SA,ts ,N »HE sunset’ •! i ; i ...v KING” COLE iPITOL news PAGE 3 Pave Dexter’s surface Bob Crosby and his mu­ The Winnah: Jim Mcfadden ni aggregations have een supplying record New Jersey submitted the most letters of any sloi , . Texas was second and Ohio, third. The mail flowed - ® *°P W O X in g S Most of the letters were carefully written, sincerely wrilli « a period of 15 years. For by jazz fans who desperately want hot music to pros» efirst time a Bob Crosby band O nly one reader—an illite ra te in Pasco, Wash.—flipped! ¡1 appear on the Capitol label, wig with a vicious, unprintable entry. made the switch in late Entries from pro writers and radio ¡ocks were eliminate 1,69011 assembllns and only because it seemed unfair for the non-pro ¡azz en J « in9 ,he ba" d ,ha’ apF>earS siasts to be expected to compete. And so, special mentia1 current releases­ goes to Bill Dooley, W eslaco, Texas; G loria Coombs, Sail lob comes to Capitol prepared Monica; Vince Land, Dallas; Barbara Loveland, Teaned 'give the full treatment. First New Jersey, and to Jan Brunvand, Lansing, Mich., ar dss feature the "Bobcats" w ith Vince D'Auria, Jr., Uniontown, Pa. <! stellar performers from the The winner? Announcing Jim Mcfadden of 1023 Foi '9inal ” ,cat” outfit as: Eddie Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio, as this month's guest ci ^ Baucluc' N aPPY La_ umnist and recipient of the $25 check will make geI|, Matty Matlock, Charlie Tea- a bum with some of the other entrants. But we'd like ’*"- Zeke ZarcheY- Bob Wl11 think that Jim's views are logical, non-prejudiced a. ” " cord wi,h a. fu ,!l b a n d a n d sincerely expressed-in the Interests of jazz and jazzmi- augment Capitol's list o f vo- W rites he: il soloists. Bob Crosby removes a famous king size gooseberry tart from the "Clearly something must be done. Jazz is being ton ^ ad<M°n' Cathy Crosby, oven. One of Bob's many outstanding accomplishments, his children apart from within and ignored from without. It standtwelve Year old daughter, report, is removing pies from the oven. in grave danger o f being re pu d iated by the public ar: ^¡°'n ^er Pa 'n son9 on Capi- left to destroy itself. to fall l'ne biscuits. Kathy "Possibly the greatest mistake we have made is several appearances on SUTURE SYMPHONY believe, as many do, that anything new is an improve ° er* U , , r? Jockeys Go ment, that progress Is good in itself. Nothing could \ " °m C S' .°nd has. 9aln^ A hospital in Chicago, re­ more foolish. Such an attitude is dangerous—first, becaiHp™1^6 P*°y'"9 P‘cn‘c and ports Music Business, has insti­ i* ¡« j i i •. • ,i usiness mens luncheons w ith it is basically w ro n g and second, because it carries will ,, . tuted music with anesthesia. Glamourpuss Marilyn Monroe poised at the it the attitude that anything old is out of date and then Ce m9‘ The night before the operation Answering the call of the cin­ pier w aiting for her ship to come fore worthless. There, I think, we find the trouble. Ih lhe Hollywood discery took no the patient selects type of ema, more than 21 o f the nation's in. The boat docks immediately. young musicians have missed out on the heritage of thflQnces that a"Y of the Crosby program he wishes: pop, hill­ leading disc jockeys have jour­ Marilyn's getting her big break early jazzmen. They do not know enough jazz history lent Would escape from the billy, western, classical, or neyed to Hollywood to expose at 20th Century Fox. The picture, How can they compare what they are offering with some- ,0Pito1 corral- Bob's contract in ­ Dixieland. soon to be released, is, "W ill You thing that they are ignorant of? Wes a clause which states that themselves in Maurice Duke's A l­ Love Me in December?" The an­ lied film, "Disc Jockey." Ginny "I talked to a young trumpet player not long ago wk.' "wil1 rePresent himself as a swer is obvious. Simms, Michael O'Shea, Tom told me that Armstrong was 'buried years ago.' Thai k J n°r, Spons° r on, no o ther Drake and Jane Nigh play the admitted he had never listened to an Armstrong recoril ! ° eam * an t a t rePre‘ Garber Booked leads with able support from had never seen Louie p erfo rm . This situation is all to ^ apito ecor s‘ Paul Brenner, Newark; Doug Ar­ common. Bix and Bunk, Chu and Hawkins, Miff