YOUR GUIDE TO SHOWS, SHOPS, ANTIQUE/FLEA MARKETS AND AUCTIONS • READ US ONLINE CELEBRATING Renninger’s OUR 44TH YEAR ANTIQUE GUIDE VOLUME 44, NUMBER 14 WWW.RENNINGERS.NET OCTOBER 10 - 30, 2018 CURRENT PRICES The Current prices are record- Yankee HGIURPDQWLTXHVVKRZVÁHD markets, sales and auctions throughout the United States. Prices vary in different loca- tions because of local economic Schoolmaster conditions. Waterford vase, starburst, foot- By Terry and Kim Kovel ed, clear, glass, foil label, 10 x 6 clever inventor made a rare toy now called “Alphabet 3/8 inches, $85. Man” or “The Educator,” although it was called “The 9DVH ÁXWHG PRXWK UDLVHG Yankee Schoolmaster” in the original 1889 patent papers. heartbeat pattern, light blue, The 10-inch-tall iron man had his right hand behind his speckled, Bodo Mans, Germany, back, his left near to his bow tie. He was started with a 1950, 21 inches, $180. lever. He blinked. Then his left hand lowered to point to his bow tie. %RFK)UHUHVYDVHELUGVÁRZ A ers, C. Catteau, full mark, Bel- A letter would appear when he raised his arm. The child was asked to gium, 6 1/8 inches, $245. name the letter. No one is sure who made the toy, but a comparison of Jimmy Choo purse, python, part shapes and colors suggests it was made by the J. & E. Stevens Co. clutch, gold tone hardware, suede of Connecticut. About 10 of these toys still exist in collections, and lining, 9 1/2 x 6 inches, $290. prices over the years have ranged from $64,500 to $23,600 in 2016 to Folk art, sculpture, cat, crouch- the $25,410 dollars paid for this example sold by James Julia in 2018. ing, striped, tail up, Gregory Gor- by, 22 inches, $315. Celadon umbrella jar, bamboo Children had to learn to read. First came blocks with letters in 1693, and birds, mint green, Japan, 24 then picture blocks in 1820 and cloth alphabet books with color 1/2 x12 inches, $525. pictures and cars printed with pictures of an object and a letter. Roof tile, deity, riding a ram, This toy, which had a letter to display and name, recently auctioned crown, multicolor, terra-cotta, 13 for $25,410. x 4 inches, $575. Continued on page 3 Hobby Shop Memories By Harry L. Rinker emy. Change is inevitable. Deny- then, my interest had moved from nate they are to have lived through craft is “an activity involving skill September 7, 2018, email ing its existence by taking a nega- toys to other things. D VSHFLÀF WLPH SHULRG 0\ OLIH in making things by hand.” My from Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, tive position towards change solves In the late 1940s and early 1950s, would have been incomplete with- mother crocheted. It was not a hob- A my good friend and sister nothing. As Clint Eastwood as the primary sources for Christmas out Mac’s, the mom and pop hobby by. She crocheted to relax and cre- in all but name, contained a graph- Sergeant Thomas Highway in the toys and gifts were: (1) local mer- shop in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. ate things for her family or to use ic showing survey results from a movie “Heartbreak Ridge” (1986) chants ranging from drug to hard- I am old enough to remember as gifts. In the mid- or late 1960s, question that asked former Toys noted, the key is to “adapt, impro- ware stores who added toys to when collecting was a hobby rather my mother and her sister Jeanette ‘R’ Us shoppers where they will vise, and overcome.” It is impossi- their inventory in late November than the serious endeavor it became became enamored with the creation purchase their toys and gifts for ble to go back, albeit many movies and early December, often via spe- in the 1970s and 1980s. A diction- of cracked/cooked marble jewelry. Christmas 2018. Walmart gained suggest this is possible. cialized catalogs from which toys DU\GHÀQLWLRQRIKREE\GHÀQHVLWDV This a story best saved for another 1%, Amazon 5%, and Target 4 %. It is possible to reminisce about could be ordered in time for Christ- “an activity done in one’s leisure time. The good news is that none The battle between the Big Box the past. When studying the results mas, (2) “Santa’s Workshop,” one time for pleasure.” The pleasure of their efforts appear to have sur- stores and the Internet remains. of where “Toys ‘R’ Us customers of a variety of names used, in ur- was felt individually not collec- vived in the family. The same can- What was surprising were the lost will turn now that this last “Big ban department stores, (3) mail or- tively, albeit occasionally hobby- not be said for some of the Prosser percentages—Dollar Tree 1%, Dol- Box” toy store has gone, I returned der catalogs from companies such ists would meet to share their ac- sisters’ other craft craze artifacts, lar General 1%, and Kmart 5%. I to those “thrilling days of yester- as Montgomery Ward and Sears complishments. The concept of again a story for another time. do not shop at any of these stores, year” when