N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 260/2,165-171 Article published online March 2011 Synopsis of fossil decapod crustaceans from Slovakia (Western Carpathians) Matus Hyzny With 1 figure and 1 table HYZNY, M. (2011): Synopsis of fossil decapod crustaceans from Slovakia (Western Carpathians). - N. lb. Geol. Paliiont. Abh., 260: 165-171; Stuttgart. Abstract: In the past only very few works dealt with fossil decapod crustaceans from Slovakia. The systematic research of this group has never been fully conducted there. This contribution provides a short review of all known Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil decapod occurrences. So far, most of the taxa were described from the Eocene and Miocene strata. Key words: Decapod crustaceans, Slovakia, Mesozoic, Eocene, Miocene. 1. Introduction 2. Studied material The presence of fossil decapod crustaceans from the Material shortly reviewed here is deposited in several insti- area, which is today Slovakia, is known since 19th tutions and private collections in Slovakia, namely Prfrodo- vedne muzeum SNM (Bratislava), Muzeum Spisa (Spisskli century (REuss 1859). However, until very recently Nova Yes), Liptovske muzeum - Cierny Orol (Liptovsky only little attention, has been paid to the systematic Mikulas) and Department of Geology and Palaeontology, research of this arthropod group in this area. Thus it Comenius University (Bratislava). has virtually no history in Slovakia, except the scatte- The material can be divided in three groups: 1) Taxa red mentions of the occurrences of fossil decapods in collected and described personally by myself; 2) taxa depo- sited in the museums or other institutions and examined by the literature which have rather informative character myself; and 3) taxa mentioned in the literature only and still (e.g. PAPsovA 1970, 1975, 1977, 1978; PAPsovAin GROSS waiting for the re-examination. Fossil decapod crustaceans et al. 1973; FILO & SIRANOvA1996; KREMPASKA1998). are known from several formations mainly of Cenozoic age. The only systematic works dealing partly with fossil Up to date over 20 genera in 17 families including 6 new decapod crustaceans from today's Slovakia are those species have been identified (see Table 1). Still, there is yet undescribed material from several 10- by REuss (1859), DORNYAY(1913) and LORENTHEY& calities of the middle Miocene age known to me and pre- BEURLEN(1929). Several occurrences are also menti- vious studies on many geological units were simply not oned in a palaeontological textbook by HousA in SPI- focused on fossil decapods. Although a great collecting NARet al. (1966). bias should be considered when making further conclusions The aim of this contribution is to provide a list of from the presented results, in some cases the studied mate- rial provides enough data for considering palaeoecological all occurrences of fossil decapod crustaceans from and palaeobiogeographical implications (HYZNY & SCHLOGL Slovakia known to date. However, it should be con- in press). sidered as the preliminary one, as the research is still ongomg. © 2011 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany www.schweizerbart.de 001: 10.1127/0077-7749/2011/0164 0077-7749/2011/0164 $ 1.50 166 M. Hyzny Mesozoic: From Slovakia there are very few Mesozo- REUSS1859: pI. 4, figs. 4-5; compare with the comments ic occurrences of decapods known. This may in part by LORENTHEY& BEURLEN1929: 12, 109). The place of be attributed to collection failure. repository of the specimen is unknown. LORENTHEY& The oldest decapod remain from Slovakia is one BEURLEN(1929: 33) noted the late Oligocene age of the left propodus of a presumed paguroid anomuran from specimen, however, the more recent geological survey the Pliensbachian of the Bela Unit (MAHEr: 1959). If its of the area identified the surrounding of the locality as affinity was confirmed it would be one of the oldest a part of the exposed Tomasovce Mb. and yielded the fossil representatives of that group. Priabonian - early Oligocene age (predominantly latest From the middle Oxfordian of the Bohunice For- Priabonian) (FILO & SIRANovA1996). Remains of fos- mation (MISiK et ai. 1994) several specimens assign- sil crabs of Tomasovce Mb. exposed in the same area able to decapod crustaceans come from (HYZNY & (locality Sedlice) are mentioned by PAPsovA in GROSS SCHLOGL2009). All material originates from a sin- et ai. (1973). gle layer of white ammonite coquina (Gregoryceras From Durkovec quarry (Hornadska kotlina Dep- transversarium Zone) at the locality Stepnicka skala ression, northeastern Slovakia), the stratotype loca- (AUBRECHTet ai. 2002; AUBRECHT& JAMRICHovA2009). lity of the Tomasovce Mb., quantitatively rich deca- It comprises one almost complete internal mould of pod fauna has been collected (HYZNY2007). Several