VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS 2018 ANALYTICAL BOOK OF MADHYA PRADESH CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, MADHYA PRADESH INDEX 1. Election Program and Schedule. 2. Comparative figures of Vidhan Sabha Elections since 1985. 3. List of participating Political parties. 4. Party-wise Contestants, Won & Security Deposit Forfeited in various assembly elections since 1985. 5. Graphical analysis on Electors, Candidates, Votes polled and Political parties performance. 6. Part 1 : Electors details 7. Part 2 : Nominations and Contesting Candidate details 8. Part 3 : Election Result 9. Part 4 : Result Analysis MADHYA PRADESH VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS 2018 ELECTION PROGRAMME Schedule for General Elections to the Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh, 2018 (All 230 ACs) Poll Events Schedule Date of Issue of Gazette 02.11.2018 (FRIDAY) Notification Last Date of Nominations 09.11.2018 (FRIDAY) Date for Scrutiny of Nominations 12.11.2018 (MONDAY) Last Date for Withdrawal of 14.11.2018 (WEDNESDAY) candidatures Date of Poll 28.11.2018 (WEDNESDAY) Date of Counting 11.12.2018 (TUESDAY) Date before which election shall 13.12.2018 (THURSDAY) be completed I MADHYA PRADESH VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS-2018 COMPARATIVE FIGURES OF VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS SINCE 1985 YEAR 2018 2013 2008 2003 1998 1993 1990 1985 ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCIES TOTAL 230 230 230 230 320 320 320 320 GENERAL 148 148 148 155 201 201 201 201 SCHEDULED CASTE 35 35 35 34 44 44 44 44 SCHEDULED TRIBE 47 47 47 41 75 75 75 75 ELECTORS TOTAL 50495251 46609024 36277826 37936518 44861760 40212489 37941572 29172283 MALE 26362394 24551242 19140177 19797038 23241210 20710369 19376251 14810764 PERCENTAGE 52.20 52.67 52.76 52.18 51.81 51.50 51.54 50.77 FEMALE 24132857 22057782 17137649 18139480 21620550 19502120 18565321 14361519 PERCENTAGE 47.80 47.33 47.24 47.82 48.19 48.50 48.46 49.23 POLLING STATIONS TOTAL 65367 53946 46812 42276 56834 45628 44641 34012 IN GOVERNMENT 40791 54844 44365 43196 33031 BUILDING IN PRIVATE 1403 1624 809 688 370 BUILDING AVG. ELECTORS PER 772 864 775 895 789 881 842 858 POLLING STATION NOMINATIONS RECEIVED 3948 3741 4576 3061 4104 9301 10982 6192 REJECTED 480 655 824 564 1037 667 771 181 WITHDRAWN 569 503 573 326 557 4905 5995 2430 CONTESTANTS TOTAL 2899 2583 3179 2171 2510 3729 4216 2450 MALE 2644 2383 2958 1972 2329 3565 4066 2374 FEMALE 250 + 5TG 200 221 199 181 164 150 76 VOTES POLLED TOTAL VOTES 38189234 33619633 25224260 25510719 27012396 24194496 20378895 14524248 POLLED PERCENTAGE 75.63 72.13 69.78 67.25 60.21 60.17 54.21 49.79 VALID VOTES 38137978 33601052 25201868 25500373 26553391 23539290 19877031 14185229 REJECTED VOTES 51706 18581 22392 10346 459005 655206 501864 339019 PERCENTAGE 0.14 0.06 0.06 0.04 1.70 2.71 2.46 2.33 Number of Seats of MP reduced from 320 to 230 after the creation of Chhattisgarh State in year 2000. II MADHYA PRADESH VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS-2018 List of participating Political Parties ABBREVIATION PARTY NAME NATIONAL PARTIES 1 BJP Bharatiya Janata Party 2 BSP Bahujan Samaj Party 3 CPI Communist Party of India 4 CPM Communist Party of India (Marxist) 5 INC Indian National Congress STATE PARTIES - OTHER STATES 6 