State Plaii Proposals 1986-87 Volxime n Government of West Bengal Development and Planning Department December, 1985 PLANNING COMMISSION LIBRARY BINDING SLIP SANCTION F S pecifications L e t t e r i n g f o r S p i n e F r o n t Half Leather wtih Rexine Full Rexine Full Cloth Ordinary C o l o u r Leather Rexine Green Red Black Brovm ■ 5 S ? ? ' 95-7/ ,^^^l,ettering in Gold W Bootl^rk Following issues are missing in the journal fn >X MGIPRRND— laSO PC/88—IX—20-5-88— 10,000 Pads 'n] '^ IF ) !W5i Government of West Bengal Development & Planning Department Haj Bhavan, Calcutta December 5198^ .M f i a a e 3 / ■. I f - COITENTS Statements Pages \ GN - 1 : Heads of Development - Outlay and Expenditure A 1 - A 8 ^ GN - 2 ; Development Schemes/Proj ects- ^ Outlay and Tiljcpenditure B 1 - B 185 GN - 3 > Physical Targets and ^ AcMevements C 1 - C ^6 I ^ GN - ^ ; Minimum Needs Pros^ramme - Outlay aaid Exoenditure D 1 - D 2 I GN - ? ? Physical Targets and Achievements - Minimum Needs Programme E 1 - E ^ 1-1 GN - 6 I Centrally J3p on sored Schemes- Outlay and Exoenditure F 1 - F 27 TSP - 1 s Tribal Sub-Plan - Outlay and Expenditure G 1 - G 3 TSP - 2 ; Tribal Sub-Plan - I Physical Targets and Achievements H 1 - H 10 1^1 r- i SCP - 1 ; Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes - Outlays 11-13 I SCP - 2 t Special Compoi.ent Plan for r\l Scheduled Castjs - ‘ I Physical Targets J 1 - J 1^ j n J TPP - 1 ; 20-Point Programme - Outlays and Expenditure K 1 - K 5 TPP - 2 ; 20-Point Programme - ^ Physical Targets and /Achievements L 1 - L 7 r DP - 1 »o Dj.strict Plans M 1 - M 9 k "L/“7_y^_A^_^T_nL_A^/~LVL_AT_/“7_/ •A - i STATEMENT GN - 1. STATE t ytST BENGAL DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 198 6-87 - HEADS OF deuelopment - o u t l "\y and EXPENDITURE (Rs. in la k h s ) , i Seventh jt i 1985-8 6 I 198 6-87 noad/Sub-head of Developmtjnt j[ Five Year ][ 1984-85 j[ i I A c tu a 1 A pproved J Anticipated Proposed Of ujhich ][ Plan(l985-90) 1 I I Expe nditure o u tla y 1 Expenditure o u tla y \ Capital content ]( A greed outlay J I I I Y Y 1 ............ ........\.............i ...... "■■■t" 3 !S 4 J 5 \ 9 1 7 A . ECONOlviIC SERUICE I. AGRICULTURE & ALLIED SERUIP^S Crop Husbandry 1729.54 1423.82 1477.95 1612.75 115.70 So il & liJater Conservation 161,68 196.00 189.20 209.50 10.90 Animal Husbandry 351.64 539.00 539.00 541 .00 171.65 Dairy Development 54.54 186.00 186.00 219.00 194.25 F is h e r ie s 667 . 45 750.00 750.00 ■ 790.00 181.00 F orestry & Wild Life 658.62 880,00 880.00 995.00 278*52 Plantations - - - - - F God, Storage & Uarehousing 13.15 , 53.00 52.00 61.50 20.00 Agricultural Research & Education 210.38 325.05 298.86 3 2 7 .SO 13.00 Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 19.06 35.50 35.50 38.75 38.75 Other Agricultural Programmes t a) Marketing & Quality Control 122.74 159.85 148.85 20 6.00 46.50 b) 0 t h e r s • w f - - - Cooperation 429.26 672.00 672.00 700.00 365.08 TOTAL ( l ) 4418.06 5220,22 5229.36 5701.10 1435.35 A _____ ST'ATEnENT - n>i.^l(C ontdo) (R s . la l'h s ) I 5ovc.it n F A'3 k 19R4-65 I 19 85-85 198 6-87 H n ?i/3 u b 'h ead of Dou. lopr^3nt i Year Plan i A c tu a l X Approved I 'Anticipated I^ProposQd I Of which c a p it a l I (1985~90) I Expenditure I outlay I Expendlture y outlay | conten-i I Agreed uut-ay! i K ^ t V 1 K 2 ________ 1.. 3 ______ r 4 ^ 5 I 6 t 7 II. RURAL DEULLQPrCN-^ S p e c ia l Pioqraf.ime f o r R u r a l Developnr,3p/: s) Interrated Rural DeueIcpment Programme (IRDP) 12 50.00 2000,00 2000.00 1700.00 16-. 00 b) Drought Prcnr Area Programme (DPAh ) 2 53. 