St. Mary’s Priceless County TimesThursday, June 18, 2015 A Musical Summer 2015 River Concert Series to Begin June 19 ALSO INSIDE: COUNTY FINANCES CSM SUmmER WILDEWOOD BRIDGE WOULD BRING STRONG PAGE 6 CAMPS PAGE 16 BAKERY PAGE 22 MAJOR CHANGE TO THREE NOTCH ROAD PAGE 4 2 The County Times Thursday, June 18, 2015 On the COVER STORY Cover The Orchestra pays for the major expenses of the River Concert Series, including the orchestra musicians, guest soloists, rental of the music scores, and Crab Festival pg. 18 advertising. To keep the concerts alive please consider making a donation to the orchestra’s website or visit the Chesapeake Orchestra table at the River Concert Series. CONTENTS Local News 4 2015 River Concert Series pg. 12 STEAM at Annmarie Gardens pg. 26 Cops & Courts 9 FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Weather Watch Letters 10 The Law Offices of P.A. 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Thursday, June 18, 2015 The County Times 3 NOT YOUR FATHER’S THIRD SHIFT AMBER ROOT BEER LAGER 6 PK BTLS 6 PK BTLS DEALS $999 $599 ROGUE BEER COORS LIGHT ASSORTED VARIETIES CITRUS RADLER for Dad 6 PK BTLS 12 PK CANS $1099 $949 DU CLAW FUNK DEVILS BACKBONE LANDSHARK LAGER 6 PK BTLS BEER 6 PK BTLS ASSORTED VARIETIES 99 6 PK BTLS $6 49 $8 $849 12 PK BTLS REDD’S WICKED 99 APPLE ALE $12 JOHNNY APPLESEED 12 PK CANS HARD CIDER 6 PK BTLS KNOB CREEK $1249 BOURBON $799 750 ML $2749 PATRON TEQUILA 12 PK BTLS GIFT SET 1.75 LTR 49 1.75 LTR $13 $8349 $4849 APOTHIC WINE BAREFOOT WINE WOODBRIDGE WINE RED OR WHITE ASSORTED VARIETIES ASSORTED VARIETIES 750 ML 1.5 LTR 1.5 LTR 2/$18 2/$20 2/$20 YELLOW TAIL WINE SUTTER HOME WINE ARBOR MIST WINE ASSORTED VARIETIES ASSORTED VARIETIES ASSORTED VARIETIES 1.5 LTR 4 PK BTLS 1.5 LTR 2/$20 2/$10 2/$10 MCKAY’S CHARLOTTE HALL PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, JUNE 19 THRU THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015 www.mckayssupermarkets.com DAVE MCKAY LIQUORS 4 Local News The County Times Thursday, June 18, 2015 Report: Sex Assaults At St. Mary’s College Falling By Guy Leonard sexual misconduct,” said Leonard Brown, college Staff Writer spokesman. “ [College President] Tuajuanda Jor- dan commissioned a group to work with student The latest statistics from the U.S. organizations and the administration of the college Department of Education show that in- on prevention and education on campus. stances of alleged forcible sexual offenses “Last semester the group did a number of great at St. Mary’s College of Maryland have programs, and the college anticipates continued fallen but drawing conclusions is difficult education, training and resources to be developed. since the data for 2014 and 2015 are not This group will work in conjunction with our new available. Title IX coordinator to offer a coordinated educa- The data shows that there were two tion and prevention program for the campus.” such occurrences reported in 2013 on The allegations of other serious crimes, though campus, half that of 2012. already rare on the campus, also showed declines, The latest numbers are also vastly re- according to the data. duced from the nine forcible sexual of- There were no robberies in either 2012 or 2013, fenses reported in 2011. down from the single instance in 2011, nor were Information from the state’s Office of there any aggravated assaults in 2013. the Attorney General compiled last year There was a single aggravated assault in 2011 also showed that there was one such of- and two the following year. fense reported in 2010 before the number Burglaries persisted on campus, however, with spiked the following year. one being reported in 2013; there were two report- The college is mentioned prominently ed in 2011 and four in 2012, according to federal in the report from the attorney general’s statistics. office, particularly when it came to in- Where crimes continue to occur it mainly in- creased reporting overall. volves alleged drug and alcohol abuse, the report “St. Mary’s College of Maryland is a stated. good example of this phenomenon,” the There were 44 reported drug abuse violations in report