" P: *(.'< > THE GENTLE AR'r J£|V- y BEN BAN'S TOBOGGAN > OF ElOUBLE-CROSSING-gtfmttBm: ''i. '& $: -'iSHI RECALLS MAPTIN'S TWIN CITY C. C. Pettus. and the colt wa» running for hi* owner In By the Clarence L. Cullen. with short hair pound each other into Writteo for The Bur. race. By minced hamburger. Amonic those) opposed to Tom Martin In Tt Isn't any thing: that many of The home train that carries the the race likely There were two big mlxed-alers in vl Kreat Wither*' four-year-old double- ,1 T>arlr ttnr?. was a , * these pugilistic persons.the then who hated each other withChicago iiuiBvo viui »j iu niiu ii viii u>v4»ivn»rareDolfMAnt the favorite. He had »»< ;/'Kingliketh« most ferocious and hatred. ^ best of the crowed and the double-rrossers.have blood-shot-eyed r-x-j^^?-';-; -viv-.v - £3Si.w;SM would not have contained handicap liorm-a before him bL v \ "~i iiaiWrr^^^^***tillM,i"i Bay Sheepshead Their \ Yet most of them. names were Bob Calhoun and Pat S " for Monmouth Park, carrylnu more w«-lnht ever heard of Aesop. Mulvihlll. One was a teamster and the other Ben Ban, the Toboggan winner, but than he was asked must have to pick up In the Twill If they have any wit at all, rt tu'iyrr, itui iney were maimy nu((e levue the advice of Trainer Joyner. Trainer John City. heard about the goose that laid the loafers who knew pretty well how to tight, Hugging had decided not to send the Auction pools sold Ktngllke $500. eggs and the greed-obsessed fool as the fighting game was known at that colt for the but that entry HU>, Jack of Hearts LortllardW<*». gulden day. I don't know what their up race, morningDuryearGleaner Gen. that killed that same goose. The one gTouch him that the mud would $3GO, Monroe $360, Kern Kyla against each other was about, and It Joyner persuaded $250. Thackeray and the field (with thing about them that Is dead certain is doesn't make a particle of difference, give Ben Ban a chance at his light weight. eleven horses in lt» 11 (*10 TVii« t>. that, like the fool in the old Greek fable, It suffices that they loathed anyhow.each And the colt was bundled aboard field the favorite in the other and hastily auctions, and surely are engaged in slaughtering could be kept from each other's the train. a wide range of speculation thatshowed they throats in their peregrinations around the the tlielr gnose of the auriferous eggs Ben Ban had shown last fall that he was uncertain character of omphasizedtho levee only by the imin tugging strength contest. Certainly at the O'Brien Isn't iiny bullet head. He never of some dozens of their friends. a in mud. And weights nearly respective shifty sprinter, especially every horse In It looked to have a chance. belonged to the low-brows. Vet he Is They had fought a thlrty-two-round draw so when Herman Duryea, his owner, and in a north side barn the and Tom Martin's the man who has administered what year before, Mrs. found on at Belmont Victory. were pretty evenly matched for Duryea arriving In the to be one of the final Park that had to books as much as 25 and 30 to 1. may prove I think it was Parson Davies,art-pounders.who Joyner persuaded Hugplns ruled blows at the game in the then ran a saloon on I^a Salle street In start the did not let him run against Tom Martin in spite of fighting crushing colt, they clever hiaj ITnited States. Chicago, who arranged the fight between even such as warm-up. The general body of the two which I saw.the double-crossing loose, against sprinters and There are mighty few strongholds of McCarter, They're Off and Red River, backers, like the colt's owner. layersdl4 affair. The tip was let out among the Hallfax,not take his form pugilism left in the whole country. "bunch" that the thing would come off In obtaining as much aa 30 to 1 against their Brighton any too for he had not beaten a presently. If the many Presently.verysigns the woods near Evansville, Indiana, down son of Ben Strome. hors^ atseriously.the > mean whole situation will the Illinois Central quite a good piece out and are Beach that was the equal of a doaen h« anything.the of and that seats in the But neither Mr. Mrs. Duryea was Chicago, special and their on meeting in the Twin City. l.e sewed up. The thing will die of train, including the at the would heavy speculators, wagers owner peek fight, ^y^<<f ^ y their colt were merely sentimental, as far 8tlll, Fox's confidence nearly which Is another way of