O ś w i ę c i m ISSN 1899-4407 PEO P LE CULTURE HISTORY FAIRY TALES frOm Auschwitz no. 15 March 2010 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 15, March 2010 EDITORIAL BOARD: Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine EDITORIAL The main focus of this edition of Oś experience with these tales. the liberation of Auschwitz. We also is a book of fairy tales. The book is You can also find an article Dr. Adam continue the cycle of articles on the extraordinary not for its content, but Cyra has written about the complicated Jewish Center’s project “What do we due to the fact that the stories of the fate of children liberated from need tolerence for?”. “Adventures of the Black Chick,” Auschwitz. One of those individuals Finally, we sincerely ask for support in “The Fairy Tale about the Hare, Fox, was a girl who was liberated 27 the Igorek Bartosz’s battle with cancer. Editor: and Rooster,” “The Giant-Egoist,” and January 1945, living today in Moldova Money for this will be collected dur- Paweł Sawicki the “Wedding in Osy Wielkie” were and in January this year she came to ing the 32 Krakow Poetry Salon at the Editorial secretary: created behind the barbed wire of commemorate the 65th anniversary of International Youth Meeting Center. Agnieszka Juskowiak-Sawicka Auschwitz. Risking their lives, fathers the liberation. Next to the article about this event on Editorial board: —prisoners of the camp—created them In addition, this edition of Oś contains the pages of the IYMC you will find all Bartosz Bartyzel for their children. The Museum has an interview with theologist Norbert the information needed to financially Wiktor Boberek issued a reprint of all the fairy tales. Reck, who was a guest during the support the medical treatment of this Jarek Mensfelt Jadwiga Kulasza writes about their New Year’s retreat at the Center for young boy. Olga Onyszkiewicz history in Oś—while Andrzej Czulda, Dialogue and Prayer. On the pages Paweł Sawicki Jadwiga Pinderska-Lech one of those the stories were created for of the Center you can also find An Editor-in-chief Artur Szyndler and director of a film dedicated to the Appeal to European Youth, created for [email protected] Columnist: fairy tales, speaks about his personal the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Mirosław Ganobis Design and layout: Agnieszka Matuła, Grafikon Translations: David R. Kennedy A GALLERY OF THE 20TH CENTURY Proofreading: Beata Kłos This photograph illustrates dosłownie jego rozwianej and satirical, academic and appear, for example the Cover: my recollection of an sutanny.) for the stage. His specialty silhouette of a prisoner Paweł Sawicki Oswiecim teacher from past Expressive preacher, multi- was creating drawings of against the backdrop of a Photographer: years, Maria Spicmiller, talented artist: a poet, Jesus’ head with the crown smoking chimney of the Paweł Sawicki and next to her is a priest musician, and painter. of thorns, done in pencil crematorium. – Father Stanislaw Domino, Co-author of theatrical or pastel – with dramatic Father Domino was my distinguished and popular productions on the Salesian precision and skilled catechist and… the first Oswiecim school catachist stage of Jasełek and The workmanship. Certainly, person to review my poem PUBLISHER: from the early post-War Passion in their golden age, to this day there are people at school, but that’s another years. He was a favorite when all of Silesia came to who have Father Domino’s story. Auschwitz-Birkenau of childen and the young, see them. Coorganizer of signature in their journal, He died in 1967. He is an State Museum always playful with a Salesian summer camps illustrated with an original important individual in the tattered wreath warmed for young people from drawing, which could have gallery of influential and, to www.auschwitz.org.pl literally by his flowing Oswiecim. The author of also been a self-portrait. In this day, unforgotten Osw- frock. (rozszczebiotanym poems for anniversaries and some of his work, images iecim residents. wianuszku uczepionym special occasions, religious of the concentration camps Andrzej Winogrodzki PaRTnERS: Jewish Center www.ajcf.pl Center for Dialogue and Prayer Foundation www.centrum-dialogu.oswiecim.pl International Youth Meeting Center www.mdsm.pl In COOPERaTIOn WITH: Kasztelania www.kasztelania.pl State Higher Vocational School in Oświęcim www.pwsz-oswiecim.pl Editorial address: „Oś – Oświęcim, Ludzie, Historia, Kultura” Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20 32-603 Oświęcim e-mail: [email protected] Photo: Private archive of A. Majkut Head of Christ (1951), pencil drawing by Father Stanisław Domino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 15, March 2010 Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum €6 milliOn fOr the Auschwitz- -BIRKENAU FOUndATION FROM AUSTRIA