Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Geowiss. Reihe 5 (2002) 121-139 10.11.2002 Rare Campanian Echinoids from Hover and Misburg (Hannover Area, Lower Saxony, Germany) Christian Neumann’, John W. M. Jagt2 & Raymond W. J. M. van der Ham3 With 3 figures and 3 plates Abstract Amongst the rich and fairly diverse echinoid faunas from the Campanian marVmarly limestone facies as exposed at the large quarries of the cement industry near Hover and Misburg (east of Hannover, northern Germany), there are a few rare taxa, most of which have not been recorded previously from the Lower Saxony Basin. These include Echinogalerus peltiformis (Wahlenberg, 1821), Conulus (C.) matesovi Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin 1959, Hagenowia blackmorei Wright & Wright, 1949, Diplodetus sp., and Peroniaster cotteaui Gauthier in Peron 1887. New material of another rare species, Hemiaster gr. aquisgranensis Schluter, 1899, is here described. The palaeoecological significance of the rarity of these is briefly discussed. Of particular note, in a palaeobiogeographic context, are E. peltiformis and C. matesovi. The former is well known from Low- er and Upper Campanian arenitic facies in southern Sweden, while the latter was held to be confined to the Lower Campa- nian of the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. These two species may have immigrated into the Lower Saxony Basin following trans- gressive pulses or within transgressive systems tracts. Key words: Echinoidea, Campanian, Hover, Misburg, new records, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography, immigration. Zusammenfassung Die reiche und vergleichsweise diverse Echinidenfauna der MergeVMergelkalk-Rhythmite des Campans von Misburg und Hover bei Hannover enthalt einige seltene Taxa, die bisher aus dem Niedersachsischen Becken nicht bekannt waren. Dazu gehoren Echinogalerus peltiformis (Wahlenberg, 1821), Conulus (C.) matesovi Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin 1959, Hagenowia blackmorei Wright & Wright, 1949, Diplodetus sp. und Peroniaster cotteaui Gauthier in Peron 1887. Fur eine weitere Art, Hemiaster gr. aquisgranensis Schliiter, 1899, werden neue Funde beschrieben. Die palaookologische Bedeutung der Seltenheit der vorliegenden Taxa wird diskutiert. Als besonders bedeutsam enveisen sich dabei die Vorkommen von E. peltiformis und C. matesovi. Ersterer war bisher ausschliealich aus den kiistennahen Kalkareniten Siidschwedens bekannt, letzterer wurde bisher nur im Untercampan des Kaukasus und von Asserbaidschan und Kasachstan nachgewiesen. Beide Arten sind wahrscheinlich im Rahmen transgressiver Schiibe dritter Ordnung in das Niedersachsische Becken eingewandert. Schliisselworter:Echinoidea, Campan, Hover, Misburg, Erstnachweise, Palaookologie, Palaobiogeographie, Faunen-Migrationen. Introduction quarries, east of Hannover, are famous for their well-preserved and fairly diverse echinoid In the Lehrte West syncline (central Lower Sax- faunas. More than twenty taxa within the cohort ony Basin), an undisturbed succession of mark Irregularia are now known (see Appendix 1). and marly limestones of Campanian age is well Extensive study of museum and private collec- exposed in several large quarries of the cement tions as well as new finds have led to the recog- industry (Fig. 1, and compare Khosrovshahian nition of five echinoid taxa not previously re- [1972], Ernst [1975], Ernst et al. [1979, 1997a-c], corded from the area. Of the sixth rare species, and Volkmann [1998]). In particular, the Hemiaster gr. aquisgranensis, recently collected “Alemannia” (Hover) and “Teutonia” (Misburg) material is here described and illustrated. Institut fur Palaontologie, Museum fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat, InvalidenstraBe 43, D-10115 Berlin, Ger- many. E-mail: [email protected] Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht. PO. Box 882. NL-6200 AW Maastricht, the Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected] Piet Heinstraat 6, NL-2628 RK Delft, the Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected] Received February 2002, accepted June 2002 122 Neumann, C. et al., Campanian echinoids from the Hannover Area Fig. 1. Map of the Hannover area showing the location of the Teutonia (Misburg) and Ale- mannia (Hover) quarries. Campanian echinoid faunas of the Hannover Ins ti tu tional Abbreviations area have been the subject of numerous studies To denote the repositories of material referred to in the text during more than thirty years, and these studies the following abbreviations are used: focused either on palaeoecological aspects (Ernst BGR Bundesanstalt fiir Geowissenschaften und Roh- 1970a), particular echinoid lineages (Emst stoffe, Hannover; MB.E Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt Universitat 1970b, 1971, 1972, Ernst et al. 1971, Frerichs Berlin; 1989) or their biostratigraphical potential (Ernst NHMM Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, Maastricht; 