C M Y K Yxxx,2011-07-16,A,001,Bs-BK,E2 SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2011 VOL.CLX . No. 55,468 © 2011 The New York Times SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2011 FALLBACK MOVING 2 TOP OFFICIALS TO FORE AS TALKS LEAVE NEWS CORP. ON BUDGET STALL IN PRESS SCANDAL OBAMA SIGNALS SUPPORT APOLOGIES BY MURDOCH Claiming Public’s on His Crisis Claims a British Side, President Still Executive and a Key Urges ‘Big Deal’ U.S. Publisher By JOHN F. BURNS By JACKIE CALMES and JEREMY W. PETERS and CARL HULSE LONDON — The crisis rattling WASHINGTON — With talks Rupert Murdoch’s global media on a big budget deal at a stale- empire claimed the two highest- mate, Congressional leaders level executives yet on Friday af- turned Friday to negotiating a ter days of mounting pressure fallback plan for raising the debt from politicians and investors on limit as President Obama and two continents. House Republicans intensified Les Hinton, the publisher of their efforts to win over public The Wall Street Journal since opinion for the long battle ahead. 2007, who oversaw Mr. Murdoch’s Given the impasse, House Re- British newspaper subsidiary publicans scheduled a vote for when voice mail hacking by jour- Tuesday on a measure that would nalists was rampant, and Rebek- ah Brooks, who has run the Brit- cut deeply into the federal budg- ish papers since 2009 and become et, cap government spending for TYLER HICKS/THE NEW YORK TIMES the target of unrelenting public the years ahead and approve a outrage, both resigned in the lat- constitutional amendment re- A woman caring for her malnourished child in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, where Somalis have fled to escape drought. est blow to the News Corporation quiring a balanced budget. The and its besieged chairman. Democratic-controlled Senate At first incensed by the assault may vote Wednesday on a bal- on his company’s reputation, Mr. anced budget amendment. Libya Rebels Get FormalBacking, and $30 Billion Misery Follows Murdoch insisted as late as While neither measure will be- Thursday that the executives had come law, given Democrats’ op- Miseryognition to the main opposition Followstraditional public services as — to As Somalis Try performed “excellently” in deal- position, Republicans are eager group, known as the Transitional pay for health care and electrical ing with the crisis since it erupt- By SEBNEM ARSU to show their conservative base National Council. power, for example — one of the ed two weeks ago. He was said to that they are not retreating, and and STEVEN ERLANGER “We will help the T.N.C. sustain council’s immediate priorities is To Flee Hunger be loath to lose either of them, that they will press their case for Somalisits commitment Try to the sovereign- to Flee Hunger ISTANBUL — The United arming and training its fighters and became convinced that they vastly shrinking the government States formally recognized the ty, independence, territorial in- so they can finally defeat the had to leave only over the last through the 2012 elections. rebel leadership in Libya as the tegrity and nationalby unity Jeffrey of Lib- Gettlemanforces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi. By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN several days, as executives and ya,” Mrs. Clinton said, “and we Mr. Obama signaled that he country’s legitimate government But even a major increase in fi- DADAAB, Kenya — The people outside advisers flew in to help on Friday, allowing the rebel gov- will look to it to remain steadfast would support the fallback plan, nancing for the rebel war effort is start trudging in at dawn, more manage the crisis from their ernment access to $30 billion in in its commitment to human proposed by Senator Mitch Mc-DADAAB, Kenya — The people start trudging in at notdawn, expected more to yield than immediate a thousandthan aevery thousand day, every exhausted, day, ex- gleaming granite and glass of- Libyan assets held in the United rights and fundamental free- Connell of Kentucky, the Repub- results on the battlefield, accord- hausted, sick and starving, mate- fices in Wapping, East London. sickStates. and It isstarving, not yet clear materializing how and doms.” out of the thin desert air to take their places at the gates of the world’s lican minority leader, which ing to senior officials involved in rializing out of the thin desert air In arriving at the final decision, when the money would be re- The decision by Washington would allow for the debt limit to the NATO-led air campaign to take their places at the gates of Mr. Murdoch was joined by his largestleased. refugee camp, here innot northern only increased Kenya. diplomatic be raised and defer the bigger against Colonel Qaddafi. The the world’s largest