sayingInanition.cost $10 per throw. equaled that of WeBt a* the track a,^:^7^ tu ainuunis w«ni. l lie ikjl'imiuii, grtW Two weeks before It itugt? a ii nl Int.. thA that It will expire for lack of gate the fight took place, illustrates afresh the muddler. Arut wimnilaelnn was fixe.1.that is to say, the fixers thought great However, was the If curiosity killed a cat then and ring duplicated by Louisville dole- . receipts.it was fixed. It was arranged that of the sport when owners uncertaintyRation. for a sure will kill, if it have to be coaxed to start a horse that Supplemented by the I>ak<-!ands. thing- fukery shoukl put it over Calhoun after Mulvihlllabout trainers Engemans and other beach combers from has not already killed, prize fighting. ten founds, Calhoun taking a comparatively show* later that he can win. Luck often over of the Brighton, Martin's odds were backed down Horse racing has few strongholds left small piece of money for his bit as the Judgment to 16 to 1 at post time. West stood to win nrlc-e of his lav-down Thus it was all net. firedotnlnatesof their animals. capacities in this country.and are none so $10,000 on him In the future book,«. they All hands in on the deal went about Pierre Lorlllard had decided not to strong, either.solely owing to the among ALBERT. afterward the Derby In spite of the pouring rain Fox. West, the marks they could find and bet all the 8. g. (4) by Oorcrnor Stanford, 2.3!1'4; dam Virginia Maid, by Albert W., 2.20, all* of Llttla Albert, 2.10. Oorbtn rrp. Iroquois, Bpsom IncludeLakeland and other backers of Tom Mar- into which the game fell coin on winner, with the horses going over owingdisrepute they could lay hand to Mulvihlll. (Photo by Staff Photographer.) un went over Into the Infield to see the to the The two were well known he was a small yearling; but because the trickery, outright crookedness, fighters pretty Charles Foster of the New York race. Young Church's orders were to In/ of Its manipulators. Hlcycle racing around Chicago at the time, having been Editoras near the leaders as he could for six at the third-raters of their WILLIAM MORRIS' seen, is Inbred to the leading sire of over 10.1 and Is galted to go fast when he persuaded him to send the coltSportsmanto the use pummellng away ALBERT. have been educated and and then to make his run. as Martin would have survived general of own class several so Electioneer, he having 158 trotterstrotters,In shall properly jungiana on account 01 ms peerless furlongs, for years, that the the 2.30 while his closest sufficient track work. Alonzo Corbln was a fast rater and not a colt of the bicycle in this country had it not betting was active, and the fixers stood to list, Onward, given And other similar cases could b« cited. great Very little that is new can be said about has only 152, Nutwood 137 and Red IIUS I11II1 111 lia.HU H.L prCJBtflll, OUl tO UlUIIkW Dreealng.speed. been for the knavery that grew up In win a great big hunk on the arranged competitor, In the early 80s Peter Fox of Louisville LVttle Albert to horsemen who are regular Wilkes, which ranks third, 127. As a rule Cannon should be given the credit of a yearling colt by Longfellow "Georgie" Church, knowing what connection with it. Bicycle racing is outcome. the Electioneers trot fast early, and, at one him the greater part of what he now purchased sort of a colt he had under him. fulfilled The train which we took at about 10 of the green sheet of The Sunday readersStar. teachingout of Athal&rlc by Oilroy. The colt did not these still a big thing in France and Germany, He time or another, have held world's records knows. No young trotter owned In much as a and was orders to the letter. Although tho o'clock was delayed by a hot-box and Is the highest exponent of modern a more grow two-year-old -he but some reports which have trickled over for all ages from one to five years, and, in has brilliant futureWashingtonthan a chance to but not starting position iiad at the post was next to th? other such incidents, so that the ringside Dreedlng, being by Governor Stanrora. crown entire Albert. He is bred has given mature, extreme he Martin off here of lute seem to indicate that the nrhir'h was n urn Ik nf twr» milp.s frOTtl the addition, the stallion for aged right, galted right, he was three of outside, got tinder & son and out him at all until years age.
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