Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 13, No 2, pp. 147-157 Copyright © 2013 MAA Printed in Greece. All rights reserved. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY AND 3D MODELING OF IVRIZ ROCK RELIEF IN LATE HITTITE ERA İsmail Şanlıoğlua, Mustafa Zeybeka, Güngör Karauğuzb a Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Selcuk,Turkey b Education Faculty, University of Necmettin Erbakan, Turkey Received: 15/12/2012 Accepted: 17/01/2013 Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT In this study, the photogrammetric measurement technique was used to document the Ivriz re- lief, which is located under the Kocaburun Rock on Mount Aydos in the village of Ivriz (Ay- dınkent), Konya-Eregli. This relief has been standing since B.C. 720 but suffers from man and envi- ronmental agents. It has been standing high from ground on rock façade. Therefore a 3D (three- dimensional) model of the monument was obtained as a result of the work conducted for protec- tion. Conservation has been done by close-range photogrammetry technique. Using close-range photogrammetry, in which only some brief field work was done with a majority of the other work being conducted in an office, documentation can be efficiently performed using free equipment and software as well as scaled archives to produce three-dimensional models of historical and cultural heritages in a digital environment. KEYWORDS: Ivriz, Close-range Photogrammetry, Cultural Heritage 148 İ. ŞANLIOĞLU et al 1. INTRODUCTION range photogrammetry is a very effective and Many of our historical and cultural heritages useful method for documenting these heritages. suffer serious damage caused by a lack of care This paper is an application of digital close- or natural disasters, and consequently, they dis- range photogrammetry to Ivriz relief for the appear. Digital close-range photogrammetry is precise 3D digitization and visualization. It in- one of the leading methods for documenting cludes knowledge about the relief and the fun- cultural and historical heritages. According to damental steps of the 3D relief modeling with the records of the Ministry of Culture and Tour- photogrammetric techniques. ism from 2010, there are a total of 94388 regis- The measurements of 3D modeling and tered cultural and historical assets in Anatolia documentation have been presented for a relief and 1394 in Konya (URL.1, 2010). near Ivriz, which was a very important place The geometrical documentation of archaeo- from a religious heritage perspective that logical monuments can be defined as the meas- showed a continuation of the cult tradition dur- urement, evaluation, registration and presenta- ing the Hittite Empire Era. The Ivriz rock relief tion is required to determine the present state, was first time mentioned in Cihannuma (Çelebi, i.e., the dimension, shape and position, of a his- 1732), a famous book by an Ottoman traveller torical or a cultural structure in a three- named Katip Çelebi. It has been familiar to the dimensional space (Georgopoulos and Ioanni- scientific world since the 18th century, and sub- dis, 2004). stantial many articles have been written about it Various methods are currently used to (Çelebi, 1732; Messerchmidt, 1906). document historical and cultural heritages. Three-dimensional modelling and imaging of 2. THE HITTITES AND THE IVRIZ ROCK historical and cultural heritages is a complex RELIEF and multi-faceted part of this documentation Rock relief is in situ on cliff near abundant (Kulur and Yilmazturk, 2005). Digital close- spring at Ivriz in the north foothills of Taurus range, near modern Ereğli (Fig. 1). Figure 1:Location of Ivriz Relief Later eighth century B.C. Excavated sites of Niğde) are outstanding. The rock relief, deserv- the Neo-Hittite period on the Anatolian plateau edly one of the best known monuments of its are rare and surviving monuments scarce except age, shows on the right the small figure of the for a group dating from the second half of the king Warpalawas in attitude of adoration; and eighth century B.C. Among these the sculptures on left the massive figure of the god, ‘Tarkhun- associated with Warpalawas of Tuwana zas of the Vineyard’ as he is named on another (=classical Tyana, the modern province of Warpalawas inscription, from whose feet grain PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY AND 3D MODELING OF IVRIZ ROCK RELIEF 149 and vines spring up. The god is shown in tradi- 3. DOCUMENTATION METHODS tional gear rendered in modernized style, his The selection of the appropriate scope, level, axe and thunderbolt replaced by symbols of and methods of recording require that the meth- generous fertility. The king is richly dressed and ods of recording and type of produced documen- the carefully rendered details of his fibula and tation should be appropriate to the nature and the embroidery of his clothing are striking. importance of the heritage