This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com ~~ ·. ::··ot-·.' ·~ ' ' ·. ~ -.·., I ~ '• .. I ~El-iTJA.L ~ •> I lJ Fehrmry Jor,g ,_: _[ i j_ ,· I - ~. -. -~ . ...:, 1 ..:·· . :.. ;_. ;, 1... ' 'f' I 1 This fol<ier contains infcl":':'.at:Lm on t~e lJ.. k~erican stu~:e:1ts th~>t ve:r.t fro>"J . the ! oscO'.r Ycr;t~ Festival to C~ina. ~e inforration Yes r•reosrer. for l-7-? CE vori<-­ ! in~ ourooses. 7he r.eterial ~as. not been cerrlerl,~Jrl is non-recor·~, I ·! arid should be destroyed sc:meti'r:e 1---e~ore 1 January }':159. I~ . --~ -·'·: •:'· ,.,.,...,_. t .: ~~- I •--~ • .- •'. - -- ·~ '.. ~ -~ -·· _·._, .,·-·; _..,_··· 0 i ··.· 'l : ~ .. :,.· ~I · ·- ,, ·:.::_:. -... .·. f.S C~Pt ~~b--F~IY- I .. ~·~-'~~.-~;;:;:f?~~\:~~.,:*'::;,,_~,".;~;.t..;'~.... ;~;:.~~~~:;;;:;:-;;_~,.~~:-.;;_,i~:.;-;;:":,:;;~~.:.,...;..,..~.~J~.:::~:.::;:,.;.;::::.:: ... ::::-,'.:;;.. ,;:;.;: ··'···· :,,:·.. ..:. ~;z-...;;,.-':-,.:,;;:.: "'·-"'.,;;. ·~.- ~,_~· . -~ .. ~ . ,· ·;'.f .. ····- ..~!! ., ............ .~~ •' \ . ..• f I I ; ·.·i MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, FE-Z. CE. l i l SUBJECT: FUe-chec::k Results of the American Students in i China I ~ ·!. i 1. Cursory CUe-checks have been conducted on the American students :(J..:. that went from the Moscow Youth Festival to China and the results are J··.· attached hereto. ·y .., z. The file-checks are by no means complete, for they were conducted only for the purpose of deterinlning the subject1s political doctrines. I .'i ' I' i --~ ·-_J. I ! ! ··- ;. -L ,.:, '· ...·· t l Attachment: As stated above . !: Distribution: 1 .. -chief. FB-i! GE w!a-taehmerrt 1 .. IO Div. w/attachment -+=- Orili&at.GI" w /attachm:E£~ ~ '(<, .. · ,._ ~ .. ·-· ·, . ·.,·· .. - . ··.-.· ,_!.._'/· ·,:: ·.. ..... '• .... ·.,, .. , . .,.·•:'. ·.. · i SECRET . ' ·r·· ,. '.L;' .\· -' . ·.· -~' .< .'" • a, SECRET ·-. ~ .. -~ ·, -;." 1 .,. :~- :! American Student. in China . File Check Results i l i I I j j. I I f i I' \· i ! -. i i I i ·'i· 'i : 7 '·, •.' "a .-;. ,·,a.·:, -... _ . -~ ' 1. r ,. " -...---" ---- - 'l - 2.. Daniel M. O'Connell, a member of the American· youth group which toured Communist China after attending the Moscow Youth Festival, arrived in Hong Kong on 6 October 1957. O'Connell provided the Consulate General, Hong Kong, with information on some of the other members of the group. l He ha.d the following to say ~bout L~uis Al.honote: t •' - -·'. • i "Louis ALHONOTE, from Brooklyn, was mentally ill and had been told­ i by a doctor that he was paranoic. Once in a meeting of the American group when one of the other members disagreed with him, he dashed a glass cup against the wall. On a second such occasion, he threw a glass cup at Jake ROSEN, which caused Rosen to have three stitches in his chin and five in hls biceps •. This second incident was hushed up only with difficulty because the Chinese authorities learned of it when a doctor was called." ...... ' J ~ •. ••• ·.• . • .:-.!- ·-· -- '-. .:.-·-. ·.,.· ;. ··;_. -~- _:. .... _. SfCR£1 ALHONOTE, Louis _ ..-:·:. ·•. ·,. ·. ·~··: -- ·•-:-.:; :----.,..