ustria has joined the countries declaring financial support for the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, with a contribution of A€6 million. The purpose of the Foundation, called into being last year by Professor Władysław Bartoszewski, is to set up a Perpet- ual Fund to generate income that will be assigned to the long-term conservation program at the Auschwitz Memorial. “Six million euro is the sum Museum Director Dr. Piotr announced that they were that Austria has pledged,” M.A. Cywiński, who is also jointly allocating €60 mil- said Josef Proell, the deputy the president of the manage- lion to the Auschwitz-Birk- prime minister and finance ment board of the Ausch- enau Foundation. That is minister, after a cabinet meet- witz-Birkenau Foundation. half the amount needed to ing. He pointed out that this “We cannot deprive our preserve, maintain, and con- Photo: Paweł Sawicki will be exactly one-tenth of children and grandchildren serve the authentic remains Former Auschwitz-Birkenau camp site the support committed to the of the memory of this worst of the Nazi German Ausch- Foundation by Germany, a experience of the 20th cen- witz concentration camp Austria has joined in the ef- the same token, and for the country with a population ten tury,” he added. “They, too, and extermination center. fort,” said Director Cywiński. first time in its history, the times that of Austria. “The de- will build the world of their “Soon it will be a year since The purpose of the Founda- Auschwitz-Birkenau Memo- tails of the financing remain to times, and they will therefore the establishment of the tion is to raise €120 million rial will have a real chance to be worked out,” Proell said. need a full awareness and Foundation, which has suc- for a Perpetual Fund yielding carry out a stable, long-term “Working together is the only understanding of the great- ceeded in acquiring concrete annual interest on the order conservation program allow- way we can create a system est dangers to civilization.” financial declarations that of €4 to €5 million. This will ing it to preserve the remains to ensure the long-term con- Last December, the German make up over half of the make it possible to plan and of the camp for future genera- servation of the remains of federal government and planned and much-needed systematically undertake es- tions. the Auschwitz camp,” said the federal states (Länder) Fund. I am pleased that sential conservation tasks. By Paweł Sawicki the Auschwitz museum is impOrtAnt fOr the District he possibilities of cooperation and opportunities associated with the existence of the Auschwitz Memorial Site, a museum known worldwide, were discussed at a meeting at the Museum by members of the Committee for TEconomic Development and Promotion of the Oświęcim District. in the Oświęcim District. “Ra- perspectives of the Museum, the possibility of develop- tional planning of develop- such as, the development of ment of our county through ment by the local government a modern visitor center at the tourism and all the related fa- cannot disreguard the Memo- current PKSiS site and adap- cilities associated with this. rial Site, not only because of tation of the, so-called, Old “I learned many interesting the number of visitors, but Theater, which will be the things here. Personally, I am also for economic reasons,” headquarters of the Interna- very impressed by the activi- emphasized Museum Direc- tional Center for Education ties and development of the tor Dr. Piotr M.A. Cywiński. about Auschwitz and the State Museum Auschwitz- Photo: Bartosz Bartyzel “There is a great chance to in- Holocaust. Birkenau in Oświęcim. The Development Committee meeting tegrate many efforts, and for “I believe that such meetings possibilities are great and this to take place there must are very much needed and I am surprised that coop- “The work of the State Mu- agement made it clear to all of be the feeling of cooperation. I this is not only my opinion, eration between the city and seum is one of the important us what an important institu- am pleased that at the district but of all members of this Museum is not taking place and strategic activities linked tion it is in the context of the level this is very positive,” committee. We are, however, as it should. I am certain that to the district” noted Coun- district’s development,” he said Director Cywiński. impressed with what we have chances for development are cilman Leszek Szuster. “The added. During the discussion with learned,” said Stanisław Zając, enormous Waldemar Klisiak ability to learn about the Last year the budget of the the Museum management, Chairman of the Economic said summing up the meeting work, along with the plans Museum was over 30 million the members of the Develop- Development and County of the committee.
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