Tabby 8110 Cocker Spaniel full body 12902 Pegasus Originals, Inc. Tabby Kitten 463 Cocker kit-06 Tabby on quilt 195 Cocker puppy full body 181 Turkish Van 216 Collie headstudy (larger) 492 Animal Design Locator Dogs Collie (rough) small Tri-color 12903 Affenpinscher 215 Collie Rough full body 496 February 2011 Afghan Hound 105-1 Collie smooth full body 220 Afghan Hound mini 229 Coonhound mini 229 _ 129 Minnie Fallaw Rd., Lexington, SC 29073 Afghan with lady walking 461 Curly-coated Retriever f body 211 803 / 755-1141 Fax 803/755-1438 Airedale Terrier headstudy 11827 Coonhound Black & Tan 11801 Airedale 227 Dachshund headstudy 476 Includes publications in print as of February, 2009 Akita headstudy 11805 Dachshund headstudy (red) 17408 Akita kit-01 Dachsunds 3 full body 210 Animals are listed alphabetically by category. The number Akita small full body 228 Dachsund kit-07 to the right is the book number. Letters indicate kits. Try Alaskan Malamute 105-2 Dachshund mini 229 Al. Malamute small full body 228 Dalmatian black & white 11824 our key word search engine with pictures on the web at American Eskimo 215 Dalmatian black & white 11825 American Staffordshire (Pit Bull) 219 Dalmatian kit-08 www.pegasusoriginals.com American Staffordshire 227 Dandie Dinmont Terrier 227 Birds American Water Spaniel 211 Doberman full body 12904 American Foxhound 229 Doberman kit-09 Doberman small full body 228 Canary 106 Cats Australian Cattle Dog 220 Abyssinian mini 123 Australian Shepherd head 186 English Cocker full body 211 Chickadee - Black capped 150 English Cocker f.b. parti 211 Chickadees 184 Abyssian Full Body 195 Australian Shepherd body 220 Abyssian Full Body 216 English Setter full body 211 Cockatiel 106 Australian Terrier 227 Abyssian Full Body 8110 English Springer full body 211 Cockatoo - citron crested 106 Basenji 229 American Shorthair 195 English Springer kit-10 Cockatoo (collage) 366 Bassett Hound headstudy 496 American Curl 216 English Springer Head 11815 Cockatoo - Leadbeater’s 106 Basset Hound kit-14 Bengal 216 English Springer Head liver 11816 Cockatoo earrings 307 Basset Hound mini 229 Birman 216 English Toy Spaniel 215 Cockatoo collage 366 Beagel Head study large 620230 Bombay 216 Field Spaniel full body 211 Double yellow head parrot 188 Beagle kit-02 Bombay 8110 Flat-coated Retriever full body 211 Dove 436 Beagle mini 229 Bristish Shorhair 216 Fox Terrier head (smooth) 11809 Eagle head study and in Flight 117 Beagle full body scene 12901 Burmese mini 123 Fox Terriers kit-11 Eagle 358 Bearded Collie 220 Burmese 216 Bedlington terrier 227 Fox Terriers 227 Eagle (stained glass) 155 Fox Hounds 182 Eagle soaring 175 Burmese 8110 Belgian Malinois 220 Calico cat walk 123 Foxhound mini 229 Eagle small soaring 354 Belgian Shepdog 220 Cat on Bird House 416 German Shepherd lg. head 11828 Eagle small soaring 383 Belgian Tervuren 220 Cats’ Eyes 5 pairs of eyes 123 German Shepherd puppy head 181 Falcon - Peregrine 117 Bernese Mountain Dog Cat’s Eyes ( Jungle cats) 317 German Shepherd full body 12905 Falcon head 175 small full body 228 Calico cats 212 German Shepherd full body 220 Finches 106 Bichon Frise headstudy 11808 Chartreux 8110 and 216 German Shepard kit-012 Flamingo 144 BloodhoundHead Study 186 Cornish Rex 216 Germ. Shorthair Pointer 492 Goldfinches 184 Bloodhound mini 229 Devon Rex 216 Germ. Shorthair Pointer full body 211 Gyrfalcon 117 