E444 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 22, 2021 United States is the only democratic country During her tenure, she accomplished the lice officers for years to come. After retire- that denies both voting rights in the national amazing feat of building a new home for the ment, Chief Smith and his family plan to stay legislature and local self-government to the judiciary, the Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial in Green Bay and I am confident that he will people of its capital. Center, named for the state’s Republican gov- continue to be a value add to Northeast Wis- Today we say no more. ernor who opposed the use of internment consin. Chief Smith’s dedication and selfless My Republican colleagues would rather con- camps for Japanese individuals during World service to his community is deserving of the tinue to deny voting rights for hundreds of War II. She also expanded access to the highest degree of recognition and honor. I thousands of American citizens because they courts by hiring professional interpreters to wish Chief Smith and his family all the best in may vote for Democrats. break down language barriers for those who his retirement. Today we say no more. sought the court’s protection. To that same f We say no more to taxation without rep- end, she added more jurists to resolve more resentation. No more to unequal rights for the cases and insisted that childcare be provided COMMEMORATING THE 175TH District’s residents. No more to this Nation fail- in courthouses so that parents could more CELEBRATION OF THE FOUNDING ing to live up to the foundational principles that easily access the court system. OF HENDERSON COUNTY make us who we are. When Mary was diagnosed with Multiple f Sclerosis, she faced that challenge the way HON. LANCE GOODEN she approached life in general—with deter- TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF OF TEXAS mination, grit, and resolve. My husband Lino FORMER CHIEF JUSTICE MARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and I are honored, along with so many others, MULLARKEY Thursday, April 22, 2021 to call her a friend and role model. Truly, the light that Mary cast over once hid- Mr. GOODEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, I HON. DIANA DeGETTE den spaces within the state’s judiciary, over rise today to commemorate the 175th celebra- OF COLORADO those parents and individuals who sought the tion of the founding Henderson County, Texas. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES court’s haven, and over those Coloradans who Henderson County was formed April 27, 1846, Thursday, April 22, 2021 get up and work hard every day despite living and named in honor of James Pinckney Hen- Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, I rise with a debilitating disease—that light will shine derson, the first attorney general of the Re- today, along with Congressman ED PERL- as strongly and brilliantly as Mary Mullarkey public of Texas, and secretary of state for the MUTTER, Congressman JASON CROW, and did for many, many years to come. Our heart- republic, and most importantly the first Gov- Congressman JOE NEGUSE, to recognize the felt condolences go out to her family, in par- ernor of Texas. life and achievements of former Chief Justice ticular to Tom, Mary’s husband of 49 years, as Henderson County has a rich history, includ- of the Colorado Supreme Court Mary well as to their son Andrew, and to all the ing the one-time Black-Eyed Pea Capital of Mullarkey, who passed away on Wednesday, friends, colleagues, and Coloradans who the world, and the home of the hamburger. March 31, 2021. mourn her loss. Now, many Texans enjoy the wide-ranging ac- Mary’s journey is a familiar Colorado story. f tivities Henderson County offers including recreation, entertainment, hunting, and fishing, She was born and raised elsewhere, in Wis- IN RECOGNITION OF ANDREW consin. While there, she graduated from St. along with the Texas Forest Trail and the SMITH’S SERVICE TO THE GREEN Texas Lakes Trail. The county also brings in Norbert College before earning her law degree BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT at Harvard University in 1968. After law visitors from across the state and nation with school, Mary traveled to Washington, D.C. in events such as the Old Fiddle Reunion, held order to work for the Department of the Inte- HON. MIKE GALLAGHER in May, and the Black-Eyed Pea Jamboree rior in the agency’s equal employment oppor- OF WISCONSIN which is held in July. tunity division. Not only did she find the begin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After 175 years, Henderson County con- ning of what would become a lengthy and dis- Thursday, April 22, 2021 tinues to be a vibrant community that supports tinguished