Heat is on ACCENT: Dick and Jane get married Partly sunny and hot today with a high near 80. A twenty percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms and a low VIEWPOINT: Revise the alcohol policy tonight around 60. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Iran defies U N. order to end war Associated Press tween terminals on Iran’s gulf coastline. INA, monitored in MANAMA, Bahrain - Iraq Cyprus, said all the warplanes said its war jets attacked four returned safely. tankers shuttling oil along the Iran also accused the United Iranian coast in a 20-hour span States of mistreating 26 Iranian ending Sunday night, as Bagh­ seamean who were repatriated dad kept up pressure on Iran’s to Tehran on Sunday after U.S. vulnerable oil lifeline. helicopter gunships attacked The attacks coincided with a and disabled their minelaying new warning by Iraq of all-out landing barge in the gulf. w ar if Iran fails to accept a Iran’s official Islamic cease-fire demanded by the Republic News Agency said the United Nations. U.S. navy kept the captured Iran retorted that it would Iranians bound and “savagely pursue its “holy war” against im prisoned” below decks on Iraq’s secular government un­ U.S. warships, and that the til President Saddam Hussein Americans tried to induce the was toppled. The Persian Gulf prisoners to defect. neighbors have been at war IRNA was also monitored in since September 1980. Cyprus. Shipping officials based in “For political propaganda the Persian Gulf confirmed the purposes, the Americans of­ first three Iraqi attacks. fered to give the crew members They could not immediately political asylum, but they were verify a fourth raid that the of­ met with a negative response ficial Iraqi News Agency said by the Iranians,” Ali was carried out after dark Sun­ Rabizadeh, an Iranian navy The Observer/Zoltan Dry day against a “very large petty officer, was quoted as Strung up naval targ et” off the coast of saying. An unidentified band member gears up for the Battle of the Bands which was held Saturday night Iran. That phrase usually at Theodore’s. means a tanker sailing be­ see IRAN, page 5 DU I task force seeks state funds to remain effective By NATASHA WILSON drunk driving campaigns, said tended surveillance of the Dame, according to Rakow. year’s alcohol awareness week News Staff Rakow, who is also the director areas with high accident rates Various campus organizations, on campus, Willis said. A local task force working to of security and police at Notre and drunk driving incidents, especially Bacchus, have co­ As part of the program, prevent drunk driving tried to Dame. according to Rakow. sponsored with the force alco­ police officers on the task force persuade state officials at a “The statistics show our ac­ Then, the members, who hol awareness programs for demonstrated the use of breath public hearing to provide con­ tivities have had a positive im­ were mostly law enforcement students, Rakow added. testing units in the residence tinued funding for its program. pact on drinking related acci­ officials, began to receive sup­ “The force’s intent to reduce halls and reviewed the proce­ “The purpose of the meeting dents in our area. The bottom port from the local media, drunk driving and the fatalies dure used when pulling over was to update the state on the line is saving lives that might courts and educators and associated with it, fits into one suspected drunk drivers, ac­ task force’s work,” said Rex be lost in traffic accidents in­ evetually the force’s role in the of the goals of Bacchus,” said cording to Rakow. Rakow, the chairm an of the St. volving alcohol,” he said. community expanded to an Vince Willis, past vice presi­ The officers actually JoseplvElkhart Counties divi­ Rakow credits the force’s educational one as well, Rakow dent of the Notre Dame chapter analyzed the blood alcohol sion of the Governor’s Task success with its involvement in said. of Bacchus and current mem­ levels of some students. “ I Force to Reduce Drunk both the educational and en­ In addition to working with ber of the organization’s Na­ think the students were Driving. The force, which forcement processes of pre­ county educators and law en­ tional Board of Trustees. surprised at their levels and was created in 1984, currently venting drunk driving. forcement agencies, the task This ‘informal relationship’ has 20 m embers who m eet once Initially, the force’s main force also coordinates educa­ between the two groups has a month to plan various anti­ function was to provide ex­ tional activities at Notre resulted in events such as last see FUNDS, page 3 Iran’s president proposes arms trade for hostages Bush