I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ENCLOSURE COVER SHEET I1/Tr] ..I. SUETEOT: /&#39;l&#39;¬&&#39;r- _ _ FILE: $/sh .25700» ___ SECTION 5.7. OF 74° THIS SECTION IS COMPRISED OF 5-.1&#39;>&#39;,§PAGES WHICH WERE REVIEWED FOR THIS RELEASE. 1,31 PAGES ARE AVAILABLEFROM THISSECTION FOR RELEASE THIS ISENCLOSURE OFf 5 ENCLOSU&#39;BE S! NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE fqw?@/" 1w¢{.77? 38° 92 - !.. :- | { " | , 2:-k*1:*-k-k*&#39;k*~k****1|r&#39;#-k~i:***-k-k**1--k-I: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 31.. -I t. o !r> 5? 1:-k*-k-k***-k****-k***-k***-k****-k*-1: .. .r- . _ Tt _ =L¥.1-lib-X-.,_ . ..-__ ?-?5:&¢r~-&#39;-&#39;?f&#39;-fit» -.1 . &#39;.192. 1-;-;;_--.1.-_ Title: BERNARDL, AKIN, ET AL; , JAMES EARL CHANEY; mcmst HENRY scumzausa, aka Mickey; ANDREWcooomn - VICTIMS Character: CIVIL I_ZIGHTS- ELECTION mws; _ MISPRIS-TON OF FELONY;JUVENILE DELINQUENCY ACT A_ Bureau File: 44-2592 706 --2"&#39;:&#39;,. .- ,_92A .¢ 8 . _~ - Jackson File: 44-1 955 _.5: &#39;""""" &#39; 11_________4__!___ I1 ._. - F 11- If UbECL1E1VB ournmary report OI bA at I Jackson dated December 19, 1964. 576. = ii; v -&#39;."<&#39;5&#39; -&#39; &#39;$=..**;£+-.3. .:~»==~;,;= VOLUME - &#39;-"§{1&#39;:&#39;*:f§ u -3.-1: J I V ********************** -32:-K&#39; -, * &#39; -k ;~=°;-"-->35; * I This report consists of four * volumes, including a Digest of the .T*.~3§-&#39;}._ * Table ofContents andcomplete Index V"-";_-&#39;.&#39;.;_ * in each volume. Included in each &#39;§ -&#39;~&#39;is volume a detailed Table of ¬oni:ents . * pertaining to that volume. 2,". *.,I&#39;f ;-_-<.&#39;-=._f;-91; * This is Volume IV. * &#39; ,_,;_-.3-__-;:.1"&#39;5¢~~ ****************a-**** - 4//-025701. pi". 1 :_, /Br; Dal. P75» 777 :41 -», -:----v ;-- _.7___ _ 7* _e- 7,. .._. ... 1»-" ; ,_ 2;?&#39;,."!.,- -, .-&#39;-J.*=-1,-"--*-ny_ 5-&#39;3",-.7 -92&#39;----".=:§5-;-.- .~_->=i.;".¥ 1&#39;-"-*-3P5.. 5=.,r.-5-:§:::.;&#39;.i92,&#39;i-.1&#39;;_§T7&~&#39;-I ;>-:&#39;E.$E,I="I,:a--~*4"-;?=-E.--1331 A . -&#39;-&#39;=.I?..I.3"7&#39;,»5.7 1.-;-.&#39;.1Y-"-< -11L,j.Z??- -. 3:--T-L"?.£.=-"~."l&#39;.5f&#39;;- -&#39;1&#39; - .-&#39;_ .1;-.&#39;* - =~21¢?:"-;.~"e§=%¢_¢.?.¢@- ".&#39;s..1;:7i&#39;?F-&#39;=§=¢i.i??¥:<?Jif<-*4_+=;»&#39; :1-H-== 1 1:-2 -a . - ...- _,. F. ,, KV . -&#39; .-. A I Y 1-: -7-"&#39;.A ,1 l 1 _in-..»;i&#39;T=7i&#39;;:;§"7§5---""7.L".f>."<15:5*&#39;*"s.&#39;;;5*;*&#39;._.&#39;.~#5".&#39;-&#39;.:1-:7-§;~:I&#39;=>&#39;§&#39; -i I s 1 - &#39;. 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M!r " :11 , ~.&#39;-=.:&#39;.-.-2;*&#39;;;*-&#39;=&#39;-==¢1.--=,-":&#39;;~.-A-=;=r92::;*was" T»&#39;,_,-&#39;; 5.}:-.".