Blue Tick Coonhound mini 229 Egyptian Mau 216 Germ. Wirehaired pointer full 211 Hawk - redtailed 117 Borzoi mini 229 Exotic Shorthair 216 Giant Schnauzer small full body 228 Heron 153 Border Collie full body 186 Havana Brown 216 Border Collie full body 220 Golden Retriever headstudy 488 Hummingbird 119 Golden Retriever headstudy 620230 Jay - Steller’s 153 Himalayan 216 Border Collie Head 219 Himalayan mini 123 Golden Retriever full body 211 Junco - Oregon 146 Border Terrier 227 Himilayan Head 195 Golden Retriever full body 12906 Kiwi 346 Borzoi (Headstudies) 17401 Himalayan 8110 Golden Retriever kit-013 Kestral 117 Boston Terrier 105-3 Japanese Bobtail mini 123 Golden Retriever pup full body 181 Lovebirds 106 Boxer head study fawn 104-2 Japanese Bobtail 216 Gordon head study 17403 Macaw - blue & gold 106 Boxer head study brindle 219 Korat mini 123 Boxer kit-03 Gordon puppy head kit - GORDPH Macaw - blue & gold 350 Gordon on Point kit - GORDP Macaw (Collage) 366 Korat 216 Boxer small full body 228 Maine Coon Tabby mini 123 Gordon Setter full body 211 Macaw - scarlett 106 Bouvier des Flandres 220 Maine Coon Cat 216 Gordon Setter on Point 22403 Macaw - scarlett 350 Boykin Spaniel full body 211 Manx mini 123 Great Dane headstudy 104-5 Macaw collage 366 Briard 220 Manx 216 Brittany Spaniel head study 496 Great Dane small full body 228 Macaw earrings 307 Great Pyrenees 210 Marsh Hawk 117 Manx 8110 Brittany Spaniel full body 211 Norwegian Forest Cat 216 Great Pyranees small full body 228 Mot Mot 190 Brussells Griffon 215 Oriental Shorthair mini 123 Graeter Swiss Mountain Dog Oriental Gosshawk 117 Bulldog (English) headstudy 104-4 Oriental Shorhair 216 small full body 228 Ospre 117 Bull Mastiff small full body 228 Persian Head 123 Greyhound full body 210 Owls 5 designs 193 Bull Mastiff head study 418 Persian Full Body 195 Greyhound mini 229 Owl 358 Bull Terriers (colored) 227 Persian mini 123 Bull Terrier - white 227 Greyhound head 620230 Owl - Saw-Whet 153 Harrier mini 229 Owl - Snowy 150 Persian tort. & white mini 123 Caanan Dog 220 Persian (Bi-colors) 216 Ibizan Hound mini 229 Owl sishouette 161 Cairn Terrier headstudy 496 Persian (Solid colors) 216 Irish Setter kit-015 Parakeets 106 cairn Terrier 227 Persian Kitten 169 Irish Setter full body 211 Peacock in full spread 305 Cardigan Welsh Corgi 22 0 Persian 8110 Cavalier King Charles Sp. 215 Irish Setter headstudy (larger) 492 Pelican silhouette 161 Irish Terrier 227 Penguins 132 Primitive cat 123 Chesapeake Bay Ret head 11819 Ragdoll 216 Irish Water Spaniel 211 Pheasants 436 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 211 Rex mini 123 Irish Wolfhound 620230 Quail - California 153 Chihuahua head short hair 11818 Russian Blue 216 Irish Wolfhound mini 229 Quail (2 in scene) 436 Chihuahua kit-04 Scottish Fold 216 Italian Greyhound 215 Rainbow Lorikeets 190 Chihuahua 215 Siamese Kitten 169 Italian Greyhound tan head 420 Swan 119 Chinese Crested 215 Siamese head study 123 Chow Chow headstudy black 11810 Italian Greyhound grey head 421 Toucans 106 Jack Russell kit-016 Toucans 188 Siamese Full Body 195 Chow Chow headstudy red 11811 Siamese mini 123 Jack Russell 210 Toucan 350 Chow Chow head cinnamon 11812 Siamese Full Body 8110 jack Russell 227 Turkey small 358 Chow Chow headstudy blue 11813 Siamese 216 Japanese Chin 215 Turkey large 383 Chow puppy full body 181 Somali mini 123 Keeshound