All th€J N9W$ of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the. News -----._~~-'-.._-------------_._----..;....---_._---------.,.------:--:-::-:-:-~ VOL. 27-NO. 39 Entered all .Second Cla811Matter at GROSSE POiNTE, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER29, 1966 $15.00Pu Year The POllt Office at Detroit, Mich. lOe Per COpy 28 Pa~les- Two Sections-Section One - Start Erection of .Steel for New High School Loaded Revolver ~PTA CouncU Given Report. As Compiled by the Left in Car Ends By Selmeier . Grosse Pointe News Detailed Analysis Of Cur- Life of 3..Year ..Old rent Figures Provided By Thursday, September 22 Ass is tan t Superin- THE CONSTITUTIONAL ._-----_.- tendent -Instruction AMENDMENT to permit volun- Little Girl Fatally WOLinded By Cousin Who Thought tary pi'ayers in public schools Weapon Was a Toy; Accident Occurs In At Monday's eve n i n .g was r9jected by the Senate. The Parking Lot At Mack And Moross meeting of the G r 0 sse vote <Vas 49 in favor and 37 op- :: posed (this was nine short of the -------- Pointe PTA Council, the ,.' tWo-thirds majority needed to Gail Zingas, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Zingas first of the 1966-1967school pass su~h a measure.) of 20530 St. Clair Shores, victim of an accidental shoot- year, Dr. H. Leroy Selmeier, Republican Leader Everett M. ing in the parking lot behind the Sears, Roebuck ~ranch Assistant Superintendent- Dirkson of Ill., chief sponsor of II store" MarJe and, Moross, died in St. John HospItal on Instruction for The Grosse !~ .' the proposed amendment. prom- I Sunday, September 25, at 1:45 p.m. Pointe Public School Sys- ised to keep fighting for its pas- Specialists worked feverishly~ tern, provided .a detailed sage. to remove a bullet that had en. analysi3 of current student Mich. Republican Senator, I T. F:n nerS tered the little girl's left eye l II ~./ enrollment figures and de. Robert Griffin voted in favor of l' P I and lodged in her brain, but scribed the means used to the amendment but Democratic Senator, Philip Hart opposed it. they.could not ~ave hf;~ life. Pair Accu,sed est i mat e future enroll. Gall was aCCidently shot by Even if this proposal had won ments.' its two-third1\ margin in the her 10-year.old coush on Fri- lB. TJ' it The s e s s ion, chrsired by Senate, it appeared to have no day, September 23, with a .~8 n zg te C h a r I e s Parcells, presietent, chance of being acted on by the caliber revolve" the COUSIn was held in the second £Joor found under the floor mat of a House this year. car owned by the girl's father, Anonymous Phor.e Call Exhibition Room of the Grosse '" '" . his uncle. leads to Arrest of Two Pointe Central Library. ~.ele- ill d gates from PT A organizations i Farms Del. Joseph M er an Bel"leved Guilt" Of lPatrolmen Amold Parsons and ,throughout the school district . Vmcent Peters were dispatched $16,000 Store were in attendance. The first piece of the 1,600 tons of steel required in the construction of Grosse Pomte High School North to the parking lot by Sgt. Alfred Holdup With school officials antief- was put into place on Wednesday morning, September 21. On hand for the occasion on the Vanderbush-Baker Martin, when a call was re- ---+ pating the official membership site In the vicinity of Vernier road and Morningside drive in Grosse Pointe Woods were merubers of the ceived that a little girl had been Two bandits who arr~ believed count for t.he 1966-1967 school Grosse Pointe Board of Education and the school's administrative staff, as well as representatives of the archi- shot. They arrived at the lot to have robbed a Sf. Clair year, slated for Septemlter 30,' tectural and construction firms involved in the project. and were informed that the girl Shores supermarket at gun the fourth Friday of the month, Participants and observers oft,>------- ----------------1 -------------- had been taken to st. John I point on Tuesday, September 6, Dr. Selmeier's remarks pro- Standing behind them (left to ices; REGINALD P. SIENKIE. Secretary cf the Grosse PoPinte Hospital by private car. The and escaped with $16.000, WerE vided background information t~e ce~emony included (left to right) are J. HAROLD HUS- WICZ, Director of Pupil Per- Board of Educ.ation; DR. H. LE- officers went to the hospital. I arrested by st. Clair Shores on the growing student popula- rtght In the foreg:ound) J.