ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Carolinea - Beiträge zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Südwestdeutschland Jahr/Year: 2009 Band/Volume: 67 Autor(en)/Author(s): Lücking Robert, Ahrens Matthias, Wirth Volkmar Artikel/Article: Foliicolous Lichens in the Black Forest, Southwest-Germany 23-31 ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at carolinea, 67 (2009): 23-31, 4 Farbtaf.; Karlsruhe, 15.12.2009 23 Foliicolous Lichens in the Black Forest, Southwest-Germany ROBERT LÜCKING, VOLKMAR WIRTH & MATTHIAS AHRENS Abstract Prof. Dr. VOLKMAR WIRTH, Staatliches Museum für We report the unexpected discovery of foliicolous lichen Naturkunde, Erbprinzenstr. 13, D-76133 Karlsruhe, communities at several localities in the Black Forest, Germany; [email protected], south-western Germany, with a total of seven truly or Dr. MATTHIAS AHRENS, Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Weg 9, facultatively foliicolous taxa: Bacidina chloroticula, Fell- D-76275 Ettlingen, Germany. hanera bouteillei, F. subtilis, F. viridisorediata, Fellha- neropsis myrtillicola, Gyalectidium setiferum, and Sco- liciosporum curvatum. The communities are similar to those reported previously from Belgium, western Ger- 1 Introduction many (Mosel valley), and Austria (Styria), apparently forming a characteristic association across central Eu- Foliicolous lichens grow on the surface of liv- rope (Fellhaneretum myrtillicolae SPIER & APTROOT), but ing leaves of vascular plants (shrubs, trees, and are richer in species in the Black Forest than in any of epiphytes). Since leaves are ephemerous in na- the other areas studied. An identification key is provided ture, leaf-dwelling lichens have to complete their to the species of this association in the Black Forest. Gyalectidium setiferum is new for central Europe, and life cycle quickly (LÜCKING 2001, 2008). Studies Scoliciosporum curvatum is new to southern Germany. in tropical climates show first traces of coloni- Since these lichen communities appear to be confined zation on young leaves after about six months, to well-conserved forest and depend on favorable, and mature lichen thalli with reproductive organs warm-humid climatic conditions, their potential use as develop after 24 to 36 months (LÜCKING & BER- indicators of global climatic change is discussed. NECKER-LÜCKING 2002, SANDERS & LÜCKING 2002). Therefore, foliicolous lichen communities cannot Kurzfassung develop on plants that shed their leaves annually, Foliicole Flechten im Schwarzwald, such as the trees that dominate in temperate and Südwest-Deutschland Im Schwarzwald wurden überraschenderweise an et- tropical dry deciduous forests. Since the thalli ad- lichen Lokalitäten foliicole Flechtenbestände mit ins- here to the leaf surface by means of a polysac- gesamt sieben bevorzugt oder häufig foliicolen Arten charid layer (mucilage), a high level of humidity is gefunden: Bacidina chloroticula, Fellhanera bouteillei, also required for foliicolous lichens to develop. F. subtilis, F. viridisorediata, Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola, In temperate regions, not all trees and shrubs Gyalectidium setiferum und Scoliciosporum curvatum. are deciduous, and those that have leaves with Die Bestände sind ähnlich zusammengesetzt wie die a longevity of more than one year can support zuvor von Belgien, Westdeutschland (Moseltal) und Ös- foliicolous lichen communities under certain terreich (Steiermark) nachgewiesenen; sie bilden eine conditions. Besides conifers, specifically Abies, offenbar charakteristische, in Zentraleuropa heimische evergreen broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and lia- Gesellschaft (Fellhaneretum myrtillicolae SPIER & APT- nas or climbers that could potentially support ROOT), die aber im Schwarzwald reicher entwickelt und häufiger ist als in allen anderen untersuchten Gebieten. foliicolous lichens include Ilex, Hedera, Buxus, Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel für diese Arten ist einge- and planted Rhododendron. Mild and humid fügt. Gyalectidium setiferum ist neu für Zentraleuropa, oceanic climate favors the development of fo- Scoliciosporum curvatum neu für Süddeutschland. Da liicolous lichen communities. In Europe, such das Vorkommen foliicoler Flechtengemeinschaften von communities have been described primarily from der Erhaltung natürlicher Wälder und von klimatischen the Mediterranean region and the temperate Bedingungen abhängt, wird die potenzielle Nutzung oceanic western and north-western parts of the dieser Flechten als Bioindikatoren der globalen Klima- continent (SÉRUSIAUX 1993, PUNTILLO et al. 2000, erwärmung kurz diskutiert. LLOP & GÓMEZ-BOLEA 2006). They usually consist Authors of a mixture of truly foliicolous species such as Dr. ROBERT LÜCKING, Department of Botany, The Field