-;:"--&#39;92-f--._;§-.;&#39;f1"&#39;." .&#39;-.:.. =a-1-.-.»;-v "if;-Fv_*_"§-.."_._.-__92,&#39;7_ .|&#39;;_-._ ;,;-.~+i»..;1-..-»=92-L?-4:&#39;§92-fr a,*&#39;;_fZ§-iij_&#39;g7 I-&#39;..92;.&#39; _?_-_&#39;;~ 3.:~ __ ». -2_ . - . r - . > ~ &#39; .- 92 - - . ,.;;_-u. 1 . .~1=;:~ fl...-.&#39;;:.--~&#39;§?&#39;;.1."-_..~"-.-..:*&#39;_:~,_-&#39;:,-&#39;.r__-_-,1-.,. .-. -~n=_*_-.};.-"_ . 3. - K , - - . 7=_-~j:1-_ -=- - I " 92 1 _ _» » _. -. _ _ D &#39; 1 |I *". _ HT 92 .&#39; -.-.&#39;-_ &#39;_._&#39;I . 1.-;-2? *~-.-7 -.&#39;."_§ I ,92._, ,_. 92 --ii .. : 3-92]5*&#39;.f--" _. ,~ I-l-"3A&#39;3!&#39;:=.=&#39;5&#39; I _.;,-¢~._., .921&#39;92&#39;-. ¢. 7 .-_: &#39;, ¢.>.-_. .4. -&#39;.".- , &#39;,_J ii .-,. W , "t 92 <1» U? :~ - §%$ P1-1 »- um . .63 &#39;12». »- l _..J-__ __ ,__ - . ._ &#39;-92-w..- -_>1, ,_ .._.- _-¢_, XI. INFORMATION CONCERNING SUB.]&#39;ECTS&#39; u ACTIVITIES ON JUNE 21 AND 22, 1964 AND ALIBI INTERVIEWS OF SUBJECTS - $iLEi "T. jIfi> ,__ - v 92_V*&#39;. &#39;1%-. _m:_92r5 r- -|.:- ,_: &#39; 431&#39; _.r?92.u&#39;-:.w &#39;92~L.;5-.£&#39;- 11%; &#39; t- y- -.= &#39; .-_f-1 L &#39; -*1 Q3- 5" Q?._ E? . x "-;;f"..-.:92-*5-. ~ ; .:&#39;.-»&#39;-.-i-.i.~=§}!, :g;92:_??§__$; :4 "&#39;"7f&#39;:&#39;»"=,. T??? /*?;f--1&#39;-.&#39;; 811-.~,. &#39;,; 92--:1:3 -&#39;92l&#39; I-I ;_ I ¢ t ...., ___ -a_...._ 7. ._! ; _. - -.> *5.--&#39;1 0 .4... =-a-.}-, -2; -. "*=";-1-¥¬ Eégi;-&#39;_ &#39;_&#39;§"|a &#39;-3&#39;-&#39;5- 1* BERNARD L, AKIN " _ ét-.<34. "Vl_ +- It is noted that JAMES EDWARDJORDAN, in his 1 -. .sLi signed statement concerning the murder and burial of vat; 1§_»==ZtT the civil rights workers, stated that the individuals .,t; who came from Neshoba County to recruit citizens Of -4 &#39;*" , Q ._ ,.._, Lauderdale County to participate in the action against SCHWERNER, CHANEY and GOODMAN met at Akin&#39;s Mobile Homes and that BERNARD L; AKIN was there though he did not participate in the actual murders, He did have knowledge $#@ pr?». of the planning. =,-. <:E."&#39;-&#39;=-- g?-"f= HQRAC§ DOYLE BARNETTE in his signed statement Lg-7, __92§ E4? " b&#39;PC-, mo , __,-&#39;r 4-&#39;_ &#39;3 &#39;:<=. .. -.;;: @*$&#39; .33$izgt. » - 1&#39;-"&#39; &#39; &#39;-53"??? aa ;-&#39;2,_" 1 _ 57¢ 5713 _._ &#39;~|_&#39;d .g s&#39;_&#39; In view of the above, it appears there is no - . :--&#39;. -$5.1.-~L conflict in AKIN&#39;s statementand information furnished by &#39; .92 .=" the two witnesses, and no further investigation is felt warranted along this line. ". .o&#39;-~"&#39;;""-§&#39;a&#39;- ;i292?T5=*I&#39;=¢_§g&#39;.. »-=:~.-W. ég -Hf . 1- - .: _ ,ff_. -______. ..~_.__.____.__. .- U - ------a Ta;-¢-- I &#39; léuixm .. l t we oual |J &#39; &#39;92v ~>;»=-I - < - - 92 J -. 