lt this year. George, head chef of took out a bunch of hopeful pre. Rat Football Turn-Out the P. E„ is regularly taking out meds yesterday morning. We un- Kilbourne, Marshall, Moore derstand, too, that the Minks have off two tacklers and drove his way Continued From Page 1 groups of fox-minded cadets as is dotted the countryside hunting fox. through two more all the way down Speeches Laud 101st Anniversary should prove of Interest to all of the goodly biological colonel who to the Tech 5. He and Seay each (Continued from Page 1) heart. In 1937, Mflj. Gen. Charles E. us who have ever experienced, or picked up two yards through the Incumbent has shown himself wor- Kilbourne was appointed Superin- wish to experience, the thrill of center of the line, but the VPI for- LYNCHBURG, VA. thy, in every respect, of his pre- tendent, and it is under him that we. oceanic sky travel. Compliments— ward wall rose to stop the Nor- decessors and I know you will be the cadets of today, are privileged Finally, there will be the usual folk boy one foot short of the touch- glad to hear from him about the to serve. short stories, including a thriller HUGER-DAVIDSON SALE CO., INC. down on the next play. With the VMI of today. I present Cadet First To every war, in which the United with its setting in old Mexico, and VPI defense drawn in very close, Captain Charles E Moore, Jr., Class States has participated since 839, the several other articles. Lexington, Virginia :: Staunton, Virginia Stell crossed them up by sending of 1941. Virginia Military Institute has con- In response to the added efforts Stagg around right' end for the CADET MOORE tributed many men who have served of the whole staff, members of the STATE touchdown without a hand being business staff have announced that As the representative of the pres- well. In this time of emergency VMI laid on him. The attempted place- their subscription drive' of last ent corps of cadets, I feel very much is redoubling its efforts to tourn For Dally LAST TIMES WED. ment was blocked. honored to be here on this program out the trained men that our armed week was very satisfactory. A iv T n n p But the team from Blacksburg commemorating the one hundred and forces need. Out of the present corps, PHOTO SERVICE was not to be denied and swept first anniversary of the founding of 31 cadets were eligible for registra- ANDRb down the field from the kickoff to the Virginia Military Institute. I feel tion under the draft, and they have Corpus Delicti See score in exactly four plays. Mc- more especially honored to be here registered. All of these cadets are (Continued From Page 2) Claugherty returned Ducko's kick- with two of VMI's most distinguish- trained and, although they may STUDIO SAM MODISETT enter the service as privates, we at quer a country and, If successful, off to his own 35 yard line, and an ed graduates, the Chief of Staff of take over a $65,000,000 debt?' We'll Room 130 the United States Army, General VMI are confident that they will off-side penalty against VMI plus bite. Who? Ask the adj. two smashes by Maskas made It George C. Marshall, and the present soon move up and obtain commis- • Telephone 134 first down on the 47. Then Jim Superintendent of VMI, Major Gen- sions. Of the remainder of the corps, Lively, the best running back on eral Charles E. Kilbourne. General more than 100 cadets will receive TO BE IN VOGUE the field, cut inside left end, elud- Kilbourne is the sixth Superinten- their commissions as second lieu- we find that you simply must Welcome Cadets ' ed the secondary, and set sail down dent to serve VMI in its one hun- tenants in the Reserve Corps In take up fox hunting. My dear, it's June of 1941. These cadets will have the sidelines into the clear, but Har- dred and one years, and he has just divine, and everybody's doing been trained in the principles of ry Easterly, running desperately, earned a place in the hearts of all men who have served under him. three branches of the service: Field caught up with him from behind Artillery, Infantry, and Cavalry. •a nie two c onti and pulled him to earth on the VMI When the Virginia Military Ins- nontt have btti It is these three units that the colors 18 after a dash of 35 yards. Then titute was founded on Nov. 11, 1839, of VMI, red, white, and yellow, sym- Tech gave the ball to Wilson on a its first corps numbered only 23 bolize; red for the artillery, white Give 'em the SMOKER'S cigarette perfectly executed end-around play cadets. A distinguished graduate of