Gyalectidium and Strigula spp., as well as taxa Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL that are rather broad in their substrate choice, 60605-2496, USA; rlucking@fieldmuseum.org, such as Fellhanera bouteillei. Other compo- ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at 24 carolinea, 67 (2009) nents are usually corticolous taxa that grow well The recent discovery of foliicolous lichen com- on leaves under certain circumstances (faculta- munities in humid valleys of the Black Forest sup- tively foliicolous), such as Scoliciosporum spp., port the surprising notion that such communities and accidentally foliicolous thalli that usually do are more widespread in central Europe than pre- not reach maturity on leaves, including foliose viously expected. The initial discovery of Fellhan- macrolichens. era bouteillei and F. viridisorediata on needles of In central Europe, foliicolous lichen communi- Abies and leaves of Ilex and Rhododendron by ties are rare and usually restricted to needles of M.A. led V.W. (and M.A.) to revisit the locality and conifers and mostly comprise substrate-indiffer- search for foliicolous lichens in other humid areas ent and facultatively foliicolous species, including of the Black Forest. This resulted in the documen- Fellhanera bouteillei, F. subtilis, and Gyalideop- tation of a surprisingly rich assembly, including sis piceicola, as well as accidentally foliicolous seven truly or facultatively foliicolous species, taxa like Hypogymnia tubulosa and Physcia te- particularly on needles of Abies and with up to nella. The few evergreen broad-leaved trees and five species co-occuring on single branchlets. shrubs occurring in the south-western Germany were not believed to support foliicolous lichens; for example, the Buxus forest near Grenzach, at 2 The foliicolous lichens found in the the border between Germany and Switzerland, Black Forest and their habitats was searched in vain for leaf-dwelling lichen communities by LETTAU (1940) and WIRTH (1979). We define foliicolous lichens as species starting This is not unexpected as the climatic conditions their development on leaves or needles, thereby in this south-facing forest are comparatively dry. excluding lichens that secondarily grow onto the Another problem for the potential occurrence of foliage from the bark of branches. Foliicolous foliicolous lichens is acid precipitation, stressing species were found during our survey on Abies, central European forests during the 1970s and Picea, Taxus, Ilex, Buxus, Rhododendron, and 1980s (BARTHOLMESS 1989). As a consequence, Laurocerasus. The number of phorophytes is less the chances of discovering foliicolous lichens in compared to the phorophyte species that sup- central European forests were considered to be port foliicolous bryophytes in the northern Black too low to provoke the desire to actually look for Forest (AHRENS 2009). However, the latter are not them (POELT & VĚZDA 1992). foliicolous taxa in the strict sense but rather over- Against this background, the discovery of a fo- grow leaves and needles under favorable warm- liicolous lichen community on Abies needles in humid conditions. Austria (Styria) by POELT & VĚZDA (1992) was sur- In this paper, we are not using the common ter- prising. Foliicolous lichens found there included minology of obligately and facultatively foliicolous Fellhanera bouteillei, F. buxi (VĚZDA & VIVANT) lichens as introduced by SANTESSON (1952), since VĚZDA [a synonym of Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola this distinction is misleading and does not give (ERICHS.) SÉRUS. & COPPINS], Bacidina aphiaca the different types of substrate preferences jus- (MÜLL. ARG.) VĚZDA (identification later corrected tice (SÉRUSIAUX 1989, LÜCKING 2008). Usually folii- to B. chloroticula, HAFELLNER & TÜRK 2001), and colous lichens can often be found on comparable the newly described Bacidia gorgonea (another substrata, particularly the smooth bark of small synonym of Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola). Another branches or bamboo culms, so they are not ob- unexpected discovery were the foliicolous lichen ligately confined to leaves. A better classifica- communities found in humid valleys in Belgium tion (into four categories) is given by considering (VAN DEN BOOM & SÉRUSIAUX 1996) and in the Mo- the substrate abundances: (1) Truly foliicolous sel valley in nearby Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz, lichens are usually found on leaves and rarely KILLMANN et al. 2004), with Fellhanera bouteillei, on other substrata (many species of the genus Bacidina chloroticula, Arthonia muscigena, and Strigula). (2) Substrate-indifferent or “ubiquitous” Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola at both localities and
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