1 &#39; | | . - - I _-&#39;2.-,&#39;.,I !8 -. a ,.,. "-Q.- .. --.__,. --&#39;; . --._."w&#39;92 -&#39;j.&#39; i-.$= 1-; :3 . _P-pl. e, ,. -t &#39;6-&#39;.p _I&#39;.92 92 &#39;1:--3. -&#39;_ >J~&#39;92-.-x. r._. {geni-r-I 92 ,. , a I .__ a-=-$51;-T"&#39;_7I 1---. .- §j-lée-:1 11- M. »- 353%- . £ -4 &#39;92&#39; ,~:*>¢.*-_ .-_:._.;a- ;¬.>-;g__-.g;* I --*=.*--. -- "&#39;f-_ &#39;-=.. &#39;3rm-_,-._. "&#39;;.:lrT,,r&#39;.- .-P &#39;&#39;- 1 t EARL BERNARD AKIN . 11;,-19+ -4. 3:33,???- =-<3.-&#39; " .4-;.~;= . "~N&#39;U§&#39;l-~= =. -,_._,-_-_., t ;. E .0!j 92-one-sun an-Inn-uuv 3- _:92_-...-ma.-I -.-JJHL. -_--l Lamb big-u&#39;q;92 ,L;§ ,,;j&#39;;1,|,&#39;5<:Ll w.:,y ll w.J.|.- mold:-I13 1-1&#39;lfO1""&#39; concerning the murder o he three civil rights workers near c 1 Philadelphia Mis on June 21, 196i. JAMES E. :V:&#39; -_"-";*§ 1o&#39;>¢,b?£l> s 5 I¢:._;. AICEN has been contacted on several occasions and .&#39;.92§ 1;-§-l questioned as to any information which he had. concerning the - i"4"."- -. murders, however, he steadfastly denies any knowledge concerning TL-&#39;5;the murders other than that gained through reading the _ 35- newspapers. " - :-T5 92 u -cw I92 =-§&#39; >r~&#39;*";?-.&#39;:= -&#39;&#39;5 =- ;-n%.,_,__ _:, . *-&#39;f&#39;b-&#39;3-7;: r 1&#39;-¢&#39;J-:* 1 | 1 0- F1;-£592. treesH -1&#39;-z.-»"l&#39;-5 ages; ." .--, ... .-&#39;;.._&#39;-r-__,_"_-&#39;_-,.>.7-&#39;-- &#39;11 -¢_&#39;-J|.. -.... _ I _ , ._, . :i.. -,_.i...:._..-.....;.._ _, .- - - -i L -92.1_..~.._.__J_...i-...--... _/V; rt &#39;<3.&#39;---&#39;.---"- i &#39;4-W;-f &#39;+.._. wi&#39;:-*1 _." 2. .- Iv 5-T»?-¬_-1?? ;,£?&#39;;**.-5*-.=~. .-1[- -&#39; ;_-9a,q~ &#39; 92-&#39;-&#39;- 1 ; E JIMMY ARLEDGE UN. with regard to the activities of JIMMY ARLEDGE on the 3 - night of June 21, 196%, the following information was furnished by JAMES E. JORDAN: Rig?-:5 &#39; _1 --._..-2§§:5q._-, -,- ARLEDGE was among the individuals who met at the rear of Akin&#39;s Mobile Homes at Meridian, Mississippi, and he %§g§V-. accompanied DOYLE BARNEETE, TRAVIS BARNETTE, JIMMIE SNOWDEN 4" - &#39;14-1 _ 1-&#39;-.+,&_._ and JAMES JORDAN on the trip from Meridian, Mississippi, to -1»"7 L7,"-_-._ 2.?--"--127* Philadelphia, Mississippi, in DOYLE BARNEI"IEs car. ARLHDGE was in the car at the time the group awaited the release of the civil rights workers from the Jail at Philadelphia and he accompanied this group to the point where the civil rights workers car was stopped by Deputy Sheriff CECIL PRICE, After ;sJ~>.=&#39;.&#39; &#39; Z» &#39;- the civil rights workers were removed from their car, :7 ve their stati .
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