----~-...........---------------···-· -----·-·----~ ... ·- >.·. I .:<:-.~L .- . .:·;_ • '1 ,.~ • ·::· • ·=-~. ,.. ,_ ·-·~ ~.: ... ' •·• ·"·!' .-·~ ~~_··; ', .. ·.. ~ .. ' ., :, I -- ; t i . I I i .1· I .1- - American Student in China i ,, i >.{. l :r . i r File Check Results l \ ! +·.l 'i ·:1 i ., I .·.. ·,. t ""l· l I ..-.- .. ·J,: .·... l .q ; ! . ·""' :"" ~ .. : -· : _.·\, .-;: -;·,: : .. _:; ~ .. ,· -~ ...... ····--··.-. ··::-- .. _ .... __.,. AVEDISIAN, Sa.hag .. _,. ·. ~ ·' ~ . -. : .. ::-: . ···-·· . ... .. S!CRU • • J ., ;- • . _, .. - -·· ....... ·-·. -;.' ....... -_ ...... -· .. :.· •; SEC~ET . ; '';: ! r -· I'· t I I. - _.'. ·r. -;:_ ··:::·_. ~ Sa.hay Avidisia.n said he was not a Communist and never· had been, when questioned by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, on Zl Novem .. ber 1957. (New York Times, ZZ November 1957) I' !' ~> + J i' i ! 1 I l i j ,. !. i I I; I ; t I ' ·I 't· I i i ' I 1 :·.·-~--~-f .. • ~~-./~;... ~t~tf:·~,\~-t-~~ •I • '• ..-.~' I. -i• ~ •.. ~: •. I I I I !' ·:~<!-~, .. ..; ~r-<-, ., ., . "·-· .,_ >•·-'~- __ ,._,__ ,- ..... ,..• ~-- ... ''"-~="'r....... 'e"""-d] _· ..... ~.- .~~-· •. : ~· \;_ ..... .:_ I AVEDISI~~~iY0·: i ···~ .. :1:·:_:.;,~·- ...... ~ ""·'- .. :.:..!'.:.:'."&\i j --· (~~A .. i: -- . SEl:Jl£1 .:! .. :_"·:~~--~£>:~;;~: l-~~- ·-- ·--.-... _,,_,.,=,._,..~. ..,:=.-.-~,;-,_..""-""-'"·''•' ..~;·;·,r.":_..~.~ .. :.:.;.._;:JOY'!-'''"'-.-"'"-"" ·-··· ,.,.,._, __ . - , .. --------· ··"·-·---~ ~ : .l>·-. ~: ,. - ·-·. ~ ....... - ·. i- ' . ~ \ :;~:~7. '=: t ~:~.~~ {~~-.:~··:}~.•. ; . --.. ·' <; .. ·.~ F .. ~- '· .. 3 i " : t r i Ame-rican Student in China t . jc'< File Check Results I I I i .i 1- ·-.· 1. The IO Division1 s informants, that attended the Moscow Festi'lfal, .I.l were of the_ opinion that the subject was a. Left Winger. (IO Div.) ! I z. Sally M. Belfrage, born on 4 October 1936, is the daughter of j Cedric Hinning .Belfrage. Cedric was cr is the editor of the,publlcation, . y. "National Guardian," with offices located at 17 Murray ~treet, New York !: J City. He was reported to be a Communist Party member in England; "i·: served as a Soviet spy in 194Z or 1943, while he was attach_ed tO British ' J i .. ' ! , Intelligence in New York City; he and his wife admitted being Communists ,( i in 1937 or 1938; he held a Communist Party membership card in Hollywood, ! , ·· .;. I·: California, in 1937 or 1938; he has been a close associate of Soviet agents 1 . and known Communists and Communist sympathizers in the United States i and in Europe, since 1937; he has attended and spoken at numerous Coinm.u- i nist Party front organization functions; he has made pro-Russian state- i menta and disparaging remarks about tJ1e United States·. (DFB-Z66Z7, ll May 1953) l! . , • :-_._;;'i;:_}~.;~ ... L;; .. .:.:~~-" ;,~~---i. 3. Sally Belfrage1s f~ther, Cedric Belfrage, is a British subject ~o -.-·~-Fe:.;.:·'>:·~~:.· _,:,·:,<•·c.~·-.:··...-::·1 was deported from the Umted States and now resides at 16 Talbot Square, .-. · - · ~ ·.