meets with Polish leaders Associated Press “I want to make clear that the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto Associated Press speaking with the condition he our intention is not to disrupt Uprising against the Nazis in not be be identified, said the WARSAW, Poland - Vice or divide, nor is it to inter­ World War II. KUWAIT - A Kuwaiti news­ ministry had no knowledge of President George Bush met fere,” he said. A few thousand Poles paper said Saturday that such a meeting. Saturday with Polish leader Bush, who meets Sunday turned out to see the Ameri­ Iranian President Ali Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski as with officials of the banned can vice president, even Khamenei told Israeli Foreign Al-Rai Al-Aam said that after he began a four-day visit to Solidarity trade union, met though the Polish government Minister Shimon Peres that he the meeting, Peres conferred Poland with a declaration with Cardinal Jozef Glemp, did not publish a detailed would help secure the release with Secretary of State George that he would seek to promote head of the powerful Roman schedule for his visit. of American hostages in Shultz. freedom in a way that does Catholic Church in Poland, Bush’s official trip to Lebanon in return for U.S. The article said, “Peres told not “disrupt or divide” the and separately with Catholic Europe took on a slightly po­ arm s. Shultz that Khamenei ex­ communist country. intellectuals in a day that litical cast when a camera pressed readiness to secure the “ We seek only to play a con­ combined the ceremonial crew paid for by his campaign The daily Al-Rai Al-Aam said release of Americans held structive role in bringing with the official. organization began taping his Khamanei made the proposal hostage in Lebanon in return about the national reconcilia­ Moving around the austere appearances for future cam­ during a three-hour meeting for an arms shipment that in­ tion that everyone in Poland looking Eastern bloc city in a paign commercials. Tuesday with Peres in New cludes ground-to-air Hawk desires and to promote the shiny black American The vice president is ex­ York where the two were at­ missiles and spare parts for cause of freedom ,” said Bush, limousine, Bush also laid pected to announce his can­ tending the U.N. General As­ (Iran’s) U.S.-made Phantom the highest-ranking Ameri­ wreaths at the Polish Tomb didacy for the 1988 Republi­ sembly session. jets.” It attributed its report to can official to visit this nation of the unknown soldier and at can presidential nomination In Jerusalem, an Israeli unidentified U.S. State D epar­ in a decade. a memorial to those killed in on Oct. 12. Foreign Ministry official, tment officials. Page 2 The Observer Monday, September 28, 1987 In Brief Let’s throw Spuds Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court back into the pound is opposed by Americans by a 2-to-l margin, according to The world is going to the dogs. a Louis Harris survey taken last week. In a telephone This fact became appallingly clear to me Chris survey of 1,249 adults between Sept. 17-23, 57 percent said when I surveyed several retail stores for my they were opposed to Bork’s confirmation while 29 percent home paper last summer to determine what Julka were in favor, the New York Daily News reported Sunday. was the bestselling T-shirt. If you thought people actually cared that this Assistant News Editor sum m er m arked the 200th anniversary of the constitutional convention, you are terribly deluded. Hardly anyone would be caught dead Of Interest with the Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, or any other such tackily jingoistic sym­ bol on their chest. Senior Dogbook Refunds will be given out today No, the shirt to which people were flocking from 4-6 p.m. and tomorrow from 6-8 p.m. in the Annapolis in droves featured Spuds MacKenzie. Room of LaFortune. Student I D. will be required. - The I don’t know about anybody else, but I think Observer we’ve just about hit the bottom of the barrel with this latest American icon. Things were bad Going to Tianjin, China?An informational meeting enough when the height of cultural expression concerning the Foreign Study Program in Tianjin, China consisted of posting rock stars or stupid quips will be held tonight at 6:30 p.m. in 103 O’Shaughnessy. - on our chests. But now we’ve positively reached The Observer the dregs. Now the essence of American culture is embodied in some shiftless, hedonistic En­ The Class Of ’88is invited to begin Wedding Week glish bull terrier, the ultimate “party animal,” with a piece of wedding cake today at Fieldhouse Mall.
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