place, the project Warpalawas is attested as tributary to Tiglath- needs, the purpose of the record, the cultural con- pileser III in 738 and 732 B.C., and was still on text, and there sources available. Preference throne in about 710 B.C., doubtless one of the should be given to nonintrusive techniques. The most prominent of the surviving Neo-Hittite rationale for the intended scope and for the selec- kings of the Anatolian plateau, caught between tion of the recording method must be clearly the pressures of Phrygia (B.C. 700) and Assria stated, and the tools and materials used for com- (B.C. 605). Briefly, the Ivriz relief is really impor- piling final records must be stable. The recom- tant relief for reflecting the features of the Late mended framework for development and use of Hittite Period (Boardman, 1984). recording tools and technologies can be choosing A relief depicting god (Tarkhunzas) on a for expected accuracy (Letellier et al, 2007). 4.30x3.40 m panel, with a base length of 0.90 m, Various methods can be used to evaluate and skirt width of 1.95 m, and shoulder width of 1.90 document cultural assets (Böhler and Heinz, m. The image most likely has an earring in the 1999; Arias et al., 2005; Scherer, 2002, Chueca et ear and is wearing a waistcloth with a fishbone al., 1996). These methods can separate in two pattern, has a hilt shaped like a small-eyed, groups, first one is traditional methods and the large-beaked eagle (Barnett, 1983), and a large other is technological methods. Traditional sur- V-shaped, voluted skirt. The figure’s braceleted vey techniques and topographic methods are right hand holds a bunch of grapes, whereas its useless for documentation at present. Because of braceleted, folded and raised left hand holds the improvement of technology, many remote wheat ears that reach down to the figure’s shoes. and active sensors have been using to document Unlike the richly ornamented relief of a king of objects and in archaeological sites for the last that is opposite the god, the god’s relief is quite decade (Akca, 2012). Laser scanning technique plain and has muscular, bare legs and large knee and close-range photogrammetry techniques are caps. the newest methods. These techniques do not Opposite the god’s relief is King Warpala- need to physical contact to object. However, la- was’s relief, which is 2.95 m in length and in a ser scanning technique is very expensive and worshipful position. In line with the king’s relief data processing steps are too complex for as- and the god’s relief is a three-line hieroglyph: sessment of point clouds (Bornaz and Rinaudo, “This is Warpalawas’s Great Storm God 2004; Nuttens et al., 2010). In this paper low-cost (Tarkhunzas).” (Hawkins, 2000) photogrammetric technique has used for con- This relief with the god and king was made servation of relief. It has chosen cause of the by the Aramaic king Warpalawas for the Hittite technique is inexpensive and easier to create and and Luwi peoples in 720 B.C. (Akurgal, 1987). acquire information about the objects with con- Directly behind the highly ornamented skirt ventional cameras. Our cultural heritage must of the king’s relief reads a three-lined hiero- be preserved so that the assets are not de- glyphic inscription that is spaced at 0.36, 0.32, stroyed, converted or subjected to any type of and 0.27 m: intervention. “This is a depiction of Brave Warpalawas.” In addition to representing an important reli- gious centre that reflects the Hittite Imperial Pe- 3.1 Close-range Photogrammetry Technique riod cult tradition of the Middle Iron Age, Ivriz Close-range photogrammetry is a method is situated at a crossroads and may have served that allows the construction of close- and far- as another political centre for Warpalawas range two-dimensional drawings, and after nec- (Karauğuz, 2006). essary orientation using special assessment 150 İ. ŞANLIOĞLU et al software, three-dimensional models can be local coordinate system with a reflectorless Top- raised from the surface of the photographs with con, Japan GPT 3007 series total station. In field the help of single and dual cameras. This study, a local coordinated (x, y, z) measurement method is used to obtain 3D positioning infor- of these monuments was taken using methods mation about an object (Toz and Duran, 2004). described by Sienz et al. (2000). The distribution Photogrammetry has been used in the past of the targets was homogeneous following a many decades as a tool that provides assistance model as the principal point distribution in pho- in recording cultural heritage and is useful for togrammetry. The ground control points on the modelling and for taking 3D measurements relief have been choosed as natural points and (Arias et al., 2007). sharpness (or the “white-black” corner) and con- The fact that the measurement time is very trast color points.
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