refugee camp, two sons, James and Lachlan, Secretary of State Hillary Rod- pressure on Colonel Qaddafi to budget fight. rebels are severely lacking in here in northern Kenya. and Joel I. Klein, a senior News ham Clinton said at an interna- step down, but also held the pros- Corporation executive and for- But the president used his training as well as equipment, They are fleeing one of the tional They gathering are fleeingheld to discuss one ofpect the of worst funneling droughts money to rebels in Somalia in 60 years and many have walked for weeksmer New York City Schools chan- third news conference in two and NATO has been frustrated by worst droughts in Somalia in 60 the Libyan conflict that Col. to propel an offensive that has cellor. weeks to call again for a “big the rebels’ inability to organize years and many have walked for throughMuammar an el-Qaddafi’s anarchic govern-landscapeproceeded replete in fits with and starts. bandits and militants but little food. The resignations came on a deal” of up to $4 trillion in 10-year themselves into a force strong weeks through an anarchic land- ment no longer had any legitima- Although American officials day when Mr. Murdoch made a savings from spending cuts andBy the time they get here, many can barely stand or talk or swallow. Some mothersscape repletehave evenwith bandits shown and up cy, and that the United States expressed hope that the newly enough to topple the govern- series of public mea culpas. He tax increases on the wealthy and militants but little food. withwould the join bodies more than of shriveled30 coun- recognized babies strappedTransitional toNational their backs.ment, even with thousands of air- wrote a letter to be published in corporations. And he claimed to By the time they get here, have public opinion — including a tries in extending diplomatic rec- Council would use the money for Continued on Page A6 all British newspapers over the many can barely stand or talk or weekend acknowledging that the Continued on Page A12 swallow. Some mothers have company did not address its Abdio Ali Elmoi clutches her son, Mustapha, whose eyes are dimming. Her face is grooved with even shown up with the bodies of problems soon enough. “We are grief. She has already lost three children to gaajo, or hunger, a common word aroundshriveled babieshere. strapped to their sorry,” it begins. As a Watchdog backs. He also visited the family of a Abdio Ali Elmoi clutches her murdered 13-year-old girl, Milly Starves, Wall St. son, Mustapha, whose eyes are Dowler, whose voice mail was dimming. Her face is grooved hacked by reporters at The News with grief. She has already lost of the World while she was still Is Tossed a Bone three children to gaajo, or hun- listed as missing. According to ger, a common word around here. the Dowler family’s lawyer, Mark “I walked all day and all night,” Lewis, Mr. Murdoch held his The economy is still suffering she whispered, barely able to head in his hands and apologized from the worst financial crisis speak. “Where I come from, for the actions of his employees, since the Depression, and wide- there is no food.” who deleted phone messages af- spread anger persists that finan- Somalia is once again spewing ter the girl’s mailbox had been cial institutions that caused it re- misery across its borders, and filled so they could collect more ceived bailouts of billions of tax- once again man-made dimen- new messages. payer dollars and sions are making this natural dis- Mr. Lewis said that Mr. Mur- JAMES B. haven’t been held aster more acute. doch apologized “many times,” accountable for The Islamist militants control- and that he was “very humbled, STEWART any wrongdoing. ling southern Somalia forced out he was very shaken and he was Yet the House Ap- Western aid organizations last very sincere.” COMMON propriations Com- SENSE year, yanking away the only safe- Whether these actions will do mittee has re- ty net just when the soil was dry- anything to quiet the backlash sponded by starving the agency ing up and the drought was com- against the News Corporation is responsible for bringing financial wrongdoers to justice — while Continued on Page A3 Continued on Page A5 putting over $200 million that could otherwise have been spent DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES on investigations and enforce- President Obama held his third White House news conference in two weeks on Friday. ment actions back into the pock- ets of Wall Street. A few weeks ago, the Republi- can-controlled appropriations committee cut the Securities and A Voice for Those Silenced in a Mobster’s Reign Exchange Commission’s fiscal 2012 budget request by $222.5 ing that all of Boston had just “To be honest with you,” Mr.
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