T Tri-Town T ews www.tritownnews.com VOL. 152 - NO. 17 NSidNey, New yOrk — friday, apriL 27, 2018 SuggeSted price 75¢ JAC NAMES MAYOR’S AWARD VOLUNTEERS SPRUCE UP ANNUAL DOUG QUINNEY WINNER, READIES FOR COPES CORNERS PARK INVITATIONAL HELD IN FOURTH ANNUAL REGATTA PAGE 7 SIDNEY ROW STREET FEST PAGE 9 PAGE 16 Sidney Alumni Association Names Inaugural Student Fellows Otego Committee, Unatego BOE Work to By allison collins cept gained traction last year, Repurpose Vacant Building after approaching Sidney By allison collins SIDNEY – early this High School principal eben month, the Sidney alumni Bullock during career day in OTEGO – after the unat- association passed a resolu- November. ego Board of education voted tion to bring active Sidney Sidney teachers, guidance to close the Otego elemen- students into the alumni fold. counselors and administra- tary building at the end of the though approved recently, tors, Sheldon said, then se- 2017-2018 school year, resi- introduction of the Sidney lected five student candidates, dents of the village formed the alumni association Leader- interviewed during the as- 10-member Otego repurpos- ship fellows program, as- sociation’s april 6 meeting. ing committee last June. sociation president douglas the following day, freshman the group’s mission, mem- Sheldon said, was years in the Sarah Bessett, vice president bers said, is to work alongside making. with the class of 2021, and the community, school board “in the five years that i’ve sophomore vice president and developers to find a valu- been doing this,” he said, glenn rogers, 2020, were able, agreeable use for the “part of my vision (has been) named the association’s inau- now-vacant building. to expand what the alumni gural fellows. in the intervening months, association is able to give to “we’ve always had a mem- and in an advisory capac- both the community and the ber of the school board on our ity to the group, school board school.” board and … there are a lot member and Otego resident Sheldon noted that his con- of things that we do with the richard downey spearheaded See Student Fellows, page 8 See Vacant Building, page 5 Bainbridge Restores Well No. 1 By allison collins article, wade said grant fund- “we haven’t been able to has to be in contact with the ing totaled $100,000 and was use it for quite a while (as a) well for a certain amount of BAINBRIDGE – ground announced in 2016. drinking water source,” wade time to make sure it works broke tuesday morning “the key thing is the said, “because … the chlori- to eliminate any bacteria that on a Village of Bainbridge groundbreaking for the actual nation system was not built may be in the water.” wade project that will return its work itself,” wade said tues- correctly.” He added: “well added: “the project also has long-defunct well No. 1 to day. “it’s not a new well; it’s No. 2 was refurbished after to do with putting in a new functionality. the physical work of actually the 2006 flood, but No. 1 was pump and the equipment nec- Bainbridge Mayor philip doing the project. up to now, taken out of service because it essary to run electrical work wade said the overdue con- we were getting everything was not up to New york State to make that pump available.” struction project was largely lined up and securing fund- standards.” work, wade said, is expect- enabled by a state grant ad- ing and going out to bid.” to remedy that and bring ed to wrap this June. ministered through the office the project, he noted, was the well up to code, he said, a for more information on of assemblyman cliff crouch contracted locally to Burrell’s contact tank is being installed. the village, visit bainbridgeny. and built-in village budgeting. excavating of Norwich. “the project … has to do org. the total project cost, he rehabbing the well, wade with creating a contact tank said, is “roughly $115,000.” said, will increase the vil- for chlorinating the water,” in a January tri-town News lage’s available water supply. wade explained. “chlorine Workers Chase ‘Aggressive’ Timeline for Sidney’s Streetscape By allison collins really no reason (the project) (streetscape staging area) to should extend beyond that an- the Sidney Veterans Memo- SIDNEY – roughly a doz- ticipated schedule; hopefully, rial park. en downtown merchants and they can beat it.” throughout the project’s Sidney citizens attended a Law added that, as fair second phase, Law said, Monday open house discuss- weather becomes more fre- high safety standards will be ing streetscape progress and quent and the project’s pre- upheld. a timeline for the just-started