~T BAND, Acting Superintendent sonnel; MALCOLM STIRTON, ROY SELMEIER, Assistant Sup- Three Witop,sses police on Tuesday, ~;eptember tion of The Grosse Pointe Pub- LEWIS, ConstructIOn SupHm- of Schools; ROBERT M. ORR, Vice-President of Harley, EI- erintendent - Instruction; MRS. The information obtained was 20, on information r~eived lic School System. JOE SPAGNOLI, As- Director of Public Libraries; lington, Cowin and Stirton, Inc,; JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, Trus- that the shooting was witnessed from Woods Det. ~;gt. Jack The latest enrollment report Superintendent-Adminis-j LAWRENCE r:-. KENNEDY, As- and .R~BERT DOMKE, Project tee of th\'! Board .of Education; ~y Gail's two .brothers and a Mast. ore pared by the school~' De. t tl S . !i and DR ROB- sistant SuperIntendent. Profes- AdmInIstrator" I JOHN T. SHORT, Treasurer of SIster. The offIcers were a?le Mast disclosed tha'. on Sun- partment Qf Pupil Personnel ~ ra ve p.rvlce. siQGal Personnel; MIL~. D. I To the right of tho steel ('(1\,' ti lr~Bo~rd of Education; and to piece together the followmg day, -September 18, while he shows a total of l:i:,267 st'.ldent6 .,. .;0 '" I ERT K. WHlTELEY, Vice-Presi- GRELL, Curriculum Planning I umn are GEORGE T. EDDIN(3.: ,jOHN KF..lLS, Vice-President of' details: . was at home, he Teceived an in attendance on September 15. ., 8atn"day, St'J)temb'~r '24 i dent of the Grosse Pointe Board D~rector; RICHARD y". KAY, TON, Assistan~ to superint;na-1 the J. A. rerguson Construction Gail:s father ha? taken Ga.ll, anonymous phone call concern- This is 811 increase of 314 over U, S. PROPOSALS. for pt'!aee ~n lof Education. Director of CommunIty Serv- ent; ~1RS. PAUL G. HYKES, Co. , and his other clilldren, Chns, ing t!le armed robb( ry of the the last day of school in June Vie'.nam. as put forth by U. S. .---------------,-------- 2, Peter, 5, and Helen, 9, and Big D Supermarket, 21211 Har- a:td an increase of 408 over the Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg \ • his nephews, Frank and Nich- per avenue. "ame time a year ago. at. the United Nations: were CandIdates Confused Park. Council~s 8lood .Driv:e' olas T~eophanous, 14 a:ld 10, The caller told the detective More Art Tban Science _. reJectec by North VIetnam, . L. resl?p.chvely to ,the Sears store. that two white males who com- By means of a series of over- Hanoi's official Vietnam News \ G Ch V.' C' I'd' M .. I T B H ld .ZmgCl:stook hiS oldest nephew mitted the holdup, frequented head transparencies Dr. Set- Agency said in a monitored et .anee otlng' on s umClpa (i e e wl!h him. and left ~he ot~el' the Fireside Loun~e, ,Outer meier illustrated his 'contention broadcast, that the new propos. , .c:hIldren In. the family station Drive and Van Dyke, Detroit. that variations in family pat- 1 d' ~ d "t ' wagon. While he was gone, the ~ ". f I a s were eSI ne 0 cover up , T B H d H II R · P 0 0 t b 7 ".hildren decided to clean the lnvolved m Jail Break terns, movements 0 peop e the U. S. scheme to expand and 0 e ear a enovatlon rogram n coer ,. within a school year, changes prolong its aggression in South inside of the vehicle. The informant told Mast that in kindergarten enrollments, as Vl'etnam and to cope wI'th the h h G ------- ~J b" U B Ch Nicholas discovered a loaded he only knew one of the men . Unitarian C urc iving d C d R d d R d d MO Ie nit to e at ' rist d h b th 1 t f I . d well as the increasmg propor. world rrotest against the U, s. Estimate osts Accepte I econsi ere I escin e I .38 caliber revolver un er t eye as name 0 £WIS, an tion of Grosse Pointe students intention to stay and maintain Sunday Evening Forums Appro'led, Reconsidered Again, And Finally The Kina L..uthe ran floor mat and held it in his the other man, by his first attending the public schoois, A . t . S th V' Over to Off'Ice Seekers Ch h -F 2 T 8 hand and was warned by Helen name, Danny. Both men had mmer.,~cap.roops In ou let- Tabled For Further Study urc rom 0 to p~t the gun down, that it been involved in a jail break make the building of an enroll. na And Issues P.M..' On Friday. h d f th M b C t J'l ment estimate "even more of They stated t".at Goldberg's --..,..------- belonged to her fat er, an. ,rom ~ acorn. <lun y al d h 1 f ' I By James Njaim Jr' -- that it was real and not to play 10 1965 It was saId.
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