career in public service, but she Mr. GALLAGHER. Madam Speaker, today I family, sports, fine arts, churches, and numer- also found the love of her life, Tom Korson. By rise in honor of the career and service of retir- ous organizations for more than 84,000 resi- 1973, the two had married and moved to Den- ing Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith. dents that make up 20 municipalities. ver for what was supposed to be a brief ‘‘ad- Chief Andrew Smith’s career as a Police Of- I am proud to represent Henderson County venture,’’ not to exceed two years. However, ficer began 33 years ago when he arrived in and the many people who make it a wonderful as the story so often goes, they fell in love Green Bay from Los Angeles after having place to live. Congratulations to everyone in the county on celebrating their 175th anniver- with Colorado and thankfully decided to make served 27 1⁄2 years with the Los Angeles Po- our state a permanent home for themselves lice Department. Throughout his career, he sary. and eventually for their son Andrew. held countless command level assignments in f As many Coloradans have reflected in the Media Relations and Community Affairs PERSONAL EXPLANATION wake of her passing, Mary—or ‘‘the Chief,’’ as groups, Operations, and Criminal Gang Homi- she was affectionately known by her former cide Division. For those who are unfamiliar HON. KEVIN BRADY law clerks—was a remarkable woman with a with Chief Smith’s extensive career with the OF TEXAS brilliant legal career. She advised Governors, LAPD, you may recognize him from the pop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ran her own law firm, served as our state’s ular true crime docuseries on Netflix: The Van- Solicitor General and led the appellate division ishing at the Cecil Hotel. Thursday, April 22, 2021 in the Colorado Attorney General’s Office be- During Chief Smith’s time with the Green Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, I was unable fore her appointment to the Colorado Supreme Bay Police Department, transparency was one to be present for this vote. Court in 1987. Mary served on the court for 23 of his top priorities. He gave regular updates Had I been present, I would have voted years. to the public through the department’s commu- NAY on Roll Call No. 129. Mary’s legacy while serving on this es- nity update videos where he would address f teemed bench is unmatched. She was nomi- current events taking place throughout the nated by her colleagues to be the court’s first Green Bay Area. During Chief Smith’s tenure IN RECOGNITION OF KASEY woman Chief Justice in 1998. She served in the Green Bay Police Department successfully MEREDITH this capacity for 12 years, and she is the grew, hiring 65 new police officers and swear- court’s longest serving chief justice. During her ing in approximately 190 officers. HON. JOHN JOYCE time on the Court, Coloradans benefited from When the attacks against our men and OF PENNSYLVANIA her fair and thoughtful decisions. She au- women in uniform sparked national attention IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thored more than 470 opinions, including her last summer, Chief Smith continued to protect most memorable case, which was a 2002 de- and defend the Green Bay area. I commend Thursday, April 22, 2021 cision granting land access to descendants of his selfless service and dedication to the Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- Mexican homesteaders in the San Luis Valley Green Bay Police Department and sur- er, I rise to recognize Kasey Meredith of after decades of dispute. rounding communities. Johnstown, Pennsylvania as she is named the Beyond the courtroom, her reputation as a Chief Smith is leaving behind a notable leg- Cadet First Captain and Regimental Com- trailblazer and a tireless advocate continued. acy that will be admired by generations of po- mander of the Virginia Military Institute’s Corps VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:14 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22AP8.005 E22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E445 of Cadets. A trailblazer, Cadet Meredith will be County Sheriff’s Office, and the legacy of the Justice Scott graduated from Rutgers Uni- the first woman to hold the position in the In- office’s public service and dedication to public versity before attending law school at Indiana stitute’s 181-year history. safety. University. In 1977, he and his wife Carolyn, As Regimental Commander, Cadet Meredith f also an attorney, moved to Denver so that will oversee the training, discipline, fitness, Scott could start his new position as a trial at- and morale of the Corps. She currently is a IN MEMORY OF FORMER CON- torney at the U.S.
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