liminary steps finish, vil- “we’ve talked with the work on Main Street’s west- lagers “should be seeing a general contractor to main- ern side. much bigger presence,” with tain more safety,” he said. Streetscape design man- on-site contractors “working “we’ve been very clear in that ager ian Law, of pLACE al- aggressively.” communication with them … liance in Syracuse, said, “after in relation to the project’s and the contractor definitely learning a lot of good lessons” timeline, village trustees con- knows what we’re expecting during the project’s first half, firmed Monday that Sidney’s the standard to be.” things are on track for a July annual Hometown parade Law added: “Our goal is to 25 finish. has been canceled this year. it maintain good access to all “we have everything, so was also confirmed that a Me- businesses, but in a safe way.” there should be no supply de- morial day parade will take earlier this month, down- lays,” Law said, “and there’s place from the whitaker lot town retailers were given a See ‘Aggressive’ Timeline, page 5 For advertising, call 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4wd, 3.6L 6cyl, 6 speed Manual trans, Melissa Matthews at Air Cond, cruise, removable hard top, tow pkg, 0 recalls, 607-208-4064 46,776 miles, lifetime warranty, $20,969 Plus tax, title & registration. (607) 563-4311 • www.chambersohara.com TT 2 — Tri-Town News — Friday, April 27, 2018 C.C Pistol CEmEtEry LOvErs by tina & daLE UttEr Gruesome But True this was a case of vampires, so three-story greek revival mutton soup for breakfast. it Safety Course Lemuel and elisha were disin- painted loden green with was said that the mutton had By dale and tina utter terred and burned, right there darker green shutters and a even been left out from the NY + Multi State Approved in the cemetery. green picket fence. i must say, day before. Not to be disre- dale and tina utter are we had no problem locat- it seemed rather foreboding spectful, but one could argue Oxford Rod & Gun Club May 5, 9am members the of guilford His- ing the cemetery and, after to me. the area was once all that the meal would provide torical Society and have an some searching, found the houses, but time and progress motive enough for murder. Sidney American Legion May 19, 9am active interest in cemeteries. ray graves. it’s hard to imag- has left it alone on a street of there are too many aspects to ine the anguish this family en- businesses and parking lots. this case to be able to go into www.pistolsafetyny.com 315-796-4186 On our last trip to connect- dured those many years ago. we got our tickets and them here. icut, we decided to check out another family living near- went in. i was not initially im- thirty-two-year-old Lizzie a story i had heard years ago. by suffered the same fate, but pressed with our tour guide, had tried to buy a poison i worked for an elderly man in a few years before. the wal- but she proved to be a foun- (prussic acid) several days WELLS BRIDGE Sidney who told me a tale that tons were also ravaged by tB. tain of knowledge and talked before. that day, she said she was pretty unbelievable. Mr. when kids playing near the so fast you had to really pay went to the barn for fishing FIRE DEPARTMENT Sullivan knew of my cem- cemetery found some bones, attention. She did that only sinkers and was out of the etery interests and mentioned archeologists were called in. to get in all she had to tell. house, but there were no dusty Pancake Breakfast the connecticut “Jewett city they actually found that one the house was immaculate, footprints in the barn and she Vampires.” that certainly got member of that family had with beautiful Victorian had encouraged the maid to April 29th, May 6th, & my attention and these many been removed from its grave. furnishings. go out to a store that morning. May 13th • 8am-11am years later, dale and i decided the head was removed and On a hot august day in She was seen burning a dress to look into it. the body presented with the 1892, Mr. and Mrs. Borden after the crimes. Adults • $9.00 this is a true and disturb- femur bones crossed over the were found dead in this house. throughout most of the Children 12 & Under • $6.00 ing narrative of a farm fam- chest, another way to ward off abby Borden was in a bed- proceedings, she was cool, ily by the last name of ray in the vampires. room upstairs and andrew calm and collected. the jury Under 5 • FREE griswold, connecticut in the we visited that small cem- Borden on a settee in the was out for 90 minutes before mid-19th century.
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