for the infantry, and yellow for the around right end, and he outraced the United States Military Academy, cavalry. It is evident to us at VMI and watch 'em register the entire Keydet secondary to Major General Francis H. Smith, that the need of trained officers is score standing up. Maskas place- was named the first superintendent very great at this time and we are and he guided the Institute through DON ment was low and to the left. determined not only to train our- Stell led the VMI defense which many hardships for 50 years. It was selves but also to train those cadets AMECH shone brilliantly, especially in the during General Smith's superinten- who are new to VMI. BETTY first period when It stopped the dence that the Institute was burned Goblets on the one-foot line for no by the Union Army under General The VMI of today is essentially GRABLE David Hunter. After the War Be- gain. Fuller, Virginia Tech guard, the same as it was 101 years ago. Our CARMEN tween the States, the Institute was principles of honor, duty, loyalty, was the standout for his team, and rebuilt under the leadership of MIRANDA he made more than half of his and courtesy, so well known to every MI CHARLOTTE General Smith, and, at his retirement VMI man, have remained unchanged team's tackles and covered punts reconstruction had been fully com- GREENWOOD especially well. during the parade of progress that J. CARROL NAISH • HENRY pleted. has taken place in the last century. COOLER, MILDER, BETTER-TASTING STEPHENSON • KATHARINE FRESHMAN STATISTICS In 1890. General Smith was suc- The training that we receive at VMI AIORIOGE • LEONID NNSKEY is one designed to turn out men CHRIS-PIN MARTIN VPI VMI ceeded by Gen. Scott Shipp. a grad- With Chesterfields the smoking .Wilson Ducko uate of the Institute, who, as Com- who are soldiers and gentlemen. The Linkous Mueller mandant of Cadets, was in charge records of VMI graduates show that situation is always well in hand—because Hill - Gianelloni of the corps at the corps at the in all walks of life they have re- Chesterfields have what smokers want. News - Sport Short C Connellee „ Duncan Battle of New Market, where the flected credit on the Institute by RG Fuller Kupper corps fought as a unit, and who con their achievements. We, the cadets Chesterfield's right combination of WARNER BROS. RT Garth Mclntyre ductaed the affairs of the Institute of today and the alumni of tomor- RE Gravely Mattern through the Spanish American War. row, realize the great trust that American and Turkish tobaccos makes it QB Smith Stevens Again the high standards set has been placed in us, and we will the smoker's cigarette. LH Brand Easterly 1839 were upheld by the VMI men strive wholeheartedly to uphold the LYRIC RH Nash Seay high standards established by those Do you smoke the serving in the armed forces. In FB McClaugherty Stell 1907, Lieut. Gen. Edward W. Nichols who have served before us. I wish cigarette that SATISFIES WEDNESDAY Score by periods: was elected by the Board of Visitors that more of the young men of our Va. Tech 0 6 2 0—8 to succeed General Shipp. During nation could receive the benefits of V. M. 1 0 6 0 0—6 his administration the Institute was the disciplined life led by the cadets Scoring touchdowns: VMI—Stagg. improved in many ways. The aca of VMI. For four years, 700 of us TURNER Tech—Wilson. demic department was strengthened ! live together under the same roof, Scoring safety: Automatic, ball and enlarged, the size of the bar- | and, during this time, there springs SlfENW bounced over end zone after block- ed kick. racks was increased, and a Reserve up a mutual bond of friendship and Gene LOCKHART Officer's Training Corps unit was duty that not only holds 700 men Qrant MITCHELL Substitutions: Tech—end, Varn; Henry ARMETTA guards, Diggs, Spital; center, established. The corps had, by that together, but also holds the VMI of test Um Lent Tmmer Sharpe; backs. Lively, Maskas, Gal- time, increased to 400 cadets, Gen- ; 101 years. This comradeship is the e> < 6/uiA/nf WMe/ tt'i thrill Ins I lagher, Johnson. VMI—ends, King, eral Nichols retired in 1924 and was, essence of the Spirit of VMI. m Joyce, C. Tate,; tackles, Short, Luck, succeeded succeeded by Brig. Gen. In the words of the first advocate guards, Nichols, J. Tate; center, William H. Cocke, another distin- of the founding of the Virginia Mili- 1WHO ABe ' \ Smith; backs, Stagg, Moore. guished graduate of VMI. During tary Institute, Col.
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