AAAP Aam Aadmi Party 7 AIFB All India Forward Bloc 8 BLSP Rashtriya Lok Samta Party 9 IUML Indian Union Muslim League 10 JD(S) Janata Dal (Secular) 11 SHS Shiv Sena 12 SP Samajwadi Party REGISTERED(Unrecognised) PARTIES 13 AABHAP Aajad Bharat Party (Democratic) 14 AaSamP Aadim Samaj Party 15 ABASP Akhil Bhartiya Aarakshit Samaj Party 16 ABGP Akhil Bhartiya Gondwana Party 17 ABHKP Akhil Bharatiya Hind Kranti Party 18 ABHM Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 19 ADAL Apna Dal (Soneylal) 20 AIDP All India Democratic Party 21 AINHCP All India Hindustan Congress Party 22 AKBHAD Akhil Bhartiya Apna Dal 23 AKSJP Anarakshit Samaj Party 24 ANSP Ahinsa Samaj Party 25 APoI Ambedkarite Party of India 26 AVIRP AARAKSHAN VIRODHI PARTY 27 AVVP Adhikar Vikas Party 28 BASD Bahujan Sangharshh Dal 29 BBPSP Brihattar Bharat Prajatantra Sewa Party 30 BGSP Bhartiya Gramin Samaj Party 31 BHAPP Bharatiya Prajashakti Party 32 BHBP Bharatiya Bahujan Party 33 BHJJGP Bhartiya Jan Jagrook Party 34 BHJMP Bharatiya Jan Morcha Party 35 BHSP Bhartiya Sarvsamaj Party 36 BJSPP Bhartiya Jan Sampark Party 37 bjyp Bhartiya Jan Yug Party 38 BMM Bundelkhand Mukti Morcha 39 BMUP Bahujan Mukti Party 40 BPAP Bhartiya Apna Adhikar Party 41 BRMD Bharatiya Rashtriya Mazdoor Dal 42 BRPP Bharatiya Republican Paksha 43 BRSP Bharatiya Rashtravadi Samanta Party 44 BSCP Bhartiya Shakti Chetna Party 45 BSKRP Bharatiya Sampuran Krantikari Party 46 BTP Bhartiya Tribal Party 47 BUNKD Bundelkhand Kranti Dal 48 BVD Bhartiya Veer Dal 49 BYPP Bhartiya Panchyat Party 50 DaVP Dalit Vikas Party(Bharat) 51 GGP Gondvana Gantantra Party 52 HCP Hind Congress Party 53 IMPI The Imperial Party of India 54 INCP Indian New Congress Party 55 IPBP India Praja Bandhu Party 56 IVD Inqalab Vikas Dal 57 JAC Janata Congress 58 JANADIP Jan Adhikar Party 59 JANKP Jan Kalyan Party 60 JLokP Jai Lok Party 61 JNSMP Jan Samman party 62 JPJD Jai Prakash Janata Dal 63 JSVP Jan Sangharsh Virat Party 64 KRJAP Kranti Janshakti Party 65 LJD Loktantrik Janta Dal 66 LPSP Lokpriya Samaj Party 67 LSWP Loktantrik Samajwadi Party 68 MAHP Mahanwadi Party 69 MD Mahan Dal 70 MNDP Minorities Democratic Party 71 MPJVP Madhya Pradesh Jan Vikas Party 72 NBP Naya Bharat Party 73 NINSHAD Nirbal Indian Shoshit Hamara Aam Dal 74 PBI Proutist Bloc, India 75 PHSP Pichhra Samaj Party 76 PMSP Pragatisheel Manav Samaj Party 77 PPID Peoples Party of India (Democratic) 78 PRBP Peoples Republican Party 79 PRSP Prajatantrik Samadhan Party 80 PSPU Pichhara Samaj Party United 81 PSS Proutist Sarva Samaj 82 PuPP Public Political Party 83 RaJPa Rashtriya Jankranti Party 84 RAPty Rashtriya Aamjan Party 85 RAVAP Rashtriya Vanchit Party 86 RGOP Rashtriya Gondvana Party 87 RJBP Rashtriya Jansambhavna Party 88 RKIVP Rashtriya Kisan Vikas Party 89 RKSP Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party 90 RMGP Rashtriya Mahan Gantantra Party 91 RPB Rashtravadi Party (Bharat) 92 RPI Republican Party of India 93 RPI(A) Republican Party of India (A) 94 RRSM Rashtriya Rakshak Morcha 95 RsAD Rashtriya Apna Dal 96 RSGP Rashtriya Garima Party 97 RsJnP Rashtravyapi Janta Party 98 RSMD Rashtriya Samanta Dal 99 RSOSP Rashtriya Shoshit Samaj Party 100 RSPS Rashtriya Samaj Paksha 101 RSYSP Rashtriya Sanyukt Samaj Party 102 RTJAWP Rashtriya Jan Awaz Party 103 RTKP Rashtriya Kranti Party 104 SADSP Saman Aadmi Saman Party 105 