anfl ■ thur, Philadelphia; Paul Dixon, Edited By Hodges, if remembered at all, are passed off as beinc Q||||N Forever Cincinnati; Les Malloy, San Fran­ BUD FREEMAN old-tim ers, as if th a t takes care o f them . Yet Louie didn " ” 3 1 3 When Jan Garber winds up his cisco; Jimmy M urray, Dallas; Bob scorn Oliver, or Goodman Dodds and Noone. Jazz, lib A current stand at the Statler in anything else, must be learned, and the way to learn i' 'W iv Kennedy, Kansas City; Joe Alli­ New York he moves to the Cava­ is to listen to those who play it best. The time to develop than $J 00Q w i|| bg d;s_ son, Nashville; Eddie Hubbard lier, Virginia Beach, June 29. a personal style is after you know what you want - " ^ j . and Ernie Simon, Chicago; Ed From there a short jump takes p lo y —and h ow . H ackett is a fa ir exam ple. He admits lit .l m ,-° C? I 9 ?. ,S U, McKenzie, Detroit; Dick Gilbert, the Garber crew to Denver for Armstrong « Bix influence and you con detect it, W ^.tl0- 1.Gu,ld of Phoenix; Bill Gordon, Cleveland; two weeks. Vacation is pencilled when he blows it's all Hackett. , s, £ 'he'r annual Gil Newsome, St. Louis; Norman news ,,w , , , !s1, To enter the Piano Re­ in for two weeks in August be­ Published Monthly by Prescott and Sherman Feller, Bos­ We hove no reason to believe that jazz must go 01 ¡dug Competition w rite Dr Sil- fore Jan packs up and moves on CAPITOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. forever just because a few of us want it to. It ispos sible it Scionti, North Texas Stat ton; Ed Gallagher, Washington; Chicago's Melody Mill. Following Sunset and Vine, Hollywood 28, Calif to see it die by default. We may be doing that. It is olio Won, Texas orthe N atio n a l Larry W ilson, New Orleans; Bill Printed in U. S. A. six weeks at the Mill, band re­ (O ver to Page 12) '“if °f Piano Teachers, Box turns to New Orleans Roosevelt Anson, Maurice Hart, Joey Ad­ *“slin, Texas. Hotel for two months. ams, Gene Norman, Los Angeles. P A G E 4 CAPITOL NEi CAPITOL N E W S PAGE S V-Disks Retui Stan Finds L. A. Oasis; j v s n e To Gl’s Under Bands Battle For Fans s u n s e t New Label Big Stan Kenton and his band w ill follow Dinah Washington as the attraction at the Los Angeles Oasis V-Disks, label known to Theme for Filmville these days is, "Down Holly­ W orld W ar II vets, will be revi starting June 18 for two and possibly four weeks. wood Boulevard With Pitch Pipe and Pear Shaped th ro u g h Arm ed Forces RadioSe The unusual angle to the booking is that it will ice, the Secretary of Defense Tone/ 7 The studios are pushing place the world's most progres­ fice has announced. Platters, Technicolor musicals as the form After three years fronting his sive jazz musician against one o f be labeled Armed Forces Rea that can't be approached in any own band, Victor Lombardo re­ the world's best D ixieland p io ­ fo r the current engagement, ...............T. D. Nails Self other medium. With "American turned to the clan when Guy neers, Sharkey Bonano, w ho w ill in Paris/ 7 "Show Boat/ 7 and "O n opened at the Roosevelt Grill, similar pattern to V-Disks» be competing not m any blocks N. Y. The Four Freshmen had guide the AFR operation. Rea the Riviera77 as samples—there'll away from Kenton at the T iffa n y Les Baxter bought the tune that to leave their San Francisco stand To Casino be no argument. Ezio Pinza, w ill be made on the basis of Club. Tom Dorsey is taking Teepee Mitchell wrote with Lew Dinah Shore, Champ Butler, Guy w hen Ross B arbour caught quests fro m servicemen. Sine no Kenton's band celebrates its Porter. It's titled "Don't Break My measles. chances this summer with his Mitchell, Roberta Peters, Fran and bands w ill etch any tune Heart." Teepee plays it for Les tenth anniversary this m onth. Casino Gardens Ballroom Warren, Robert Merrill, and the Vic Damone made his last ap­ who is now in the publishing In the V-Disk library weref Only change in the SK lineup Ocean Park, Cal., a few minutes many unknowns who are being pearance before draft with Mar­ business. dreds o f w axings made by has chubby, amiable Ray W etzel from Hollywood. Tommy and his tested, will help fill the lists in tin and Lewis who dragged him artists and bands.
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