Page 12 CRANFORD (N.J. > CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Thursday, July 21,1977 • V. $500 CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED Continued from Page I ..•.- •-....'• V a facility held (o be in violation concrete at the center '.;,•'4o' the site. ;> ; V;:V-..v.;•":••: when firemen arrived at 9:30 GARAGE SALES- of its regulations, with the inasmuch as il poses no en- p.m.,- and fire equipment was Complimentary '•••• v. Coinmitteeman Dennis Call 276-6000 violator subject to a fine of up vironmental problerrii He said: at the scene until 12:10 a.m. GARAGE SALE.SIGNS Irlbeck opposed any delay In to $1,000 a day. ~~~ hte has ho other place else, to Open Weekdays: 9 5 are available at the Boyle Company. Sunday...•"••. .-'• •-..".'• ••'.•' ". .'•' shutting down the center \*in Township Engineer Gregory . 0ut.it. The brooks project; for Pjnr the third timein recent ' Realtors - 272-9444 .._ the interests of. the residents .. Deadline: Tuesday 3 p.m. 1 Sgroi Objected tcr closing the Which it will be. used is, how months, thick' smoke en- FLEA MARKETS ~ rfearby.-'-He said he would not center, maintaining that gettfng underway/ ^"^ veloped the area, including REAL ESTATE FOR SALE look favorably upon a request removal ol objectionable Third Fire Occurs private hbrnjes, the Cranford FLEA MARKET for emergency funds to' material and a reduction-^ ;-The center; which hjas been Health Care; Center and .. STOP ... Every-Wednesday -Friday. Salufd ^xeroove the illegal dump pileif the debris pile- will satisfy i: the target, of ;4vahdala Snd. commercial-buildings. The ~~indiif OHke and Set D8 :.Jtne,_Enjgineering pept. con-'.- DEP enforcement For over « quarter ot a century, or 541 -9328 after 6 Pir-S Dept. hooked up a hose to Brounel and Kramer proudly ham JUST WHAT WE CAN DO p.m • tinues to allow dumping mere." also ANTIQUE SHOPS He warned that ~*losHH^th< e< - of a fire Saturday highT a Cranford Ave. hydrant 500 ^^JMs^u-^-—.—^Serving served hundreds oi Cranlord ., FOR YOU! r 1490 RAHWAY AVE., AVENEL, . Sgroi said he can ask, thecenter •cinwW;,cause' cnaos^ Flames were shooting 30 feet feet away to wet down the homeomMrs and home Makers. I , VOL. 84 NO. 30 PublishedEvery Thursday Sccorill Class Postage PaicfCranfonl.'X. .jT 15 CKN^PS " (across from Railway Prison) ul.:?....":DJCP for an' exception to among residents flccustonied in the air from the dump pile smouldering pile. Thursday, July 28, 1977 We ait among the leaders In sales .. LOOKr.. permit the storage "of theto bringing their lawn debris ' and Mints!! '**. , r. at (hit particular Home with to many of the feature* that you have MISCELLANEOUS ~ :$78,900 - Princeton Road - been waling for., large carpeted ' , PLASTIC SLIPCOVERS Choice College Estates 8 room. Living room with a Wood-burning Custom-made, pin fitted, expertly Pedestrian Safety ••Dli-;--. 2VS bath, well designed luxurious Fireplace. Formal Dining room. cut in your home. Any sola & 2 Split Level, central air Eat-in Modern Kitchen, Sun room chairs or 3 pc. section S120. continuedfrony.g... presented to Cranford. falls and Den. Second floor hat 3 1A1T1D conditioning, 2 zone hot water Netdtocrift 865-6300. particular^ impressed with Tnto the "grand award SUMMER nror 1 ^litlZPTl H Ol heat, plaster walls, 2 car garage. Bedrooms and a New Attractive i: "Cranford's well balanced rnrocmru Senior Citizen Housin category. True Quality! .' tile bath. 3rd. floor storage and a FORMIC*»METM. DESKS. Like new. LOTTERY WiNNER — Friday was the lucky day for large attic fan that works wonders pedestrian safety program, in July 20-30 (Closed Aug. 1-39) _„__________-_: Mr. and Mrs. John Cella of Cranford. Cella won $10,000 which all elements of the In this heal. Finished Office in community—motorists, pre- $59,900- Shame* M. College Basement; 2 car garage. • in the lottery. Story on Page 1. •: EXCELLENT CONDITION, Every day Is a special day.when you schoolers, students, service Estates "^bedrooms, two lull shop in Cranford. NOW OPEN vvv little pleasures batjis, rrtodertr kitchen plus formal PLANNING BO^RD clubs, senior citizens, among BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH - dining room, solid plaster walls, others—were made part of an 4O1 Cymbsrland at South Av«nu« : as we t«U you about 3 very LOW '••'•' PUBLIC NOTICE Breaks, tireplaceT'many. eiilrasr " USED CARS The following business was conducted excellently-conceived and Wfld PRICED homes-and every one a at the July 7. 1977, meeting of the well-administered program of ^i GOOD BUlf III! 1973, 2 DOOR MAZDA RX3 - new' Kenllworth Planning Board: public education." ; These exceptional values are open - replacement engine with 4,000 JameS Loftus, Northern $4.<> million in mortgage "approvability" of tho single" major one that brought agencies involved—Cranford . rentals; HUD" pays 'iho dif-. to oHers 1or your buy ol a lifetirpe! 