 600 1 12 10 , 1897 Servants in those Depart- 615 1 18 8 Shaw, Robert, Representative of 714 1 19 2 Durham , , , 19,006 ments .131,260 Bexley, Lord ...... 3000 8 4 Huskisson, Eliza Emily • • Bloomfield, Lord ..... 936 2 11 Huntingdon, Earl of f • • 600 1 12 10 Smith, Lady Ann Culling . : 600 1 12 10 Ely , , , , 11 105 Expenses of the Household in Smith, Sir William Sydney . 1000 2 14 9 Exeter , , , 2.713 8 8 the Departments of the Lord Brougham and Vaux, Lord . 5000 13 13 11 Holmes, Thomas Knox:' * * 500 1 7 5 Borringdon, Lord (now Earl Hobhouse, Right Hon.* Henry 1000 2 14 9 Shaw, Lieut.-Colonel Merrick . 999 2 14 8 Gloucester , , 2,282 4 11 Chamberlain, Lord Steward, 18 1000 2 14 9 Smith, Sir William Sydney . 1000 2 14 Hereford , , 2,516 17 10 Master of the Horse, and Morley) in trust for Lord Am, Hay, Robert William,!s *!* • 9 Hinchliffe, Dr. John • • • 1000 2 14 9 St. Vincent, Viscount Edward . 3000 8 4 4 Lichfield and Coventry , 3,923 iu IO Master of the Robes . .172,500 herst ....* .. .. 3000 4 Burke, Edm., Representatives of 1340 Hammond, George, E* !* * 1066 2 18 5 St. Helen’s, Lord .... 2056 5 12 8 Lincoln , , , 4,542 6 8 Royal Bounties and Charities, 1066 2 18 5 Strangford, Lord 2056 5 12 Landaff , , , 924 and Special Service, &c. 23,200 Clare, Dowager Lady . 780 Harvey, Lionel, Esq. V • »' 8 Cockbum, Dame Mary . 680 1 17 Heytesbury. Lord 1700j ,4 13 Stuart de Rothsay, Esq. ... 1786 4 17 11 London , , , 13,929 Pensions ....... 75,000 Smith, J. Spencer, Esq. : : : 1066 2 Norwich , , 5,392 Unappropriated Money . 8,040 Combermere, Lord 2000 5 9 Hamilton, Wm. RichM, Esq. 1000 2 14 Collingwood, Hon. Sarah . 500 1 7 Hamilton, Terrick, Ef4* 706 Talbot, James, Esq. .... 526 1 Oxford , , , 2 648 Spencaf* Percival, E-'q., son of Peterborough , 3.103 9 10 £470,000 3287 12 Carr, Hon, Jane, widow of Hill, Lord . .*£_ • 2000 l'l Spencer Percival, shot by Bel- Johnstone, • Sir WilliafiU Bart. 7f 4 1 J9 Spencfr Percival who was shot 2700 7 7 11 Rochester . , 1,459 19 6 Prince Albert, the Husband of Trustees of the Family of the late Salisbury , , 3 939 4 2 Xhe Queen, being his Privy lingham . w . • * .. rsooo Kinnoul, Earl of -- >?V§ 1 17 Larpqnt, Francis^Seym ou& ..IJffif] 4 ,2 RigM Hon. George Canniijg 3000 Sodor and Man , 2555 3 0 .Apurse for Bqqrct JSqrarices^and A A Colchester, Imrd ,. , . , . 3000 1 Canterbury, vise. (lafe S^eaierJ 4000 10 19 Leigh) George,an a M\'Vy, hjfkVv i?e UW Thorraton, sT/C-ixt. , C V■ r/86 £jl,15d(39 10 5 other Offices . T . 3*,000 4* 17 ; Duke of ^ Cumberland (now Abercromby, Right Hon. James Lake, Viscount . ... 2( 5 9 Taylor! Sir Brook , , , • , > 1336 4 3 Worcester , , 6 596|l7 16 8 King of Hanover) with Kew (late Speaker) , . '. 4000 10 19 2 Lynedoch, Lord . 2000 5 9 Torrens, Dame Sarah , , , , 624 1 14 Palace ...... 21.000 Right Hon. C. S. Lefevre (pre- Lushington,Right Hon. Stephen f Taylqr,(Sir Herbert and Dame sent Speaker) .—.—.—.— • . 5000 13 13 11 Rumbold . ... 1500 4 2 2 Charlotte Albinia, , , , , 930 ANNUAX SALARIES OR THE JUDGES. Casberd, Robert Matthew, Esq. 1000 2 14 9 Lyndhurst, Lord ..... 5000 13 13 11 Vaughan, Sir C. R. , , , , 1300 4 17 11 Minto, Earl of . ... 924 Dnke ov Cambridge . • • . 21,000 57 10 Cathcart, Earl . * . 1786 n 10 7 Wynyard, Lady Matilda , , , 467 Prince George of Cambridge 6 000 16 8 Clancarty, Earl ...*.. 893 2 9 0 Montford, Lord Henry . 622 1 14 0 Watson, Sir F. Beilby , , . , 936 •£ ’ Princess Augusta .... 13,000 35 12 Cowley, Lord ...... 1786 4 17 11 Murray, Lady Louisa (late Er- Wickham, W., Esq. , , , , 1066 Lord Langdale . 7.000 19 3 0 Princess Mary (now Duchess Cockburn, Alexander, Esq. 1516 4 3 0 skine) 500 1 7 5 Walpole, Thomas, Esq. , , , 706 Sir Launcelot Shadwell . 6,000 16 8 8 of Gloucester) ..... 13,000 35 12 Courtenay,Rt. Hon.T.Peregrine 1000 2 14 Murray, Lady Charlotte Ann . 300 0 16 5 Werry, J. P., Fsq. y , , , , 436 Lord Denman .... 8.030 22 0 0 Princess Sophia, with Green- Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson 1500 4 2 Marsden, Alex. Representatives 656 1 16 0 Wynfojd, Lord ,,,,,, 3750 Sir Thomas Wilde. , . 8,000 22 0 0 Chad, G. W., E«q 1300 4 1 Milnes,, Dame Charlotte . 600 1 Willock, Sir Henry , » , , wich Palace and Park t . 13.000 35 12 12 10 346 0 19 ..Sir Jobn-Patteson . 5,000 13 13 11 Crawford, Sir J 886 2 8 Mansfield, Countess of . 1000 2 14 9 Ward, Robert Plumer, Esq.
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