57 204.00 204.0 0 ^ 204.00 2.00 c) In te g ra te d R r r a l En erg y Programme (iR E P ) - -- 10. PO 25.00 d) O th e r s — — Rural EiiiPlovrr.ent a ) N a tio n a l Progr:':mmes lik e N a tio n a l R u r a l Employ- menh Programme (N R E P) 2235.51 1800.00 1800.0 0 1775.00 1416.00 b) Other Programmer (Like Employment Guarantee Scheme etc.) — Land Reforms 1089.dO 705.CP J 42 0.00 754.50 lOoOP Other Rural Development Proqiammes ? Coni.iunity Dc'v/Clnpment & Panchayats 251,83 25O.6O 250,50 263.00 101cL3 T 0 i- a 1 ( l l ) 51 30.51 49 59.60 56G4.60 4721.50 169 5 0 50 III. SPEC IA L #^REM PP.OGRMmES '-072.2-_ 830.83 1359.75 ' 1 ’77 0 00 592.00 IV. ir IGATION & FLOCD CONTROL ' HajQr & riedium Irrigation 3283.72 3010.00 3010.00 3500.00 3500.00 ninor Irrigation 952.43 2244.50 2244.50 2650.00 1535.85 Command Area Development 30.00 100.0 0 100.00 150.00 129.00 Flood Control Projects(inc luding anti-sea erosion etc») 974.46 199 0.00 1990.00 2000.00 2000.00 TOTAL (IV ) 524 0. 5.-' , 7344.50 7344.50 8300.00 7164.85 -A 3 STAl EricfvTT G N-I (C ont d -) (Rs . la k h s) ][ Sdve nt \ .. r iue 1 jl 190 5-0 6 A 1906-37 1904-C5 ^ Year Plan 1 Y I Hcad/Sub-hcad of D-volcpm^nt A c t u a l V Approved ^ Anticipated y Proposed or which capi­ I ('1905-CD) ( Expe n d it ur!2 ^ o u tla y I Expenditure y out la y I tal content Agreed outlay « X I ..... X \ 1 Jl 2 i 3 ! 4 ^ 5............. 1 6 i 7 ................. V . ENERGY ■ P 0 uj e r 12060.20 17120.31 17120.31 19460.75 14037.75 Non-conytnt ional Sources of Entergy -- - -- T 0 T A L (\i) 12260.20 17120.31 1712^.31 19460.75 14037.75 M l. INDUSTRY & HINERALS Village & Small Industries 9 67 .CP 1420.00 1420.00 1505.00 557,00 Industries (other th?n Uiliage & Srr,3ll In d u s t r ie s ) 3225c 50 32 66.9A 4n44o9^; 4640.60 4374.53 i n i n g 17.60 50.05 70.05 C2c05 72.00 T 0 T A L ( V l) 4210.90 4737. 6335.79 6316.53 5003.53 --------------- u i i . t r a n s p o r t Ports &- Light Houses - -- - Shipp:' ng >- - •- - - Civil Aviation 4. no 30.00 30 »0U 20.00 19.50 Roads & Bridges 12CG 35 1390.40 . 1390.40 1497.00 1492.00 R udd T ra n sp o rt 2040.02 2670.00 26o0.0.1 279 . 00 235^.50 Inland liJater T ransport 41.00 150.00 150.00 106.00 165.00 Other Transport Services (to b£' specified) - - - TOTAL (M il) 4101.57 4240.40 4230»40 4497.00 4035.00 A - 4 £rATEnENT GN-I (Cr;ptd«) (Rs. in la k h s ) ........ ................ ............ 1^- i S e v e n t h I x \j b k T 198Er86 i 1986-87 Y P1 n V’ 15 34—8 U j . — ■ ..y.. — .. ......... .I..., ^ Head/S jb-hcad of /Blonment f V (]985-90) t ][ Aporoved i ^ nticipa.tcd y Proposed ^ Of ujhich c^ p i- Y r, . Y Flxpenditure Y outlay 1( ExpLnditurey outlay J tal ccnteni: ]( Agreed outlay! I VIII Scientific Research (including S & T) 18.58 60. GG 50. 00 60.00 - E co lo g y & E nu ir onmo nt 26.47 46..10 46.0 0 49.00 - T 0 T -A L ( V I I l ) 45.05 106.00 96.00 109.00 -- IX g e n e r a l ec o n o m ic SERVICES Secretariat Economic Services 5.22 45.00 41.00 44.00 1.00 T curism BO.no n o . 00 100.00 115.00 88.00 Survey & Statistics - 10.00 10.00 10.00 - C ivii Supplies 0.01 0.50 0.5G 1.25 1.25 Other General Economic Services J a ) W eight & Heasures 12.44 13.00 13.00 20.00, 5.00 b) Others (D istrict Planning) - 2000.00 2000.00 2400.00 18 On. 00 TOTAL ( IX ) 97.67 2 68 . 50 2164.50 2 590.25 1395.25 TCHAL - M (ECCNOniC SERVICES) 372 54.90 46778.15 49565.21 53173.13 35960.23 A - 5 STATEI^ENT G N - l(C o n td .) (Rs . i n la k h s ) Seventh Fiv/e'|' 1935-36 * p j 1984-85 V-------- ^----- p.------ -------- Ty-....................... -------------------1986-87 Head/sub-head of Dovelopm&nt (iQ^S-QQ^ i (Actual j Approved ^ AA nt nt icipat'-'d icipat'-d v Prcposed j Of which X .
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