BOTOUTU C=. IUST3SH0AU ASS3.. This Week COVERING TUWN801PI OF Two Sections tlOLMDKL. WAU1R0N MARLBORO MATAWAN AND 18 Pages MATAWAN noROUUU Mtmtar 91.t YEAR— 48tt WEEK Uatfcaial Editorial AnocllUon MATAWAN, N. X, THURSDAY, MAY 26,1960 Slnglo Copy Ten CenU Mayor Denni^ Buys First VFW Buddy Poppy State Questions Ground Breaking Ceremony Held At C.H.A. New I1.S. Grounds Sewer Progress For Remtftion Report ts Ordered Madison Board Lot* ' By Matawan Council New Area Bo Uiod ^ ~Tne~5fale Department of Health Mmllititn Township Ihiiird Ml Kihl« last night asked for a progrw re- port on steps being token by Mat*- atlon 'l\ii>Mlny ppimlttt'iltt pvlvAla wan to build a new sewage dUpossl trwip lo IniprmV <ln< *lli<. uf Iho plant. The slnte reminded the unv lilrh tiluinl lor ii'i'ii'itluiml Borough Council the ' plant |w» uhUti<« until Mifh iluw u» (ha • cited In May of last yeart^'ith iimrd wlklws tu th<vi-lti|> It.' polluting Matawan. Creek.1 i :, Ihr |it'iin\ssliin IN n ' ItMilnllvn— Council directed that > rjjport ii', iilvnii tu it I;Iimp. In S.iyid be filed with the state'Immcdjttely ooila Smith M'lllun up « ISmy by Remington and Byrd, Pcnnwuki :'.ii:iu> In th:it iU'Vi'ln|imnit, It wim m, the borough's consulting; «n- loinl u pit'fi'ilrnl ulivmiy lutii Imi'il Rlneers, •. The firm how I* jpre- vist W\\ till* UMitlit M'hotll (tlOUII'U paring plans and-Kpcclflcatldni.for ivii'iilloiml liu'Ullli'ii In Hull Ihi'io , n new disposal plant nnd aa.ex- if l'iu\y. Iriijuii' twimti.lti piny nt tension of tiit*' collection iHtpfcl, In1 \'omlitTM School inolimli mul ' The -borough. Is seeking »".cct- llth.' l,i'i\(s"i'» playlnit nt Mo« tlficalo of necessity to exceed the inn lul School, • " local, bonding limit to finance th.s 'I hi> r.i'i"|i only hut i'iitiiiiu> n|i- construction of th? project ^all- [inivnl |n'iutiii|j <lu'|r talnml Innii'. mated at J 1.000,000 overall., Cost Hum Ion mul |ntiilii|i "ol In-aiiniici!, of the collection system extenjffon, Vho. moil Is to In' I'hiiMMi fm Ilii'irt estimated at $760,000, would b» *»- iV'tliti iiichiir,! tin' tlir hliih Kchiwl sessed against property owners mil will Iw hi tin' liH'iitlon ha bijncfltted. L - li'»l|!illlti'>< tor Ihi! IMIIM-UII (II'UIS To Vacate Quarters By August if tin' lutiirt' hl|th Hihoiii lonniSt Mayor Ralph R, Dennis told Brother Bernard,, director of Christian Brothers tnt, pmlar of St. l.?o the flriint Church, Mnernfli lili'lVU'hlnry Nuncrvliinr Untl||ii« American Legion Post • 178 h» in- Academy on Newman Spring* Rd., l.lncrotl. Is pic-bernard Kellenyl, Red Dank, archlliiell Waller (', . Tht! litiniil iicri'iiiril iho ri'8l|tnit> • Matawan Borough Mayor Ralph R. Dennis li Butch ir. It,holding the container and Mm, Francli llclpated.