a dorsal carapace of Tanidromites insignis (v. MEYER, species have been identified: Ranina sp. (presumably 1857), three propodi of indeterminate anomurans or a new species), Calappilia tridentata (BEURLEN,1939) brachyurans, and further unidentifiable crustacean (Fig. ID) and Coelom a vigil A. MILNE-EDWARDS,1865 fragments. The material of Tanidromites SCHWEITZER (Fig. IB). At the same locality also heavily bioturba- & FELDMANN,2008 is the only occurrence of a Jurassic ted horizons occur with very abundant Thalassinoides crab reported from the Pieniny Klippen Belt and from burrows. These horizons usually yield very few deca- Slovakia as well. pod body fossils (pers. obs.). The presence of indeterminate decapod remains Paleogene: The Borove Formation (GROSSet ai. 1984) at several other localities of presumed middle to late of the Subtatric Group is known of several brychyuran Eocene age of Liptovska kotlina Depression were re- genera originating from several localities of middle and ported by PAPsovA (1970, 1975, 1978). Similarly, de- upper Eocene age. capods were reported from borehole cores NB-l and Decapods from middle Eocene strata of the Borove S2-NB of the Paleogene basement of the Danube Ba- Fm. of Liptovska kotlina Depression have been known sin and the regions of Banska Bystrica and Brezno since the work of DORNYAY(1913) who reported the (PAPsovA 1977). presence of Harpactoxanthopsis quadrilobata (DEs- MAREST,1822) at the locality Mnich near the town of Neogene: In Slovakia there are several depositional Ruzomberok (Rozsahegy). The presence of the species basins filled with sediments of Miocene age forming was confirmed by LORENTHEY& BEURLEN(1929) and once parts of Central Paratethys. PAPsovA (1970). LORENTHEY& BEURLEN(1929) men- The lower Miocene (upper Karpatian) sediments of tioned from the same area also Raninoides fabianii Laksarska Nova Ves Fm. of the Vienna Basin yielded (LORENTHEYin LORENTHEY& BEURLEN,1929) and Har- up to now six species (HYZNY& SCHLOGLin press): Cal- pactocarcinus punctulatus A. MILNE-EDWARDS,1862. lianopsis sp. nov., Crosniera sp. nov., Agononida sp. From the upper Eocene strata of the Ruzomberok nov., Munidopsis sp. nov., Mursia sp. nov., and Styri- area DORNYAY(1913) reported Lophoranina bittneri oplax exiguus (GLAESSNER,1928). The representatives (LORENTHEY,1902) and L. reussi (WOODWARD,1866). of Crosniera KENSLEY& HEARD,1991 and Agononida However, the re-examination of the material deposited BABA& DESAINTLAURENT,1996 are the first members in the Liptovske Muzeum in Liptovsky Mikulas revea- of these genera known from the fossil record. The whole led the presence of L. reussi only (HYZNY2010). decapod association is dominated by ctenochelid Cal- Several brachyuran genera have been identified lianopsis sp. nov. representing more than 90 % of more in the upper Eocene Tomasovce Member (FILO & than 120 studied specimens. The association indicates SIRANovA1996) of the Borove Fm. The first mention deep-water conditions (HYZNY& SCHLOGLin press). is that by REUSS(1859) who described Ranina hazslin- In the middle Miocene (lower Badenian) deposits skyi from Radacs (today's Radatice, eastern Slovakia) of the Plast'ovce Mb. (VASS 1971) of the Sebechleby on the basis of a rather poorly preserved specimen (see Fm. of the Novohrad Basin (southern Slovakia) various Synopsis of fossil decapod crustaceans from Slovakia 167 Fig. 1. Some Cenozoic decapod crustaceans from Slovakia. A - Szaboa inermis (BROCCHI,1883); inner mould of right cheliped consisting of carpus, propodus and dactylus, Studienka Fm., Sandberg. B - Coeloma vigil A. MILNE-EDWARDS,1865; dorsal carapace preserved in the sandstone nodule, Borove Fm., Hlinisko. C - Tasadia carniolica (BITINER,1884); imprint of dorsal carapace, Sebechleby Fm., PhiSt'ovce, whitened with ammonium chloride. D - Calappilia tridentata (BEURLEN, 1939); dorsal carapace, Borove Fm., Durkovec. E - Calappa heberti BROCCHI,1883; isolated left propodus, Studienka Fm., Sandberg. F - Retropluma borealis FRAAlJE,HANSEN& HANSEN,2005; imprint of dorsal carapace, Sebechleby Fm., PhiSt'ovce.- Scale bars equal 1 em. decapod species were identified coming from several body fossils (HYZNY in press). Both species are cur- localities around the PhiSt'ovce village (SUKATCHEVAet rently under detailed revision (HYZNYin prep.). Anoth- al. 2006). The most abundant are commonly complete er facies exposed at the localities of Devln-Merice and individuals of Tasadia carniolica (BITTNER,1884) (Fig. Sandberg contain remains of Calappa heberti BRoc- Ie). Less frequent are Jaxea kuemeli BACHMAYER,1954 CHI, 1883 (Fig. IE), Szaboa inermis (BROCCHI,1883) (see HYZNY20ll, this volume) and Retropluma borealis (Fig. lA), Tasadia carniolica (BITTNER,1884) and yet FRAAuE, HANSEN& HANSEN,2005
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