<e ''> · · London, England. (DFB-90733, 27 September 1957) 4. The following document pertains to 1he subject, however, efforts . :· to locate the document have been unsuccessful: DFB-88476. - ...-- · .. : SfCR£T BELFRAGE, Sally . ;.' ..-[: ;_._- .· ;_, " .~ .... ,:·- ._ _.·. i -~-··-.,...,---._. ____. ..... ..,,_..__=_..,..... ___ .... , - -~~----"',."'- ...... -... ..... ~.-..._,...fl....,.._.. __ ....._....._.,.u;s.:,.,_ _;,_.._,~o,.•----------~'. ....... .. ·. ~- . · :> -~ ........ r·_··. ... _ ,.... ~rT... ru;a l l I 5. Sally Belfrage's father, Cedric Belfrage, is a British-born magazine ! writer who was deported from the United States in ·1955, and is now writing i from Communist China. Komsomol Pravda on 10 September 1957 reprinted part of an article by Belfrage from the magazine Chinese Youth. The article echoed the Peiping line by c)l.irging the .United States with holding dozens of ~t Chinese students and refusing them visas except for Formosa. ! i i l i f' ·+. ~.. t ' _i .':!- ,- ,;. ' ' ;:f:!~?.~~;-~pri~fl :. ~'; ~-· . -· .. ..~..:~~~~~o~.!f·~~J;;-:-"!.,••,~rr,.'i,.!--:;.).:·;•~a~'~•":."•:-:••~:.::~ Y· ~).f~ :~.-~'C'~~-'···BELFRAGE. ,--., ~·:-· :.. - . ·. _:- -,- .- ~~~:~-- U?.t~.si/~~i~~" I ··:]:I - -' .I­ ·.·r . :. ~- ·o.; ... _·, - •. ~1 ... .c ,: ,'·· : SECRET .... .- ~;-i -. .- ·. American Student in China ·. ;id't· · ·· :):o.a - 3..:.. ll'l&lllte".l"~ _· .. , BLOCK, Morris . L.o.a. N£w Y• .:.t, New Y.!_~ File Check Results e:1. T- u.s.A. .l>ne>'f.< 4HJi''"z.:> ~s:sidencC- New 'for!< • - Passport No. 9Zl617 issued 4/12./56 1. The IO Division's informants that attended the Mosc~w , .. 'I·. Festival, were of the opinion that the subject was a Left Winger. I I (10 Div.) Ii· z. A report dated 29 October 1956, indicated that M. BLOCK, ! l 1718 Grand Avenue, New York City, had indicated a desire to travel I to Czechoslovakia. It was not known whether or not he had actually I filed for a. satellite. visa. · (DFB-73259, 19 November 1956, p. 4.) I 3. Morris BLOCK, residing at 421 7th Avenue, New York, New York, was listed as a reference by Grigory Lvovich SCHIFRIN I on his visa. application in 1954. SCHIFR.IN was reported to have been I linked with narcotic and diamond smuggling in 1946. (F JY A-5693, 1-- I ZZ March 1954.) I I 4. Morris S. BLOCH of 42.1 Seventh Avenue, New York City I. I: had known Rachel BEILIN since 1935 according to a report dated 11 I August 1953. Rachel BEILIN was believed to have formerly engaged in trafficking drugs in Shanghai and been involved in Russian espionage •. As of August 1953, Rachel BEILIN was residing with her husband .J· .Alexander, at 1566 Macombs Road, Bronx, New York. (DFB-2.9039, ._, -···:_" .. - 20 August 1953.) 5. Morris BLOCK, born 30 March 1920, New York, New York, was among those on a. list of persons denied security clearances pur­ SlLiWt to Executive Order 10173 as amended, dated 12. October 1953. ; - :. :. ·- ~ ~ .-. l '-':. -.. - .·: :__ : .. -!~-"::.- . 6. It has been reported that a certain Morris BLOCK, born 30- . .. .. - . March 19ZO at Ne_w York, and his wife, Mollie BLOCK, aged 37, United . · .. ·I ; .. ·:. States
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