* the borough" wolild v«- tured olllclallng ami preparing lor the plantlhg ot thoIliirliiy, NciKtini', conlrnelnri llrothvl" Aitllirtny John, lion \\\ Dr.. Jului. V, IIUISKII, do- . Q ahonn above purchasing the first middy poppy Irom Anton, auxiliary president, Is plcturod at Iho right. cato its leased, quarters by "early Cross Thursday wmro the new school gynmailum inontiiry «ii|«'ivl»in', wlw hni hiuin and Brother*' residence will he eroded, Pictured r,S,C, I'rovlnclnl ol.lhii inulhert of Iho ChrUllntt with Ihu nynliiu OIIII your, Thioj Mrs. John O'Reilly, poppy chairman tor the Ladles Buddy popplH will bo sold In Matawan today, lomor- August." The post owns the pres- Schnuli, Now York I'ro'vlnce, and John llviuloraon, Auxiliary to McEIvalne-Schinclt Post 221$,-Veteran* raw ana Saturday, - with him, loll to right, nto Mldilloiown Township irliiciiinU wi'io ivfl|\|iiilniiHl, ,1 iimi'S ent building which houses the pres- Mayor John T. Lawlcys Iho Rev. Arthur J, SI. l.aur- president «l the (otitiilors. 9( Foreign Wan, Matawan. Poit .Commander Oicar ent municipal oft ice* rand police , Mnliiimy at IHIlOu nml I'jiliIrK A, headquarter*. • •"..:.:* Ttinu mul Wllllnm A. Wiluht Nt Mayor Dennis noted also that tho Predict XTodth Toll SH'nl, 'IIK' ii>iuiiil:i|i o( Mi-, Wlluht Hook and X«dd«r Tire Co.; Which Memorial Day To Prcscnl Zone inN by n 0 3 voio, two Ijjiunl incui- Architect Says Two-Story Unit U5ci'facilities at the rear ot tho The tjlnlo Sufoly Council mil- icu liiini Old Ilililiii', wlii'iti Mr, ... building, would vacato the premises malca that 'usvon llvo» .are Wilithl li'iiihim, VIIIIIIH "no," 'lhi>y about "a month later." • Work IsPlaiis Completed expected to he lost on slrocli Measure In June von' Jiimipli Hull lioiiiil iiiYMilimt, IMI Wllllnm .loyi'i1. This lollnclud . underway on tho renovation of the. Parade, Sorvlcei unit hlithwayn during' tlw llirc»- Attornoy Working - Needed On Beehstein Tract former Farmers and Merchants No-" day Memorial Holiday weokend, mi iiitiliiilon Hint' si mo mining . The lorum on Matawon's high The forum started .with Dr. Kji- sides and reduces Ihc usable scro tlonal Bank building, Main 6t, Sot In Matawan . , The vallmalv Includes the, pi'rlotl On Board Draft lUIK'lltn 111 (till IHI'll llthl MlintllHIt' school building program Sunday at than! Englehirdt.. jr.. New York, age to under the 15 acres mint which will ba used as n new mu- from * p.in, I'rldny until II UVIM R. .tllM-lpluittry iui'lilout. .. MHS auditorium left those attend- tho board's consultant, reviewing nicipal building. "'•' '•:•• liiivo IRTII nonipU'li'd frt'r o'clock nilil'ilnhl Momlgy. A IH'W IUIIIIIH md|n,iiii'ii lor MIIIII Tho iihiiiN lur Ihu Ihi' «iul IIIIOJ—< mum required by iho slate, Mr. Wail Tnwilslll|i pinlmlity will In1 ing with One distinct Impression, the study of Matawan school needs Street lamps Wcru reported In- the nimlial .Mi'iiiniliil Unjr I'linnlc The CIMIIH'II it, .i eillinaU'i that hull rnoiii.mlilltltiii lo Mmlliiiili I'nik Flnnc said lie only. would reconv "urtily tur liilhiilnt Iliih |iy ||,,. 