headstudy 11817 Woodpecker -Red head 184 Chow Chow kit-05 Somali 216 Clumber Spaniel full body 211 Keeshound kit-017 Somali 8110 Cocker Spaniel full body 211 Kerry Blue Terrier 227 Tabby close-up 123 Cocker parti full body 211 Komodor small full body 228 Kuvasz small full body 228 Shetland Sheepdog kit-026 Dolphins - Bottle Nosed border 208 Wallaby 346 Labrador Ret full body 211 Shetland Sheepdog 3-heads 186 Dolphin - Bottle Nosed 335 Walleye 136 Labrador Ret Collage 465 (sable, tricolor & blue merle) Dolphin - Bottle Nosed 358 Whales - Humpback 368 Labrador Ret. kit-018 Shetland Seepdog full body 220 Dolphins- mother & baby 178 Whales mother & baby H.B. 178 Labrador Ret head study 492 Shiba Inu mini 229 Elephant 163 Whale Orca 330 Labs 3 head black yell choc 496 Shih Tzu full body reclining 11802 Elephant mother & baby 178 Wolves silhouette 161 Lab Puppies (6 pack) 319 Shih Tzu kit-027 Elephant head 347 Wolves border 208 Labs Grown up (6 pack sr.) 328 Shih Tzu 215 Elephant border 208 Wolf and pup howling at moon 191 Lab Puppies (Puppy Love) 318 Siberian Husky small full body 228 Elk 368 Wolves - The pack 191 Lakeland Terrier 227 Siberian Husky 492 File Fish 197 Wolf behind tree 191 Lhasa Apso 105-5 Silky Terrier headstudy 11807 Fox (red) border 208 Wolf sleeping 191 Maltese headstudy 11820 Silky Terrier 215 Fox 358 Wolf 354 Maltese 215 Skye terrier 227 Fox 437 Wolf 355 Mastiff 219 Soft Coated Whaeten terrier 227 Geese 8110 Wolf 358 Mastiff small full body 228 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 227 Giraffe mother & baby 178 Wolf 375 Miniature Bull terruer 227 Standard manchester terrier 227 Giraffe 347 Wolf head study 435 Miniature Pinscher 215 Standard Schnauzer sm. full body 228 Giraffe 417 Wolves 377 Min. Schnauzer Lg. Headstudy 17405 Sussex Spaniel full body 211 Goats 212 Wolf hidden in trees 374 Min. Schnauzer kit-019 Toy Fox Terrier 215 Goldfish 389 Wombat 346 Min. Schnauzer 227 Toy Manchester Terrier 215 Harp Seal 368 Zebra 347 Miniature Schnauzer full body 12908 Treeing Walker coonhound mini 229 Jaguar 188 Zebra large head study 407 Miniature Pinscher head 11829 Vizsla kit-029 Kangaroo 346 Newfoundland headstudy 496 Vizsla - lg head study 423 Koala 346 Horses Newfoundland kit-020 Vizsla full body 211 Koi 389 Newfoundland small full body 228 Weimaraner headstudy 492 Lama 350 Apaloosa 8110 Norfolk terrier 227 Weimeraner kit-030 Largemouth Bass 136 Arabian head duplicate stitch 326 Norw. Elkhound headstudy 11814 Weimeraner full body 211 Lion small 163 Arabian Head cross stitch 8110 Norw. Elkhound mini 229 Welsh Springer Spaniel body 211 Lion (mountain) 363 Clydesdale 189 Norwick terrier 227 Welsh Terrier 227 Lion fish 196 Calf Roping 8110 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retr. 211 West Highland Terrier head 11806 Lion (mountain) 363 Dressage 8110 Old English Sheepdog head 104-6 West Highland Terrier head 227 Lion Fish 353 Horse silhouettes 161 Old English Sheepdog kit-021 Whippet 105-8 Lobster 456 Hunter - Jumpers 182 Old English sheepdog full body 220 Whippet mini 229 Manatee 358 Indian Warrior on Horse 183 Otter Hound mini 229 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 211 Marlin 136 Mare & Foal- duplicate stich 326 Papillon 215 Yorkshire Terrier kit-032 Marlin 358 Paint Horses 183 Papillon larger head study 219 Yorkshire Terr.
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