1970c, Ernst & Seibertz 1977, Schulz 1985). The and RFWUIP Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat,Institut aim of the present paper is to document differ- iijr Palaontologie, Bonn (C. Schliiter Colln). ences between rare and common taxa and to at- tempt to reconstruct the various processes be- hind them. In recent years, the signals in Systematic palaeontology macrofossil groups within sequence-stratigraphic schemes have received some attention (Ernst & 0 r d e r Echinoneoida H.L. Clark, 1925 Wood 1996). Amongst echinoids, immigration of Family Conulidae Lambert, 1911 certain species into the area may be linked di- Genus and subgenus Conulus (Conulus) rectly to transgressive surfaces or transgressive Leske, 1778 systems tracts. At least one of the rare echinoid species discussed in the present paper (C. mate- Ty p e s p e c i e s : Conulus albogalerus Leske 1778, sovi) testifies to such events across northern and by monotypy. eastern Europe, as far southeast as the Caucasus. b Plate 1. Conulus matesovi and Conulus haugi. 1-4. Conirlus (Conulus) matesovi Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin, 1959, MB.E 3593 in four aspects (1. posterior; 2. lateral; 3. aboral; 4. oral). Alemannia quarry (Hover), upper papzllosahower conicd papillosa Zone interval (Lower Campanian). 5-8. Conulus (Conulus) matesovi Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin, 1959, MB.E 3592 in various aspects (5. posterior; 6. lateral; 7. aboral; 8. oral); Alemannia quarry (Hover), gruciWmucronata Zone (upper Lower Campanian). 9-10. Conulzis haugi Lambert, 1935, MB.E 3597 (cast; original in W. Judenhagen Colln) in various aspects (9. oral; 10. lateral); from temporary motorway outcrop at Sarasate (Barranca, northeast Spain), Lower Cam- panian. 11-12. Conulus (Conufus) matesovi Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin 1959, MB.E 3594 in two aspects (11. lateral; 12. oral); Heidestrasse quarry (Lagerdorf); gracilidmucronata Zone, level F62- 1.15 m (upper Lower Campanian; see Schulz & Weitschat 1998). Scale bar for all figures equals 10 mm. Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Geowiss. Reihe 5 (2002) 123 124 Neumann, C. et al., Campanian echinoids from the Hannover Area Conulus (Conulus) matesovi Poslavskaia & pore pairs adapically; pyrinoid plating develop- Moskvin in Moskvin, 1959 ing at mid-flank and continuing adorally, occur- ring in oblique triads on the oral surface. Adapi- P1. 1: 1-8 and 11-12 cally, every second or third plate with single *1959 Conulus matesovi - Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Mosk- perforate tubercle close to pore pair, in centre of vin, p. 251, pl. 3, fig. 2. ring-shaped depression. Interambulacra wide ?1988 Conulus matesovae [sic] Moskvin - Ali-Zade et al., p. 188, pl. 2, fig. 1; text-fig. 7. with scattered tubercles of comparable size, as well as much smaller bead-like secondary spines M a t e ria 1 : Two fairly well-preserved specimens and granules. The peristome is subcentral, subcir- (MB.E 3592 and 3593), from the upper papillosal cular to slightly elongate along axis 3-1. The peri- lower conicdgracilis Zone interval and gracilis/ proct is oval, widest in posterior half, corre- rnucronata Zone, respectively, at Hover (Ale- sponding to 14.1 and 11.9% of test length, mannia), and a single fragmentary, poorly pre- respectively. Periproct position inframarginal, served specimen (MB.E 3594, ex M.-G. Schulz nearly oral on account of low position of ambi- Colln) from the Upper Campanian (gracilis/rnu- tus, just partially visible in posterior profile. cronata Zone) at Lagerdorf (quarry ‘Heide- Although fragmentary and much more poorly strasse’). preserved, MB.E 3594 (Pl. 1: 11-12) from La- Measurements (in mm): gerdorf corresponds in all details of ambulacral plating and tuberculation. It is laterally com- 1 2 3 4 pressed, which accounts for the fact that test Width 41.4 49.9 36.4* 40.0 measurements (length, width, height) cannot be Length 49.0 58.2 46.6* 45.0 but approximate. Moreover, it is impossible to Height 43.1 43.0 37.3* 40.0 L peristome 5.9 6.0 - - measure peristome length and periproct width. W periproct 6.6 6.9 - - Although having less concave lateral flanks, this test is otherwise closely comparable to the speci- 1 = MB.E 3592 (ex J. van den Essen Colln) mens from Hover and is here considered to be 2 = MB.E 3593 (cast; original in D. Licht Colln) 3 = MB.E 3594 (ex M.-G. Schulz Cob) conspecific. 4 = holotype of C. matesovi (see Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin 1959, p. 251). D i s c u s s ion : The closest resemblance of the * = approximate present specimens is to Conulus matesovi, origin- D e s c r i p ti o n : Both specimens from Hover ally recorded from the Lower Campanian of the have suffered slightly from compaction and are Caucasus (Poslavskaia & Moskvin in Moskvin abraded in places; in addition, the larger one 1959). Subsequently, Moskvin
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