stated. “While St. Mary’s is the 2013 but that number was down drastically from smallest public four-year university other the 108 reported in 2012. There were 73 such viola- than University of Maryland, Baltimore, tions reported in 2011. enrolling about 1,900 students each… Reports for violations involving alcohol were it has reported a disproportionate num- much higher with 88 violations reported in 2013. ber of on-campus sex offenses during There were 128 violations in 2011 and 146 the fol- the five-year [between 2009 and 2013] lowing year. period, relative to other colleges and The data also shows that the not all violations universities.” culminated in disciplinary action by the college. “The increased statistics at St. Mary’s In 2011 only 37 people referred for drug abuse College follow an admirable massive ef- went to the disciplinary stage, while just 48 were fort on the part of the college to change a referred for discipline in 2012. In 2013 29 of the 44 culture of non-reporting into an environ- reported drug violations were referred for disci- ment encouraging students and employ- pline, according to the federal data. ees to report instances of sexual violence.” Not all liquor violations were referred for disci- College officials say that they have put pline either, the data showed: 100 reports were re- special emphasis on this particular kind of ferred in 2011, while just 61 in 2012 and 75 in 2013 crime. were referred. “The college is highly focused on rais- ing awareness, prevention and response to [email protected] Bridge Plan Would Bring Major Change to Three Notch Road By Guy Leonard needed improvement as both St. Mary’s and Staff Writer Calvert counties continue to grow in population. In 1990 there were 12,900 vehicles per day A proposed plan to replace the Thomas using the bridge, according to SHA statistics Johnson Bridge connecting St. Mary’s and but by 2007 that amount had more than doubled Calvert counties is already bringing signifi- to 27,000 vehicles each day. cant changes to the intersection of Route 235 The state estimates that by 2030 there will be and Route 4, the busiest intersection in the about 33,600 vehicles per day using the bridge. county, but the biggest change could be years The bridge is already susceptible to hours- away. long traffic jams if a vehicle breaks down or The plan proposed by State Highway Ad- gets into an accident on its relatively narrow ministration (SHA) engineers would create two-lane span. an urban interchange at the intersection lead- The state’s preferred replacement of the ing to the bridge that would have north-bound bridge would be four spans with two lanes run- Route 235 ride up over Route 4 like an over- ning east and west to either county. The state pass and continue back down. also includes pedestrian and bicycle paths that Some businesses that have access from the current spans does not. Route 235 would lose it if this portion of the But the actual completion of the new bridge project moves ahead but SHA representatives is dependent heavy funding that would likely said they were working on solutions to the come in large part from the federal government. problem. The cost of the span is estimated at between The urban interchange option was the best $650 million to $750 million in current dollars. option they could come up with, they said, since the traffic capacity at the intersection [email protected] Thursday, June 18, 2015 The County Times Local News 5 Officials: Unknown Just In Time For Father’s Day Suspect(s) Intentionally Set Multiple Fires Fruit Trees Crape Myrtle 2 Varieties of each are needed Knock-Out Roses All Sizes, All Colors for best fruit production. All Colors in Apartment % Buy 3 or more % 25 Off 20 Off When you buy 3 $ 88 When you buy 3 By Lauren Procopio apartment. or more Only 27 ea. or more Staff Writer The intentional fire caused an es- timated $5,000 in damages and offi- Authorities responded to Foxchase Drive cials confirmed that the smoke alarm in Great Mills early Sunday morning after was present and working properly.
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