1. Preliminary approval of "Site Pfari Larcenies Featuring! YOU WILL NEVER REGRET miles. {1200. Call evenings only (or addition to Kenllworth State Bank. Basis of Award AM8TORG ,.: Ww Jersey regional director money, is one of them. proposed • Meeker Ave. about the readiest for an FAS.Housing Board. N.J. Housing ference between one-(|iiarler | StOPPMG.LOOKING .. 272-6768. 2. Preliminary approval of Site-Plan The AAA has pointed out for housing of the U.S! location. ' , Finance Agency and HUD— for reconstruction of building by Synres The Cranford application, Loftus said such a request '<iof •• u\ I.enant's int'onTo per and LISTENING... that pedestrians account for PATIINT INSTRUCTION Housing and Urban Corp.,, Michigan Avenue. Reported PILL0W PLACE EXrEUT FINISHING which was originally sub- • Loftus noted that the site is ''is not iwifque' in the state" could participate in drafting inoiilh and the normal rental K688-18O0 . " ' AT ; 1970 OLDS CONVERTIBLE 98. 3. Final approval to Joseph. Nerl for . nearly 20 per cent of all traffic 230 Chwtnat $t. 201 233-6244 Development Department; mitted to, the • .state, by: the:in a. so-called "buffer" area and that he feels> all the,the EIS. for a one' or two-bedroom.. BHOUHEIL LOADED -. LOADED! A BEAUTY! 5,000 square loot, second floor addition to RichardBennerof 30Orajon fatalities, a fact often ignored RmUt f ark, NJ. • "• /.NEEDUPOINT.••• , .:,- is withholding approval of the Cranford Housing Board, is .between industrial and. questwis raised in connection apartnu'nt, '. KRAMER REALTORS G.G.NUNN, Realtors 926-2300, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. World of Sports building. - Dr. reported to police Friday :_»—«:-—*-•- _.—^-- ~.^- . In Trenton, a spokesman for k.ios'ko ON, N. j.^ The next regular mealing., .is in traffic 'safety planning. The Cranford senior citizens' for a 131-unit apartment residential zones and is close witlr the site should be The Meeker Ave. silo was 276-6110 weekday's. ""•'-• '•'• ' • v September 7, 1977. " • . that his home; fad been en- AAA, Pedestrian 'Satisfy Tel. 241-2167 20% OFF most canvases Ihe Finance Agency said the '.'•. John J. Plret, Secretary tered* and $80 in cash,, two housing project. until an en- development in. Meeker Ave: lo the Lehigh Valley Railroad ejjmnined before approvali's •agreed upon locally after Inventory, the only program (yiSetTHBi delay oh theprojefct."is not an •74 AUDI 100-LS. auto, trans.; sun Ketiilworth Planning Board stereo speakers and two •A UNIQUE SELECTION OF PLANTS. v i r o n m e n t a 1 . impact The site is in a residential zone tracks'.' He also "observed it is •anted. • . "nvore • convenient , loqat ions, Dated: July 21, W7 . of its kind, focuses national CONTAINERS AND ADVICE statement (EIS) is prepared irreversible decision" and HUNTEROON CO. MILLBURN roof, AC, radio, snow tires, 2 dr., Fee: S 4.80 ' . stereo tape players stolen. adjoining an area, zoned for comparatively remote fromj have only had the wore opposed by ^residents in white with tan int., 25,000 mi. attention on pedestrian safety —201-634-3888- — to determine whether the that (lie state agency will 1 SOOTH MOUNTAIN area, move-in Entrapce was gained through needs. Awards and citations industry. services available in town fo Cranford appliction in our Ihe areas.involved. In a time-, $3,500. 379-7670. Ml proposed localiorvis desirable. senior citizens. 1 endeavor lo convince HUD of condition, modern, air conditioned, LOST a side door. •'• are presented on the basis of office for three or four the aNpprovability ,pf the consuming effort, it • was HOLLAND TOWNSHIP - By Owner. 4 BR. new kitchen.. 2 baths, 2. The previous day Ann KHng 20% OFF plants and boskets -The regional HUD office is -... The Meeker:.. A ye. _site is necessary for the township to 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car 1971 VOLVO 144-S 4 dr. Sedan, low pedestrian death and Ice Cream Products -. -Approvability' at Issue---'- week,s." Loflus said. He added jf as planned. lavatories, LR, DR, den, rec room, MAN'S GOLD CALENDAR WATCH. presently processing 26 ap- close to a mile from the center garage.-1 landscaped acre, walking' aiito., good condition. AM-FM of 40A Parkway Village injury records and on accident In a letter to William that an environmenTal acquire acreage from local enclosed porch, tow 80's. Owner, Stopped at 10:30 on June 7. Lost plications for projects sub- distance . to Community Center. stereo radio. Best offer. 762-1591. reported her apartment had prevention programs. Based are made Fresh Daily Tennis Boutique Johnston, executive director of town. engineer from HUD has contractors to assemble 379-9471. ••••'.•.. by Walnut Ave. Tennis Court. If : mitted to HUD by the N.J. v The state agency does not .Taxes S550. Price $85,000. Call been entered and several! on the evaluation of programs,' •A DIVERSIFIED SELECTION Of TENNIS APPAREL AND ACCES- of the N.J. Housing'Finance The rQgio nal housing, already visited the site here;' finance senior citizens' '•enough kriid.
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