SaJPCs Samajwadi Janata Party (ChandraShekhar) 106 SAMSAMPA Sampoorna Samaj Party 107 SamSP Samata Samadhan Party 108 SBIP Swarnim Bharat Inquilab Party 109 SDP(MP) Sarvadharam Party (Madhya Pradesh) 110 SJVP Sanjhi Virasat Party 111 SP(I) Socialist Party (India) 112 SPAKP Sapaks Party 113 SSD Shoshit Samaj Dal 114 SSKP Sarva Samaj Kalyan Party 115 SUCI Socialist Unity Centre Of India (Communist) 116 SVSP Savarn Samaj Party 117 swbi Swarnim Bharat Inquilab 118 SWJP Samajwadi Jan Parishad 119 VSP Vishva Shakti Party INDEPENDENTS 120 IND Independent 121 NOTA None of the Above III MADHYA PRADESH VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS-2018 Party-wise Contestants, Won & Security Deposit Forfeited in various assembly elections since 1985 YEAR 2018 2013 2008 2003 1998 1993 1990 1985 TOTAL 230 230 230 230 320 320 320 320 Contestants BSP 227 BSP 227 BSP 228 BSP 157 BSP 170 BSP 287 BSP 187 Won 2 4 7 2 11 11 2 SDF 202 194 182 122 120 234 171 Contestants BJP 230 BJP 230 BJP 228 BJP 230 BJP 320 BJP 320 BJP 269 BJP 313 Won 109 165 143 173 119 116 220 58 SDF 1 1 7 8 13 11 9 54 Contestants CPI 18 CPI 23 CPI 21 CPI 17 CPI 33 CPI 63 CPI 60 CPI 77 Won 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 SDF 18 23 21 16 28 57 53 40 Contestants CPI(M) 13 CPI(M) 8 CPI(M) 13 CPI(M) 9 CPI(M) 12 CPI(M) 16 CPI(M) 18 CPI(M) 15 Won 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 SDF 13 8 13 8 5 6 13 5 Contestants INC 229 INC 229 INC 228 INC 229 INC 316 INC 319 INC 319 INC 320 Won 114 58 71 38 172 174 56 250 SDF 9 10 20 19 12 8 16 1 Contestants - NCP 72 NCP 2 NCP 150 - - - - Won 0 0 1 SDF 72 2 103 Contestants SP 52 SP 164 SP 186 SP 161 SP 94 - - - Won 1 0 1 7 4 SDF 45 161 183 146 84 Contestants - JD(U) 22 JD(U) 50 JD(U) 36 JD(U) 144 JD(U) 260 JD(U) 115 JD(U) 174 Won 0 0 1 1 4 28 5 SDF 21 50 33 135 237 54 149 Contestants GGP 73 GGP 63 GGP 93 GGP 61 - - - - Won 0 0 0 3 SDF 68 62 93 51 Contestants IND 1094 IND 1090 IND 1400 IND 879 IND 900 IND 1792 IND 2707 IND 1437 Won 4 3 3 2 9 8 10 6 SDF 1074 1074 1386 869 866 1774 2665 1404 Contestants TOTAL 2899 TOTAL 2583 TOTAL3178 TOTAL2171 TOTAL2510 TOTAL3729 TOTAL 4216 TOTAL 2450 Won 230 230 230 230 320 320 320 320 SDF 2390 2080 2368 1655 1775 2907 3521 1791 IV MADHYA PRADESH VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS-2018 Election 2018 2013 2008 2003 1998 1993 1990 1985 Year Male 26362394 24568405 19140177 19773658 23241210 20710369 19376251 14810764 Female 24132857 22063354 17137649 18071880 21620550 19502120 18565321 14361519 Total 50495251 46631759 36277826 37845538 44861760 40212489 37595559 29172283 Election Year 2018 2013 2008 2003 1998 1993 1990 1985 Nominations 3948 3741 4576 3061 4104 9301 10982 6192 Received Rejected 480 655 824 564 1037 667 771 181 Withdrawn 569 503 573 326 557 4905 5995 2430 Contesting 2899 2583 3179 2171 2510 3729 4216 2450 Candidate MADHYA PRADESH VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS-2018 Election Year 2018 2013 2008 2003 1998 1993 1990 1985 Total Contesting 2899 2583 3179 2171 2510 3729 4216 2450 Candidates Male Candidates 2644 2383 2958 1972 2329 3565 4066 2374 Female Candidates 255 200 221 199 181 164 150 76 Election Year 2018 2013 2008 2003 1998 1993 1990 1985 Male 91.2 92.26 93.05 90.83 92.79 95.6 96.44 96.9 Female 8.8 7.74 6.95 9.17 7.21 4.4 3.56 3.1 MADHYA
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