buying Christmas toys 5RHEXFN ÀYH DQG GLPH VWRUHV ÀQDQFLDO JDLQ ZDV OLPLWHG WR VH Some hobbies such as coins and albeit I occasionally buy on Ama- and gifts was very different. (although in fairness, I do not have lect adults. Youngsters never en- stamps had their own specialized zon. I remain puzzled why eBay There were stores such as F. A. memories of major changes in mer- tertained the thought. They traded shops. The rest relied upon a neigh- was not included in the survey mix. O. Schwarz in the big cities. I nev- chandise for the Christmas season), and swapped, more often than not borhood mom and pop hobby shop. Throughout my career writing HU YLVLWHG RQH 7KH ÀUVW VKRSSLQJ (5) redemption of merchant/trade on a one for one basis. An internet search for books or web- about antiques and collectibles, I malls in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh stamps, and (6) neighborhood mom In the 1950s, there was a clear sites providing a history of hobby KDYH DQG FRQWLQXH WR KROG ÀUPWR Valley arrived when I was near- and pop hobby shops. distinction between hobbies and shops was unsuccessful. How is it the belief that change is not an en- ing the end of my teenage years. By 3HRSOHRIWHQUHÁHFWRQKRZIRUWX FUDIWV$GLFWLRQDU\GHÀQLWLRQ RI Continued on page 6 EXTRAVAGANZA DATES MOUNT DORA, FL Nov. 16-17-18, 2018•Jan. 18-20•Feb. 15-17, 2019 KUTZTOWN, PA 2019•April 25-27•June 27-29•Sept. 26-28 2 Renninger’s Antique Guide October 10 - 30, 2018 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS By Terry and Kim Kovel COMING UP Q: My felt Batman pen- * * * RIÀFHV ZDUHKRXVHV DQG D OCTOBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER nant is marked “Nation- Q: About 30 years ago, I “music saloon,” where musi- 11-14 ..Expo Centers, 2-4 ......Expo Center, 16-17 ..Expo Center, al Periodical Publications bought an old organ at an cal performances were held. Atlanta, GA NC State Carlisle, PA…. Inc.” from 1966. It pic- antiques show. I want to After Ramsden died, his son, 12-14 tures Batman and Robin sell it, but don’t know how also named Archibald, took ..Augusta Fairgrounds, Glass swinging into action and old it is. It is marked Ar- over the business in Leeds. Expoland, Raleigh, NC 16-17 ..Expo Center, is in good condition. I’m chibald-Ramsden Leeds. Unless the organ has a seri- Fishersville, VA 2 .........Agricultural Hall, York, PA wondering how much it is Do you know the age? al number or patent number, 13 ......Stark County Fairgrounds, 16-17 ..Lakewood 400, worth. A: Archibald Ramsden there is no way to date it ex- Fairgrounds, Allentown, PA…. Cumming, GA A: Batman and Robin are was in business in Leeds, cept by the style. Old organs Canton, OH Toy 16-18 ..Renningers, characters created by Bob England, from about 1864 don’t sell very well. An Ar- 19-21 ..Lakewood 400, 3-4 ......Dulles Expo Mt. Dora, FL…. .DQH%DWPDQÀUVWDSSHDUHG to the 1950s. A branch store chibald Ramsden organ sold as “Bat-Man” in a 1939 issue in London was opened later. at an auction in 2016 for $26, Cumming, GA Center, Chantilly, Extrav. of “Detective Comics.” The The company sold organs, below the estimate for $50 to 20 .......Community VA 17-18 ..Fire Halls, ÀUVW%DWPDQFRPLFERRNZDV pianos, harmoniums and $100. Center, Kempton, 4 .........Singerly Fire Hall, Kimberton, PA published in 1940. Nation- sheet music. The founder of * * * PA Elkton, MD…. 17-18 ..Cherry Street Pier al Periodical Publications the company, E. Archibald Q: I have a vase called 20-21 ..NY State Antique Bottle (Indoors), Phila., published several “Batman” Ramsden (1835-1916), also “Three Graces, Diana.” Fairgrounds, 4 .........Farm&Home PA comic books beginning in was a performer and inven- It’s marked with a crown Syracuse, NY Center, 23-25 ..Washington 1966, and the characters also tor who held several patents with the year 1891 above it, 27-28 College, became part of a television for improvements to organs the letter “E” on one side ..AllStar Event Lancaster, PA…. series that year. The pen- and harmoniums. In 1872, and “S” on the other, and Complex, Doll/Toy Chestertown, MD nants sell for about $50 if in the company moved into a “Germany” below. Can Gettysburg, PA…. 8-11 ....Expo Centers, 24 .......Penns Landing excellent condition. new building that included Continued on page 7 Civil War Atlanta, GA Caterers, 27-28 ..Twin Valley HS, 9-11 ....Chase Center, Columbus Blvd., Elverson, PA Wilmington, DE Phila., PA 9-11 ....West End Plaza, 24-25 ..Ohio Expo Center, NOVEMBER Salisbury, NC Columbus, OH 1 10 24-25 ..NYS Fairgrounds, WESTMINSTER .........Park Expo Center, .......Stark County Charlotte, NC Fairgrounds, Syracuse, NY ANTIQUE MALL 2-4 ......Crowne Plaza Canton, OH 25 .......Expo Center, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Hotel, Cherry Hill, 10-11 ..Fire House, York, PA….Toy NJ….Miniaturia Oxford, MD 30 – Dec.
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