'I'nvvii that the residents of the joint by which his firm hid decided a mulled at Weldon and Taylor Rdsv, In BpproKlmfttoly IMO Irnllic liclinol, Miliiiillli'il liy Slmililvo, in Mnluwnn and nppioprlato Me- ihlp - Plnuiilnu Ilimul nl lt« in'Sl junior-senior high school of 1500- mend uso of the. Dechstein tract Lakeside Dr., Oak Lane, Crescent ml«hupi rtpetlrd lo tnke |i1acu Inn., Ihu ili'Vi'lri|iiiin iif Kunlh'iiifi school district of the borough and niorlnl "Dny services wlililt will icjiuhirly bt'lit'duli'd tuci'thin, .Itiji pupll capacity was the Immediate for a ,lwo-story school, PI. and Rotfie 34, and Councllwom- In NcW Jersey during. Ihi* perloil,- III (UKwnoil llt'iit'li, UIIi: ni>|H|ivi-it, • the township have the alternative. 1 Ili, II win ri'piirli'il yonlmliiy by need with the existing high .school Tho architect related that thero an Gtnovlevo Donncll reported In- conducted by -tin Mntnwnn 700 p«r«aim will sullor varlmin III" nvjm* mi' ln<lii|i IIIIIIIIIIHI liy of building A one-story school on a Tmvniilil|i AlUiinvy ' -VV.llUnni . I, converted to .on jippsr grammar was such a small gully area that plans aro being modo to replace is ol the Atni'i'U'un I-cHjon anil ilegriwi uf ln|iirlr» mid Iho aatua thii ilnvi'loiii'ip In lli'ii ,"( I'uvluU 40-acre (Wins) tract between Aber- O'lluunn. - .. deen Rd. and Ravine Dr. or a two- grade school so.the obsolete Matd- the loss'of properly ot tho Ivliis Ihu present roll of honor with a Vctt'irans of l'orclitn Worn. Tin' number nl cars will sustain M'il| lii'i: luiuhii. milil, Thu mlilltlini * Mr, (Vllii|!:in mill hi' IH I In-: l.lm w«n Elcmentaty School building trnc> was negligible. Three top*, suitable bronie plaque. purnilii will Blurt nt tl:JO a.in, at properly dnniagu In cm'rn uf IN hi'lliK liliiili' to MUllUtilt I'lllk . story building on a 31-acre tract, a limit "I 'llic piiiiKini'il uiilliuini'i the Beehstein properly on the north could be torn down. Tie consultant rate «mall tracts with housts on Council accented the Invitation Sulphln Aye,, Adjacent to Mnlnwan $100, Si'hoiil lit llm iruni'M ul thti limil'll them could' ba passed over, ho re- lur iirruin null cunuelltiiia,. llo i>n win iippoM'il In ni'lllnis up I tide of Route 34, west of South foresaw a maximum Junior-senior of Theodora Pliolaii, Civil defense l.umboc Co;, nnd end.Jit Moiiioi lul The council alto remind* population of 2761 by 1973 with the v (continued on page elijht) (continued on page eight) weekend vacationers that lialh- IhDiili'il il»' wtnk cimUl IM (inn I!£W tllllt Ut llW Kuulll'llltt Atlantic Ave. - ..-, V •i>ark, 'jffirvltjeii'»re • • •-• *• 1 resultant need .to build a naw phWMtif iwirt miintli'ti ntiiBllii (i:[|iitliiiif(l »n '•puitM Iwi'lvu) SJt in*«t Hid Rose Ing. smlmmlnBi diving and liont- The Impression also,,was given junior high school on « separate Ing cr>ll >»r ««lr« WMturcs «f .ot. Ih? l.iOMfil, A ?,nnlnii IIIAI>, 'I Nkv/rin Dr., Mutai 1 that the DeVoto tract on AtlaMlc •lie and to put «n addition «n th» emiltoii and ptlntt out Inut Mix Hfi'oiiipAhy llm UIIIIIIXIIOI , »!«> tin Ex Quota Ave,, south of the railroad bridge, senior high school building. bjh Iho Veteran* of . „...„.. , niorlnl Day iiiiiilly iimrH tlm IJIWI pivimri'il, . ' Mclilvnlm-Schniirk 1'ont 22lfl, ami was not entirely out of the picture.
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